Translation:Theorematis arithmetici demonstratio nova

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A New Proof of an Arithmetic Theorem (1808)
by Carl Friedrich Gauss, translated from Latin by Wikisource
4404876A New Proof of an Arithmetic Theorem1808Carl Friedrich Gauss



Questions in higher arithmetic lead frequently to singular phenomena, much more so than in analysis, and this contributes a great deal to their allure. In analytical investigations it is evidently impossible to discover new truths, unless the way to them has been revealed by our mastery of their underlying principles. On the other hand, in arithmetic it is very often the case that, through induction and by some unexpected fortune, the most elegant new truths spring up, the demonstrations of which are so deeply hidden and shrouded in so much darkness, that they elude all efforts, and deny access to the keenest investigations. Furthermore, there are so many surprising connections between arithmetic truths, which are at first sight most heterogeneous, that we not infrequently arrive at a demonstration much desired and sought after through long meditations, by a path very different from that which had been expected, while we are looking for something quite different. Generally speaking, truths of this kind are of such a nature that they can be approached by several very different paths, and it is not always the shortest paths that present themselves at first. With such a truth, which has been demonstrated through the most abstruse detours, it is certainly valuable if one happens to discover a simpler and more genuine explanation.



Among the questions mentioned in the preceding article, a prominent place is held by the theorem containing almost all the theory of quadratic residues, which in Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Sect. IV) is distinguished by the name fundamental theorem. Legendre is undoubtedly to be regarded as the first discoverer of this most elegant theorem, although the great geometers Euler and Lagrange had long before discovered several of its special cases by induction. I will not dwell here on enumerating the efforts of these men to find a demonstration; the reader is referred to their extensive work which has just been mentioned. However it is permissible to add, in confirmation of what has been stated in the previous article, an account of my own efforts. I had fallen upon the theorem on my own in 1795, at a time when I was completely ignorant of all that had already been discovered in higher arithmetic, and was completely shut out from literary resources. For a whole year it tortured me, and eluded me despite my most strenuous efforts, until at last I received the demonstration that I have delivered in the fourth Section of the aforementioned work. Afterwards, three others presented themselves to me, based on entirely different principles, one of which I delivered in the fifth Section. But all these demonstrations, even if they seem to leave nothing to be desired with regard to rigor, are derived from very heterogeneous principles, except perhaps the first, which nevertheless proceeded by more laborious reasoning, and was burdened by more extensive operations. Therefore, I have no doubt that until now a genuine demonstration has not been given; let it now be up to the experts to judge whether that which has lately been successfully discovered, and which the following pages present, deserves to be decorated with this name.



Theorem. Let be a positive prime number, and let any integer not divisible by

the complex of numbers
the complex of numbers

Let us consider the minimal positive residues modulo of the products of with each of the numbers in These will obviously all be different, with some belonging to and others to Now if it is assumed that, among the resulting residues, of them belong to then will either be a quadratic residue or a quadratic non-residue modulo according as is even or odd.

Proof. Let the residues belonging to be and let the remaining residues belonging to be It is clear that the complements of the latter, are all distinct from the numbers and that, taken together, they complete the complex We therefore have

Now the latter product clearly becomes

Hence we have

or according as is even or odd, from which our theorem immediately follows.



The following considerations will be greatly shortened by the introduction of certain notation. We therefore let the symbol denote the multitude of residues of the products

whose minimal positive residues exceed Moreover, for any non-integral quantity we denote by the greatest integer less than or equal to so that is always a positive quantity between and We can then easily derive the following relations:

II. whenever is an integer.
IV. If is a fraction smaller than then if it is greater than then
V. If the minimal positive residue of an integer exceeds modulo then if it is less than or equal to modulo then
VI. From this it immediately follows that

VII. From VI and I, we can easily deduce

Hence, it follows that has the same or opposite relation to (insofar as it is a quadratic residue or non-residue) as does depending on whether is of the form or It is clear that in the former case, will be a quadratic residue modulo whereas in the latter case, it will be a quadratic non-residue.
VIII. We will transform the formula given in VI as follows. From III, we have

Applying these substitutions to terms in the series above, we have
first, if is of the form then

second, if is of the form then

IX. For the special case it follows from the formulas given above that with the sign being taken as or depending on whether is of the form or Thus, is even and whenever is of the form or on the contrary, is odd and whenever is of the form or



Theorem. Let be a positive non-integer quantity such that no integer can be found among its multiples up to . Letting it is easily concluded that no integer can be found among the multiples of the reciprocal quantities up to Then I say that

Proof. Let represent the series Then the terms up to the term inclusively are clearly all the terms up to the term inclusively are all the terms up to the term inclusively are all and so on. Hence we have

Q. E. D.



Theorem. Let be any odd positive integers that are prime to each other. Then

Proof. Suppose, which is allowed, that Then is smaller than but larger than so Hence, it is clear that the current theorem follows immediately from the previous theorem by taking and therefore

It can be demonstrated in a similar manner that if is an even number, relatively prime to then

But we do not dwell on this proposition, which is not necessary for our purposes.



Now, by combining the theorem mentioned above with proposition VIII of article 4, the fundamental theorem immediately follows. Indeed, let and be any two distinct positive prime numbers, and let

Then by proposition VIII of article 4, it is clear that and are always even. But by the theorem of Article 6, we have

Therefore, when turns out to be even, which occurs if either both and are of the form or if one of them is of the form it is necessary that either both and are even or both are odd. On the other hand, when is odd, which happens if both and are of the form it is necessary that one of the numbers and is even and the other is odd. In the former case, then, the relation of to and the relation of to (insofar as one is a quadratic residue or non-residue modulo the other) will be identical, and in the latter case they will be opposite.

Q. E. D.