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Translation talk:Epistle to the Laodiceans

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Latest comment: 7 years ago by JustinCB in topic Old and New Translation

Old and New Translation


The old translation is right below. It is not a bad translation, but it was explicitly licensed under the GNU free documentation license, rather than the public domain like the rest, that's why I re-translated it.

Latin English
1. Paulus apostolus non ab hominibus neque per hominem sed per Iesum Christum, fratribus qui sunt Laodiciae. 1. Paul, an apostle, not of men or because of men, but because of Jesus Christ, to the brothers at Laodicea.
2. gratia vobis et pax a Deo Patre et Domino Iesu Christo. 2. Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. gratias ago Christo per omnem orationem meam, quod permanentes estis in eo et perseverantes in operibus eius, promissum expectantes in diem iudicii. 3. I thank Christ in my every prayer, that you are enduring in Him and persevering in His good works, looking ahead to the promise of the Day of Judgment
4. neque destituant vos quorundam vaniloquia insinuantium, ut vos evertant a veritate evangelii quod a me praedicatur. 4. Don't let the vain speech of anyone trouble you—speech that tries to lead you away from the truth of the gospel I have preached.
5. et nunc faciet Deus, ut qui sunt ex me ad profectum veritatis evangelii deservientes et facientes benignitatem operum quae salutis vitae aeternae 5. And now may God allow my people to (continue to increase in?) the truth of the Gospel and do good (for greeting?) eternal life.
6. et nunc palam sunt vincula mea quae patior in Christo; quibus laetor et gaudeo. 6. And now my bonds are seen, which I suffer in Christ, and so I rejoice and I am glad.
7. et hoc mihi est ad salutem perpetuam; quod ipsum factum orationibus vestris et administrantem Spiritum Sanctum, sive per vitam sive per mortem. 7. And this is for my eternal salvation, which comes through your prayers and the help of the Holy Spirit, by life or by death.
8. est enim mihi vere vita in Christo et mori gaudium. 8. Truly to me, to live is in Christ, and to die is a joy.
9. et in ipsum in vobis faciet misericordiam suam, ut eandem dilectionem habeatis et sitis unianimes. 9. And he will work his mercy in you, so that you will have the same love and be of one mind.
10. ergo, dilectissimi, ut audistis praesentia mei, ita retinete et facite in timore Dei, et erit vobis vita in aeternum; 10. So, beloved, as you have heard in my presence, so hold fast and work in the fear of God, and eternal life will be yours.
11. est enim Deus qui operatur in vos. 11. Since it is God that works in you,
12. et facite sine retractu quaecumque facitis. 12. do whatever you do without inhibition.
13. et quod est, dilectissimi, gaudete in Christo. et praecavete sordidos in lucro. 13. and (as it is?), beloved, rejoice in Christ, and avoid those dirtied with wealth.
14. omnes sint petitiones vestrae palam apud Deum. et estote firmi in sensu Christi. 14. Let all your petitions be (made?) before God, and be steadfast in the (way?) of Christ.
15. et quae integra et vera et pudica et iusta et amabilia facite. 15. And what is sound and true and sensible and just and lovable, do these things.
16. et quae audistis et accepistis, in corde retinete, et erit vobis pax. 16. And what you have heard and accepted, hold it in your heart, peace will be yours.
17. salutate omnes fratres in osculo sancto. 17. Salute all the brothers with a holy kiss.
18. salutant vos sancti. 18. The saints salute you.
19. gratia Domini Iesu cum spiritu vestro. 19. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with your spirit.
20. et facite legi Colosensium vobis. 20. And let this be read to the Colossians.

The new translation is based on this source, the Wycliffite note is from the Wycliffe bible, and the Latin is from the Victor manuscript(digital scans at the fulda website and a transcription at archive.org[although not followed exactly in the breaking apart of words{the original had no word breaks}}), except for the part of verse 17, which is from the same source as the old translation. The text from the sources is below:

Wycliffite Note


Laodicensis ben also Colocenses, as tweye townes and oo peple in maners. These ben of Asie, and among hem hadden be false apostils, and disceyuede manye. Therfore the postle bringith hem to mynde of his conuersacion and trewe preching of the gospel, and excitith hem to be stidfast in the trewe witt and loue of Crist, and to be of oo wil. But this pistil is not in comyn Latyn bookis, and therfor it was but late translatid into Englisch tunge.

The Book




1Paulus apostolus non ab hominibus,, Neque per hominemu sed per ihesum christum,,

Fratribus qui sunt Laodiciae,, 2Gratia ubis et pax a deo omnium patre et domino ihesu christo,, 3Gratias ago christo per omnem oratione tionem meam

Quod permanentes estis in eo et perseuerantes in operibus eius promissum expectantes in diem judicii,, 4neque destituant uos quorundam uani loguia insinuantium,,

Ut uos euertant a ueritate euangelii quod a me praedicatur,, 5et nunc faciet deus ut qui sunt ex me ad profectum ueritatis euangelii de seruientes,,

Et facientes benignitatem operum que salutis uitae aeternae



6Et nunc palam sunt uincula mea quae patior in christo,, quibus laetor et gaudeo,, 7et hoc mihi est ad salutem perpetuam quod ipsum factum orationibus uestris, et adminstrantem spiritum sanctum 8siue per uitam siue per mortem, est enim mihi uere uita in christo et mori gaudium,, 9et in ipsum in uobis faciet misericordiam suam,, ut eandem di lectionem habeatis, et sitis unianimes



10Ergo dilectissimi ut audistis praesenita mei, ita retinete et facite in timore dei et erit uobis uita in aeternum,, 11est enim deus qui operatur in uos, 12et facite sine retractu, quaecumque facitis 13et quod est dilectissimi gaudete in christo



Et praecauete sordidos in lucro 14omnes sint petitiones uestrae palam aput deum, et estote firmi in sensu christi 15et quae integra et uera et pudica, et iusta et amabilia facite 16et quae audistis, et accepistis, in corde retinete 17et erit uobis pax [salutate omnes fratres in osculo sancto.]



18Salutant uos sancti, 19gratia domini ihesu cum spiritu uestro, 20et facite legi colosensium uobis JustinCB (talk) 20:24, 26 October 2017 (UTC)Reply