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Translations from the Chinese/He Comforts Himself

From Wikisource

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WHEN I visited America
(It is the tedious Old Mandarin speaking)
I was eager to visit the birthplaces
Of [[Author:Emily Dickinson}} and Author:Louise Imogen Guiney,
And I found that this people
Had so neglected two of their greatest poets
That they hardly even knew their names.
But I was not peevish nor distraught:
I said to myself
Humanity is everywhere alike—
I myself am but little known in China.

|Louise Imogen Guiney]],

And I found that this people Had so neglected two of their greatest poets That they hardly even knew their names. But I was not peevish nor distraught: I said to myself Humanity is everywhere alike— I myself am but little known in China. </poem>]]