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Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans/Index

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2290361Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans — Index1884Frederick Albion Ober


Abogado Cristiano, 299
Aboriginal city, 170
mounds, 531
Academy of San Carlos 324
Acambaro, 435
town of, 575
Acapulco trail, the, 407
port of, 408
Acequia (irrigating ditch), 626
Acojote (Aztec acocotl), water-throat, 344
Acolote (water-way), 336
Acordada, famous prison in city of Mexico. At various times the prisoners confined here have risen in revolt, or have been let loose upon the peaceful population of the city, as in 1828; and in 1847 again, when they were liberated at the entrance of the American army, inflicting more mischief and causing more terror and bloodshed than the invaders themselves
Adobe (ah-do′-bay), sun-baked bricks, of which walls and huts are made in Mexico; also a name of contempt; Moorish-Spanish word; Arabic, al-toob; ancient Egyptian, Adou
Agave Americana, 220
Agua (water), of Mexico city, 359
Aguada (pond) of Uxmal, 78
Aguada (pond) of Uxmal, 131
Aguador (water-carrier), 287
Aguador (water-carrier), 288
Aguamiel (honey-water), 345
Aguamiel (honey-water), 346
Agua Nueva (village), 574
Aguardiente (burning water), 51
Agramont, English buccaneer, 185
Agricultural machinery, 50
methods, 525
Ah Tza, sacred book, 95
Ahuitzotl, eighth king of Mexico
Ahuehuete (Aztec ahtiehuetl), cypress, 268
Air, rarefaction of, 248
Ajutla, town of, 534
Akabná, 91
arch of, 85
Aké, hacienda of, 88
katunes of, 89
general view of, 90
À la grecque, 536
A la grecque, 539
Alameda, the, 62
Alameda, the, 236
Alameda, the, 349
Alamo, Spanish for Poplar, whence alameda; famous fort at San Antonio, Texas.
Alamos, town of Sonora, 645
Alcalde, el, a petty judge, from Arabic al cadi 54
Alcalde, el, 550
Alerta (watch-word), 112
Algodon, cotton, (from an Arabic word,) indigenous to Mexico
Alley of the Holy Ghost, 231
Alligators in Cenotes, 116
Aloes, sometimes, though improperly, applied to the agave, A. Americana or Mexicana. The agave belongs to the order Amaryllidaceæ, while the true aloe is of the order Liliaceæ. Both are found in Mexico.
Alvarado, leap of, 267
Amecameca 373
American, colony, 354
hotel, 354
saint first, 370
disappointed, 560
of the Border, 615
Americanizing Mexico, 616
Amigos (friends) 113
Amolli, or soap-plant, Sapindus (?), the fruit or seed of a plant belonging probably to the Sapindaceæ, or Soap-berry family, an Indian substitute for soap, much used by the ancient Mexicans, and also at the present day by the poorer classes. In Mexico, the fruit of the Copalxocotl.
Ampudia, General, 564
Anahuac, 220
Anales del Museo, 313
Ancona, historian of Yucatan, 76
his description of Yucatan ruins, 109
Angeles, Puebla de los, 501
Angostura, Pass of, 574
Animal life of Chihuahua, 605
Anquera, covering for horses' haunches
Antequera, 527
Anthony, Ex-Governor, 616
Antiquarian Society, 109
Antiquities, 305-309
Antiquities, 306
Antiquities, 307
Antiquities, 308
Antiquities, 309
Antiquities, 319
Antiquities, 323
Anuario, 299
Apache depredations, 606
Apache depredations, 608
trail, 626
prisoners, 627
squaws, 628
scouts, visit to camp of, 631
warrior, 63
outrages, 634
outrages, 636
stronghold, 634
stronghold, 638
raid, last great, 636
difficulties in fighting the, 636
difficulties in fighting the, 637
region, map of, 638
Anton Lizardo, port, Gulf terminus of the Mexican Southern Railway, 181
Apam (plains of), 345
Apartado, 451
Apizaco, 492
Aqueduct, of San Cosme, 359
the double, 403
of Queretaro, 481
Arbol de las Manitos, 235
de la Noche Triste, 268
de Montezuma, 356
Arch, Maya, or aboriginal American, 77
of Akabná, 85
Archælogical field, 323
Archil (rocella), 137
Architecture, Mexican, 224
Arezuma, land of gold, 644
Arizona, travel in, 644
Armadillo (Aztec ayotochtli), or tortoise-rabbit.
Arriero, a muleteer, 280
Arroyo, a mountain torrent.
Arrastre, 462
Assumption (golden statue of the), 231
Astronomers, Maya, 97
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, 595
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, 601
Athens of Anahuac, the, 486
Atolli, an Indian beverage prepared from maize, in use among the ancient inhabitants of Mexico and at the present day; a kind of maize gruel, strengthening and refreshing, without which no Indian field laborer is content to work.
Atoyac, Bridge of, 201
Avenue, the Grand, 349
of Bucarelli, 350
Axayacatl, sixth king (Indian) of Mexico, 235
a water insect, 339
Axes, of copper, 544
Axolotl (Siredon lichenoides), 340
Ayme, Consul, 45
Ayotla, town of, 339
Azcapozalco, A town in the Federal District, connected with the city of Mexico by tramway. The ancient town of the same name was once the capital of the Tepanec "empire." 269
Azotea (roof-top), 224
Aztecs, tribe of, in Oaxaca, 529
Aztlan, 605
Baile (ball), a native, 122
Bajio, el, region of the, 427
Ball, a Mestiza, 123
Balustrade, a valuable 228
Banana plantation, 406
Bandelier, Prof., 541
Bandoleros, los, 336
Banner of Cortes, 308
Baptist Mission, 298
Baratillo, a rag fair
Bárcena, Manuel, 313
Barbacoa, a native Haitian word, whence English barbecue.
Barranca, of Metlac, 210
of Cuernavaca, 402
of Regla, 463
Barras, las, 456
Bartlett, Mr., on Tubac, 647
Bassi rilievi, 410
Baths, of Mexico City, 354
inimical to the leperos
Batopilas Mining Co., 618
mines, 619
Bear, playing the, 287
Bees, stingless, 64
Beggars, Mexican, 282
Benson, town in Arizona, 644
Beneficiate, from a Latin word, signifying "to realize"; the separation of ores from their fluxes, or amalgams.
Birds of Yucatan, 61
Bishop's Palace, 564
Bit, bridle, and spurs, 569
Bliss, Mr. P. C., 110
Boca del Monte, 217
Book, first, published in Mexico in 1536
stalls, 257
Bonanza, a sea term, used by Mexican miners to designate a mine being worked at a profit
mines in, 448
mines in, 449
mines in, 450
of Pedro Torreros, 461
Bonito, Apache chief, 638
Bonos (shares) 456
Border States, the, et seq. 551
Borrasca (storm), 393
Borrego, Mount, 214
Bota, La, 215
Bouquets, Mexican, 332
Bourke, Captain, 638
Bourke, Captain, 648
Border, Mexican, 560
Border, Mexican, 580
ruffian, 599
Brasero (incense-burner), 144
Brickbats, cakes like unto, 339
Bridge-building, 560
Brocklehurst, Mr. T. U., 486
Browne, J. Ross, on Magdalena, 647
Buchanan, Mr., 416
Buen Retiro, 490
Buena Vista, hamlet and battle, 574
Bull-fight, 470
Bull-fight, 518
Bull-ring of Puebla, 504
of Monterey, 570
Burial at sea, 550
Burro, el, (the donkey,) 364
Burro, el, (the donkey,) 368
Burro, el, (the donkey,) 654
Bustamente, town, 561
Butler, Rev. Mr., 254
Butler, Rev. Mr., 299
Butler, Rev. Mr., 486
Caballero, equipment of the Mexican, 545
en viage, 546
Cabinet woods, 524
Caboose, riding in a, 621
Cacahuamilpa, cavern, 413
Cacao (Theobroma cacao), its uses, 39
Cacti, candelabrum, 517
Mexico belongs to the botanical region of cacti.
Cadets, Mexican, 360
Cafetal, a, 209
Calabasas, station, 645
Calaboose, Americans in, 568
in prospect, 587
Caleza, 52
Caleza, 56
Calendar, Mexican, 312
Calle (street) del Elefante, 86
Calzoneras, 280
Camino, de los Muertos, 484
Real, 88
Campeche, 156
Campo Santo, 570
Candelabrum cactus, 517
Cannibal Indians, 534
Cansahcab, village, 117
Cantaros (water-jars), 62
Canto, General, 117
Capote de Palma, 440
Capture of Cortes, 326
Caravan days, 581
trains, 582
Carbonera, hamlet, 520
Carcel (prison), 107
Cargadores (carriers), 132
Carlotta, Empress, in Yucatan, 88
Carmelite convent, 367
Carmen, island of, 156
Carnival in Yucatan, et seq. 50
Cart, Mexican, 582
Catherwood, Mr., 71
Causeways of Mexico, 238
Cave Period (Aztec MS.), 314
Casa (House), Municipal, of Merida, 3
del Adivino, 66
de las Monjas, 6
de la Viega, 67
de las Tortugas, 67
Gobernador, 67
Gobernador, 78
de las Pajaros, 8
de las Palomas, 67
de Piedras, Palenque, 160
de Moneda (mint), 258
of Chihuahua, 617
Casas Grandes, valley of, 606
ruins of, 607
ruins of, 628
Castillo, el, 129
de Xochicalco, 409
Cathedral, of Merida, Yucatan, 29
great, of Mexico, description of interior, 228
view from tower of, 231
of Tula, 475
of Puebla, 500
of Monterey, 567
of Guadalajara, 621
Catorce, mines of, 574
Cattle, new market for, 586
Celaya, city, 575
Cemetery, in Yucatan, 130
neglect of the Mexican, 265
American, 267
Cenote (water-cave), 62
fish, 63
of Aké, 92
of Motul, 115
of Tabi, 116
bird, 116
Central Railway, concessions of, 420
length, and subsidy, 424
cities reached by, 426
advance of, 426
advance of, 433
track completed, 434
in Chihuahua, 601
in Chihuahua, 620
Centeotl, goddess of corn, 294
Ceres Indians, 653
Cerritos de la Pena, 520
Cerro (hill), 140
de las Campanas, 481
Colorado, 514
de la Campana, 649
Cerro Gordo, pass of, 189
Cerro Mercado, 624
Chaacmol, monolith discovered in Yucatan, 96
Chaacmol, monolith discovered in Yucatan, 108
Chachalaka, 132
Chaffee, Capt. A. R., 638
Chalco, lake of, 237
Chalco, lake of, 241
town of, 338
Champotan, town of, 156
Chapala, largest lake in Mexico, estimated area 1350 sq. miles.
Chaparral, a word derived from chaparra, a holm-oak.
Chaparreros, 546
Chapultepec, 355
Charney, Desirée, 110
Chan Santa Cruz, 43
Chato, Apache chief, 632
Chihuahua, the great frontier State, et seq. 601
desert region of, 605
Medanos of, 605
city of 607-618
cathedral of, 610
cathedral of, 611
cathedral of, 618
Mail (newspaper), 615
Chicharra [cicada), 406
Chichen, ruined city of, 95
Chichen, ruined city of, 107
engravings of, 99
engravings of, 105
Chichimecs, 634
Chilenos, 465
Chili (Capsicum annuum), 45
Chili (Capsicum annuum), 399
Chinimpas, or floating gardens, 335
Chinguerito, Indian corn brandy
Chipi-chipi, 191
Chicjuihuite, Bridge of, 203
Chiricahua Apaches, 634
haunts of, 634
pursued by General Crook, 639
on the reservation, 643
Cholula, pyramid of, 508-511
village of, 510
Church, Mexican, its wealth, 499
Church, Mexican, its wealth, 500
its present status, 291
its present status, 297
Church, of Santiago (Yucatan), 52
first in Mexico, 475
of Paso del Norte, 593
interior of, 597
of Chihuahua, 611
of Chihuahua, 618
Chupa-Mirta, myrtle-sucker, a hummingbird.
Cinchona, 207
Cinta, la, 336
Citlaltepetl, volcano of, 177
City of Mexico, 231
general view of, 231
general view of, 245
detailed description of, 232
causeways of the original, 238
the new, 354
City of the Angels, 501
City of the Pass, 566
Civilizing forces, 297
Climate of the valley of Mexico, 244
Clay heads, of Teotihuacan 485
of Mitla, 545
Coal, in the Rio Grande valley, 577
Coahuila, State of, 584
Coatlicue, Aztec deity, 294
Coatzcoalcos, province of, 156
Coca (Erythroxylon coca), 390
Cochineal, cactus and insect, 529
Cock-pit, Monterey, 573
Cocom, king of Mayapan, 95
Coco palm (Cocos nucifera), 186
Coffee, districts, 205
exports of, 209
berries, 524
Cofre de Perote, 193
Cogolludo, old historian, 102
Colear, to throw a bull over by the tail.
Columbus, off coast of Yucatan, 39
mistake of, 40
statue of, 351
French, compère, commmère.
Compañero, a, 389
Comparison of ruined cities, 75
Concessions, list of, granted to Mexican railways, 419
Concessions, list of, granted to Mexican railways, 420
Conchos River, 624
Conducta, a, 281
Conducta, a, 576
Congregationalist Missions, 298
Conquistadores (conquerors), 224
entrance of, into Mexico, 227
Convent of Tlascala, 493
Copan, ruins of, 75
statue from, 169
Copper "axes," two types of, 544
Corallitos, 628
Cordova, town of, 302
Cordova, H. de, discovers Mexico, 40
Cornish miners, 448
Corrco (mail-coach), 151
Corrida de Toros (bull-fight), 151
Corrida de Toros (bull-fight), 470
Corridor of hacienda, 65
Cortés, capture of, 326
statue of, 350
trail of army of, 386
letters of, 386, 387
letters of, 386, 387
Cotoche, Cape, 143
Cotton culture, 486
Cow, the Mexican, 384
Coyote, (Aztec coyotl,) a jackal.
Cozumel, island of, 142
Cozumel, island of, 143
Crawford, Captain of Apache scouts, 631
Creoles, number of, customs, etc., 272-279
Criollos (Creoles), type of, 277
Crook, General, arrives on frontier, 629
interview with, 630
as an Indian fighter, 637
hazardous expedition of, 637
defence of campaign of, 641
Cross, the black, 498
Cross, the black, 513
Cross, the black, 380
Cruz del Marques, 400
Crypts of Xochicalco, 411
Cuautla, town of, 442
Cuautitlan, town of, 470
Cubas, Señor A. G., 272
Cubas, Señor A. G., 414
Cubas, Señor A. G., 484
Cuernavaca, 400
vale of, 405
Cuidado (beware), 381
Cuilapan, town of, 529
Cuisine, economy of the Mexican, 44
Cusihuiriachic, mining district of, 619
Customs, table, 134
duties, 182
officials, polite, 182
Customs of the Border Mexican, 614
Cypress, of Noche Triste, 268
of Chapultepec, 355
Dance, the Mestiza, 122
Dancing against one's will, 123
Death scene, a, 124
Depopulated towns, 634
Denounce, to, "in the mining code of Mexico, implies that process by which a legal right of possession is obtained to a particular portion of a-vein, worked or unworked, known or unknown, which a miner chooses to select."
Desagüe (drain) of Huehuetoca, 242
Desierto, el, 363
convent of, 367
bridge at, 368
Devil, the, 291
Diaz, Bernal, a native of Medina del Campo in Old Castile, came to the New World in 1514: historian of the conquest, 40
quoted from, 185
quoted from, 238
Diaz, General Porfirio, Ex-President, fight of, with the French, 516
Diaz de Solis, Juan, 40
Diego, Juan, and his apparition, 369
Diligence, Journey in a, et seq. 396
the Mexican, 396
south from Monterey, 572
Disaster, a, 147
Diviner's House, 80
Dolores Hidalgo, 575
Dominguillo, village of, 518
Doncellas, of Jalapa, 191
of Hermosillo, 650
Donkey boys of Guaymas, 655
Don Domingo, 375
Doniphan, Col., 608
Dragoon Summit, 629
Drainage of Valley of Mexico, 242
Drainage of Valley of Mexico, 243
schemes for, 243
Dumb dog, the, 320
Durango, State of, 432
Dutch oven of a place, 654
Dwellings, of the Dead (Mitla), 535
of the different zones, 213
Eagle Pass, 580
Eagle Pass, 591
Eaton, Rev. J. D., 617
Egyptian resemblances, 98
Egyptian resemblances, 102
Ejutla, valley of, 511
Ejutla, valley of, 523
Electric Light, the, 355
"Elephant Trunks," at Uxmal, 79
El Paso, city, 595
valley, 596
Embarcaderos, 136
Embrace, a Mexican, 289
Empeños, Los, 283
Encinillas, station of, 607
Engineer, the ubiquitous, 188
English language, a town in which it had never been spoken, 120
newspapers in, 304
Escandon, Señor, 416
Esperanza, station of, 217
long ride to, 547
Estrella de la Mar, 177
Estrella, Cerro de la, 336
Etla, valley of, 520
Europeans, in Mexico, 272
Evans, Captain, 309
Fairlie engine, the, 217
Farmer, a Mexican, 407
Farming in Chihuahua, 625
Feasts and Festivals, et seq. 291
of the Aztecs, 295
of the Church, 295
Feather work, Aztec, 321
Felipe, Don, and his cow, 348
a medico, 376
Ferrocarril Mexicana, 218
Ferrocarriles Mexicanos, los, 419
Fiebeger, Lieut. G. J., 628
replies to Crook's detractors, 640
Fiesta, a, 518
Figures in wax, 322
Figures in wax, 326
Filigree work, silver, 321
Fire, the new, 337
Floating Gardens, 332-336
Florida coast, off the, 550
Florida River, 624
Florida River, 625
Flores, Padre, 467
Flores, town of, 168
Flower market, the, 331
Flowers, where they come from, 332
Font, ancient, in Tlascala, 494
Font, ancient, in Tlascala, 495
Fop, the Mexican, 25
Forests of Popocatapetl, 379
Fraud exposed, 648
French, battle with the, 502
Fresh-water springs in the ocean, 141
Frijoles (beans), use of, 45
From Coast to Capital, et seq. 194
Frontera, port of, 173
Fruit-seller of Yucatan, 150
Fruits of three zones, 213
Fruits of three zones, 524
Funeral cars, 265
Gachupin, (Aztec cac-chopina, or prickly shoes,) applied to the Spaniards, from their wearing spurs.
Gadsden Purchase, that part of Arizona and New Mexico south of the river Gila, obtained for the United States from Mexico for $10,000,000, December 30, 1853 area of purchase, 45,535 square miles.
Gallejo, station of, 606
Gardens, floating, 332-336
of Laborde, 404
of Maximilian, 414
ideal, 487
Garita, a, 47
Garrapatas (ticks), 64
Garrapatas (ticks), 150
Gatewood, Lieut., 631
Gaumer, Prof. G., 116
Gage, Thomas, 339
Gage, Thomas, 363
describes Popocatapetl, 391
Galleon, the Acapulco, 408
Galveston, Harrisburg, and San Antonio Railroad, 578
Gambling centre, a, 360
Garfield, news of death of, received in Mexico, 505
Gente de razon, 275
Gente de razon, 389
Geographical position of Mexico City, 244
Glyphs of Palenque, 163
Gnomon mound, 96
God, of storms, 375
of the air, 481
Gods and goddesses of Mexico, 293
Aztec, 294
Aztec, 308
Gold and silver, works of, 321
Golden throne, the buried, 520
Gondola, the Mexican, 333
Gonzalez, President, 304
Good Friday, festival of, 292
Gould System of Railways, 559
Governor's Palace, Oaxaca, 521
"Greaser," protest of the, 586
Grapes of Paso del Norte, 599
Grass-seller, the, 87
Grijalva, Juan de, voyage of, 358
Guadalajara, cathedral of, 525
Guadalupe, Virgin of, 369
chapel of, 369
Guanajuato, city of, 437
Guatemotzin, eleventh and last Aztec king, bust of, 334
statue of, 350
Guatemotzin mine, 454
Guaxaca (Oaxaca), 523
Guide, Indian, 147
Guendolain, estate of, 518
Grant, General, Lieutenant in Mexican war, 396
visits Mexico, 528
prevision of, 616
Grecque (ornamentation), 536
Grecque (ornamentation), 539
Greenwood, Colonel, murder of, 268
Grand Turkey Hunt, a, et seq. 112
Gulf Stream, crossing the, 550
Gringo (as applied to a language, unintelligible, gibberish), 649
Gulf of California, 657
Guaymas, port of, 650
view of, 651
fine harbor of, 653
commanding situation of, 653
great heat of, 654
Hacendado (hacienda owner), 61
Hacer el oso, 287
Hacienda, of Aké, 88
of Santa Anna, 187
explanation of term, 459
of Regla, 459
of San Miguel, 465
of Huehuetoca, 470
the typical, 507
of Saga, 541
of Jaral, 575
of Don Enrique Müller, 623
vast, of Chihuahua, 625
Haiti, or Hispaniola, 39
Hammocks, the land of, 85
Hand-flower, the, 236
Handiwork, Mexican, 329
Harte, Bret, 408
Havana, return to, 549
Head, gigantic, of Izamal, 103
Hedges of cactus, 516
Hell, the Little, 215
Henequen (Sisal hemp), et seq. 28
Henequen (Sisal hemp), et seq. 82
exports of, 84
wild, 139
Hermanas (sisters), 401
Hermanos (brothers), 401
Hermosillo, city of, 648
climate of, 649
señoritas of, 650
Herrera, quotations from, 40
Herrera, quotations from, 128
Hidalgo, patriot, where executed, 617
Hieroglyphs of Uxmal, 71
of Mayapan, 97
of Palenque, 160
of Mitla, 538
Highway, old, into Mexico, 581
Hispano-English, 124
Hill, of the Star, 337
that Smokes, 375
of Flowers, 408
of Bells, 549
Holidays, Mexican, 296
Honduras, Gulf of, 40
Honey, fragrant, 64
Honesty of the Yucatecos, 155
Hooper, the typical speculator, 250
Horseback, a trip on, 515
a long ride on, 546
Horse-cars, 265
of Puebla, 507
Horses of Cortes, first in Mexico, 158
Hotel, Iturbide, 253
American, 353
portal, 579
last, in Arizona, 646
Hotel car, across Texas in a, 554
House, of the Prophet, 67
of the Governor, 67
of the Nuns, 67
of the Pigeons, 67
of the Old Woman, 67
of the Dwarf, 67
of the Turtles, 68
Huachuca, 644
Huamantla, 219
Huehuetoca, great canal of, 242
hacienda of, 470
Huejuquilla, town, 626
Huitzilopochtli, 306
Huitzilopochtli, 314
Huitzilopochtli, 331
Huitzo, town of, 520
dialect spoken in, 523
Humboldt in Mexico, 257
on Popocatapetl, 392
Huntington, C. P., 578
Idols, clay, at Mitla, 541
Central American, 600
Immigrants, chances for, 525
Incense, 145
burner, 146
Infernillo, El, 215
Indians, when first seen, 39
of Yucatan, 43
indifference to death, 124
number of, 272
description of some, 273-276
agricultural, not warlike, 530
of Oaxaca, 532
carriers, 400
of Chihuahua, 626
of Sonora, 657
Inquisition, palace of the, 261
Intellectual growth of Mexico, 529
Intervention, the French, 185
Inundation of Mexico City, 241
International Railway, 426
International Railway, 580
International Railway, 584
bridge over Rio Grande, 584
International and Great Northern Railway, 577
Interoceanic Railway, 421
Institute of San Carlos, 329
of Oaxaca, 528
Invasion, the North American, 566
Irrigation, benefits of, 599
Isla Sacrificios, 174
Iturbide, Hotel, 253
Itzaes, people of Yucatan, 95
Itzamal, town of, 102
Itzamna, Itza hero, 102
Itzli, or obsidian, 383
Ixtle, the fibre of a species of agave with smaller leaves than that yielding pulque.
Ixtlilxochitl, learned Indian writer; a prince of Tezcoco
Iztaccihuatl, volcano of, 373
Iztapalapa, 238
Jail, a Mexican, 627
Jalap, 193
Jalapa, 186
gardens, 190
doncellas, 191
Jalapenas, las, 191
Jaral, hacienda of, 575
Jefe politico, a, 121
Jorullo, volcano of, 372
Joy of the Water, 214
Joya, La, valley of, 215
Juarez, Benito, tomb of, 263
Judas, effigies of, 292
Justice, tardy, 568
Kabah, ruins of, 72
Kabah, ruins of, 110
Katunes, or calendar stones, 89
columns of the, 92
Kermes (scarlet grain), 529
Kickapoos, 588
Kingdom of Nuevo Leon, 562
King's fifth (of silver), 450
Kukulkan, 101
La Bord, gardens of, 404
Laborers, wages of, 473
Labna, ruins of, 72
Las Casas, Bishop of Chiapas, 325
Ladrones, 576
Laguna country, 584
La Encantada, 574
La Joya, valley of, 215
La Mitra, 562
La Viga, canal of, 333
Lamp, golden, 503
Lampasos, 561
Land, how held, 506
Land, how held, 525
Landa's "Relacion," 102
Laredo, Presidio of, 555
town of, 556
climate of, 559
La Silla, 562
Legend, an Indian, 66
Leperos, Mexican beggars, 285
Le Plongeon, Doctor, 77
Le Plongeon, Doctor, 108
Lerma, valley of, 446
Levels, relative, of lakes and Mexico City, 241
Libraries, 257
Libraries, 303
of Puebla, 504
Licor del pais, 518
Licor del pais, 587
Lioba (Mitla), 535
Lisa, a kind of fish, 141
Literature, Mexican, 303
religious, 301
Llanos (plains), 195
Loco, Apache chief, 632
Logwood forests, in the, 126
Logwood forests, in the, 136
Lorencillo, the pirate, 185
Lorillard City, 171
Los Americanos, 615
Los Reyes, mine of, 467
Lovemaking, Mexican, 287
Lower California, 657
Mackay, Lieutenant, 638
Madre Pulque, 344
Magdalena, Sonora, 647
Magistral, mixture of copper pyrites and sulphuret of iron, roasted in a reverbatory furnace.
Maguey, 341
Maguey, 342
Maguey, 343
Maize, indigenous to Mexico.
Malacate, 371
Maltrata, vale of, 216
Marñana (to-morrow), 139
Marñana (to-morrow), 309
Mangroves, 141
Manga de Agua, 545
Manuscript, Aztec, 313
Manuscript, Aztec, 316
Manzana (a sq. measure), 223
Manzanillo, port of, 441
Map, general colored, 21
of Mexican Missions, 300
of Railways, 417
of Mexico, 424
of Puebla and vicinity, 503
of Apache country, 639
Mapilca, ruins of, 191
Maravatio City, 441
Maravatio City, 576
Marble, Mexican, 504
Marco, a, 457
Markets of Mexico City, 327-330
ancient Aztec, 327
of Puebla, 504
of Oaxaca, 526
Marina, mistress of Cortés, 158
Marimba, primitive piano, in use amongst Indians of Southern Mexico, also in Africa.
Mariner (a bird), 139
"Marquis of the Valley," the, 398
"Marquis of the Valley," the, 527
Martinez, Enrique, celebrated Mexican engineer, 241
"Massacre in the Temple," 325
Mastic (pistacia), 136
Maverick, The, (newspaper,) 580
Maximilian, 356
Mayapan, 97-112
Mayas, nation of, 53
Mayas, nation of, 55
a cultured race, 92
genesis of the, 94
language of, 102
Mayoral, el, 149
Mayos, Indians, 653
McComas, Judge, murdered, 630
his son Charley, 630
McManus & Co., 618
Mecate (land measure), 82
Medanos, of Vera Cruz, 174
of Chihuahua, 605
Medico (doctor), a, 149
Medico (doctor), a, 376
Medino, famous Mexican miner, 447
Medio (half a real).
Merida, capital of Yucatan, et seq. 31
markets of, 46
city gates of, 47
inhabitants of, 49
Mesa, the, of Señor Milmo, 561
Mescal (native rum), 346
Meson (hostelry), 364
Mesquit (Aztec Mezquitl)
Mestiza, Mestizo, definition of term, 43
ball, 118
costume, 119
costume, 123
Mestizos, as operatives, 84
number of, in Mexico, 272
origin of, 279
morals of, 281
Metallic mush, 449
Metatl, Indian corn mill.
Meteorological Observatory, 235
Methodist Missions, 298
Methodist Missions, 301
Metlac, barranca of, 210
Mexicalcingo, 336
Mexican, a chapter on the, 271-290
financier, the, 304
paintings, 324
paintings, 326
spurs, 592
the conservative, 614
Mexican Railway, 421-424
map of, 424
Mexican Southern Railroad, 559
Mexico, birdseye view of, 194
transcontinental profile of, 195
Michoacan, coffee of, 209
Mictlan, the Mexican hades.
Mictlancihuatl, goddess of hell.
Mictlanteuctli, Aztec god of hell.
Milk, how sold, 348
Milkman, depravity of the, 348
Milpa (field), 149
Mimbre, beautiful shrub of North Mexico.
Minerals of Coahuila, 585
Miners, Mexican, 453
murderous, 468
Mineria, or School of Mines, 252
Mines of Mexico, et seq.: 446
of Pachuca, 466
richest of Mexico, 467
recent development of, 467
of Guanajuato, 467
of Sonora, 467
of Zacatecas, 467
Mining Laws, 455
Regions, 458
Mint, coinage of the, 258
Miraflores, factory of, 84
Misantla, ruins of, 191
Missionaries, 301
murder of, 303
shot at, 486
Mission period, 554
Missions of Mexico, 298
map of, 300
Missouri Pacific Railroad, 518
Mitla, Zapotec burial-place, 531-542
ruins of, 536
grand hall of, 532
monoliths, 535
mosaic, 536
sculptures, 539
Mixcoatl, goddess of hunting, 295
Mixe Indians, 534
Miztecs, nation of, 520
Miztecs, nation of, 529
Molino del Rey, 360
Momotus, species of, 116
Monclova, 584
Money, first coinage of, in Mexico, 342
Monks, Mexican, 366
Monoliths of Mitla, 535
Montaña de los Organos, 447
Monte, Mexican cards, 633
Monte Alban, 529
Montejo, Francisco de, 41
Monte Piedad, 251
Monterey, plain of, 562
city of, 564
fight at, 564
as a health resort, 565
Montezuma, fights the Chalchese, 338
his tree, 356
his harem, 357
his bath, 359
armies of, in Oaxaca, 529
"Chair of," 606
Monton, a, 457
Morelet, M. Arthur, 170
Morelia City, 441
Morgan, Hon. Mr., 396
Mother of the gods, 295
Motul, town of, 115
cenote of, 115
Mound, the nameless, 80
Gnomon, 9
of Dilam, 128
Mozo (servant), 464
Mucuyche, hacienda of, 63
Mujer Blanca, La, 374
Mujeres, Isla de, 143
Mule teams, 620
Mulegé, gold district of, 654
Mulegé, gold district of, 657
Müller, Don Enrique, 608
hacienda of, 621
Mural paintings, 107
Murder, a brutal, 568
Murderers in the army, 570
Museo, Nacional, 305
Museums, Mexican, 305
Museums, Mexican, 310
Musician, a strolling, 468
Musicos, los, (musicians,) 122
Mysterious city, 167-170
Muy temprano, 130
Nameless mound, 80
Nana, an Apache, 632
Narrow-gauge railways, 441
Narrow-gauge railways, 514
National Railway, 421
length and subsidy, 434
cities on the line, 435
completed track, 441
completed track, 560
Naturalist, respect for a, 512
Navajas, Cerro de las, 465
Neutli (pulque), 341
Newspapers of the Republic, 303
New York to St. Louis, 553
Nieve (snow), 382
Night, in camp, 135
in a forest, 380
Nezahualcoyotl, Prince of Tezcoco, 489
palace of, 490
Noche triste, tree of, 268
Nochistongo, canal of, 242
Nogales, frontier town, 649
No hay, 364
Nomadic period (Aztec MS.), 316
Nopal, 529
Norman, Mr., 67
Norman, Mr., 107
Norther, a, 548
North American invasion, 586
Nuestra Señora, 270
Oaxaca, journey to, 515-523
valley of, 525
resources of, 524
resources of, 527
marketplace of, 526
Obsidian (Aztec itztli), 318
mines of, 464
Ocellated turkey, 112
Ocellated turkey, 150
Ocotl, resinous pine used for torches.
Octli, 341
Ojos de Agua, 466
Olla, a boiling-pot
Omecihuatl, 319
Ometeuctli, 319
On the way to market (view), 399
Onyx, Mexican, 503
Opals, richest district of, in Queretaro.
Opuntia, 529
Oracion, 64
Oranges, mule-loads of, 534
Ord, General, 181
Organ Mountains, 447
Organo cactus, 517
Organo cactus, 529
Oriental Railway, 421
Oriental Railway, 559
Orizaba, volcano of, 177
town, 214
peak and crater, 218
height of, 371
Ornaments, Apache, 633
Otomi language, 418
Otumba, town, 220
Outrages, Apache, 634
Ozumba, view from, 443
Pachuca, mines of, 450
city of, 447
Paintings, in the Academy, 324
at Kabah, 110
of Puebla, 504
ancient, in Tlascala, 492
Painted caves, 591
Pajaros preciosos, 132
Palaces, of Mexico, 235
of Cortés, 405
of Mitla, the wonderful, et seq. 531
Palenque and the Phantom City et seq. 155
plan of, 157
first mention of, 159
restored, 160
tablet, 163
sculptured fragment from, 411
Palisades of Regla, 459
Palmer-Sullivan concession, 434
Palms of the coast, 196
Palo Blanco, 561
Palo tinto, 136
Panteon of S. Fernando, 263
Papantla, pyramid of, 192
Papantzin, 341
Paredones, 541
Parian of Monterey, 571
Parque de Ysabel, 549
Parra, Felix, 325
Paseo (walk, drive), 334
Paseo Grande, 349
de la Reforma, 349
Paso del Norte, 596
old church of, 593
Paso del Macho, 201
Patio (court), in Yucatan, 55
in Mexico, 224
system of reducing ore, 462
Patterson, Rev. Mr., 401
Patzcuaro, 441
Pavo del Monte, 137
Pawning an organ, 284
Pawnshops, 252
Paxi, 340
Pay train, a, 440
Pearls of Gulf of California, 657
Pecos and Rio Grande Railway, 577
Pecos River, 591
Pedregal, 453
fight of the, 454
Peñas Cargadas, 457
Penates, Mexican, 319
Peon, Don Alvaro, 88
Peon, the faithful, 381
Peralta, Angela, death of, 649
Perez, Don Juan, 98
Perote, Cofre de, 193
Perro mudo, el, 320
Petate, 394
Peten, forests of, 168
Petahaya, or Petaya, a giant cactus, 644
Picture-writing, Aztec, 316
Pinzon, Spanish navigator, 40
Pic (Maya word), 118
Pickpockets, Mexican, 247
Pico del Fraile, 375
Piedras Negras, 581
Pierce, Col. T. N., 578
Pillar of Death, 537
Pines, limit of, 378
Pines, limit of, 385
Pita (thread), 342
Plateau, ascending the, 215
on the, 220
Plaza, of Vera Cruz, 178
Grande, of Mexico City, 349
horizontal, 392
and La Mitra, the, 563
of Zaragoza, 570
Plazuela of Paso del Norte. 599
Pleasant travelling, 578
Plough, a Mexican, 506
treatment of an American, 507
Plumaje, 321
Plumed Serpent, the, Quetzalcoatl, or Kukulcan, 481
Plumed Serpent, the, Quetzalcoatl, or Kukulcan, 508
Plunder, Apache, 633
Pobrecito, 130
Popocatapetl, et seq. 371
view of, 377
ascent of, 375-390
peak of (views), 384
peak of (views), 393
cone of, 389
snow-line of, 385
Mexico Valley from, 387
crater of (view), 392
height of, 394
Policy, Indian, of Mexico, 627
of the United States, 628
of the United States, 633
Polite offer, 148
Popotla, 269
Population of Mexico. 272
Polvo (dust), 446
Port of San Bias (view), 428
Portales (arcades), 236
Portales (arcades), 502
Portales (arcades), 528
Portero, el, 224
Porto Rico, allusion to, 320
Pottery, Mexican, 271
of Guadalajara, 620
Prairie Schooner, 592
Presidio del Norte, 592
Presbyterian Missions, 298
Prices of provisions, etc., 505
Progreso, port of, 25
Progreso, port of, 549
and Merida railway, 27
Progress of Mexico, 302
Proletarians, 283
Pronunciamientos, 546
Protestantism in Mexico, 254
Protestantism in Mexico, 298
Protestantism in Mexico, 302
Proyecta de Guerra, 627
Publications in Mexico, 303
Puebla, city of, 498, 508
valley (view of), 501
map of, and vicinity, 503
Pueblos, 601
Pueblos, 602
Puente Nacional, 187
Puerta de Dilam, 148
Pulpit, first, in America, 493
Pulque, a drink, discovery of, 340
plant producing it, 341
how made, 343
taste and qualities, 346
analysis of, 347
the poet on, 347
Puntas Arenas, 142
Putnam, Prof. F. W., 544
Pyramid at Uxmal, 67
of Mayapan, 102
of Papantla, 192
of Xochicalco, 410
of Teotihuacan, 481
of the Sun, 482
of the Moon, 483
of Cholula, 508-510
Quarrel in camp, 135
Queretaro, city of, 479
Queretaro, city of, 481
Quetzalcoatl, 218
Quetzalcoatl, 481
image of, 508
Quiche, Cura of, 169
Rag figures, 322
Railway Movement, et seq. 416
Railroads, Mexican, et seq. 198
first inception, 415
at the Capital (map), 417
concessions, etc., 417
principal Mexican, 420
Mexican Oriental, 421
Mexican Oriental, 559
the Mexican (map), 424
Central, 424-434
National, 434-441
Mexican method of constructing, 443
system of Mexico, 445
Mexican Southern, 515
International, 580
Rainy season, 247
Ramble around the City, et seq. 244
Ramon (forage), 87
seller (picture), 115
Rancho (camp or farm), 133
Rancheros, 281
Rancheros, 583
Rankin, Miss, 298
Rarefaction of the air, 248
Rau, Professor, 164
Raza Indigena, 41
Raza Indigena, 42
Real (plural reales), coin, value 1212 cts.
Real del Monte mines, 450
Real del Monte mines, 457
Rebozo, un, 280
Refresco, Yucateco, 131
Regla, smelting establishment of, 459
palisades of, 460
Count of, 461
Barranca of, 463
Republics, The Two, (newspaper,) 304
Respiradores, 391
Revista Cientifica, 342
Rickarts, Señor, 527
Riley, Rev. H. C, 299
Ring, a stone, 478
Rio Bravo, 595
Rio Escondido, 588
Rio Grande, 555
Rio Grande, 559
Rio Grande, 596
over the, 580
valley of, et seq. 577
Rio Hondo, 439
Rio Lagartos, 147
Robbers, never seen by police, 219
inconsiderate, 223
murderous, 380
Romero, Señor, 527
Roof-top, a room on a, 222
Rosario mine, 450
Ruined cities, of Yucatan, 38
characteristics of, 109
of Uxmal, 111
of northern coast of Yucatan, 146
groups of, in Mexico, 323
in Oaxaca, 531
of Mitla, 531-542
mythical, of Sonora, 647
Sabinas valley, 584
Sacramento, hamlet, 608
Sacrificial Stone, 306
sculptures on the, 307
history of the, 315
Sacrificial Collar, 320
Sagá, hacienda of, 541
Sala del Muerte, 413
Salmsalm, Princess, 356
Salto del Agua, 359
Sagrario, el, 239
Salisbury, S., Jr., 109
Salomon, hamlet of, 520
Saltillo, 574
Sanctuary, 239
of the Cross, 164
Sarape, 545
San Angel, village, 360
San Antonio, city, 554
San Antonio, city, 575
San Antonio, city, 578
San Bias, port of, 428
San Cristobal, lake of, 241
San Fernando, cemetery of, 264
San Gertrudis mine, 448
San Hypolito, church of, 266
San Jose, Chihuahua, 606
San Juan de los Cues, 517
San Juan del Rio, 429
San Juan de Ulua, port of, 174
San Lazaro, 372
San Luis Potosi, city, 574
San Marcos, 218
San Miguel, hacienda of, 465
Santa Anna, hacienda of, 187
church of, 262
Santa Cruz River, 646
Santa Eulalia mines, 618
Santa Eulalia mines, 621
Santa Fé, town of, 363
Santa Rosalia, town and springs of, 624
Sauz, hamlet of, 608
Savanas, 197
Saxony process, 468
School of Mines, 252
Sculptured stone, 411
Sculptured stone, 543
Scriptures in Mexico, 297
Seasons of Mexico, 244
Señoritas, of Yucatan, 52
their secluded lives, 57
the dark-eyed, 650
Sepulchres at Mitla, 542
Serenos, 286
Serpent, the Feathered, 71
court of, 72
Sewers of Mexico City, 243
Shepherd, Ex-Governor, 618
Short, J. T. (note), 118
Sierra Mojada, 585
Sierra Madres of Sonora, 635
Siesta, the, 248
Silver train, a, 436
footpath, 461
states, 467
mush, 467
slag of Chihuahua, 609
mines of Chihuahua, 618
mines of Chihuahua, 619
"Skipping the border," 587
Smithsonian Institution, 164
Smithsonian Institution, 340
Snow-line of Popocatapetl, 386
Soap, abundance of, 584
Socabon (tunnel), 461
Society in Mexico, 304
Sombreros, 545
Sonora and Apache Country, et seq. 627
Sonora railway, 420
Sonora railway, 653
river, 648
Southey, lines by, 398
Southern Pacific Railway, 578
Spurs, Mexican, 546
Squier, Mr. E. G., 170
Statue, discovered in Uxmal, 75
from Palenque, 168
from Copan, 169
Stephens, J. L., explorer, note on his travels, 71
Stephens, Rev. J. L., murder of, 299
Stealing ore, 453
Streets of Mexico City, flooded, 247
principal, 253
Streets of the Dead, 482
Stucco ornaments, 162, 167
Sublevados, 42
Sublevados, 81
Sublevados, 104
Subterraneo of Mitla, 537
of Saga, 541
Sugar-cane, 405
Sulfataras, 393
"Sunset Route," 578
"Sunset Route," 595
Tabascan Princess, the, 158
Tabasco, river and province of, 157
Tablet of the Cross, 165
Tacuba, 269
Tacubaya, town of, 360
Tajo of Nochistongo, 242
Tamales, 215
Tampico, port of, 57
Tarahumares (Indians), 604
Tecalli, quarries of, 503
Techichi (dumb dog), 320
Techomavaca, hamlet of, 517
Tecpancaltzin, 477
Tehuacan, town of, 514
Tehuacan, town of, 546
Tehuan tepee, 173
railway, 421
road to, 533
Telegraph lines, running, 586
Temixtitlan, 387
Temperature of Popocatapetl, at the snowline, 383
of the crater, 396
Temprano (early), 139
Tender-foot in Arizona, a, 644
Tepetate (a stone), 354
Tepitoton, 319
Teponaztli, 319
Teocallis, 191, 227
Teotleco, 294
Teotitlandel Camino, 516
valley of, 543
Teotihuacan pyramids, 481
Teoxihuitl, 295
Teoyaomiqui, 314
Terra-cotta figure, 144
Terminos, Laguna of, 156
Terreros, Pedro, 416
Terrasus, Don Luis, 615
Teteoinan, 294
Tetepetongo, hill of, 379
Tezcoco, lake of, 237
city of, 486
pyramids of, 489
pyramids of, 490
Tezcatlipoca, 319
Texas, a ride across, 584
extreme western, 592
Texas Pacific railway, 595
Tierra caliente, 196
Tierra caliente, 199
Tierra caliente, 217
Tierra fria, 198, 217
Tierra templada, 197
Tierra templada, 217
Tiger, Two-headed, 66
Timax, town of, 120-125
Tixpenal, village of, 88
Tixkokob, village of, 88
Theatre, National, 262
Theatre, National, 263
Theories, regarding origin of ancient cities of Yucatan, 75
diverse, of antiquarians, 110
Thieves, 283
Thieves, 284
and murderers, 583
T'ho, Merida, 49
Times, The, (newspaper,) 595
Tlacolula, valley, 531
town, 533
Tlahuac, Aztec village, 337
Tlaloc, 294
Tlamacas, rancho of, 382
Tlalmanalco, ruins of, 490
Tlascala, town of, et seq. 492
Tobago, island, 407
Toltec, troubles of the, 341
Toltec Ruins and Pyramids, et seq. 469
view of, 471
sculptures, 476
nation, its extinction, 477
Toluca, Volcan de, 371
city and valley of, 440
Tombstone, Arizona, 644
Topo Chico, hot springs of, 565
Toro, el, a native dance, 124
music of, 128
Tortilla, method of preparation, seller of (picture), 44
Tortillas and frijoles, 134
Tortillera, la, 138
Track, end of International, 586
Track-laying extraordinary, 585
Tramways of Mexico City, 235
Transcontinental profile, 195
Treasures, of the Church, 231
of the Aztecs, 321
buried, at Mitla, 537
Tropics, nights in the, 81
vegetation of the, 197
Trowbridge, Dr., 179
Tsilam Oilam), port of, 127
Tucson, Arizona, 641
Tucson, Arizona, 644
Tula, town of, 94
Tula, town of, 474
cathedral of, 475
ruins of, 476
Tula, valley of (view), 431
Tule (bulrush), town of, 533
great tree of, 533
Tulum, ruins of, 103
Tulum, ruins of, 147
Turkey Hunt, a Grand, et seq. 112
Turkey, the ocellated, 112
Turkey, the ocellated, 150
Tutul Xius, the, 95
Tzintzuntzan, 441
Uayalceh, hacienda of, 61
Uipil, garment of Yucatan, 28
Uipil, garment of Yucatan, 118
Unexplored region, 167
Usumacinta River, 162
Usumacinta River, 170
Uxmal, ruins of, et seq. 58
Valenciana mine, 466
Valladolid, city of, 42
Valladolid, city of, 104
Valley of Mexico, view of, 237
glance at the, 398
Valley, the triple, 523
Vamonos, 123
Vanilla, 190
Vase in Mexican Museum, 319
Vegetation, of tierra caliente, 197
of tierra templada, 197
of tierra fria, 198
limit of, 385
Vender of holy relics, 278
Venice of the western world, 333
Vera Cruz, city of, et seq. 173
engraving of, 175
yellow fever in, 178
State of, 186
return of author to, 548
Viejo, el, 148
Villaldama, town, 561
Virgin, of Remedies, 270
Virgin, of Remedies, 370
of Guadalupe, 369
Volan, 61
journey in a, 112
figure of a, 113
Volante, 52
Volante, 56
Volcanero, el, 375
Volcano, Popocatapetl, et seq. 371
Orizaba, 117
Orizaba, 218
Orizaba, 371
Jorullo, 372
Volcanoes, principal Mexican, 395
from Mexican valley, 387
Vomito, 180
in Vera Cruz, 181
in Cordonva, 548
Vultures of Vera Cruz, 177
Wages of Mexican miners, 454
Waldeck, explorer, 68
Ward, Mr., 343
Warrior, an Apache, 635
"Water wheat," 339
Water-works of Guaymas, 654
Willcox, Arizona, 629
Wines of Paso del Norte, 599
Wooden-wheel carts, 582
Wooden-wheel carts, 583
Xaltocan, lake of, 241
Xibalba, 94
Xico, island of, 337
Xipe, 294
Xochicalco, hill and castle of, 408-412
Xochimilco, 237
Xochimilco, 241
Xochimilco, 335
Xochitl, Toltec princess, 341
hamlet of, 409
Yaquis Indians, 653
Yucatan, approach to, 25
State and government of, 35
newspapers of, 35
cities, towns, etc., of, 38
conquest of, 41
inhabitants of, 57
north coast of, et seq. 127
railways of, 421
adieu to, 549
Zaachila, town of, 529
Zapotec Indians, 520
Zapotec Indians, 529
customs of, 534
burial-places, 538
fortress, 542
battles, 543
Zela, Don Domingo, 375
Zocalo, el, 232
Zones, different, 195-198
Zopilote, a dance, 124
a vulture, 177
Zubiran, Don Juan, 615
Zumarraga, Bishop, 369
Zumpango, lake, 241

University Press: John Wilson & Son, Cambridge.