Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans/Index
A | |
Abogado Cristiano, | 299 |
Aboriginal city, | 170 |
mounds, | 531 |
Academy of San Carlos | 324 |
Acambaro, | 435 |
town of, | 575 |
Acapulco trail, the, | 407 |
port of, | 408 |
Acequia (irrigating ditch), | 626 |
Acojote (Aztec acocotl), water-throat, | 344 |
Acolote (water-way), | 336 |
Acordada, famous prison in city of Mexico. At various times the prisoners confined here have risen in revolt, or have been let loose upon the peaceful population of the city, as in 1828; and in 1847 again, when they were liberated at the entrance of the American army, inflicting more mischief and causing more terror and bloodshed than the invaders themselves | |
Adobe (ah-do′-bay), sun-baked bricks, of which walls and huts are made in Mexico; also a name of contempt; Moorish-Spanish word; Arabic, al-toob; ancient Egyptian, Adou | |
Agave Americana, | 220 |
Agua (water), of Mexico city, | 359 |
Aguada (pond) of Uxmal, | 78 |
Aguada (pond) of Uxmal, | 131 |
Aguador (water-carrier), | 287 |
Aguador (water-carrier), | 288 |
Aguamiel (honey-water), | 345 |
Aguamiel (honey-water), | 346 |
Agua Nueva (village), | 574 |
Aguardiente (burning water), | 51 |
Agramont, English buccaneer, | 185 |
Agricultural machinery, | 50 |
methods, | 525 |
Ah Tza, sacred book, | 95 |
Ahuitzotl, eighth king of Mexico | |
Ahuehuete (Aztec ahtiehuetl), cypress, | 268 |
Air, rarefaction of, | 248 |
Ajutla, town of, | 534 |
Akabná, | 91 |
arch of, | 85 |
Aké, hacienda of, | 88 |
katunes of, | 89 |
general view of, | 90 |
À la grecque, | 536 |
A la grecque, | 539 |
Alameda, the, | 62 |
Alameda, the, | 236 |
Alameda, the, | 349 |
Alamo, Spanish for Poplar, whence alameda; famous fort at San Antonio, Texas. | |
Alamos, town of Sonora, | 645 |
Alcalde, el, a petty judge, from Arabic al cadi | 54 |
Alcalde, el, | 550 |
Alerta (watch-word), | 112 |
Algodon, cotton, (from an Arabic word,) indigenous to Mexico | |
Alley of the Holy Ghost, | 231 |
Alligators in Cenotes, | 116 |
Aloes, sometimes, though improperly, applied to the agave, A. Americana or Mexicana. The agave belongs to the order Amaryllidaceæ, while the true aloe is of the order Liliaceæ. Both are found in Mexico. | |
Alvarado, leap of, | 267 |
Amecameca | 373 |
American, colony, | 354 |
hotel, | 354 |
saint first, | 370 |
disappointed, | 560 |
of the Border, | 615 |
Americanizing Mexico, | 616 |
Amigos (friends) | 113 |
Amolli, or soap-plant, Sapindus (?), the fruit or seed of a plant belonging probably to the Sapindaceæ, or Soap-berry family, an Indian substitute for soap, much used by the ancient Mexicans, and also at the present day by the poorer classes. In Mexico, the fruit of the Copalxocotl. | |
Ampudia, General, | 564 |
Anahuac, | 220 |
Anales del Museo, | 313 |
Ancona, historian of Yucatan, | 76 |
his description of Yucatan ruins, | 109 |
Angeles, Puebla de los, | 501 |
Angostura, Pass of, | 574 |
Animal life of Chihuahua, | 605 |
Anquera, covering for horses' haunches | |
Antequera, | 527 |
Anthony, Ex-Governor, | 616 |
Antiquarian Society, | 109 |
Antiquities, | 305-309 |
Antiquities, | 306 |
Antiquities, | 307 |
Antiquities, | 308 |
Antiquities, | 309 |
Antiquities, | 319 |
Antiquities, | 323 |
Anuario, | 299 |
Apache depredations, | 606 |
Apache depredations, | 608 |
trail, | 626 |
prisoners, | 627 |
squaws, | 628 |
scouts, visit to camp of, | 631 |
warrior, | 63 |
outrages, | 634 |
outrages, | 636 |
stronghold, | 634 |
stronghold, | 638 |
raid, last great, | 636 |
difficulties in fighting the, | 636 |
difficulties in fighting the, | 637 |
region, map of, | 638 |
Anton Lizardo, port, Gulf terminus of the Mexican Southern Railway, | 181 |
Apam (plains of), | 345 |
Apartado, | 451 |
Apizaco, | 492 |
Aqueduct, of San Cosme, | 359 |
the double, | 403 |
of Queretaro, | 481 |
Arbol de las Manitos, | 235 |
de la Noche Triste, | 268 |
de Montezuma, | 356 |
Arch, Maya, or aboriginal American, | 77 |
of Akabná, | 85 |
Archælogical field, | 323 |
Archil (rocella), | 137 |
Architecture, Mexican, | 224 |
Arezuma, land of gold, | 644 |
Arizona, travel in, | 644 |
Armadillo (Aztec ayotochtli), or tortoise-rabbit. | |
Arriero, a muleteer, | 280 |
Arroyo, a mountain torrent. | |
Arrastre, | 462 |
Assumption (golden statue of the), | 231 |
Astronomers, Maya, | 97 |
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, | 595 |
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, | 601 |
Athens of Anahuac, the, | 486 |
Atolli, an Indian beverage prepared from maize, in use among the ancient inhabitants of Mexico and at the present day; a kind of maize gruel, strengthening and refreshing, without which no Indian field laborer is content to work. | |
Atoyac, Bridge of, | 201 |
Avenue, the Grand, | 349 |
of Bucarelli, | 350 |
Axayacatl, sixth king (Indian) of Mexico, | 235 |
a water insect, | 339 |
Axes, of copper, | 544 |
Axolotl (Siredon lichenoides), | 340 |
Ayme, Consul, | 45 |
Ayotla, town of, | 339 |
Azcapozalco, A town in the Federal District, connected with the city of Mexico by tramway. The ancient town of the same name was once the capital of the Tepanec "empire." | 269 |
Azotea (roof-top), | 224 |
Aztecs, tribe of, in Oaxaca, | 529 |
Aztlan, | 605 |
B | |
Baile (ball), a native, | 122 |
Bajio, el, region of the, | 427 |
Ball, a Mestiza, | 123 |
Balustrade, a valuable | 228 |
Banana plantation, | 406 |
Bandelier, Prof., | 541 |
Bandoleros, los, | 336 |
Banner of Cortes, | 308 |
Baptist Mission, | 298 |
Baratillo, a rag fair | |
Bárcena, Manuel, | 313 |
Barbacoa, a native Haitian word, whence English barbecue. | |
Barranca, of Metlac, | 210 |
of Cuernavaca, | 402 |
of Regla, | 463 |
Barras, las, | 456 |
Bartlett, Mr., on Tubac, | 647 |
Bassi rilievi, | 410 |
Baths, of Mexico City, | 354 |
inimical to the leperos | |
Batopilas Mining Co., | 618 |
mines, | 619 |
Bear, playing the, | 287 |
Bees, stingless, | 64 |
Beggars, Mexican, | 282 |
Benson, town in Arizona, | 644 |
Beneficiate, from a Latin word, signifying "to realize"; the separation of ores from their fluxes, or amalgams. | |
Birds of Yucatan, | 61 |
Bishop's Palace, | 564 |
Bit, bridle, and spurs, | 569 |
Bliss, Mr. P. C., | 110 |
Boca del Monte, | 217 |
Book, first, published in Mexico in 1536 | |
stalls, | 257 |
Bonanza, a sea term, used by Mexican miners to designate a mine being worked at a profit | |
mines in, | 448 |
mines in, | 449 |
mines in, | 450 |
of Pedro Torreros, | 461 |
Bonito, Apache chief, | 638 |
Bonos (shares) | 456 |
Border States, the, et seq. | 551 |
Borrasca (storm), | 393 |
Borrego, Mount, | 214 |
Bota, La, | 215 |
Bouquets, Mexican, | 332 |
Bourke, Captain, | 638 |
Bourke, Captain, | 648 |
Border, Mexican, | 560 |
Border, Mexican, | 580 |
ruffian, | 599 |
Brasero (incense-burner), | 144 |
Brickbats, cakes like unto, | 339 |
Bridge-building, | 560 |
Brocklehurst, Mr. T. U., | 486 |
Browne, J. Ross, on Magdalena, | 647 |
Buchanan, Mr., | 416 |
Buen Retiro, | 490 |
Buena Vista, hamlet and battle, | 574 |
Bull-fight, | 470 |
Bull-fight, | 518 |
Bull-ring of Puebla, | 504 |
of Monterey, | 570 |
Burial at sea, | 550 |
Burro, el, (the donkey,) | 364 |
Burro, el, (the donkey,) | 368 |
Burro, el, (the donkey,) | 654 |
Bustamente, town, | 561 |
Butler, Rev. Mr., | 254 |
Butler, Rev. Mr., | 299 |
Butler, Rev. Mr., | 486 |
C | |
Caballero, equipment of the Mexican, | 545 |
en viage, | 546 |
Cabinet woods, | 524 |
Caboose, riding in a, | 621 |
Cacahuamilpa, cavern, | 413 |
Cacao (Theobroma cacao), its uses, | 39 |
Cacti, candelabrum, | 517 |
Mexico belongs to the botanical region of cacti. | |
Cadets, Mexican, | 360 |
Cafetal, a, | 209 |
Calabasas, station, | 645 |
Calaboose, Americans in, | 568 |
in prospect, | 587 |
Caleza, | 52 |
Caleza, | 56 |
Calendar, Mexican, | 312 |
Calle (street) del Elefante, | 86 |
Calzoneras, | 280 |
Camino, de los Muertos, | 484 |
Real, | 88 |
Campeche, | 156 |
Campo Santo, | 570 |
Candelabrum cactus, | 517 |
Cannibal Indians, | 534 |
Cansahcab, village, | 117 |
Cantaros (water-jars), | 62 |
Canto, General, | 117 |
Capote de Palma, | 440 |
Capture of Cortes, | 326 |
Caravan days, | 581 |
trains, | 582 |
Carbonera, hamlet, | 520 |
Carcel (prison), | 107 |
Cargadores (carriers), | 132 |
Carlotta, Empress, in Yucatan, | 88 |
Carmelite convent, | 367 |
Carmen, island of, | 156 |
Carnival in Yucatan, et seq. | 50 |
Cart, Mexican, | 582 |
Catherwood, Mr., | 71 |
Causeways of Mexico, | 238 |
Cave Period (Aztec MS.), | 314 |
Casa (House), Municipal, of Merida, | 3 |
del Adivino, | 66 |
de las Monjas, | 6 |
de la Viega, | 67 |
de las Tortugas, | 67 |
Gobernador, | 67 |
Gobernador, | 78 |
de las Pajaros, | 8 |
de las Palomas, | 67 |
de Piedras, Palenque, | 160 |
de Moneda (mint), | 258 |
of Chihuahua, | 617 |
Casas Grandes, valley of, | 606 |
ruins of, | 607 |
ruins of, | 628 |
Castillo, el, | 129 |
de Xochicalco, | 409 |
Cathedral, of Merida, Yucatan, | 29 |
great, of Mexico, description of interior, | 228 |
view from tower of, | 231 |
of Tula, | 475 |
of Puebla, | 500 |
of Monterey, | 567 |
of Guadalajara, | 621 |
Catorce, mines of, | 574 |
Cattle, new market for, | 586 |
Celaya, city, | 575 |
Cemetery, in Yucatan, | 130 |
neglect of the Mexican, | 265 |
American, | 267 |
Cenote (water-cave), | 62 |
fish, | 63 |
of Aké, | 92 |
of Motul, | 115 |
of Tabi, | 116 |
bird, | 116 |
Central Railway, concessions of, | 420 |
length, and subsidy, | 424 |
cities reached by, | 426 |
advance of, | 426 |
advance of, | 433 |
track completed, | 434 |
in Chihuahua, | 601 |
in Chihuahua, | 620 |
Centeotl, goddess of corn, | 294 |
Ceres Indians, | 653 |
Cerritos de la Pena, | 520 |
Cerro (hill), | 140 |
de las Campanas, | 481 |
Colorado, | 514 |
de la Campana, | 649 |
Cerro Gordo, pass of, | 189 |
Cerro Mercado, | 624 |
Chaacmol, monolith discovered in Yucatan, | 96 |
Chaacmol, monolith discovered in Yucatan, | 108 |
Chachalaka, | 132 |
Chaffee, Capt. A. R., | 638 |
Chalco, lake of, | 237 |
Chalco, lake of, | 241 |
town of, | 338 |
Champotan, town of, | 156 |
Chapala, largest lake in Mexico, estimated area 1350 sq. miles. | |
Chaparral, a word derived from chaparra, a holm-oak. | |
Chaparreros, | 546 |
Chapultepec, | 355 |
Charney, Desirée, | 110 |
Chan Santa Cruz, | 43 |
Chato, Apache chief, | 632 |
Chihuahua, the great frontier State, et seq. | 601 |
desert region of, | 605 |
Medanos of, | 605 |
city of | 607-618 |
cathedral of, | 610 |
cathedral of, | 611 |
cathedral of, | 618 |
Mail (newspaper), | 615 |
Chicharra [cicada), | 406 |
Chichen, ruined city of, | 95 |
Chichen, ruined city of, | 107 |
engravings of, | 99 |
engravings of, | 105 |
Chichimecs, | 634 |
Chilenos, | 465 |
Chili (Capsicum annuum), | 45 |
Chili (Capsicum annuum), | 399 |
Chinimpas, or floating gardens, | 335 |
Chinguerito, Indian corn brandy | |
Chipi-chipi, | 191 |
Chicjuihuite, Bridge of, | 203 |
Chiricahua Apaches, | 634 |
haunts of, | 634 |
pursued by General Crook, | 639 |
on the reservation, | 643 |
Cholula, pyramid of, | 508-511 |
village of, | 510 |
Church, Mexican, its wealth, | 499 |
Church, Mexican, its wealth, | 500 |
its present status, | 291 |
its present status, | 297 |
Church, of Santiago (Yucatan), | 52 |
first in Mexico, | 475 |
of Paso del Norte, | 593 |
interior of, | 597 |
of Chihuahua, | 611 |
of Chihuahua, | 618 |
Chupa-Mirta, myrtle-sucker, a hummingbird. | |
Cinchona, | 207 |
Cinta, la, | 336 |
Citlaltepetl, volcano of, | 177 |
City of Mexico, | 231 |
general view of, | 231 |
general view of, | 245 |
detailed description of, | 232 |
causeways of the original, | 238 |
the new, | 354 |
City of the Angels, | 501 |
City of the Pass, | 566 |
Civilizing forces, | 297 |
Climate of the valley of Mexico, | 244 |
Clay heads, of Teotihuacan | 485 |
of Mitla, | 545 |
Coal, in the Rio Grande valley, | 577 |
Coahuila, State of, | 584 |
Coatlicue, Aztec deity, | 294 |
Coatzcoalcos, province of, | 156 |
Coca (Erythroxylon coca), | 390 |
Cochineal, cactus and insect, | 529 |
Cock-pit, Monterey, | 573 |
Cocom, king of Mayapan, | 95 |
Coco palm (Cocos nucifera), | 186 |
Coffee, districts, | 205 |
exports of, | 209 |
berries, | 524 |
Cofre de Perote, | 193 |
Cogolludo, old historian, | 102 |
Colear, to throw a bull over by the tail. | |
Columbus, off coast of Yucatan, | 39 |
mistake of, | 40 |
statue of, | 351 |
French, compère, commmère. | |
Compañero, a, | 389 |
Comparison of ruined cities, | 75 |
Concessions, list of, granted to Mexican railways, | 419 |
Concessions, list of, granted to Mexican railways, | 420 |
Conchos River, | 624 |
Conducta, a, | 281 |
Conducta, a, | 576 |
Congregationalist Missions, | 298 |
Conquistadores (conquerors), | 224 |
entrance of, into Mexico, | 227 |
Convent of Tlascala, | 493 |
Copan, ruins of, | 75 |
statue from, | 169 |
Copper "axes," two types of, | 544 |
Corallitos, | 628 |
Cordova, town of, | 302 |
Cordova, H. de, discovers Mexico, | 40 |
Cornish miners, | 448 |
Corrco (mail-coach), | 151 |
Corrida de Toros (bull-fight), | 151 |
Corrida de Toros (bull-fight), | 470 |
Corridor of hacienda, | 65 |
Cortés, capture of, | 326 |
statue of, | 350 |
trail of army of, | 386 |
letters of, 386, | 387 |
letters of, 386, | 387 |
Cotoche, Cape, | 143 |
Cotton culture, | 486 |
Cow, the Mexican, | 384 |
Coyote, (Aztec coyotl,) a jackal. | |
Cozumel, island of, | 142 |
Cozumel, island of, | 143 |
Crawford, Captain of Apache scouts, | 631 |
Creoles, number of, customs, etc., | 272-279 |
Criollos (Creoles), type of, | 277 |
Crook, General, arrives on frontier, | 629 |
interview with, | 630 |
as an Indian fighter, | 637 |
hazardous expedition of, | 637 |
defence of campaign of, | 641 |
Cross, the black, | 498 |
Cross, the black, | 513 |
Cross, the black, | 380 |
Cruz del Marques, | 400 |
Crypts of Xochicalco, | 411 |
Cuautla, town of, | 442 |
Cuautitlan, town of, | 470 |
Cubas, Señor A. G., | 272 |
Cubas, Señor A. G., | 414 |
Cubas, Señor A. G., | 484 |
Cuernavaca, | 400 |
vale of, | 405 |
Cuidado (beware), | 381 |
Cuilapan, town of, | 529 |
Cuisine, economy of the Mexican, | 44 |
Cusihuiriachic, mining district of, | 619 |
Customs, table, | 134 |
duties, | 182 |
officials, polite, | 182 |
Customs of the Border Mexican, | 614 |
Cypress, of Noche Triste, | 268 |
of Chapultepec, | 355 |
D | |
Dance, the Mestiza, | 122 |
Dancing against one's will, | 123 |
Death scene, a, | 124 |
Depopulated towns, | 634 |
Denounce, to, "in the mining code of Mexico, implies that process by which a legal right of possession is obtained to a particular portion of a-vein, worked or unworked, known or unknown, which a miner chooses to select." | |
Desagüe (drain) of Huehuetoca, | 242 |
Desierto, el, | 363 |
convent of, | 367 |
bridge at, | 368 |
Devil, the, | 291 |
Diaz, Bernal, a native of Medina del Campo in Old Castile, came to the New World in 1514: historian of the conquest, | 40 |
quoted from, | 185 |
quoted from, | 238 |
Diaz, General Porfirio, Ex-President, fight of, with the French, | 516 |
Diaz de Solis, Juan, | 40 |
Diego, Juan, and his apparition, | 369 |
Diligence, Journey in a, et seq. | 396 |
the Mexican, | 396 |
south from Monterey, | 572 |
Disaster, a, | 147 |
Diviner's House, | 80 |
Dolores Hidalgo, | 575 |
Dominguillo, village of, | 518 |
Doncellas, of Jalapa, | 191 |
of Hermosillo, | 650 |
Donkey boys of Guaymas, | 655 |
Don Domingo, | 375 |
Doniphan, Col., | 608 |
Dragoon Summit, | 629 |
Drainage of Valley of Mexico, | 242 |
Drainage of Valley of Mexico, | 243 |
schemes for, | 243 |
Dumb dog, the, | 320 |
Durango, State of, | 432 |
Dutch oven of a place, | 654 |
Dwellings, of the Dead (Mitla), | 535 |
of the different zones, | 213 |
E | |
Eagle Pass, | 580 |
Eagle Pass, | 591 |
Eaton, Rev. J. D., | 617 |
Egyptian resemblances, | 98 |
Egyptian resemblances, | 102 |
Ejutla, valley of, | 511 |
Ejutla, valley of, | 523 |
Electric Light, the, | 355 |
"Elephant Trunks," at Uxmal, | 79 |
El Paso, city, | 595 |
valley, | 596 |
Embarcaderos, | 136 |
Embrace, a Mexican, | 289 |
Empeños, Los, | 283 |
Encinillas, station of, | 607 |
Engineer, the ubiquitous, | 188 |
English language, a town in which it had never been spoken, | 120 |
newspapers in, | 304 |
Escandon, Señor, | 416 |
Esperanza, station of, | 217 |
long ride to, | 547 |
Estrella de la Mar, | 177 |
Estrella, Cerro de la, | 336 |
Etla, valley of, | 520 |
Europeans, in Mexico, | 272 |
Evans, Captain, | 309 |
F | |
Fairlie engine, the, | 217 |
Farmer, a Mexican, | 407 |
Farming in Chihuahua, | 625 |
Feasts and Festivals, et seq. | 291 |
of the Aztecs, | 295 |
of the Church, | 295 |
Feather work, Aztec, | 321 |
Felipe, Don, and his cow, | 348 |
a medico, | 376 |
Ferrocarril Mexicana, | 218 |
Ferrocarriles Mexicanos, los, | 419 |
Fiebeger, Lieut. G. J., | 628 |
replies to Crook's detractors, | 640 |
Fiesta, a, | 518 |
Figures in wax, | 322 |
Figures in wax, | 326 |
Filigree work, silver, | 321 |
Fire, the new, | 337 |
Floating Gardens, | 332-336 |
Florida coast, off the, | 550 |
Florida River, | 624 |
Florida River, | 625 |
Flores, Padre, | 467 |
Flores, town of, | 168 |
Flower market, the, | 331 |
Flowers, where they come from, | 332 |
Font, ancient, in Tlascala, | 494 |
Font, ancient, in Tlascala, | 495 |
Fop, the Mexican, | 25 |
Forests of Popocatapetl, | 379 |
Fraud exposed, | 648 |
French, battle with the, | 502 |
Fresh-water springs in the ocean, | 141 |
Frijoles (beans), use of, | 45 |
From Coast to Capital, et seq. | 194 |
Frontera, port of, | 173 |
Fruit-seller of Yucatan, | 150 |
Fruits of three zones, | 213 |
Fruits of three zones, | 524 |
Funeral cars, | 265 |
G | |
Gachupin, (Aztec cac-chopina, or prickly shoes,) applied to the Spaniards, from their wearing spurs. | |
Gadsden Purchase, that part of Arizona and New Mexico south of the river Gila, obtained for the United States from Mexico for $10,000,000, December 30, 1853 area of purchase, 45,535 square miles. | |
Gallejo, station of, | 606 |
Gardens, floating, | 332-336 |
of Laborde, | 404 |
of Maximilian, | 414 |
ideal, | 487 |
Garita, a, | 47 |
Garrapatas (ticks), | 64 |
Garrapatas (ticks), | 150 |
Gatewood, Lieut., | 631 |
Gaumer, Prof. G., | 116 |
Gage, Thomas, | 339 |
Gage, Thomas, | 363 |
describes Popocatapetl, | 391 |
Galleon, the Acapulco, | 408 |
Galveston, Harrisburg, and San Antonio Railroad, | 578 |
Gambling centre, a, | 360 |
Garfield, news of death of, received in Mexico, | 505 |
Gente de razon, | 275 |
Gente de razon, | 389 |
Geographical position of Mexico City, | 244 |
Glyphs of Palenque, | 163 |
Gnomon mound, | 96 |
God, of storms, | 375 |
of the air, | 481 |
Gods and goddesses of Mexico, | 293 |
Aztec, | 294 |
Aztec, | 308 |
Gold and silver, works of, | 321 |
Golden throne, the buried, | 520 |
Gondola, the Mexican, | 333 |
Gonzalez, President, | 304 |
Good Friday, festival of, | 292 |
Gould System of Railways, | 559 |
Governor's Palace, Oaxaca, | 521 |
"Greaser," protest of the, | 586 |
Grapes of Paso del Norte, | 599 |
Grass-seller, the, | 87 |
Grijalva, Juan de, voyage of, | 358 |
Guadalajara, cathedral of, | 525 |
Guadalupe, Virgin of, | 369 |
chapel of, | 369 |
Guanajuato, city of, | 437 |
Guatemotzin, eleventh and last Aztec king, bust of, | 334 |
statue of, | 350 |
Guatemotzin mine, | 454 |
Guaxaca (Oaxaca), | 523 |
Guide, Indian, | 147 |
Guendolain, estate of, | 518 |
Grant, General, Lieutenant in Mexican war, | 396 |
visits Mexico, | 528 |
prevision of, | 616 |
Grecque (ornamentation), | 536 |
Grecque (ornamentation), | 539 |
Greenwood, Colonel, murder of, | 268 |
Grand Turkey Hunt, a, et seq. | 112 |
Gulf Stream, crossing the, | 550 |
Gringo (as applied to a language, unintelligible, gibberish), | 649 |
Gulf of California, | 657 |
Guaymas, port of, | 650 |
view of, | 651 |
fine harbor of, | 653 |
commanding situation of, | 653 |
great heat of, | 654 |
H | |
Hacendado (hacienda owner), | 61 |
Hacer el oso, | 287 |
Hacienda, of Aké, | 88 |
of Santa Anna, | 187 |
explanation of term, | 459 |
of Regla, | 459 |
of San Miguel, | 465 |
of Huehuetoca, | 470 |
the typical, | 507 |
of Saga, | 541 |
of Jaral, | 575 |
of Don Enrique Müller, | 623 |
vast, of Chihuahua, | 625 |
Haiti, or Hispaniola, | 39 |
Hammocks, the land of, | 85 |
Hand-flower, the, | 236 |
Handiwork, Mexican, | 329 |
Harte, Bret, | 408 |
Havana, return to, | 549 |
Head, gigantic, of Izamal, | 103 |
Hedges of cactus, | 516 |
Hell, the Little, | 215 |
Henequen (Sisal hemp), et seq. | 28 |
Henequen (Sisal hemp), et seq. | 82 |
exports of, | 84 |
wild, | 139 |
Hermanas (sisters), | 401 |
Hermanos (brothers), | 401 |
Hermosillo, city of, | 648 |
climate of, | 649 |
señoritas of, | 650 |
Herrera, quotations from, | 40 |
Herrera, quotations from, | 128 |
Hidalgo, patriot, where executed, | 617 |
Hieroglyphs of Uxmal, | 71 |
of Mayapan, | 97 |
of Palenque, | 160 |
of Mitla, | 538 |
Highway, old, into Mexico, | 581 |
Hispano-English, | 124 |
Hill, of the Star, | 337 |
that Smokes, | 375 |
of Flowers, | 408 |
of Bells, | 549 |
Holidays, Mexican, | 296 |
Honduras, Gulf of, | 40 |
Honey, fragrant, | 64 |
Honesty of the Yucatecos, | 155 |
Hooper, the typical speculator, | 250 |
Horseback, a trip on, | 515 |
a long ride on, | 546 |
Horse-cars, | 265 |
of Puebla, | 507 |
Horses of Cortes, first in Mexico, | 158 |
Hotel, Iturbide, | 253 |
American, | 353 |
portal, | 579 |
last, in Arizona, | 646 |
Hotel car, across Texas in a, | 554 |
House, of the Prophet, | 67 |
of the Governor, | 67 |
of the Nuns, | 67 |
of the Pigeons, | 67 |
of the Old Woman, | 67 |
of the Dwarf, | 67 |
of the Turtles, | 68 |
Huachuca, | 644 |
Huamantla, | 219 |
Huehuetoca, great canal of, | 242 |
hacienda of, | 470 |
Huejuquilla, town, | 626 |
Huitzilopochtli, | 306 |
Huitzilopochtli, | 314 |
Huitzilopochtli, | 331 |
Huitzo, town of, | 520 |
dialect spoken in, | 523 |
Humboldt in Mexico, | 257 |
on Popocatapetl, | 392 |
Huntington, C. P., | 578 |
I | |
Idols, clay, at Mitla, | 541 |
Central American, | 600 |
Immigrants, chances for, | 525 |
Incense, | 145 |
burner, | 146 |
Infernillo, El, | 215 |
Indians, when first seen, | 39 |
of Yucatan, | 43 |
indifference to death, | 124 |
number of, | 272 |
description of some, | 273-276 |
agricultural, not warlike, | 530 |
of Oaxaca, | 532 |
carriers, | 400 |
of Chihuahua, | 626 |
of Sonora, | 657 |
Inquisition, palace of the, | 261 |
Intellectual growth of Mexico, | 529 |
Intervention, the French, | 185 |
Inundation of Mexico City, | 241 |
International Railway, | 426 |
International Railway, | 580 |
International Railway, | 584 |
bridge over Rio Grande, | 584 |
International and Great Northern Railway, | 577 |
Interoceanic Railway, | 421 |
Institute of San Carlos, | 329 |
of Oaxaca, | 528 |
Invasion, the North American, | 566 |
Irrigation, benefits of, | 599 |
Isla Sacrificios, | 174 |
Iturbide, Hotel, | 253 |
Itzaes, people of Yucatan, | 95 |
Itzamal, town of, | 102 |
Itzamna, Itza hero, | 102 |
Itzli, or obsidian, | 383 |
Ixtle, the fibre of a species of agave with smaller leaves than that yielding pulque. | |
Ixtlilxochitl, learned Indian writer; a prince of Tezcoco | |
Iztaccihuatl, volcano of, | 373 |
Iztapalapa, | 238 |
J | |
Jail, a Mexican, | 627 |
Jalap, | 193 |
Jalapa, | 186 |
gardens, | 190 |
doncellas, | 191 |
Jalapenas, las, | 191 |
Jaral, hacienda of, | 575 |
Jefe politico, a, | 121 |
Jorullo, volcano of, | 372 |
Joy of the Water, | 214 |
Joya, La, valley of, | 215 |
Juarez, Benito, tomb of, | 263 |
Judas, effigies of, | 292 |
Justice, tardy, | 568 |
K | |
Kabah, ruins of, | 72 |
Kabah, ruins of, | 110 |
Katunes, or calendar stones, | 89 |
columns of the, | 92 |
Kermes (scarlet grain), | 529 |
Kickapoos, | 588 |
Kingdom of Nuevo Leon, | 562 |
King's fifth (of silver), | 450 |
Kukulkan, | 101 |
L | |
La Bord, gardens of, | 404 |
Laborers, wages of, | 473 |
Labna, ruins of, | 72 |
Las Casas, Bishop of Chiapas, | 325 |
Ladrones, | 576 |
Laguna country, | 584 |
La Encantada, | 574 |
La Joya, valley of, | 215 |
La Mitra, | 562 |
La Viga, canal of, | 333 |
Lamp, golden, | 503 |
Lampasos, | 561 |
Land, how held, | 506 |
Land, how held, | 525 |
Landa's "Relacion," | 102 |
Laredo, Presidio of, | 555 |
town of, | 556 |
climate of, | 559 |
La Silla, | 562 |
Legend, an Indian, | 66 |
Leperos, Mexican beggars, | 285 |
Le Plongeon, Doctor, | 77 |
Le Plongeon, Doctor, | 108 |
Lerma, valley of, | 446 |
Levels, relative, of lakes and Mexico City, | 241 |
Libraries, | 257 |
Libraries, | 303 |
of Puebla, | 504 |
Licor del pais, | 518 |
Licor del pais, | 587 |
Lioba (Mitla), | 535 |
Lisa, a kind of fish, | 141 |
Literature, Mexican, | 303 |
religious, | 301 |
Llanos (plains), | 195 |
Loco, Apache chief, | 632 |
Logwood forests, in the, | 126 |
Logwood forests, in the, | 136 |
Lorencillo, the pirate, | 185 |
Lorillard City, | 171 |
Los Americanos, | 615 |
Los Reyes, mine of, | 467 |
Lovemaking, Mexican, | 287 |
Lower California, | 657 |
M | |
Mackay, Lieutenant, | 638 |
Madre Pulque, | 344 |
Magdalena, Sonora, | 647 |
Magistral, mixture of copper pyrites and sulphuret of iron, roasted in a reverbatory furnace. | |
Maguey, | 341 |
Maguey, | 342 |
Maguey, | 343 |
Maize, indigenous to Mexico. | |
Malacate, | 371 |
Maltrata, vale of, | 216 |
Marñana (to-morrow), | 139 |
Marñana (to-morrow), | 309 |
Mangroves, | 141 |
Manga de Agua, | 545 |
Manuscript, Aztec, | 313 |
Manuscript, Aztec, | 316 |
Manzana (a sq. measure), | 223 |
Manzanillo, port of, | 441 |
Map, general colored, | 21 |
of Mexican Missions, | 300 |
of Railways, | 417 |
of Mexico, | 424 |
of Puebla and vicinity, | 503 |
of Apache country, | 639 |
Mapilca, ruins of, | 191 |
Maravatio City, | 441 |
Maravatio City, | 576 |
Marble, Mexican, | 504 |
Marco, a, | 457 |
Markets of Mexico City, | 327-330 |
ancient Aztec, | 327 |
of Puebla, | 504 |
of Oaxaca, | 526 |
Marina, mistress of Cortés, | 158 |
Marimba, primitive piano, in use amongst Indians of Southern Mexico, also in Africa. | |
Mariner (a bird), | 139 |
"Marquis of the Valley," the, | 398 |
"Marquis of the Valley," the, | 527 |
Martinez, Enrique, celebrated Mexican engineer, | 241 |
"Massacre in the Temple," | 325 |
Mastic (pistacia), | 136 |
Maverick, The, (newspaper,) | 580 |
Maximilian, | 356 |
Mayapan, | 97-112 |
Mayas, nation of, | 53 |
Mayas, nation of, | 55 |
a cultured race, | 92 |
genesis of the, | 94 |
language of, | 102 |
Mayoral, el, | 149 |
Mayos, Indians, | 653 |
McComas, Judge, murdered, | 630 |
his son Charley, | 630 |
McManus & Co., | 618 |
Mecate (land measure), | 82 |
Medanos, of Vera Cruz, | 174 |
of Chihuahua, | 605 |
Medico (doctor), a, | 149 |
Medico (doctor), a, | 376 |
Medino, famous Mexican miner, | 447 |
Medio (half a real). | |
Merida, capital of Yucatan, et seq. | 31 |
markets of, | 46 |
city gates of, | 47 |
inhabitants of, | 49 |
Mesa, the, of Señor Milmo, | 561 |
Mescal (native rum), | 346 |
Meson (hostelry), | 364 |
Mesquit (Aztec Mezquitl) | |
Mestiza, Mestizo, definition of term, | 43 |
ball, | 118 |
costume, | 119 |
costume, | 123 |
Mestizos, as operatives, | 84 |
number of, in Mexico, | 272 |
origin of, | 279 |
morals of, | 281 |
Metallic mush, | 449 |
Metatl, Indian corn mill. | |
Meteorological Observatory, | 235 |
Methodist Missions, | 298 |
Methodist Missions, | 301 |
Metlac, barranca of, | 210 |
Mexicalcingo, | 336 |
Mexican, a chapter on the, | 271-290 |
financier, the, | 304 |
paintings, | 324 |
paintings, | 326 |
spurs, | 592 |
the conservative, | 614 |
Mexican Railway, | 421-424 |
map of, | 424 |
Mexican Southern Railroad, | 559 |
Mexico, birdseye view of, | 194 |
transcontinental profile of, | 195 |
Michoacan, coffee of, | 209 |
Mictlan, the Mexican hades. | |
Mictlancihuatl, goddess of hell. | |
Mictlanteuctli, Aztec god of hell. | |
Milk, how sold, | 348 |
Milkman, depravity of the, | 348 |
Milpa (field), | 149 |
Mimbre, beautiful shrub of North Mexico. | |
Minerals of Coahuila, | 585 |
Miners, Mexican, | 453 |
murderous, | 468 |
Mineria, or School of Mines, | 252 |
Mines of Mexico, et seq.: | 446 |
of Pachuca, | 466 |
richest of Mexico, | 467 |
recent development of, | 467 |
of Guanajuato, | 467 |
of Sonora, | 467 |
of Zacatecas, | 467 |
Mining Laws, | 455 |
Regions, | 458 |
Mint, coinage of the, | 258 |
Miraflores, factory of, | 84 |
Misantla, ruins of, | 191 |
Missionaries, | 301 |
murder of, | 303 |
shot at, | 486 |
Mission period, | 554 |
Missions of Mexico, | 298 |
map of, | 300 |
Missouri Pacific Railroad, | 518 |
Mitla, Zapotec burial-place, | 531-542 |
ruins of, | 536 |
grand hall of, | 532 |
monoliths, | 535 |
mosaic, | 536 |
sculptures, | 539 |
Mixcoatl, goddess of hunting, | 295 |
Mixe Indians, | 534 |
Miztecs, nation of, | 520 |
Miztecs, nation of, | 529 |
Molino del Rey, | 360 |
Momotus, species of, | 116 |
Monclova, | 584 |
Money, first coinage of, in Mexico, | 342 |
Monks, Mexican, | 366 |
Monoliths of Mitla, | 535 |
Montaña de los Organos, | 447 |
Monte, Mexican cards, | 633 |
Monte Alban, | 529 |
Montejo, Francisco de, | 41 |
Monte Piedad, | 251 |
Monterey, plain of, | 562 |
city of, | 564 |
fight at, | 564 |
as a health resort, | 565 |
Montezuma, fights the Chalchese, | 338 |
his tree, | 356 |
his harem, | 357 |
his bath, | 359 |
armies of, in Oaxaca, | 529 |
"Chair of," | 606 |
Monton, a, | 457 |
Morelet, M. Arthur, | 170 |
Morelia City, | 441 |
Morgan, Hon. Mr., | 396 |
Mother of the gods, | 295 |
Motul, town of, | 115 |
cenote of, | 115 |
Mound, the nameless, | 80 |
Gnomon, | 9 |
of Dilam, | 128 |
Mozo (servant), | 464 |
Mucuyche, hacienda of, | 63 |
Mujer Blanca, La, | 374 |
Mujeres, Isla de, | 143 |
Mule teams, | 620 |
Mulegé, gold district of, | 654 |
Mulegé, gold district of, | 657 |
Müller, Don Enrique, | 608 |
hacienda of, | 621 |
Mural paintings, | 107 |
Murder, a brutal, | 568 |
Murderers in the army, | 570 |
Museo, Nacional, | 305 |
Museums, Mexican, | 305 |
Museums, Mexican, | 310 |
Musician, a strolling, | 468 |
Musicos, los, (musicians,) | 122 |
Mysterious city, | 167-170 |
Muy temprano, | 130 |
N | |
Nameless mound, | 80 |
Nana, an Apache, | 632 |
Narrow-gauge railways, | 441 |
Narrow-gauge railways, | 514 |
National Railway, | 421 |
length and subsidy, | 434 |
cities on the line, | 435 |
completed track, | 441 |
completed track, | 560 |
Naturalist, respect for a, | 512 |
Navajas, Cerro de las, | 465 |
Neutli (pulque), | 341 |
Newspapers of the Republic, | 303 |
New York to St. Louis, | 553 |
Nieve (snow), | 382 |
Night, in camp, | 135 |
in a forest, | 380 |
Nezahualcoyotl, Prince of Tezcoco, | 489 |
palace of, | 490 |
Noche triste, tree of, | 268 |
Nochistongo, canal of, | 242 |
Nogales, frontier town, | 649 |
No hay, | 364 |
Nomadic period (Aztec MS.), | 316 |
Nopal, | 529 |
Norman, Mr., | 67 |
Norman, Mr., | 107 |
Norther, a, | 548 |
North American invasion, | 586 |
Nuestra Señora, | 270 |
O | |
Oaxaca, journey to, | 515-523 |
valley of, | 525 |
resources of, | 524 |
resources of, | 527 |
marketplace of, | 526 |
Obsidian (Aztec itztli), | 318 |
mines of, | 464 |
Ocellated turkey, | 112 |
Ocellated turkey, | 150 |
Ocotl, resinous pine used for torches. | |
Octli, | 341 |
Ojos de Agua, | 466 |
Olla, a boiling-pot | |
Omecihuatl, | 319 |
Ometeuctli, | 319 |
On the way to market (view), | 399 |
Onyx, Mexican, | 503 |
Opals, richest district of, in Queretaro. | |
Opuntia, | 529 |
Oracion, | 64 |
Oranges, mule-loads of, | 534 |
Ord, General, | 181 |
Organ Mountains, | 447 |
Organo cactus, | 517 |
Organo cactus, | 529 |
Oriental Railway, | 421 |
Oriental Railway, | 559 |
Orizaba, volcano of, | 177 |
town, | 214 |
peak and crater, | 218 |
height of, | 371 |
Ornaments, Apache, | 633 |
Otomi language, | 418 |
Otumba, town, | 220 |
Outrages, Apache, | 634 |
Ozumba, view from, | 443 |
P | |
Pachuca, mines of, | 450 |
city of, | 447 |
Paintings, in the Academy, | 324 |
at Kabah, | 110 |
of Puebla, | 504 |
ancient, in Tlascala, | 492 |
Painted caves, | 591 |
Pajaros preciosos, | 132 |
Palaces, of Mexico, | 235 |
of Cortés, | 405 |
of Mitla, the wonderful, et seq. | 531 |
Palenque and the Phantom City et seq. | 155 |
plan of, | 157 |
first mention of, | 159 |
restored, | 160 |
tablet, | 163 |
sculptured fragment from, | 411 |
Palisades of Regla, | 459 |
Palmer-Sullivan concession, | 434 |
Palms of the coast, | 196 |
Palo Blanco, | 561 |
Palo tinto, | 136 |
Panteon of S. Fernando, | 263 |
Papantla, pyramid of, | 192 |
Papantzin, | 341 |
Paredones, | 541 |
Parian of Monterey, | 571 |
Parque de Ysabel, | 549 |
Parra, Felix, | 325 |
Paseo (walk, drive), | 334 |
Paseo Grande, | 349 |
de la Reforma, | 349 |
Paso del Norte, | 596 |
old church of, | 593 |
Paso del Macho, | 201 |
Patio (court), in Yucatan, | 55 |
in Mexico, | 224 |
system of reducing ore, | 462 |
Patterson, Rev. Mr., | 401 |
Patzcuaro, | 441 |
Pavo del Monte, | 137 |
Pawning an organ, | 284 |
Pawnshops, | 252 |
Paxi, | 340 |
Pay train, a, | 440 |
Pearls of Gulf of California, | 657 |
Pecos and Rio Grande Railway, | 577 |
Pecos River, | 591 |
Pedregal, | 453 |
fight of the, | 454 |
Peñas Cargadas, | 457 |
Penates, Mexican, | 319 |
Peon, Don Alvaro, | 88 |
Peon, the faithful, | 381 |
Peralta, Angela, death of, | 649 |
Perez, Don Juan, | 98 |
Perote, Cofre de, | 193 |
Perro mudo, el, | 320 |
Petate, | 394 |
Peten, forests of, | 168 |
Petahaya, or Petaya, a giant cactus, | 644 |
Picture-writing, Aztec, | 316 |
Pinzon, Spanish navigator, | 40 |
Pic (Maya word), | 118 |
Pickpockets, Mexican, | 247 |
Pico del Fraile, | 375 |
Piedras Negras, | 581 |
Pierce, Col. T. N., | 578 |
Pillar of Death, | 537 |
Pines, limit of, | 378 |
Pines, limit of, | 385 |
Pita (thread), | 342 |
Plateau, ascending the, | 215 |
on the, | 220 |
Plaza, of Vera Cruz, | 178 |
Grande, of Mexico City, | 349 |
horizontal, | 392 |
and La Mitra, the, | 563 |
of Zaragoza, | 570 |
Plazuela of Paso del Norte. | 599 |
Pleasant travelling, | 578 |
Plough, a Mexican, | 506 |
treatment of an American, | 507 |
Plumaje, | 321 |
Plumed Serpent, the, Quetzalcoatl, or Kukulcan, | 481 |
Plumed Serpent, the, Quetzalcoatl, or Kukulcan, | 508 |
Plunder, Apache, | 633 |
Pobrecito, | 130 |
Popocatapetl, et seq. | 371 |
view of, | 377 |
ascent of, | 375-390 |
peak of (views), | 384 |
peak of (views), | 393 |
cone of, | 389 |
snow-line of, | 385 |
Mexico Valley from, | 387 |
crater of (view), | 392 |
height of, | 394 |
Policy, Indian, of Mexico, | 627 |
of the United States, | 628 |
of the United States, | 633 |
Polite offer, | 148 |
Popotla, | 269 |
Population of Mexico. | 272 |
Polvo (dust), | 446 |
Port of San Bias (view), | 428 |
Portales (arcades), | 236 |
Portales (arcades), | 502 |
Portales (arcades), | 528 |
Portero, el, | 224 |
Porto Rico, allusion to, | 320 |
Pottery, Mexican, | 271 |
of Guadalajara, | 620 |
Prairie Schooner, | 592 |
Presidio del Norte, | 592 |
Presbyterian Missions, | 298 |
Prices of provisions, etc., | 505 |
Progreso, port of, | 25 |
Progreso, port of, | 549 |
and Merida railway, | 27 |
Progress of Mexico, | 302 |
Proletarians, | 283 |
Pronunciamientos, | 546 |
Protestantism in Mexico, | 254 |
Protestantism in Mexico, | 298 |
Protestantism in Mexico, | 302 |
Proyecta de Guerra, | 627 |
Publications in Mexico, | 303 |
Puebla, city of, 498, | 508 |
valley (view of), | 501 |
map of, and vicinity, | 503 |
Pueblos, | 601 |
Pueblos, | 602 |
Puente Nacional, | 187 |
Puerta de Dilam, | 148 |
Pulpit, first, in America, | 493 |
Pulque, a drink, discovery of, | 340 |
plant producing it, | 341 |
how made, | 343 |
taste and qualities, | 346 |
analysis of, | 347 |
the poet on, | 347 |
Puntas Arenas, | 142 |
Putnam, Prof. F. W., | 544 |
Pyramid at Uxmal, | 67 |
of Mayapan, | 102 |
of Papantla, | 192 |
of Xochicalco, | 410 |
of Teotihuacan, | 481 |
of the Sun, | 482 |
of the Moon, | 483 |
of Cholula, | 508-510 |
Q | |
Quarrel in camp, | 135 |
Queretaro, city of, | 479 |
Queretaro, city of, | 481 |
Quetzalcoatl, | 218 |
Quetzalcoatl, | 481 |
image of, | 508 |
Quiche, Cura of, | 169 |
R | |
Rag figures, | 322 |
Railway Movement, et seq. | 416 |
Railroads, Mexican, et seq. | 198 |
first inception, | 415 |
at the Capital (map), | 417 |
concessions, etc., | 417 |
principal Mexican, | 420 |
Mexican Oriental, | 421 |
Mexican Oriental, | 559 |
the Mexican (map), | 424 |
Central, | 424-434 |
National, | 434-441 |
Mexican method of constructing, | 443 |
system of Mexico, | 445 |
Mexican Southern, | 515 |
International, | 580 |
Rainy season, | 247 |
Ramble around the City, et seq. | 244 |
Ramon (forage), | 87 |
seller (picture), | 115 |
Rancho (camp or farm), | 133 |
Rancheros, | 281 |
Rancheros, | 583 |
Rankin, Miss, | 298 |
Rarefaction of the air, | 248 |
Rau, Professor, | 164 |
Raza Indigena, | 41 |
Raza Indigena, | 42 |
Real (plural reales), coin, value 121⁄2 cts. | |
Real del Monte mines, | 450 |
Real del Monte mines, | 457 |
Rebozo, un, | 280 |
Refresco, Yucateco, | 131 |
Regla, smelting establishment of, | 459 |
palisades of, | 460 |
Count of, | 461 |
Barranca of, | 463 |
Republics, The Two, (newspaper,) | 304 |
Respiradores, | 391 |
Revista Cientifica, | 342 |
Rickarts, Señor, | 527 |
Riley, Rev. H. C, | 299 |
Ring, a stone, | 478 |
Rio Bravo, | 595 |
Rio Escondido, | 588 |
Rio Grande, | 555 |
Rio Grande, | 559 |
Rio Grande, | 596 |
over the, | 580 |
valley of, et seq. | 577 |
Rio Hondo, | 439 |
Rio Lagartos, | 147 |
Robbers, never seen by police, | 219 |
inconsiderate, | 223 |
murderous, | 380 |
Romero, Señor, | 527 |
Roof-top, a room on a, | 222 |
Rosario mine, | 450 |
Ruined cities, of Yucatan, | 38 |
characteristics of, | 109 |
of Uxmal, | 111 |
of northern coast of Yucatan, | 146 |
groups of, in Mexico, | 323 |
in Oaxaca, | 531 |
of Mitla, | 531-542 |
mythical, of Sonora, | 647 |
S | |
Sabinas valley, | 584 |
Sacramento, hamlet, | 608 |
Sacrificial Stone, | 306 |
sculptures on the, | 307 |
history of the, | 315 |
Sacrificial Collar, | 320 |
Sagá, hacienda of, | 541 |
Sala del Muerte, | 413 |
Salmsalm, Princess, | 356 |
Salto del Agua, | 359 |
Sagrario, el, | 239 |
Salisbury, S., Jr., | 109 |
Salomon, hamlet of, | 520 |
Saltillo, | 574 |
Sanctuary, | 239 |
of the Cross, | 164 |
Sarape, | 545 |
San Angel, village, | 360 |
San Antonio, city, | 554 |
San Antonio, city, | 575 |
San Antonio, city, | 578 |
San Bias, port of, | 428 |
San Cristobal, lake of, | 241 |
San Fernando, cemetery of, | 264 |
San Gertrudis mine, | 448 |
San Hypolito, church of, | 266 |
San Jose, Chihuahua, | 606 |
San Juan de los Cues, | 517 |
San Juan del Rio, | 429 |
San Juan de Ulua, port of, | 174 |
San Lazaro, | 372 |
San Luis Potosi, city, | 574 |
San Marcos, | 218 |
San Miguel, hacienda of, | 465 |
Santa Anna, hacienda of, | 187 |
church of, | 262 |
Santa Cruz River, | 646 |
Santa Eulalia mines, | 618 |
Santa Eulalia mines, | 621 |
Santa Fé, town of, | 363 |
Santa Rosalia, town and springs of, | 624 |
Sauz, hamlet of, | 608 |
Savanas, | 197 |
Saxony process, | 468 |
School of Mines, | 252 |
Sculptured stone, | 411 |
Sculptured stone, | 543 |
Scriptures in Mexico, | 297 |
Seasons of Mexico, | 244 |
Señoritas, of Yucatan, | 52 |
their secluded lives, | 57 |
the dark-eyed, | 650 |
Sepulchres at Mitla, | 542 |
Serenos, | 286 |
Serpent, the Feathered, | 71 |
court of, | 72 |
Sewers of Mexico City, | 243 |
Shepherd, Ex-Governor, | 618 |
Short, J. T. (note), | 118 |
Sierra Mojada, | 585 |
Sierra Madres of Sonora, | 635 |
Siesta, the, | 248 |
Silver train, a, | 436 |
footpath, | 461 |
states, | 467 |
mush, | 467 |
slag of Chihuahua, | 609 |
mines of Chihuahua, | 618 |
mines of Chihuahua, | 619 |
"Skipping the border," | 587 |
Smithsonian Institution, | 164 |
Smithsonian Institution, | 340 |
Snow-line of Popocatapetl, | 386 |
Soap, abundance of, | 584 |
Socabon (tunnel), | 461 |
Society in Mexico, | 304 |
Sombreros, | 545 |
Sonora and Apache Country, et seq. | 627 |
Sonora railway, | 420 |
Sonora railway, | 653 |
river, | 648 |
Southey, lines by, | 398 |
Southern Pacific Railway, | 578 |
Spurs, Mexican, | 546 |
Squier, Mr. E. G., | 170 |
Statue, discovered in Uxmal, | 75 |
from Palenque, | 168 |
from Copan, | 169 |
Stephens, J. L., explorer, note on his travels, | 71 |
Stephens, Rev. J. L., murder of, | 299 |
Stealing ore, | 453 |
Streets of Mexico City, flooded, | 247 |
principal, | 253 |
Streets of the Dead, | 482 |
Stucco ornaments, 162, | 167 |
Sublevados, | 42 |
Sublevados, | 81 |
Sublevados, | 104 |
Subterraneo of Mitla, | 537 |
of Saga, | 541 |
Sugar-cane, | 405 |
Sulfataras, | 393 |
"Sunset Route," | 578 |
"Sunset Route," | 595 |
T | |
Tabascan Princess, the, | 158 |
Tabasco, river and province of, | 157 |
Tablet of the Cross, | 165 |
Tacuba, | 269 |
Tacubaya, town of, | 360 |
Tajo of Nochistongo, | 242 |
Tamales, | 215 |
Tampico, port of, | 57 |
Tarahumares (Indians), | 604 |
Tecalli, quarries of, | 503 |
Techichi (dumb dog), | 320 |
Techomavaca, hamlet of, | 517 |
Tecpancaltzin, | 477 |
Tehuacan, town of, | 514 |
Tehuacan, town of, | 546 |
Tehuan tepee, | 173 |
railway, | 421 |
road to, | 533 |
Telegraph lines, running, | 586 |
Temixtitlan, | 387 |
Temperature of Popocatapetl, at the snowline, | 383 |
of the crater, | 396 |
Temprano (early), | 139 |
Tender-foot in Arizona, a, | 644 |
Tepetate (a stone), | 354 |
Tepitoton, | 319 |
Teponaztli, | 319 |
Teocallis, 191, | 227 |
Teotleco, | 294 |
Teotitlandel Camino, | 516 |
valley of, | 543 |
Teotihuacan pyramids, | 481 |
Teoxihuitl, | 295 |
Teoyaomiqui, | 314 |
Terra-cotta figure, | 144 |
Terminos, Laguna of, | 156 |
Terreros, Pedro, | 416 |
Terrasus, Don Luis, | 615 |
Teteoinan, | 294 |
Tetepetongo, hill of, | 379 |
Tezcoco, lake of, | 237 |
city of, | 486 |
pyramids of, | 489 |
pyramids of, | 490 |
Tezcatlipoca, | 319 |
Texas, a ride across, | 584 |
extreme western, | 592 |
Texas Pacific railway, | 595 |
Tierra caliente, | 196 |
Tierra caliente, | 199 |
Tierra caliente, | 217 |
Tierra fria, 198, | 217 |
Tierra templada, | 197 |
Tierra templada, | 217 |
Tiger, Two-headed, | 66 |
Timax, town of, | 120-125 |
Tixpenal, village of, | 88 |
Tixkokob, village of, | 88 |
Theatre, National, | 262 |
Theatre, National, | 263 |
Theories, regarding origin of ancient cities of Yucatan, | 75 |
diverse, of antiquarians, | 110 |
Thieves, | 283 |
Thieves, | 284 |
and murderers, | 583 |
T'ho, Merida, | 49 |
Times, The, (newspaper,) | 595 |
Tlacolula, valley, | 531 |
town, | 533 |
Tlahuac, Aztec village, | 337 |
Tlaloc, | 294 |
Tlamacas, rancho of, | 382 |
Tlalmanalco, ruins of, | 490 |
Tlascala, town of, et seq. | 492 |
Tobago, island, | 407 |
Toltec, troubles of the, | 341 |
Toltec Ruins and Pyramids, et seq. | 469 |
view of, | 471 |
sculptures, | 476 |
nation, its extinction, | 477 |
Toluca, Volcan de, | 371 |
city and valley of, | 440 |
Tombstone, Arizona, | 644 |
Topo Chico, hot springs of, | 565 |
Toro, el, a native dance, | 124 |
music of, | 128 |
Tortilla, method of preparation, seller of (picture), | 44 |
Tortillas and frijoles, | 134 |
Tortillera, la, | 138 |
Track, end of International, | 586 |
Track-laying extraordinary, | 585 |
Tramways of Mexico City, | 235 |
Transcontinental profile, | 195 |
Treasures, of the Church, | 231 |
of the Aztecs, | 321 |
buried, at Mitla, | 537 |
Tropics, nights in the, | 81 |
vegetation of the, | 197 |
Trowbridge, Dr., | 179 |
Tsilam Oilam), port of, | 127 |
Tucson, Arizona, | 641 |
Tucson, Arizona, | 644 |
Tula, town of, | 94 |
Tula, town of, | 474 |
cathedral of, | 475 |
ruins of, | 476 |
Tula, valley of (view), | 431 |
Tule (bulrush), town of, | 533 |
great tree of, | 533 |
Tulum, ruins of, | 103 |
Tulum, ruins of, | 147 |
Turkey Hunt, a Grand, et seq. | 112 |
Turkey, the ocellated, | 112 |
Turkey, the ocellated, | 150 |
Tutul Xius, the, | 95 |
Tzintzuntzan, | 441 |
U | |
Uayalceh, hacienda of, | 61 |
Uipil, garment of Yucatan, | 28 |
Uipil, garment of Yucatan, | 118 |
Unexplored region, | 167 |
Usumacinta River, | 162 |
Usumacinta River, | 170 |
Uxmal, ruins of, et seq. | 58 |
V | |
Valenciana mine, | 466 |
Valladolid, city of, | 42 |
Valladolid, city of, | 104 |
Valley of Mexico, view of, | 237 |
glance at the, | 398 |
Valley, the triple, | 523 |
Vamonos, | 123 |
Vanilla, | 190 |
Vase in Mexican Museum, | 319 |
Vegetation, of tierra caliente, | 197 |
of tierra templada, | 197 |
of tierra fria, | 198 |
limit of, | 385 |
Vender of holy relics, | 278 |
Venice of the western world, | 333 |
Vera Cruz, city of, et seq. | 173 |
engraving of, | 175 |
yellow fever in, | 178 |
State of, | 186 |
return of author to, | 548 |
Viejo, el, | 148 |
Villaldama, town, | 561 |
Virgin, of Remedies, | 270 |
Virgin, of Remedies, | 370 |
of Guadalupe, | 369 |
Volan, | 61 |
journey in a, | 112 |
figure of a, | 113 |
Volante, | 52 |
Volante, | 56 |
Volcanero, el, | 375 |
Volcano, Popocatapetl, et seq. | 371 |
Orizaba, | 117 |
Orizaba, | 218 |
Orizaba, | 371 |
Jorullo, | 372 |
Volcanoes, principal Mexican, | 395 |
from Mexican valley, | 387 |
Vomito, | 180 |
in Vera Cruz, | 181 |
in Cordonva, | 548 |
Vultures of Vera Cruz, | 177 |
W | |
Wages of Mexican miners, | 454 |
Waldeck, explorer, | 68 |
Ward, Mr., | 343 |
Warrior, an Apache, | 635 |
"Water wheat," | 339 |
Water-works of Guaymas, | 654 |
Willcox, Arizona, | 629 |
Wines of Paso del Norte, | 599 |
Wooden-wheel carts, | 582 |
Wooden-wheel carts, | 583 |
X | |
Xaltocan, lake of, | 241 |
Xibalba, | 94 |
Xico, island of, | 337 |
Xipe, | 294 |
Xochicalco, hill and castle of, | 408-412 |
Xochimilco, | 237 |
Xochimilco, | 241 |
Xochimilco, | 335 |
Xochitl, Toltec princess, | 341 |
hamlet of, | 409 |
Y | |
Yaquis Indians, | 653 |
Yucatan, approach to, | 25 |
State and government of, | 35 |
newspapers of, | 35 |
cities, towns, etc., of, | 38 |
conquest of, | 41 |
inhabitants of, | 57 |
north coast of, et seq. | 127 |
railways of, | 421 |
adieu to, | 549 |
Z | |
Zaachila, town of, | 529 |
Zapotec Indians, | 520 |
Zapotec Indians, | 529 |
customs of, | 534 |
burial-places, | 538 |
fortress, | 542 |
battles, | 543 |
Zela, Don Domingo, | 375 |
Zocalo, el, | 232 |
Zones, different, | 195-198 |
Zopilote, a dance, | 124 |
a vulture, | 177 |
Zubiran, Don Juan, | 615 |
Zumarraga, Bishop, | 369 |
Zumpango, lake, | 241 |
University Press: John Wilson & Son, Cambridge.