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Treaty of Lisbon/Article 1 - Treaty on European Union/Article 13

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29) Article 13 shall be amended as follows:

(a) in paragraph 1, the words ‘define the principles of and general guidelines for’ shall be replaced by ‘identify the Union's strategic interests, determine the objectives of and define general guidelines for’ and the following sentence shall be added: ‘It shall adopt the necessary decisions.’. The following subparagraph shall be inserted: ‘If international developments so require, the President of the European Council shall convene an extraordinary meeting of the European Council in order to define the strategic lines of the Union's policy in the face of such developments.’;

(b) paragraph 2 shall be deleted and paragraph 3 shall be renumbered 2. The first subparagraph shall be replaced by the following: ‘The Council shall frame the common foreign and security policy and take the decisions necessary for defining and implementing it on the basis of the general guidelines and strategic lines defined by the European Council.’ The second subparagraph shall be deleted. In the third subparagraph, which shall become the second, the words ‘shall ensure’ shall be replaced by ‘and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy shall ensure’;

(c) the following new paragraph shall be inserted:

‘3. The common foreign and security policy shall be put into effect by the High Representative and by the Member States, using national and Union resources.’.

30) The following new Article 13a shall be inserted:

‘Article 13a

1. The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, who shall chair the Foreign Affairs Council, shall contribute through his proposals towards the preparation of the common foreign and security policy and shall ensure implementation of the decisions adopted by the European Council and the Council.

2. The High Representative shall represent the Union for matters relating to the common foreign and security policy. He shall conduct political dialogue with third parties on the Union's behalf and shall express the Union's position in international organisations and at international conferences.

3. In fulfilling his mandate, the High Representative shall be assisted by a European External Action Service. This service shall work in cooperation with the diplomatic services of the Member States and shall comprise officials from relevant departments of the General Secretariat of the Council and of the Commission as well as staff seconded from national diplomatic services of the Member States. The organisation and functioning of the European External Action Service shall be established by a decision of the Council. The Council shall act on a proposal from the High Representative after consulting the European Parliament and after obtaining the consent of the Commission.’.