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Treaty of Trianon/Part 2

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Treaty of Trianon (1920)
the Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary
Part II. Frontiers of Hungary
80497Treaty of Trianon — Part II. Frontiers of Hungary1920the Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary

Part II.

Frontiers of Hungary.

Article 27.

The frontiers of Hungary shall be fixed as follows (see annexed Map):

1. With Austria:

From the point common to the three frontiers of Austria, Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia, this point to be selected on the ground about 1 kilometre west of Antonienhof (east of Kittsee), southwards to point 115 situated about 8 kilometres south-west of St. Johann,

a line to be fixed on the ground, leaving entirely in Hungarian territory the Karlburg-Csorna railway and passing west of Kr. Jahrndorf and Wüst-Sommerein, and east of Kittsee, D. Jahrndorf, Nickelsdorf and Andau;

thence westwards to a point to be selected on the southern shore of Neusiedler See between Holling and Hidegseg,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing south of Pamhagen, leaving in Hungarian territory the entire Einser canal as well as the branch railway running north-westwards from the station of Mexiko, and then crossing Neusiedler See keeping to the south of the island containing point 117;

thence southwards to point 265 (Kamenje) about 2 kilometres south-east of Nikitsch,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing east of Zinkendorf and Nikitsch and west of Nemet Pereszteg and Kövesd;

thence south-westwards to point 883 (Trott Kö) about 9 kilometres south-west of Köszeg,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing south-east of Locsmand, Olmod and Liebing, and north-west of Köszeg and the road from Köszeg to Salamonfa;

thence southwards to point 234 about 7 kilometres north-north-east of Pinkamindszent,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing east of Rohoncz and Nagynarda and west of Butsching and Dozmat, then through points 273, 260 and 241;

thence in a general south-westerly direction to point 353 about 6 kilometres north-north-east of Szt Gotthard,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing between Nagysaroslak and Pinkamindszent, then south of Karacsfa, Nemetbükkös and Zsamand and through point 323 (Hochkogel);

thence south-westwards to a point to be selected on the watershed between the basins of the Raba (Raab) and the Mur about 2 kilometres east of Toka, this point being the point common to the three frontiers of Austria, Hungary and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing east of Rabakeresztur, Nemetlak and Nagyfalva, west of the Radkersburg-Szt Gotthard road and through point 353 (Janke B.).

2. With the Serb-Croat-Slovene State:

From the point defined above in an easterly direction to point 313 about 10 kilometres south of Szt Gotthard,

a line to be fixed on the ground following generally the watershed between the basins of the Raba on the north and of the Mur on the south;

thence in a southerly direction to point 295 about 16 kilometres north-east of Muraszombat,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing east of Nagydolany, Orihodos with its railway station, Kapornak, Domonkosfa and Kisszerdahely, and west of Kotormany and Szomorocz, and through points 319 and 291;

thence in a south-easterly direction to point 209 about 3 kilometres west of Nemesnep,

a line to be fixed on the ground following generally the watershed between the Nemesnepi on the north and the Kebele on the south;

thence in a south-south-easterly direction to a point to be chosen on the Lendva south of point 265,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing to the east of Kebeleszentmarton, Zsitköcz, Gönterhaza, Hidveg, Csente, Pincze and to the west of Lendva-jakabfa, Bödehaza, Gaborjanhaza, Dedes, Lendva-Ujfalu;

thence in a south-easterly direction,

the course of the Lendva downstream;

then the course of the Mur downstream;

then to its junction with the old boundary between Hungary and Croatia-Slavonia, about 11/2 kilometres above the Gyekenyes–Koproncza railway bridge,

the course of the Drau (Drave) downstream;

thence south-eastwards to a point to be chosen about 9 kilometres east of Miholjacdolnji,

the old administrative boundary between Hungary and Croatia- Slavonia, modified, however, so as to leave the Gyekenyes–Barcs railway, together with the station of Gola, entirely in Hungarian territory;

thence in an easterly direction to point 93 about 3 kilometres south-west of Baranyavar,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing north of Torjancz, Löcs and Benge and south of Kassad, Beremend with its railway station and Illocska;

thence in a north-easterly direction to a point to be chosen in the course of the Danube about 8 kilometres north of point 169 (Kisköszeg),

a line to be fixed on the ground passing to the west of Baranyavar, Föherczeglak (leaving to the Serb-Croat-Slovene State the railway joining these two places at the junction immediately to the north of Baranyavar) and Dalyok, and to the east of Ivan-Darda, Sarok, Udvar and Izabellaföld (with its railway);

thence east-north-eastwards to a point in the course of the Kigyos about 3 kilometres east-south-east of Bacsmadaras Station,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing between Herczegszanto and Bereg, and then approximately following the course of the Kigyos, but curving to the north of Rigyicza;

thence east-north-eastwards to a point to be selected on the backwater of the Tisza (Theiss) about 51/2 kilometres east-north-east of Horgos Station,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing south of Kun-Baja, cutting the Szabadka–Bácsalmás railway about 11/2 kilometres east of Csikeria Station, cutting the Szabadka–Kiskunhalas railway about 3 kilometres south of Kelebia Station, and passing north of Horgos and its station, and south of Röszkeszentmihalytelek;

thence in a south-easterly direction to the Tisza,

the median line of the backwater;

thence to a point to be selected about 5 kilometres upstream,

the course of the Tisza;

thence in a general easterly direction to a point to be selected on the ground about 4 kilometres south-west of Kiszombor Station, approximately east-south-east of point 84 and south-south-west of point 83, this point being the point common to the three frontiers of Roumania, Hungary, and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing between Gyala and Oszentivan and between Obeb and Kübekhaza.

3. With Roumania:

From the point defined above east-north-eastwards to a point to be selected on the Maros about 31/2 kilometres upstream from the railway bridge between Mako and Szeged,

a line to be fixed on the ground;

thence south-eastwards, and then north-eastwards to a point to be selected about 1 kilometre south of Nagylak station,

the course of the river Maros upstream;

thence north-eastwards to the salient of the administrative boundary between the comitats of Csanad and Arad north-north-west of Nemetpereg,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing between Nagylak and the railway station;

thence east-north-eastwards to a point to be selected on the ground between Battonya and Tornya,

this administrative boundary, passing north of Nemetpereg and Kispereg;

thence to point 123 (about 1.2 kilometres east of Magosliget), the point common to the three frontiers of Hungary, Roumania and Czecho-Slovakia (Ruthenian territory),

a line to be fixed on the ground passing west of Nagyvarjas, Kisvarjas and Nagyiratos, east of Dombegyhaz, Kevermes and Elek, west of Ottlaka, Nagy-Pel, Gyula-Varsand, Ant and Illye, east of Gyula, Gyula-Vari and Kötegyan, cutting the Nagyszalonta–Gyula railway about 12 kilometres south-west of Nagyszalonta and between the two bifurcations formed by the crossing of this line and the Szeghalom–Erdögyarak railway; passing east of Mehkerek, west of Nagyszalonta and Marczihaza, east of Geszt, west of Atyas, Olah-Szt-Miklos and Rojt, east of Ugra and Harsany, west of Körösszeg and Körös-Tarjan, east of Szakal and Berek-Böszörmeny, west of Bors, east of Artand, west of Nagy-Szanto, east of Nagy-Kereki, west of Pelbarthida and Bihardioszeg, east of Kis-Marja, west of Csokaly, east of Nagyleta and Almosd, west of Er-Selind, east of Bagamer, west of Er-Kenez and Ermihalyfalva, east of Szt-György-Abrany and Peneszlek, west of Szaniszlo, Bere-Csomaköz, Feny, Csanalos, Börvely and Domahida, east of Vallaj, west of Csenger-Bagos and Ovari, east of Csenger-Ujfalu, west of Dara, east of Csenger and Komlod-Totfalu, west of Pete, east of Nagy-Gecz, west of Szaraz-Berek, east of Mehtelek, Garbolcz and Nagy-Hodos, west of Fertös-Almas, east of Kis-Hodos, west of Nagy-Palad, east of Kis-Palad and Magosliget.

4. With Czecho-Slovakia:

From point 123 described above north-westwards to a point to be selected on the course of the Batar about 1 kilometre east of Magosliget,

a line to be fixed on the ground;

thence the course of the Batar downstream;

then to a point to be selected on it below Badalo and near this village,

the course of the Tisza downstream;

thence north-north-westwards to a point to be selected on the ground north-east of Darocz,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving in the Ruthenian territory of Czecho-Slovakia Badalo, Csoma, Macsola, Asztely and Deda, and in Hungarian territory Bereg-Surany and Darocz;

thence north-westwards to the confluence of the Fekete-Viz and the Csaronda,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing through point 179, leaving in Ruthenian territory Mezö Kaszony, Lonyay Tn., Degenfeld Tn., Hetyen, Horvathi Tn., Komjathy Tn., and in Hungarian territory Kerek Gorond Tn., Berki Tn. and Barabas;

thence to a point to be selected in its course above the administrative boundary between the comitats of Szabolcs and Bereg,

the course of the Csaronda downstream;

thence westwards to the point where the above-mentioned boundary coming from the right bank cuts the course of the Tisza,

a line to be fixed on the ground;

thence to a point to be selected on the ground east-south-east of Tarkany,

the course of the Tisza downstream;

thence approximately westwards to a point in the Ronyva about 3.7 kilometres north of the bridge between the town and the station of Satoralja-Ujhely,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving to Czecho-Slovakia Tarkany, Perbenyik, Orös, Kis-Kövesd, Bodrog-Szerdahely, Bodrog-Szog, and Borsi, and to Hungary Damoc, Laca, Rozvagy, Pacin, Karos, Felsö-Berecki, crossing the Bodrog and cutting the railway triangle south-east of Satoralja-Ujhely, passing east of this town so as to leave the Kassa–Csap railway entirely in Czecho-Slovak territory;

thence to a point near point 125 about 11/2 kilometres south of Alsomihalyi,

the course of the Ronyva upstream;

thence north-westwards to a point on the Hernad opposite point 167 on the right bank south-west of Abaujnadasd,

a line to be fixed on the ground following approximately the watershed between the basins of the Ronyva on the east and the Bozsva on the west, but passing about 2 kilometres east of Pusztafalu, turning south-westwards at point 896, cutting at point 424 the Kassa–Satoralja road and passing south of Abaujnadasd;

thence to a point to be selected on the ground about 1½ kilometres south-west of Abaujvar,

the course of the Hernad downstream;

thence westwards to point 330 about 11/2 kilometres south-south-west of Pereny,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving to Czecho-Slovakia the villages of Miglecznemeti and Pereny, and to Hungary the village of Tornyosnemeti;

thence westwards to point 291 about 31/2 kilometres south-east of Janok,

the watershed between the basins of the Bodva on the north and the Rakacza on the south, but leaving in Hungarian territory the road on the crest south-east of Buzita;

thence west-north-westwards to point 431 about 3 kilometres south-west of Torna,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving to Czecho-Slovakia Janok, Tornahorvati and Bodvavendegi, and to Hungary Tornaszentjakab and Hidvegardo;

thence south-westwards to point 365 about 12 kilometres south-south-east of Pelsöcz,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing through points 601, 381 (on the Rozsnyo–Edeleny road), 557 and 502;

thence south-south-westwards to point 305 about 7 kilometres north-west of Putnok,

the watershed between the basins of the Sajo on the west and the Szuha and Kelemeri on the east;

thence south-south-westwards to point 278 south of the confluence of the Sajo and the Rima,

a line to be fixed on the ground, leaving Banreve station to Hungary while permitting, if required, the construction in Czecho-Slovak territory of a connection between the Pelsöcz and Losoncz railway lines;

thence south-westwards to point 485 about 10 kilometres east-north-east of Salgotarjan,

a line to be fixed on the ground following approximately the watershed between the basins of the Rima to the north and the Hangony and Tarna rivers to the south;

thence west-north-westwards to point 727,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving to Hungary the villages and mines of Zagyva-Rona and Salgo, and passing south of Somos-Ujfalu station;

thence north-westwards to point 391 about 7 kilometres east of Litke,

a line following approximately the crest bounding on the north-east the basin of the Dobroda and passing through point 446;

thence north-westwards to a point to be selected on the course of the Eipel (Ipoly) about 1½ kilometres north-east of Tarnocz,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing through point 312 and between Tarnocz and Kalonda;

thence south-westwards to a point to be selected in the bend of the Eipel about 1 kilometre south of Tesmag,

the course of the Eipel downstream;

thence westwards to a point to be selected on the course of the Eipel about 1 kilometre west of Tesa,

a line to be fixed on the ground so as to pass south of the station of Ipolysag and to leave entirely in Czecho-Slovak territory the railway from Ipolysag to Csata together with the branch line to Korpona (Karpfen), but leaving Bernecze and Tesa to Hungary;

thence southwards to its confluence with the Danube,

the course of the Eipel downstream;

thence to a point to be selected about 2 kilometres east of Antonienhof (east of Kittsee),

the principal channel of navigation of the Danube upstream;

thence westwards to a point to be selected on the ground about 1 kilometre west of Antonienhof (east of Kittsee), this point being the point common to the three frontiers of Austria, Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia,

a line to be fixed on the ground.

Article 28.

The frontiers described by the present Treaty are traced, for such parts as are defined, on the one in a million map attached to the present Treaty. In case of differences between the text and the map, the text will prevail.

Article 29.

Boundary Commissions, whose composition is or will be fixed in the present Treaty or in any other Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the, or any, interested States, will have to trace these frontiers on the ground.

They shall have the power, not only of fixing those portions which are defined as “a line to be fixed on the ground,” but also, where a request to that effect is made by one of the States concerned, and the Commission is satisfied that it is desirable to do so, of revising portions defined by administrative boundaries; this shall not however apply in the case of international frontiers existing in August, 1914, where the task of the Commission will confine itself to the re-establishment of sign-posts and boundary-marks. They shall endeavour in both cases to follow as nearly as possible the descriptions given in the Treaties, taking into account as far as possible administrative boundaries and local economic interests.

The decisions of the Commissions will be taken by a majority, and shall be binding on the parties concerned.

The expenses of the Boundary Commissions will be borne in equal shares by the two States concerned.

Article 30.

In so far as frontiers defined by a waterway are concerned, the phrases “course” or “channel” used in the descriptions of the present Treaty signify, as regards non-navigable rivers, the median line of the waterway or of its principal branch, and, as regards navigable rivers, the median line of the principal channel of navigation. It will rest with the Boundary Commissions provided for by the present Treaty to specify whether the frontier line shall follow any changes of the course or channel which may take place, or whether it shall be definitely fixed by the position of the course or channel at the time when the present Treaty comes into force.

Article 31.

The various States interested undertake to furnish to the Commissions all documents necessary for their tasks, especially authentic copies of agreements fixing existing or old frontiers, all large scale maps in existence, geodetic data, surveys completed but unpublished, and information concerning the changes of frontier watercourses.

They also undertake to instruct the local authorities to communicate to the Commissions all documents, especially plans, cadastral and land books, and to furnish on demand all details regarding property, existing economic conditions, and other necessary information.

Article 32.

The various States interested undertake to give every assistance to the Boundary Commissions, whether directly or through local authorities, in everything that concerns transport, accommodation, labour, material (sign-posts, boundary pillars) necessary for the accomplishment of their mission.

Article 33.

The various States interested undertake to safeguard the trigonometrical points, signals, posts or frontier marks erected by the Commission.

Article 34.

The pillars will be placed so as to be intervisible; they will be numbered, and their position and their number will be noted on a cartographic document.

Article 35.

The protocols defining the boundary and the maps and documents attached thereto will be made out in triplicate, of which two copies will be forwarded to the Governments of the limitrophe States and the third to the Government of the French Republic, which will deliver authentic copies to the Powers who sign the present Treaty.