Tristram of Lyonesse and Other Poems/Catalogue

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3532516Tristram of Lyonesse and Other Poems — Chatto & Windus's List of Books, May 1882Algernon Charles Swinburne


For NOVELS, see pp. 18-24.

OUIDA'S NEW WORK,—Small 4to, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d.



Crown 8vo, Coloured Frontispiece and Illustrations, cloth gilt, 7s. 6d.

Advertising, A History of,

From the Earliest 'Times. Illustrated by Anecdotes, Curious Specimens, and Notices of Successful Advertisers. By Henry SAMPSON.

Allen (Grant), Works by:

The Evolutionist at Large. By GRANT ALLEN. Crown 8yvo, cloth extra, 6s.

a from Nature. By GRANT ALLEN. Crown &vo, cloth extra, 6s.

"One of the best specimens of popular scientific exposition that we have ever had the good fortune to fail in with."—Leeds Mercury.

Crown &vo, cloth extra, with 639 Illustrations, 7s. 6d.

Architectural Styles, A Handbook of.

From the German of A, ROSENGARTEN, by W. Collet-Sandars.

Crown 8vo, with Portrait and Facsimile, cloth extra, 7s, 64.

Artemus Ward's Works:


Ashton (John), Works by:

A History of the Chap-Books of the Eighteenth Century. By Joun Asaton., With nearly 4oo Illustrations, engraved in facsimile of the originals. Crown Svo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d.

Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne. Taken from Original Sources, Joun Astron. With nearly One Hundred Iilustrations. Two Vols., demy Svo, cloth extra, 28s, [In preparation, Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. 6d, Bonaire A Handbook of London;

With some Account of their Predecessors, the early Goldsmiths; together with Lists of Bankers from 1677. By F.G. HILTON PRICE.

Bardsley (Rev. C. W.), Works by: Surnames: Their Sources and Significations: By the Rev. W. Barpstey, M.A, Crown Svo, cloth extra, 73. Gd. Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature, By the Rey, C, W. BarpsLEY, M.A. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 7+. 6d.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, Illustrated, 7s. 6d.

Bartholomew Fair, Memoirs of. By HENRY MORLEY, New Edition, with One Hundred Illustrations.

= Imperial gto, cloth extra, gilt and gilt edges, 2ts. per volume,

Beautiful Pictures by British Artists: A Gathering of Favourites from our Picture Galleries, In Two Series, The First Serres including Examples by WILKIE, CONSTABLE, TURNER, MULREADY, LANDSEER, MACLISE, E. M. WARD, FRITH, Sir Jouy Gttpert, LesLiz, ANSDELL, MARCUS STONE, Sit NoRL PATON, FAED, EyrE CRoWE, GAVIN O'Nait, and Mapox Brown, The SECOND SERIES containing Pictures 2 ARMYTAGE, FaEpD, GOODALL, HEMSLEY, HORSLEY, MARKS, NICHOLLS, Sir NOEL PATON, PICKERSGILI., G, SMITH, Marcus STONE, SOLOMON, STRAIGHT, E, M. WARD, and WARREN. All engraved on Steel in the highest style of Art. Edited, with Notices of the Artists, by SYDNEY ARMYTAGE, M.A. "This book is well zot up, and en, 's by Feens, Lumb Stocks, and others, bring back to us Royat'a caine et eMbaions of past ue years."—Timns,: Small 4to, green and gold, 6s.6d.; gilt edges, 7s. 6d.

Bechstein's As Pretty as Seven, And other German Stories, Collected by Lupwic BECHSTEIN. wi Aree Tales by the Brothers GRIMM, and 100 Illustrations t .

One Shilling Monthly, Illustrated.

Belgravia for 1882. A New Serial Story, entitled * All Sorts and Conditions of Men," by Besant and 'cE, Authors of ' Ready-Money Mortiboy," Illustrated by Frep. Barnarp, was begun in the JANUARY Number of BELGRAVIA; which Number pacinanl's nee the First Chapters of a New Novel, entitled " The Admirals ard," by Mrs. ALEXANDER, Author of "The Wooing o "ty " &c.; the ine portion of a Comedy by Ourpa, entitled " ' and a Story by WILKIE COLLINS, pe titled "How I Marri Him, ** In this Number also appeared the Virst of a Series of Twelve Papers, by Mrs, MAcQuoip, entitled " About Yorkshire," IMlustrated by Tuomas R. Macguorp.

  • ,* Ths FORTY-SIXTH Volume of BELGRAVIA, elegantly bound in crimson cloth, full gilt side and back, gilt edges, price 5, Gd., is now ready,—Handsome Cases for binding volumes can be had at 23, each, Demy 8vo, Illustrated, uniform in size for binding.

Blackburn's (Henry) Art Handbooks:

Academy Notes, 1875. With 4o Illustrations. 1s.

Academy Notes, 1876. With 107 Illustrations. ts.

Academy Notes, 1877. With 143 Illustrations, 15.

Academy Notes, 1878. With 150 Illustrations. 15,

Academy Notes, 1879. With 146 Illustrations. 15,

Academy Notes, 1880, With 126 Illustrations. 1s.

Academy Notes, 1881. With 124 Illustrations, 1s.

Academy Notes, 1862. With nearly 140 Illustrations. 1.

Grosvenor Notes, 1878. With 68 Illustrations. 1s.

Grosvenor Notes, 1879, With 6o Illustrations. ts.

Grosvenor Notes, 1880, With 56 Illustrations. rs,

Grosvenor Notes, 1881, With 74 Illustrations, 1s,

Grosvenor Notes, 1882. With numerous Illustrations. 1s.

Pictures at the Paris Exhibition, 1878. 8 Illustrations. ts,

Pictures at South Kensington. With 7o Illustrations. rs.

The English Pictures at the National Gallery. 114 Illusts. 1s,

The Old Masters at the National Gallery, 128 illusts. 15. Gd.

Academy Notes,1875-79, Complete in One Volume, with nearly 6co Illustrations in Facsimile. Dewy 8vo, cloth limp, 6s,

A Guragiate Illustrated Catalogue to the National Gallery. With Notes by H. Biackuurn, and 242 lusts. Demy &vo, cloth limp, 33,


Royal Scottish Academy Notes, 1878. 117 MWlustrations. 1s. Royal Scottish Academy Notes, 1879. 125 Illustrations. 15. Royal Scottish Academy Notes, 1860. 114 Illustrations. 15, Royal Scottish Academy Notes, 1881. ro¥ Mlustrations. 15. Royal Scottish Academy Notes, 1882. 114 Illustrations. ts. Glasgow Institute of Pine Arts Notes, 1878. 95 Illusts. is. Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts Notes,1879. 100 Illusts. 1s, Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts Notes,1880. 120 Iilusts, 1s, Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts Notes, 1661. 108 Tilusts. rs. Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts Notes, 1882. 102 Illusts. 1s. Walker Art Gallery Notes, Liverpool, 1878. rz Illusts. 15. Walker Art Gallery Notes, Liverpool, 1879. 1:00 IMusts. 1s Walker Art Gallery Notes, Liverpool, 1880. 100 Illusts. 1s Royal Manchester Institution Notes, 1878. 88 Illustrations, 1s. Society of Artists Notes, Birmingham, 1878. 95 Illusts. 1s. Children of the Great City. By F. W. Lawson, ts,

Folio, half-bound boards, India Proofs, 21s.

Blake (William):

Etchings from his Works, By W.8.Sccrr. With descriptive Text, Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 7s, 6d.

Boccaccio's Decameron; or, Ten Days' Entertainment. Translated into English, with an Introduction by THOMAS WRIGHT, Esq., M.A,, F.S.A. With Portrait, and STOTHARD'S beautlfal Copperplates,

Bowers' (G.) Hunting Sketches:

Canters in Crampshire. By G. Bowers, I. Gallops frori Gorseporound Il. Scrambles with Scratch Packs. III. Studies with Stag Hounds, Oblong 4to, balf-bound boards, 215.

Leaves from a Hunting Journal, By G. Bowers. Coloured in facsimile of the originals. Oblong 4to, bal id, ats.

Crown &vo, cloth extra gilt, with numerous Illustrations, '7s. Gd.

Brand's Observations on Popular Antiquities,

chiefly Illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions. With the Additions of Sir HENRY ELLts,

Bret Harte, Works by:; Bret Harte's Collected Works, Arranged and Revised by the Author. Complete in Five Vols.,crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. each. Vol. 1, Comrrers Portican ato DaAwatic Works. With Steel Plate Portrait, and an Introduction by the Author.

Vol. Il, Haaren Parees —Leuck or Roagino Camp, and other Sketches —Bonemian PApERs—Spanisi and Ameaican Lecexns,

Vol. II], Tanes of THE AnconauTs—Easrern Seetcnes. Vol. IV. Gasaint Conroy. Vol. V. Srormes—Conpensep Nove ts, &c.

The Select Works of Bret Harte, in Prose and Poetry. With Introductory Essay by J. M. Betcew, Portrait of the Author, and 50 Tilustrations. Crown Svo, cloth extra, 7s. Gi.

An Helress of Red Dog, and other Stories. By Bret HARrTE. Post 8vo, illustrated 5,25.; cloth limp, 2s, 6d.

The Twins of Table Mountain. By Bret HARTE. Feap. Svo, picture cover, 1s.; crown §$vo, cloth extra, 55. 6d.

The Luck of Roaring Camp, and other Sketches. By BRET Hants. Post Svo, illustrated boards, 2s.

Jeff Briggs's Love Story. By Barer Harre. Feap. 8vo, pictare cover, 15,; cloth extra, 2s. 6d.

Brewster (Sir David), Works by: More Worlds than One: The Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian. By Sir Davip Brewster. With Plates. Post Svo, cloth extra, 45. 6d, a of Science: Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and seer. an Sir Davip Brewster. With Portraits. Post 8vo, cloth extra, 4%, 6d.

A HANDSOME GIFT-BOOK.—Small 4to, cloth extra, 6s,

Brushwood: Poems,

By T. BucHANAN READ, Illustrated from Designs by FREDERICK DIELMAN. Buchanan's (Robert) Poetical Works: of Life, Love, and | The Book of Orm. ee Srown fv, lo Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. RTHUR Crown extra, 62, Containing. in addition 0 nine " 'HE; - i. Weanwe or Snow 'Magueae," | St. Abe and his Seven Wives: "Pyit Bioop's Leap," and "Fra | A Tale of Salt Lake City, With a Giacomo." Front A. B, Hoveurton.

Crown Syo, elot extra, 55, Selected Poems of Robert Buchanap. With a Fron jece, by White Rose and Red:

Tuomas Datzisy. Crown Bvo, ene: Story. Crown fvo, cicth

extra, 6s. pd *,° See also Novels, pp. 19, 20. = THE STOTHARD BUNYAN.—Crown 8yo, cloth extra, gilt, 75. 64. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Edited by Rev. T. Scorr. With 17 beautiful Steel Plates by SrorHARD, engraved by GOODALL; and numerous Woodcuts.

Demy Svo, cloth extra, 75. 6d.

Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.

A New Edition, complete, corrected and enriched by Translations of the Classical Extracts.

  • ,* Aiso an Abridgment in " The Mayfair Library," wnder the title " Melancholy Anatomised," post 8vo0, cloth limp, 2s. 6d.

Crown avo, cloth extra, gilt, with [lustrations, 75. 6d,

Byron's Letters and Journals.

With Notices of his Life. By THomasS Moore, A Reprint of the Original Edition, newly revised, with Twelve full-page Plates.

Demy 8vo, cloth extra, 145. Campbell.—White and Black: Travels in the United States. By Sir GEORGE CAMPBELL, M.P. _ Demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Iustrations, 7s. 6d.

Caravan Route (The) between Egypt and

Syria. By His Imperialand Royal Highness the ARCHDUKE LupwiIG SALVATOR of AUSTRIA. With 23 full-page Illustrations by the Author.

New and revised Edition, post Svo, cloth extra, Illustrated, ts. 6d. Carlyle (Thomas) On the Choice of Books. With a Life of the Author by R. H. SHEPHERD. Crown &vo, cloth extra, 75. 6d. Century (A) of Dishonour: .

A Sketch of the United States Government's Dealings with some of the Indian Tribes.

Large gto, balf-bound, profusely Illustrated, 28s. Chatto and Jackson.—A Treatise on Wood ving; Historical and Practical. By WILLIAM ANDREW CHATTO

and JOHN JacKsON. With an Additional Chapter by HENRY G. Bonn; and 450 fine Iilustrations, Areprintof the last Revised Edition, Chaucer:

Chaucer for Children: A Golden Key. By Mrs, H. R, HAWEtS, With Eight Coloured Pictures and numerous Woodcuta by the Author. New Edition, small 4to, cloth extra, 6s.

-—— 74 Schools. By Mrs. H. R. HAWEIS. Demy 8vo, cloth

mp, 25. Gd.

Crown Bvo cloth extra, gilt, 7s, 6a.

Colman's Humorous Works:

    • Broad Grins," My Nightgown and Slippers," and other Humorous Works, Prose and Poetical, of GrorGe MAN. With Life by G. B, BucksTONE, and Frontispiece by HOGARTH.

Post v0, cloth limp, 23. 6d. Convalescent Cookery:

A Family Handbook. By CATHERINE Ryan, " Full of sound sense and useful hints."—Sarorpay Revirw,

Conway (Moncure D.), Works by:

Demonology and Devil-Lore. By MoncureE D. Conway, M.A. Two Vols,, royal 8vo, with 65 Tllustrations, 285.

A Necklace of Stories. ~~ MoncurE D. Conway, M.A. Itlustrated by W. J. Hennessy. Square Svo, cloth extra, 6s.

Tho Wandering Jew. By Moncure D. Conway, M.A, Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 65.

Thomas Carlyle; Letters and Recollections. By Monctre D, Conway, M.A. With Illustrations. *Crown Svo, cloth extra, 6s,

Two Vols., crown Svo, cloth extra, 21s, Cook (Dutton).—Hours with the Players.

a DuTTon Cook. . r "Mr, Dutton Cook has more dramatic fore than any living English writer,

and his style is always easy and mt, . . » To al. witha th stage the book will prove delight/ul reading.'—WomtD. ap fitiee jor the

Post 8vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6a,

Copyright—A Handbook of lish and Foreign Copyright in Literary and Dramatic Works, By SIDNEY JERROLD, of the Middle Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law,

"Till the time arrives when igkt shall be so sim: ed i

it can be generally wuderstood on hau, Fs a handbook as this oil tara?

great value. It is correct as well as concise, and pives just the kind and

x information desired ty persons who are iznorant of the subject, amd turn fo +f

for information and gp ¢.— ATHEN UM.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 75. 6:7.

Cornwall.—Popular Romances of the West of England; or, The Drolls, Traditions, and Superstitions of Old Cornwall. Collected and Edited by RoserT Hont, F.RS. New and Revised Edition, with Additions, and Two Steel-plate Illustra tions by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. Crown 8yo, cloth extra, gilr, with 13 Portraits, 73. 6d,

Creasy's Memoirs of Eminent Etonians; With Notices of the Early History of Eton College. By Sir Epwarp Creasy, Author of "' The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World."

Crown 8¥o, cloth extra, with Etched Frontispiece, 7s, 6d.

Credulities, Past and Present.

By WILLIAM JONES, F.S.A., Author of " Finger-Ring Lore," &c.

Crown 6yo, cloth extra, 6s.

Crimes and Punishments. Including a New Translation of Beccaria's ' Dei Delitti e delle Pene."' By JAMES ANSON FARRER. '

Cruikshank, George:

, The Comic Almanack. Complete in Two S#xIks; The First from 1435 to 1843; the Seconp from 1844 to 1853. A Gathering of the Best Humour of Trackeray, Hoop, Maritkw, Avert SwitH, A'Beceett, Rosent Baoven, &. With 2,000 Woodcuts and Steel Engravings Pe Crutxsnaxk, Hine, Lanneccs, &c, Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, two very thick valumes, 7s. 6d, each.;

The Life of George Cruikshank. By BLANCHARD JERROLD, Author of "The Life of Napoleon IIL,"" &c. With numerous MMustrations and a List of his Works. Two Vols., crown 8v¥o, cloth extra, 243.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 75. 6d.

Cussans.—Handbook of Heraldry; with Instructions. for Tracing Pedigrees and Deciphering Ancient MSS. &. By JOHN E. Cussans. Entirely New and Revised Edition. Illustrated with over goo Woodcuts and Coloured Plates.

Two Vols,, demy 4to, ee in half-morocco, gilt, profusely Illustrated with Coloured and Plain Plates and Woodcuts, price £7 7s.

Cyclopedia of Costume;, or, A Dictionary of Dress—Regal, Ecclesiastical, Civil, and Military— from the Earliest Period in England to the reignof George the Third, Including Notices of Contemporaneous Fashions on the Continent, and a General History of the Costumes of the Principal Countries of Europe. By J. R. PLANCHE, Somerset Herald.

The Volumes may also be had separately (each complete in itself) at3 135. 6d. cach

Vol. I, THE DICTIONARY., Vol. I. A GENERAL HISTORY OP COSTUME IN EUROPE. Also in 2s Parts at st, cach, Cases for binding, 5s. each.

Post svo, cloth limp, 25. 6d.

Davenant.—What shall my Son be? Hints for Parents on the Choice of a Profession cr Trade or their Sons. By Francis DAVENANT "M.A. Entirely New Edition, crown Svo, cloth extra, Hlustrated, 7s. 6d,

Doran.—Memories of our Great Towns. With Anecdotic begets: concerning their Worthies and their Oddities. By Dr, Jonw Doran, F.S.A. With 38 Illustrations. os Crown Svo, cloth boards, 6s, per Volume, Early English Poets. Edited, with Introductions and Annotations, by Rev. A. B, GROSART. 1. Fletcher's (Giles, B.D.) Com- | 3, Herrick's (Robert) Heaperi a Poems; Christ's Victortie in des, Noble Numbers, and Com feaven, Christ's Victorie on ete Collected Poems. With

Earth, Christ's Triumph over Jemorial-Introduction and Notes,

Death, and Minor Poems, With Steel Portrait, Jadex of First

Memorial-Introduction and Notes. Lines, and Glossarial Index, &c. One Vol. Three Vols.

2. Davies' (Sir John) Complete | 4. Sidney's (Sir Philip) Com Poetical Gores including Psalms plete Pealead Works, lactone

L. to L, in Verse, and other hither- all those in "Arcadia." With

time Collected and Edited. Essay on the Poetry of Sidney,

With Memorial Introduction and Notes. Two Vols. }

Crown $vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Hlustrations, 6s,

Emanuel.—_On Diamonds and Precious Stones; their History, Value, and Properties; with Simple Tests for ascertaining their Reality. By Harry EMANUEL, F.R.G.S, With numerous Illustrations, Tinted and Plain.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 73, 6d.

E hman's House, The:,

Practical Guide to all interested in Selecting or Building a House, with full Estimates of Cost, ntities, &c. By C, J. RICHARDSON. Third Edition, With nearly Illustrations,

Two Vols., crown 8yo, cloth extra, 215. Ewald.—Stories from the State Papers. By ALEX. CitaRLes Ewan, P.S.A., Author of " The Life of Prince Charles Stuart," &c, With, an Autotype Facsimile. y ae Crown Syo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 6s. airholt,—Tobacco: |

Its History and Associations; with an Account of the Plant and its

Manufacture, and its Modes of Use in all Ages and Countries.

F. W. FarRHout, F.S.A. With Coloured Frontispiece and up's

a of 100 Illustrations by the Author. Demy 8vo, cloth extra, 7s. 64, Familiar Allusions:

A Handbook of Miscellaneous Information; including the Names of

Celebrated Statues, Paintings, Palaces, Country Seats, Ruins,

Churches, Ships, Streets, Clubs, Natural Curiosities, and the like.

By WILLIAM A, WHEELER, Author of "* Noted Names of Fiction;" and CHArLes G. WHEELER.

po Unpublished MSS., for the Portrait, Memorial-Introduction, and Notes. Thres Vols. Faraday (Michael), Works by:

The Chemical History of a Candle: Lectures delivered before a Juvenile Audience at the Institution. Edited by Witt Crooxes, F.C.S, Post &vo, extra, with numerous Mlustr: s,

48. 6d.

On the Various Forces of Nature, and their Relations to each other: Lectures delivered before a Juvenile Andience at the Royal Institution, Edited by Witttam Crooxes, F.C.S. Post tivo, cloth extra, with numerous Ilustrations, 4s. 64.

Crown 8yo, cloth extra, with Ulustrations, 75. 6d. Finger-Ring Lore: Historical, Legendary, and Anecdotal. By Wm. Jones, F.S.A. With Hundreds of Illustrations of Curious Rings of all Ages and Countries, a One of those gossiping books which are as full of amusement az of instruction." —ATHES tym.

Two Vols., crown 8yo, cloth extra, 21s.

Fitzgerald._Recreations of a Literary Man; or, Does Writing Pay? With Recollections of some Literary Men, and a View of a Literary Man's Working Life. By Percy FitzGERALD.

Gardening Books:

A Year's Work in Garden and Greenhouse: Practical Advice to Amateur Gardeners as to the Management of the Flower, Fruit, and Frame Garden. By Grorce Giexxy. Post §vo, cloth limp, 2+. 62,

Our Kitchen Garden: The Plants we Grow, and How we Cook Them. By Tom Jerroup, Author of * The Garden that Paid the Rent," &c. Post Svo, cloth limp, 21.6¢d. ~

Household Horticulture: A Gossip about Flowers. By Tom and JAnE Jerroip. Illustrated. Post Svo, cloth limp, 29. 6d.

My Garden Wild, and What I Grew there. By Francis Georce Heath. Crown §vo, cloth extra, 5s.

One Shilling Monthly.

Gentleman's Magazine (The) for 1882. The Jaxttary Number of this Periodical contained the First Chapters of a New Serial Story, entitled " Dust," by Jutian HAWTHORNE, Author of "Garth," &. "Science Notes," by W. MaTTieu WILLIAMS, F.R.A.S., will also be continued monthly,

  • .* Now ready, the Volume for JULY to DECEMBER, 1281, cloth extra price 8s. 64; and Cases for binding, price 2s. each.

Post 8vo, cloth limp, 2s. 6d,

Glenny—A Year's Work in Garden and Greenhouse: Practical Advice to Amateur Gardenersas to the Mansgement of the Flower, Fruit, and Frame Garden. By GEorGe GLENNY.

"A t deal aluable #1 Fi ed in very seneple | é. The amétenr need oat kl ere ite guide Leto Shemerse," — THE RUSKIN GRIMM,—Square &vo, cl. ex., 6s. 6d.; gilt edges, 7s. Gd.

German Popular Stories. Collected by the Brothers Grin, and Translated by EpGar TAYLOR. Edited with an Introduction by JounN Ruskin. With 22 Illustrations oa Steel by GEonGE CRUIKSHANK. Both Series Complete,

"The illustrations of this volume ast, of @ class pri they ilestrate; and t

any 'Elements of Drawing,' were unrivai

fy parallel in elevation he original efchings, as I have before said in the Appendix to

are of quite sterling and admirable fo the character off the tales which

led in masterfulness of touch since Rembrand (in sone qualities of delineation, unrivalled even by him). . . .

To make

somewhat enlarged a of io ae at them through a@ magnifying glass,

and never putting two lines where

ruikshank kas put only one, would

@n exer

cite in decision and severe drawing which would leave afterwards little to be learnt

in schools."—Extract from Int

juction by Jown Reusnin.

Square 16mo (Tauchnitz size), cloth extra, 2s. per volume.

Golden Library, The:

Ballad History of England. By W.C. Bexxerr.

Bayard movtor's Diversions of

Byron's Don Juan.

es Letters and Social

Godwin's (William) Lives of the Necromancers.

Holmes's Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. With an Introdaction by G. A, SALA,

Holmes's Professor at the Breakfast Table.

ae Tustrations,

Irving's [een Tales of

a Traveller,

age (eaten) Maen ot

Jesse's (Edward) Soenes and Occupations of Country Life,

Lamb's Essays of Elia. Both Series Complete in One Vol.

Leigh Hunts Essays: A for a Chimney Corner, and other Pieces. With Tait,and Introduc tion by Eomvnp Ontier.

and Oddities. With all the original

Mallory's (Sir Thomas) Mort d' Arthur: Se Stories of iigiehae and of the Knights of the Round Table. Edited by B, Monroomenrr KING. Pascal's Provincial Letters. A

New Translation, with Historical Introduction and Notes, by T. M'Cats,

Pope's Postical Works. Complete.

Rochefoucauld's Maxims and Moral Reflections, With Notes, and an Introductory Essay by Samm7tBevve.

St. Pierre's Paul and and The Indian Cottage. ited, with Life, by the Rev. E. CLarne.

Shelley's Early Poems, and

ueen Mab, with Essay by Leicx UNT.

Shelley's Later Poems: Laon and Cythna, &c.

Shelley's Posthumous Poems, the Shelley Papers, &c.

Sh 'a Prose Works, including A Refutation of Deism, Zastrozzl, St. Irvyne, &e.

White's Natural of Selborne. Edited, with Additions, by Tomas Brows, F.L.S.

Crown &¥0, cloth gilt and gilt edges, 7s. 6d.

Golden Treasury of Thought, The:

An ENCYCLOPADIA OF Countries. Selected

'OTATIONS from Writers of all Times and Edited by THzopoRze TAYLOR. New and Cheaper Edition, demy 8vo, cloth extra, with Illustrations, 73. 6d.

Greeks and Romans, The Life of the, Described from Antique ts. By ERNST GUHL and W. Kong. Translated from the Third German Edition, and Edited by Dr. F. HUEFFER. With 545 Illustrations.

" Must @ place, not only upon the scholar's shelves, but in every well-chosen of art."~—Daity News.

Crown 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 43. 6¢.

' Guyot.—_The Earth and Man; or, Physical Geography in its relation to the History of Mankind. By ARNOLD GuYOT. With Additions by Professors AGass1z, PIERCE, and at 12 Maps and Engravings on Steel, some Coloured, and lex,

Crown Svo, 1s.; cloth, is. 6d.

Hair (The): Its Treatment in Health, Weak ness, and Disease. Translated from the German of Dr. J. Pincus.

Hake (Dr. Thomas Gordon), Poems by: Maiden Ecstasy, Small sto, cloth extra, &s. New Symbols. Crown évo, cloth extra, és. Legends of the Morrow. Crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s.

Two Vols,, crown 8vo, cloth extra, 12s.

Half-Hours with Foreign Novelists. With Notices of their Lives and Writings, By HELEN and ALICE ZIMMERN. A New Edition.

Medium 8vo, cloth extra, gilt, with Illustrations, 7s. 6d.

Hall.—Sketches of Irish Character. By Mrs. S.C. HALL. With numerous Illustrations on Steel and Wood by MACLISE, GILBERT, HARVEY, and G, CRUIKSHANK.

"The Irish Sketches of this lady resemble Miss Mitford's beautiful English shetches in' Our Village,' but they are far more vigorons and picturesque and bright."—Biackwoon's Macaztne.

Haweis (Mrs,), Works by:

The Art of Dress. By Mrs, H. R. Haweis. Illustrated by tha Author, Small $vo, illustrated cover, 1s.; cloth limp. 1s. 6d.

"A well-considered attempt to apply canons of good taste fo the cosfwmes of ladies of owr time. . . . . Mrs. Haweis writes frankly and to the point; she does not mince matters, but boldly remoustrates with her ows sex on the follies they indulgein. . 2 . . Wemay recommend the book fo the Jadies whom 1 concerns," —ATHEN.cCUM,

The Art of Beauty. By Mrs. H. R. Hawes.—8v0, cloth extra, gilt, gilt edges, with Coloured Frontispiece and nearly 100 Ilustrations, 10s. 64,

The Art of Decoration. By Mrs. R, HAWEIS. Square fvo, handsomely bound and profusely

H. strated, ros, Gel,

  • ,* See also CHavceER, p. 6 of this Catalogue. Crown Syo, cloth extra, 5+,

Heath (F. G.)—My Garden Wild, And What I Grew there. By FRaNcis GkorGr Heatu, Author of The Fern World," &c.

SPECIMENS OF MODERN POETS.—Crown Svo, cloth extra, 6s. Heptalogia (The); or, The Seven against Sense. is

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