Twelfth Night (1922) Yale/Appendix C
The Text
The earliest known text of Twelfth Night is that of the First Folio of 1623.
The text of the present edition is by permission that of Craig's Oxford Shakespeare, published by the Oxford University Press. Deviations from the Oxford text have been made in a few places, usually to restore the reading of the First Folio. Minor changes of spelling and punctuation have generally not been listed.
The stage directions are those of the First Folio. The usual modern additions of place of scene and other supplementary directions have been enclosed in square brackets.
The list of departures from the Oxford text follows, Craig's readings being those after the colons:
I. ii. 4 you, sailors: you sailors
16 so, there's: so there's
54 an: a
v. 121, 122 for—here he comes—one: for here comes one
134 Oli.: Clo.
221 Tell me your mind. I am a messenger: (divided between Oli. and Vio. in Craig)
254 this present: as this present
276 fertile: with fertile
325 I am: I'm
II. iii. 11 but I think: but, I think,
123 tune: time
166 excellencies: excellences
183 she's: she is
v. 218 will: will,
III. i. 50 expenses: sixpence
135 Hides: Hideth
iii. 29 people.: people?
iv. 333 draw,: draw
383 there's: there is
IV. ii. 145 devil: drivel
V. i. 52 nap.: nap,
59 bulk: hulk
102 fellow,—: fellow;
109 Olivia,—: Olivia.—
203 —has hurt: he has hurt
386 mad.' But: mad:' But