U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual/Congressional Record Index
Set in 7 point on 8 point, Record measure (168 points, 14 picas).
Cap lines and italic lines are set flush left.
Entries are indented 1 em, with overs 2 ems.
Bill introductions are to be identified as to sponsor or cosponsor.
Bullet following page number in index identifies unspoken material.
Pages are identified as S (Senate), H (House), and E (Extensions).
Pages in bound Record index are entered numerically, without S, H, or E prefixes.
(for use on notation of content line)
Streets: St.; Ave.; Ct; Dr.; Blvd.; Rd.; Sq.; Ter.
Names: Jr.; Sr.; II (etc.)
Businesses: Co.; Corp. (includes all Federal corporations); Inc.; Ltd.; Bros.
States: See rule 9.13.
Dept. of Agriculture | Sec. of Agriculture. |
Dept. of Commerce | Sec. of Commerce. |
Dept. of Defense | Sec. of Defense. |
Dept. of Education | Sec. of Education. |
Dept. of Energy | Sec. of Energy. |
Dept. of Health and Human Services | Sec. of Health and … |
Dept. of Homeland Security | Sec. of Homeland Security |
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development | Sec. of Housing and … |
Dept. of the Interior | Sec. of the Interior. |
Dept. of Justice | Attorney General. |
Dept. of Labor | Sec. of Labor. |
Dept. of State | Sec. of State. |
Dept. of Transportation | Sec. of Transportation. |
Dept. of the Treasury | Sec. of the Treasury. |
Dept. of Veterans Affairs | Sec. of Veterans Affairs. |
- Agency for International Development
AID - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AIDS - American Association of Retired Persons
AARP - American Bar Association
ABA - American Civil Liberties Union
ACLU - American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
AFL-CIO - American Medical Association
AMA - British Broadcasting Corp
BBC - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
ATF - Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIA - Bureau of Land Management
BLM - Bureau of Labor Statistics
BLS - Cable News Network
CNN - Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network
C-SPAN - Central Intelligence Agency
CIA - Civil Service Retirement System
CSRS - Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
CHAMPUS - Commodity Credit Corp
CCC - Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CFTC - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
CERCLA - Congressional Budget Office
CBO - Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
COBRA - Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSC - Daughters of the American Revolution
DAR - Deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA - Disabled American Veterans
DAV - Drug Enforcement Administration
DEA - Employee Retirement Income Security Act
ERISA - Environmental Protection Agency
EPA - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EEOC - Export-Import Bank
Eximbank - Federal Aviation Administration
FAA - Federal Bureau of Investigation
FBI - Federal Communications Commission
FCC - Federal Crop Insurance Corp
FCIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corp
FDIC - Federal Election Commission
FEC - Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEMA - Federal Employee Retirement System
FERS - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FERC - Federal Housing Administration
FHA - Federal Insurance Contribution Act
FICA - Federal National Mortgage Association
Fannie Mae - Federal Reserve System
FRS - Federal Trade Commission
FTC - Food and Drug Administration
FDA - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GATT - General Services Administration
GSA - Government Accountability Office
GAO - Government Printing Office
GPO - Gross national product
GNP - Health maintenance organization(s)
HMO(s) - Human immunodeficiency virus
HIV - Internal Revenue Service
IRS - International Business Machines Corp
IBM - International Monetary Fund
IMF - International Trade Commission
ITC - Legal Services Corp
LSC - Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
LIHEAP - Missing in action
MIA(s) - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAACP - National Broadcasting Co
NBC - National Collegiate Athletic Association
NCAA - National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIST - National Institutes of Health
NIH - National Labor Relations Board
NLRB - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA - National Railroad Passenger Corp
Amtrak - National Rifle Association
NRA - National Security Council
NSC - National Science Foundation
NSF - National Transportation Safety Board
NTSB - North American Free Trade Agreement
NAFTA - North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO - Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRC - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSHA - Office of Management and Budget
OMB - Office of Personnel Management
OPM - Office of Thrift Supervision
OTS - Organization of American States
OAS - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEC - Overseas Private Investment Corp
OPIC - Palestine Liberation Organization
PLO - Parent-Teachers Association
PTA - Prisoner of war
POW - Public Broadcasting Service
PBS - Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act
RICO - Reserve Officers' Training Corps
ROTC - Securities Exchange Commission
SEC - Small Business Administration
SBA - Social Security Administration
SSA - Supplemental security income
SSI - Tennessee Valley Authority
TVA - United Auto Workers
UAW - United Nations
U.N. - United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO - Veterans of Foreign Wars
VFW - Voice of America
VOA - Women, Infants, and Children Program
WIC - World Health Organization
WHO - Young Men's Christian Association
YMCA - Young Women's Christian Association
Biweekly Record index folioed in upper right and left corner; no extra spacing.
Bound Record index folioed in upper right and left corner; no extra spacing.
History of Bills folioed in upper right and left corner using H.B. numbers; no extra spacing.
Bound History of Bills folioed in lower right and left corner, first folio numerically higher than the last folio of index; no extra spacing.
Capitalize principal words after these formats:
- Addresses
- Analyses
- Appendices
- Articles and editorials
- Biographies
- Book reviews
- Booklets
- Brochures
- Conference reports
- Descriptions
- Documents
- Essays
- Essays: Voice of Democracy
- Eulogies
- Explanations
- Factsheets
- Forewords
- Histories
- Homilies
- Hymns
- Memorandums
- Messages
- Oaths of office
- Pamphlets
- Papers
- Platforms
- Poems
- Prayers
- Prayers by visitors
- Prefaces
- Press releases
- Proclamations
- Reports
- Report filed
- Resolutions of ratification
- Resumes
- Sermons
- Songs
- Statements
- Studies
- Summaries
- Surveys
- Synopses
- Testimonies
- Transcripts
- Treaties
Lowercase after these formats:
- Advertisements
- Affidavits
- Agenda
- Agreements
- Amendments
- Announcements
- Appointments
- Awards
- Bills and resolutions
- Bills and resolutions cosponsored
- Bills and resolutions introduced
- Bills and resolutions relative to
- Briefs
- Briefings
- Broadcasts
- Bulletins
- Certificates of election
- Chronologies
- Citations
- Civilian
- Cloture motions
- Colloquies
- Commentaries
- Comments
- Communications from
- Communiques
- Comparisons
- Cost estimates
- Court decisions
- Court documents
- Declarations
- Dedications
- Definitions
- Descriptions
- Designated acting Presidents pro tempore
- Designated acting Speaker pro tempore
- Digests
- Dispatches
- Examples
- Excerpts
- Executive orders
- Financial statements
- Granted
- Granted in the House
- Granted in the Senate
- Guidelines
- Hearings
- Inscriptions
- Interviews
- Introductions
- Invocations
- Journals
- Letters
- Lists
- Meetings
- Military
- Motions
- Newsletters
- Notices
- Obituaries
- Opinion polls
- Orders
- Outlines
- Petitions
- Petitions and memorials
- Press conferences
- Privilege of the floor
- Programs
- Projects
- Proposals
- Questionnaires
- Questions
- Questions and answers
- Quotations
- Recorded
- Regulations
- Remarks
- Remarks in House
- Remarks in House relative to
- Remarks in Senate
- Remarks in Senate relative to
- Resignations
- Resolutions by organizations
- Results
- Reviews
- Rollcalls
- Rosters
- Rules
- Rulings of the chair
- Schedules
- Subpoena notices
- Subpoenas
- Tables
- Tests
- Texts of
- Transmittals
- Tributes
- Voting record
Comma precedes folio figures.
If numbers of several bills are given, use this form: (see S. 24, 25); (see H.R. 217, 218), etc.; that is, do not repeat S. or H.R. with each number.
In consecutive numbers (more than two) use an en dash to connect first with last: S46-S48, 518-520.
Quotes are used for book titles.
A 3-em dash is used as a ditto for word or words leading up to colon:
———rates earned income
———tax credit ratesUse italic for Members of Congress descriptive data:
EMANUEL, RAHM (a Representative from Illinois).
Names of vessels in italic:
- Brooklyn (U.S.S.);
- Savannah (vessel);
- Columbia (space shuttle).
All cap lines are separate entries. They are set flush with overs indented 2 ems:
- CARDIN, BENJAMIN (a Senator from Maryland)
- EMANUEL, RAHM (a Representative from Illinois)
- FARMERS see Agriculture
- SENATE related term(s) Committees of the Senate; Legislative Branch of the Government; Members of Congress; Votes in Senate
- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR related term(s) Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation
No. XII | |||||
Congressional Record Index | |||||
Vol. 154 | JULY 21 TO AUGUST 8, 2008 | Nos. 119 to 132 | |||
Note.—For debate and action on bills and resolutions see "History of Bills and Resolutions" at end of Index, under numbers referred to in Index entry. | |||||
Dates, Issue Numbers, and Pages Included in Index XII | |||||
July 21 | No. 119 | S6947–S6980 | H6731-H6734 | E1507-E1511 | D919-D922 |
July 22 | No. 120 | S6981–S7088 | H6735-H6826 | E1513-E1527 | D923-D930 |
July 23 | No. 121 | S7089–S7201 | H6827-H7059 | E1529-E1547 | D931-D940 |
July 24 | No. 122 | S7203–S7434 | H7061-H7166 | E1549-E1554 | D941-D948 |
July 25 | No. 123 | S7435–S7485 | E1555-E1572 | D950-D956 | |
July 26 | No. 124 | S7487–S7537 | D958-D960 | ||
July 27 | No. 125 | S7539 | D961-D962 | ||
July 28 | No. 126 | S7541–S7578 | H7167-H7169 | E1573-E1577 | D963-D966 |
July 29 | No. 127 | S7579–S7708 | H7171-H7330 | E1579-E1591 | D968-D980 |
July 30 | No. 128 | S7709–S7804 | H7331-H7631 | E1593-E1625 | D981-D994 |
July 31 | No. 129 | S7805–S7982 | H7633-H7707 | E1627-E1640 | D996-D1008 |
July 31 (Pt. II)* | No. 129 | H7709-H7790 | D996-D1008 | ||
August 1 | No. 130 | S7983-S8079 | H7791-H7810 | E1641-E1703 | D1009-D1016 |
August 5 | No. 131 | S8081 | D1017-D1018 | ||
August 8 | No. 132 | S8083 | D1019-D1020 | ||
*Continuation of proceedings | |||||
NOTE: Elements in brackets which follow page numbers in the Index refer to the dates of the Congressional Record in which those pages may be found. Unspoken material is indicated by a bullet (•). |
- AARP (organization)
- Letters
- Evaluate and extend the basic pilot program for employment eligibility confirmation and ensure protection of Social Security beneficiaries, H7592 [30JY]
- Press releases
- Medicare Trigger Ignores Real Problem- Skyrocketing
- Health Care Costs, H7125 [24JY]
- ABERCROMBIE, NEIL (a Representative from Hawaii)
- Bills and resolutions cosponsored
- Armed Forces: tribute to the 28th Infantry Division (see H. Con. Res. 390), H7308 [29JY]
- Bulgaria: independence anniversary (see H. Res. 1383), H7630 [30JY]
- Bureau of Prisons: provide stab-resistant personal body armor to all correctional officers and require such officers to wear such armor while on duty (see H.R. 6462), H6734 [21JY]
- Diseases: improve and enhance research and programs on cancer survivorship (see H.R. 4450), H7308 [29JY]
- Education: strengthen communities through English literacy, civic education, and immigrant integration programs (see H.R. 6617), H7164 [24JY]
- Medicare: ensure more timely access to home health services for beneficiaries (see H.R. 6826), H7808 [1AU]
- replace the prescription drug benefit with a revised and simplified program for all beneficiaries (see H.R. 6800), H7807 [1AU]
- Motor vehicles: encourage increased production of natural gas vehicles and provide tax incentives for natural gas vehicle infrastructure (see H.R. 6570), H7630 [30JY]
- Palladio, Andrea: anniversary of birth (see H. Con. Res. 407), H7788 [31JY]
- Power resources: open Outer Continental shelf areas to oil and gas leasing, curb excessive energy speculation, and require Strategic Petroleum Reserve sale and acquisitions of certain fuels (see H.R. 6670), H7628 [30JY]
- provide a comprehensive plan for greater energy independence (see H.R. 6709), H7785 [31JY]
- U.S. Public Service Academy: establish (see H.R. 1671), H7789 [31JY]
- Yunus, Muhammad: award Congressional Gold Medal (see H.R. 1801), H7629 [30JY]
- Remarks
- Pearl Harbor, HI: anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard (H. Res. 1139), H6773, H6774 [22JY]
- Remarks in House
- China, People's Republic of: mandatory abortion and sterilization policies, H7344, H7345 [30JY]
- Supreme Court: anniversary of Roe v. Wade decision, H7283 [29JY], H7611 [30JY], H7776 [31JY], E1545 [23JY], E1701 [1AU]
- U.S. Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act: prohibit use of funds for any organization or program which supports or participates in the management of coerced abortions or involuntary sterilization, H7116 [24JY]
- Remarks in Senate
- Dept. of HHS: proposed regulation to change the definition of abortion, S7141 [23JY]
- Remarks in Senate
- Enact (S. 3046), S7620 [29JY], S8021 [1AU]
- Bills and resolutions
- Enact (see S. 3412, 3413), S7905 [31JY]
- Remarks in Senate
- Enact (S. 3413), S7971-S7973 [31JY]
- Remarks in House
- Enact (H.R. 1896), E1701 [1AU]
- ACKERMAN, GARY L. (a Representative from New York)
- Bills and resolutions cosponsored
- Bangladesh: elections (see H. Res. 1402), H7788 [31JY]
- China, People's Republic of: call for end to human rights abuses of citizens, cease repression of Tibetan and Uyghur people, and end support for Governments of Sudan and Burma (see H. Res. 1370), H7309 [29JY]
- Dept. of the Treasury: establish a commemorative quarter dollar coin program emblematic of prominent civil rights leaders and important events advancing civil rights (see H.R. 6701), H7809 [1AU]
- Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact: grant congressional consent and approval (see H.R. 6577), H7165 [24JY]
- Human rights: defeat campaign by some members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to divert the U.N. Durban Review Conference from a review of problems in their own and other countries (see H. Res. 1361), H7059 [23JY]
- Immigration: modify certain requirements with respect to H-1B nonimmigrants (see H.R. 5630), H7629 [30JY]
- New York, NY: extend and improve protections and services to individuals directly impacted by the terrorist attack (see H.R. 6594). H7630 [30JY]
- Palladio, Andrea: anniversary of birth (see H. Con. Res. 407), H7809 [1AU]
- Religion: support spirit of peace and desire for unity displayed in the letter from leading Muslim scholars, and in the Pope Benedict XVI response (see H. Con. Res.374), H7165 [24JY]
- Bills and resolutions introduced
- Syria: express concern regarding continued violations of political, civil, and human rights and call for release of prisoners of conscience and other political prisoners (see H. Res. 1398), H7788 [31JY]
- Letters
- Higher Education Opportunity Act, S7854 [31JY]
- ADERHOLT, ROBERT B. (a Representative from Alabama)
- Bills and resolutions cosponsored
- Crime: provide for the use of information in the National Directory of New Hires in enforcing sex offender registration laws (see H.R. 6539), H7165 [24JY]
- Dept. of the Interior: establish oil and gas leasing program for public lands within the Coastal Plain of Alaska (see H.R. 6758), H7787 [31 J Y]
- House of Representatives: prohibit adjournment until approval of a bill to establish a comprehensive national energy plan addressing energy conservation and expansion of renewable and conventional energy sources (see H. Res. 1391), H7629 [30JY]
- National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: support goals and ideals (see H. Res. 672), H7790 [31JY]
- Power resources: expedite exploration and development of oil and gas from Federal lands (see H.R. 6379),H7629[30JY]
- promote alternative and renewable fuels, domestic energy production, conservation, and efficiency, and increase energy independence (see H.R. 6566), H6824 [22JY]
- provide a comprehensive plan for greater energy independence (see H.R. 6709), H7809 [1AU]
- Schools: withhold Federal funds from schools that permit or require the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem in a language other than English (see H.R. 6783), H7806 [1AU]
- Social Security: extend funding for the State Children's Health Insurance Program (see H.R. 6788), H7806 [1AU]
- Bills and resolutions introduced
- Power resources: enhance energy independence through the usage of existing resources and technology (see H. Con. Res. 401), H7787 [31JY]
- ADOPTION see Families and Domestic Relations
- Remarks in House
- Sand Creek Telephone Co.: anniversary, E1703 [1AU]
- Bills and resolutions
- Enact (see S. 3297), S7030 [22JY]
- Cloture motions
- Enact (S. 3297): motion to proceed, S7509 [26JY], S7551 [28JY]
- Letters
- Provisions: Lynne Zeitlin Hale, Nature Conservancy (organization), S7548 [28JY]
- Molly McCammon, National Federation of Regional Associations for Coastal and Ocean Observing, S7547 [28JY]
- Peter R. Orszag, CBO, S7510 [26JY], S7543 [28JY]
- several ocean and coastal research, education, and conservation organizations, S7547 [28JY]
- Motions
- Enact (S. 3297), S7509 [26JY]
- Remarks in Senate
- Appalachian Regional Development Act: reauthorize and improve, S7545 [28JY], S7888 [31JY]
- Chesapeake Bay Initiative Act: provide for continuing authorization of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways.
In history of bills, sequence is: Senate bills, Senate joint resolutions, Senate concurrent resolutions, and Senate resolutions; then House bills, House joint resolutions, House concurrent resolutions, and House resolutions: S. 14, S.J. Res. 7, S. Con. Res. 26, S. Res. 5, H. 980, H.J. Res. 9, H. Con. Res. 16, and H. Res. 50.
History of Bills and Resolutions | ||||||
Dates, Issue Numbers and Bills Introduced in Index VIII | ||||||
May 12 | No. 77 | S. | 3001-3009 | S. Con. Res. 82 | S. Res. 558-560 | |
H.R. | 6021-6024 | |||||
May 13 | No. 78 | S. | 3010-3014 | S.J. Res. 32 | S. Res. 561-563 | |
H.R. | 6025-6046 | H. Con. Res. 348 | H. Res. 1187-1193 | |||
May 19 | No. 82 | S. | 3030-3034 | S. Res. 569-570 | ||
H.K. | 6083-6084 | H. Con. Res. 354 | H. Res. 1208-1209 | |||
May 21 | No. 84 | S. | 3045-3047 | S.J. Res. 33 | S. Con. Res. 83 | S. Res. 572-573 |
H.R. | 6104-6122 | H.J. Res. 86-87 | H. Con. Res. 360 | H. Res. 1217-1219 | ||
May 22 | No. 85 | S. | 3048-3073 | S.J. Res. 34-36 | S. Con. Res. 84-85 | S. Res. 574-579 |
H.R. | 6123-6166 | H.J. Res. 88-89 | H. Con. Res. 361-365 | H. Res. 1220-1232 | ||
Bills receiving legislative action during this Index period numerically precede new bills introduced. |
- S. 11—A bill to provide liability protection to volunteer pilot nonprofit organizations that fly for public benefit and to the pilots and staff of such nonprofit organizations, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
- Cosponsors added, S4621 [21MY]
- S. 2062—A bill to amend the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 to reauthorize that Act, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs discharged, S814 [8FE]
- Amendments, S850 [11FE], S4836, S4839, S4844 [22MY]
- Passed Senate amended, S4839 [22MY]
- S.J. Res. 17—A joint resolution directing the United States to initiate international discussions and take necessary steps with other Nations to negotiate an agreement for managing migratory and trans-boundary fish stocks in the Arctic Ocean; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
- Debated, H4067 [19MY]
- Text, H4067 [19MY]
- Rules suspended. Passed House, H4402 [21MY]
- Message from the House, S4790 [22MY]
- S.J. Res. 28—A joint resolution disapproving the rule submitted by the Federal Communications Commission with respect to broadcast media ownership; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
- By Mr. DORGAN (for himself, Ms. Snowe, Mr. Kerry, Ms. Collins, Mr. Dodd, Mr. Obama, Mr. Harkin, Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Biden, Mr. Reed, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Tester, and Mr. Stevens), S1597 [5MR]
- Cosponsors added, S1704 [6MR], S1878 [11MR], S2136 [13MR], S2233 [31MR], S234S [2AP], S2947 [10AP], S3081 [16AP], S3700 [1MY]
- Reported (S. Rept. 110-334), S3975 [8MY]
- Passed Senate amended, S4267 [15MY]
- Text, S4270 [15MY]
- Message from the Senate, H4065 [19MY]
- Held at the desk, H4065 [19MY]
- S. Con. Res. 82—A concurrent resolution supporting he Local Radio Freedom Act; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
- By Mrs. LINCOLN (for herself, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Brownback, Mr. Allard, Mr. Nelson of Nebraska, Ms. Murkowski, and Mr. Webb), S4029 [12MY]
- S. Con. Res. 85—A concurrent resolution authorizing the use of the rotunda of the Capitol to honor Frank W. Buckles, the last surviving United States veteran of the First World War.
- By Mr. SPECTER (for himself, Mr. Byrd, Mrs. Dole, Mr. McCain, Mr. Warner, Mr. Lieberman, Mr. Rockefeller, and Mr. Burr), S4793 [22MY]
- Text, S4810, S4848 [22MY]
- Agreed to in the Senate, S4848 [22MY]
- S. Res. 496—A resolution honoring the 60th anniversary of the commencement of the carving of the Crazy Horse Memorial; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
- By Mr. THUNE (for himself and Mr. Johnson), S2346 [2AP]
- Text, S2362 [2AP], S4427 [20MY]
- Committee discharged. Agreed to in the Senate, S4427 [20MY]
- S. Res. 562—A resolution honoring Concerns of Police Survivors as the organization begins its 25th year of service to family members of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.
- By Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. Biden, Mr. Brown, Mr. Menendez, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Craig, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Baucus, Mr. Dodd, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Inouye, Mr. Lautenberg, Mrs. Lincoln, Mr. Nelson of Florida, Mr. Pryor, Mr. Smith, Ms. Stabenow, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Tester, and Mr. Thune), S4106 [13MY]
- Text,S4114, S4121[13MY]
- Agreed to in the Senate, S4120 [13MY]
- H.R. 158—A bill to direct the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the battlefields of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Financial Services.
- Cosponsors added, H3108 [6MY], H4061 [15MY]
- H.R. 503—A bill to amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit the shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption, and for other purposes; to the Committees on Energy and Commerce; Agriculture.
- By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Rahall, Mr. Spratt, Mr. Gallegly, Mr. Markey, Mr. Pallone, Mr. Nadler, Mr. Van Hollen, Ms. McCollum of Minnesota, Ms. Bordallo, Ms. Schwartz, Mr. Ackerman, Mr. Doyle, Ms. Lee, Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Serrano, Ms. Berkley, Mr. Shays, Mr. Jones of North Carolina, Mr. McCotter, Mr. Cummings, Ms. DeLauro, Mr. George Miller of California, Mr. Grijalva, Mrs. Capps, Ms. Bean, Ms. Matsui, Mr. King of New York, Mr. Burton of Indiana, Mr. Kildee, Ms. Kaptur, Mr. Dicks, Mr. Berman, Ms. Hirono, Mr. Chandler, Mr. Gerlach, Mr. Tierney, Mr. Bishop of New York, Mr. Frank of Massachusetts, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Kirk, Mr. Campbell of California, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, Ms. Jackson-Lee of Texas, Mr. Sherman, Mr. LaTourette, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Mr. Israel, Ms. Woolsey, Mr. Brown of South Carolina, Ms. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas, Mr. Moore of Kansas, Mr. Moran of Virginia, Mr. McNulty, Mrs. Maloney of New York, Mr. Inslee, Mr. Wolf, Ms. Carson, Mr. Weiner, Mr. Ruppersberger, Mr. Smith of New Jersey, and Mr. Linder), H670 [17JA]
- Cosponsors added, H1055 [30JA], H1153 [31JA], H1565 [13FE], H1668 [14FE], H1896 [16FE], H2165 [5MR], H2621 [15MR], H2821 [21MR], H3279 [28MR], H3363 [29MR], H3476 [17AP], H3724 [20AP], H4553 [7MY], H5054 [15MY], H5927 [24MY], H6181 [7JN], H6439, H6476 [14JN], H6828 [20JN], H7202 [26JN], H8121 [18JY], H8821 [27JY], H9656 [2AU], H10696 [20SE], H11028 [27SE]
- H.R. 4841—A bill to approve, ratify, and confirm the settlement agreement entered into to resolve claims by the Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians relating to alleged interences with the water resources of the Tribe, to authorize and direct the Secretary of the Interior to execute and perform the Settlement Agreement and related waivers, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Natural Resources.
- Cosponsors added, H390 [22JA], H480 [28JA], H558 [29JA]
- Reported with amendment (H. Rept. 110-649), H4059[15MY]
- Debated, H4075 [19MY]
- Text,H4075 [19MY]
- Rules suspended. Passed House amended, H4401 [21MY]
- Message from the House, S4790 [22MY]
- Passed Senate, S7197 [23JY]
- H.R. 6081—A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide benefits for military personnel, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Ways and Means.
- By Mr. RANGEL (for himself, Mr. Stark, Mr. McDermott, Mr. Lewis of Georgia, Mr. Neal of Massachusetts, Mr. Pomeroy, Mrs. Jones of Ohio, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Mr. Emanuel, Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Kind, Ms. Berkley, Mr. Crowley, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Meek of Florida, Mr. Altmire, Mrs. Boyda of Kansas, Mr. Cohen, Ms. DeLauro, Mr. Ellsworth, Mr. Loebsack, Ms. Tsongas, Mr. Welch of Vermont, Mr. Walz of Minnesota, Mr. Arcuri, Ms. Shea-Porter, Mr. Becerra, Mrs. Davis of California, and Mr. Doggett), H4064 [16MY]
- Cosponsors added, H4151 [19MY]
- Debated, H4160 [20MY]
- Text, H4160 [20MY]
- Rules suspended. Passed House amended, H4187 [20MY]
- Message from the House, S4617 [21MY]
- Passed Senate, S4772 [22MY]
- Message from the Senate, H4821 [22MY]
- H.R. 6166—A bill to impose certain limitations on the receipt of out-of-State municipal solid waste, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
- By Mr. WITTMAN of Virginia (for himself, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Moran of Virginia, and Mr. Donnelly),