U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual/Index
[Numbers in parentheses refer to rules; bold indicates chapter heading]
[Numbers in parentheses refer to rules; bold indicates chapter heading]
- A
- Abbreviations and Letter Symbols (9.1-9.64), 221-258
- Addresses:
- Correspondence (16.3, 16.9-16.16), 309, 311-313
- Ordinals (12.10), 274
- Signatures, lists of names (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
- Street (9.16-9.19, 13.6), 224-225, 281
- Article, section (9.39), 232
- Calendar divisions (9.44-9.46, 13.5), 233, 281
- Closed up, with periods (9.7), 222
- College degrees (9.32, 9.35-9.36), 230, 231
- Comma before and after (8.39), 200
- Company, etc. (9.25), 225-22, Not abbreviated (9.26), 226
- Congressional terms (9.30, 9.41-9.43, 13.11), 230, 232-233, 282
- Dates (9.44-9.46, 13.5), 233, 281
- Et al, etc. (3.53, 8.59), 41, 204
- Figure, not abbreviated (9.40), 232
- Foreign countries (9.11), 223
- Geographic terms (9.9-9.15), 222-224
- Grammatical (7.14), 110
- Information technology (9.64), 255
- Land descriptions (9.20-9.22, 13.9), 225, 281
- Latin (9.63, 11.3), 251-255, 265
- Lists (9.61-9.64), 238-258
- Measures, weights, etc. (9.5, 9.50-9.59), 221,235-237
- Metric (9.56-9.57), 236-237
- Military titles, U.S. (9.29), 226-230
- Money (9.60, 12.9k), 238, 273
- Foreign, 334-338
- Numerals used with (9.5, 9.51, 13.4), 221, 235,281
- Organized bodies (9.8), 222
- Parts of publications (9.38-9.40, 13.10), 231-232,281
- Period used (8.103-8.114), 211-213
- Not used (8.115-8.123), 213-214
- Preparing copy (2.43), 15
- Provinces, etc. (9.13, 9.15), 223, 224
- Senator, Representative (9.30), 230
- States (9.12-9.13), 223-224
- Tabular work (13.4-13.13), 281-282
- Technology (9.64), 255-258
- Territories and possessions (9.12-9.14), 223-224
- Time zones (9.47), 234
- Titles, civil and military (9.29), 226-230
- U.S.:
- Before Government or Government organization (9.9, 13.7), 222-223, 281
- As adjective (9.10, 13.7), 223, 281
- Vessels (9.27, 11.6-11.7), 226, 265-266
- Addresses:
- -able, words ending in (5.11, 6.30), 89-91, 103
- About This Manual, v
- Accents:
- Anglicized and foreign words (5.3-5.4), 85-86
- Geographic names (5.20-5.21), 93
- List (10.18), 262
- Acronyms and coined words (9.48, 9.61, 9.64), 234-235, 238-247, 255-258
- Plurals (8.11, 8.13), 195, 196
- Act, 43
- Adjectives (see also Compounding):
- Capitalization (3.5-3.6), 27-28
- Modifier (7.7), 109
- Nationalities (demonyms), 93, 332-334
- Administration, 43
- Adverbs ending in -ly (6.20), 100
- Advice to Authors and Editors (1.1-1.22), 1-5
- Air Force, 44, 227-230 433
- Allmark (2.103-2.104, 2.112, 2.117), 22, 23, 24
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 7-9
- American Samoa (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 348
- Ampersand (&):
- Comma omitted before (8.56), 203
- Firm names (9.25), 225-226
- Index entries (15.27), 306
- Anglicized foreign words (5.3-5.4), 85-86
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute) (2.2), 7-9, 255
- Anyone, any one (6.12), 98
- Apostrophes and possessives (8.3-8.18), 193-197
- Abbreviations (8.11-8.12), 195-196
- Authentic form in names to be followed (8.6), 194
- Coined plurals (8.11), 195-196
- Contractions (8.11), 195-196
- Possessive (8.3-8.8, 8.10), 193-194
- Pronouns (8.8-8.9), 194, 195
- Spelled-out words (8.13), 196
- Appendix:
- Abbreviation (9.38), 231
- Footnote numbering (15.2), 303
- Part of book (2.3m), 10
- Plural form (5.10), 88-89
- Area:
- Abbreviations (9.56, 9.58), 236, 237
- Metric equivalents, 339-341
- Army, 45-46, 227-230
- Article:
- Abbreviation (9.38, 9.39), 231, 232
- Capitalization (3.11-3.12, 3.49), 29-30, 40
- Caps and small caps (9.39), 232
- Assembly:
- Legislative, 63
- United Nations (3.17), 30-32, 75
- Association (9.25), 225-226
- Asterisk(s):
- Ellipses (8.76-8.82), 207-208
- Footnote reference (13.68-13.69, 15.13-15.14, 15.17), 290, 304, 305
- Astronomical:
- Bodies, capitalization (3.30), 35
- Time (12.9b), 271
- Astrophysical abbreviations (9.59), 237
- Atomic numbers (10.16), 261
- B
- Backstrips, run down (2.20), 12
- Base lines and meridians, 346-347
- Basin, 47, 60
- B.C. (9.61, 12.9c), 239, 271
- Bible, etc. (3.33), 36-37
- Bibliography:
- Footnote numbering (15.2), 303
- Part of book (2.31), 10
- References (2.130, 8.29, 8.58, 8.71), 25-26, 199, 203, 205
- Bill style (2.41), 15
- Blank pages, avoid more than two (1.15), 2
- Board on Geographic Names (5.20, 5.21), 93
- Boldface:
- Page numbers, contents (15.30), 307
- Punctuation (8.150), 219
- Braces, equations (10.14), 260
- Brackets (8.19-8.22), 197-198
- Dates abbreviated in (9.45), 233
- Emphasis added, etc. (8.19), 197
- Equations (8.21, 10.14), 198, 260
- Headnotes (13.88-13.89), 292
- More than one paragraph (8.22), 198
- Type (8.150), 219
- Bylines in parentheses (8.101), 211
- C
- Calendar divisions:
- Abbreviations (9.44-9.46, 13.5), 233, 281
- Capitalization (3.23), 34, 48
- Called, so-called (8.128), 215
- Capacity:
- Abbreviations (9.56, 9.58), 236, 237
- Metric equivalents, 339, 340
- Capitalization Rules (3.1-3.57), 27-42
- Addresses, salutations, and signatures (3.55, 16.2), 42, 309
- Articles, definite (3.11-3.12), 29, 30
- Calendar divisions (3.23), 34
- Common nouns and adjectives (3.5-3.9), 27-28
- Continued (13.37), 286
- Countries, domains (3.19-3.20), 32-33
- Firm names, 58
- First words (3.42-3.45), 39-40
- Heads, center and side (3.46-3.54), 40-42
- Historic and documentary work (3.57), 42
- Historic events (3.31), 36
- Holidays, etc. (3.24), 34
- Interjections (3.56), 42
- Organized bodies (3.17-3.18), 30-32
- Particles (3.13-3.16), 30
- Proper names (3.2), 27
- Derivatives (3.3, 3.4), 27
- Religious terms (3.33), 36-37
- Scientific names (3.26-3.30), 35
- Soil orders (3.29), 35, 72
- Titles:
- Persons (3.34-3.37), 37-38
- Publications, etc. (3.38-3.41), 38-39
- Trade names and trademarks (3.25), 35, 74
- Capitalization Examples (Chapter 4), 43-77
- Capitals, foreign, 325-331
- Capitals, U.S., 322-324, 348-369
- Capitol, 49
- Caps and small caps:
- Abbreviation (1.22), 4-5, 239
- Article, section (9.39), 232
- Capitalization, in heads (3.46-3.49, 3.51-3.54), 40-41, 41-42
- Congressional work, 418
- Datelines, addresses, and signatures (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
- Figure (2.71, 8.112), 18,213
- Heads spaced with regular justification spaces (2.50), 16
- Names, surnames (3.47-3.48), 40
- Note (13.75), 288
- Quotation marks in (11.10), 267
- Use of in hearings (8.19), 197-198, 372, 375, 384, 391, 416
- Vessel names (11.6-11.7), 265-266
- -cede, -ceed, -sede (5.13), 91
- Celsius (9.53, 9.62), 235, 247
- Centerheads (see Heads, center and side).
- Chair (3.32), 36, 49
- Chairman (3.35), 37-38, 49
- Chapter:
- Abbreviation (9.38), 231
- Alignment, in contents (15.28), 306
- Capitalization (3.9), 28
- Chemical:
- Elements:
- Atomic numbers (10.16), 261
- Compounding (6.43), 106
- Numerals (6.43, 10.16), 106, 261
- Symbols (10.16), 261
- Formulas (6.44, 11.12, 12.15), 106, 267, 275
- Symbols:
- Preparing copy (2.33-2.34), 14
- Set in roman (10.16), 261
- Elements:
- Church (3.33), 36-37
- And state (3.19), 32, 50
- Ciphers:
- Leaderwork (14.7-14.8), 300
- Numerals (12.9d), 271
- Tabular work (13.29-13.36), 285-286
- Citations:
- Abbreviations (9.42, 9.43, 9.45), 232, 233
- Biblical, etc. (8.28), 199
- Italic (11.3, 11.8), 265, 266
- Punctuation (8.96, 8.97), 210
- Cities, U.S., 322-324
- Civil and military titles:
- Abbreviations (9.29-9.37), 226-231
- Capitalization (3.34-3.37), 37-38
- Plurals (5.8), 87-88
- Coast (3.22), 34
- Coast Guard, 50, 227-230
- Code (3.38), 38-39
- Colon (8.23-8.33), 198-200
- Affecting use of numerals (12.8), 270
- After salutations (8.25, 16.15), 199, 312
- Biblical and bibliographic citations (8.28, 8.29, 12.7), 199, 270
- Capitalization following (3.42, 3.44, 8.23, 8.24), 39, 40, 198-199
- Ratio (8.32, 8.33), 199, 200
- Subentries (8.27, 14.15), 199, 301
- Colony (3.19), 32
- Combining forms (6.29-6.35), 102-104
- Comma (8.34-8.49), 200-202
- Chemical formulas (6.44), 106
- Compound sentences (8.43), 201
- Omitted (8.50-8.59), 202-204
- Semicolon, used with (8.145), 218
- Commandant (9.30), 230
- Commander in Chief (3.35), 37-38
- Compounding (6.40), 105
- Plural (5.8), 87-88
- Commission (3.17), 30-32
- Committee, 51-52
- Company:
- Abbreviation (9.25-9.26), 225-226
- Ampersand with (9.25), 225-226
- List, 52
- Compass directions:
- Abbreviations (9.50), 235
- Capitalization (3.22), 33-34
- Compound words (6.14), 98
- Land description (9.20-9.21), 225
- Compounding Examples (7.1-7.14), 109-191
- Compounding Rules (6.1-6.52), 95-107
- Chemical terms (6.42-6.44), 106
- Civil and military titles (6.40-6.41), 105
- Fractions (6.38, 12.26-12.28), 105, 279
- General rules (6.4-6.7), 95-96
- Improvised compounds (6.46-6.52), 106-107
- Numerical compounds (6.36-6.39, 12.9o), 104-105, 274
- Prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms (6.29-6.35), 102-104
- Short prefixes (6.7), 96
- Scientific and technical terms (6.42-6.45), 106
- Solid compounds (6.8-6.14), 96-98
- Unit modifiers (6.15-6.28), 98-102
- Units of measurement (6.45), 106
- Congressional:
- Abbreviations (9.41-9.43, 13.11), 232-233, 282
- Capitalization (3.17), 30-32
- Ordinals (12.10-12.11), 274-275
- Congressional Record (Chapter 19), 371-416
- Addresses and signatures, 383-384
- Call of the House, 382
- Capitalization, 373-374
- Caps and small caps, 376-377
- Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, 398-400
- Conference report and statement, 400-401
- Credits, 384
- Extensions of Remarks, 386
- Extracts, 385-386
- Figures, 374
- Forms of titles, 382-383
- General rules, 371-372
- In gross or en gros, 376
- Italic, 374-375
- Miscellaneous, 375-376
- Parentheses and brackets, 378-379
- Poetry, 384-385
- Proceedings:
- House, 394-398
- Senate, 387-393
- Punctuation, 377-378
- Samples, 376-405
- Speech heads, 386
- Tabular matter and leaderwork, 374
- Text headings, 386
- Title 44, U.S.C.,rv; 371
- Voting:
- House and Committee of the Whole, 379-381
- Pairs, 382
- Yeas and nays, 381-382
- Voting:
- Congressional Record Index, 406-416
- Abbreviations and acronyms, 406-409
- Capitalization, 409-411
- Flush cap lines, 412
- General instructions, 406
- Punctuation, 411
- Roman and italic, 412
- Samples, 413-416
- Spacing, 409
- Congressional work:
- Back title, 428, 430
- Cover and title pages, 423-426, 429, 431-432
- Joint explanatory statement, 427
- Reports and hearings (2.39), 15, 417-432
- Consonants:
- A, an, before (5.16-5.19), 92
- Doubled (5.14, 5.15), 92
- Hyphen, to avoid tripling (6.7), 96
- Contents (15.20-15.30), 305-307
- Part of book (2.3i, 2.12), 10, 11
- Type (15.28-15.30), 306-307
- Contractions, apostrophe to indicate (8.11, 8.12), 195, 196
- Copy (see also Preparing copy):
- Blank pages, avoid more than two (1.15), 2
- Corrections marked (1.19-1.20), 2
- Covers to be indicated (1.13), 2
- Fold-ins, avoid use of (1.14), 2
- Folioing looseleaf or perforated work (1.12), 2
- Footnote references (1.7), 1
- Illustrations:
- Instructions (1.8), 1
- Position (1.8), 1
- Separate sheets (1.8), 1
- Legible (1.2), 1
- Numbering (1.3), 1
- Paper stock (1.16), 2, 3
- Paragraph, begin with (1.4), 1
- Proofreader's marks (1.22), 4-5
- Proper names, signatures, etc., plainly marked (1.5), 1
- Reprint, in duplicate (1.3), 1
- Style sheets furnished (1.11), 2
- Trim size (1.11, 1.17), 2
- Typewritten, one side only (1.3), 1
- Corrections:
- Author's (1.19-1.20), 2
- Proofreading (2.79-2.80), 19
- Counties and geographic divisions, 348-369
- Common misspellings, 369-370
- Cover:
- Kind to be indicated (1.13, 2.5), 2, 10
- Report sample, 8
- Crown (3.35), 37-38, 54
- Currency (see also Money), 334-338
- D
- Dagger (13.68-13.69, 15.14), 290, 304
- Dash (8.60-8.75), 204-206
- Em dash (8.60-8.70), 204-205
- En dash (8.72-8.75), 206
- Figures, letters (8.72-8.73, 9.12, 12.7), 206, 223, 270
- Not to be used for and (8.75), 206
- Not to be used for to (8.74, 13.111), 206,295
- Proportion (8.32), 199
- Date columns (see Tabular work).
- Datelines, Addresses, and Signatures (16.1-16.28), 309-319
- Dates:
- Abbreviations (9.44-9.46, 13.5), 233, 281
- A.D., B.C. (8.52, 12.9c), 203, 271
- Commas with (8.49, 8.52, 12.9c), 202, 203,271
- En dash (8.73-8.75, 12.9c), 206, 271
- Ordinals in (12.10), 274
- Roman numerals (12.29), 280
- Tabular work (13.5), 281
- Days:
- Abbreviations (9.46), 233
- Holidays, etc. (3.24), 34
- Decimal inches, converted to, 341
- Decimals:
- Alignment (2.27, 13.31), 13, 285
- Ciphers with (13.29-13.33), 285
- Comma omitted (8.54), 203
- Used with numerals (12.9d), 271
- Decorations, medals, etc., 54
- Decree:
- Executive, 57
- Royal (3.38), 38-39, 54
- Degree mark:
- Repeated (10.6), 259
- Spacing (12.9f), 272
- With figures (9.50-9.51, 9.53, 10.6, 12.9f), 235, 259, 272
- Degrees (scholastic, etc):
- Abbreviations (9.32, 9.33, 9.35-9.36), 230, 231
- Closed up (9.7), 222
- Capitalization (9.36), 231
- Sequence of (9.35), 231
- Deity, words denoting (3.33), 36-37, 55
- Demonyms (nationalities) (5.22), 93, 332-334
- Derivatives:
- Compounds (6.6), 96
- Proper names (3.3-3.4), 27, 55
- Scientific names (3.26-3.29), 35
- Devil, etc. (3.33), 36-37
- Diseases and related terms, 55
- Do. (ditto):
- Leaderwork (14.4, 14.6), 299-300
- Tabular work (13.41-13.50), 286-287
- Dollar:
- Abbreviation (9.60), 238
- Leaderwork (14.7-14.8), 300
- Mark (9.60, 12.9k), 238, 273
- Repeated (10.6), 259
- Tabular work (13.51-13.56), 288
- Dr. (9.29, 9.33), 226, 230
- Not used with other titles (9.33), 230
- E
- Earth (3.30), 35
- Editorial marks (illustration) (1.22), 4-5
- Editors and authors, suggestions (1.1-1.22), 1-5
- E.g., 252
- Ellipses (8.76-8.82), 207-208
- Email, email (11.16), 57, 268
- Emphasis, italic not used (11.2), 265
- Emphasis added, etc. (11.4), 265
- Equations (10.8-10.15), 260
- Esq., abbreviation (9.32, 9.33, 9.37), 230, 231
- Et al., 252
- Et cetera, etc. (2.28), 13, 252
- Etseq. (11.3), 252, 265
- Even space after sentences (2.49), 16
- Everyone, every one (6.12), 98
- Ex- (6.34), 103
- Exclamation point (8.83-8.85), 208
- Extracts:
- Footnotes (15.8), 303-304
- Quotation marks omitted (2.24), 12
- F
- Fahrenheit (9.53), 235, 339
- False title (2.3b), 9
- Federated States of Micronesia (9.12, 9.13), 223,224,350
- FIC &punc. (2.28, 2.38, 2.41), 13, 14-15
- Figure (2.71, 3.9), 18, 28
- Not abbreviated (9.40), 232
- Period not used at end (8.112), 213
- Figures (see Numerals).
- Firm names (see also Company), 58
- First words capitalized (3.42-3.45), 39-40
- Flush heads (see Heads, center and side).
- Fol. lit. (2.38), 14-15
- Fold-ins, oversize, avoided (1.14), 2
- Footnotes, Indexes, Contents, and Outlines (15.1-15.31), 303-308
- Footnotes and reference marks (15.1-15.19), 301-305
- Comma not used (8.50, 15.19), 202, 305
- Footnotes and reference marks (15.1-15.19), 301-305
- Follow punctuation (15.18), 305
- Footnote added (2.97), 21
- Footnote eliminated (2.96g), 21
- Run across (1.7, 13.71), 1, 290
- Sequence (15.14), 304
- Superior figures (13.67, 15.12), 290, 304
- Thin space (15.12), 304
- Indexes and tables of contents (15.20-15.30), 305-307
- Leaderwork (14.11-14.13), 301
- Outlines (15.31), 307-308
- Tabular work (13.66-13.85), 289-291
- Text (15.1-15.19), 303-305
- Foreign:
- Countries:
- Abbreviations (9.11), 223
- Capital cities, 325-331
- Currency, 334-338
- Heads of state, 325-331
- Money, abbreviations (9.60), 238
- Nationalities (demonyms), 332-334
- Rivers, 347
- Words:
- Accents (5.3, 5.4), 85, 86
- Compounding (6.24), 101
- Italic (11.2), 265
- Countries:
- Foreword (2.3f), 10
- Fort, 59
- Not abbreviated (9.19), 225
- State name with (9.12), 223
- Fractions (12.26-12.28), 279
- Comma omitted (8.54, 12.9e, 12.27), 203, 272, 279
- Hyphen in (6.38-6.39), 105
- Land descriptions (9.20-9.22), 225
- Spelled out (6.38, 12.26), 105, 279
- Tabular work (13.86-13.87), 291-292
- Alignment (13.63), 289
- Franking privilege (2.129), 25
- Frontispiece (2.3a), 9
- -ful, words ending in (5.9, 6.30), 88, 103
- G
- General Instructions (2.1-2.130), 7-26
- Geologic Terms and Geographic Divisions (Chapter 18), 343-370
- Geographic divisions, 346-347
- Geographic terms, 60
- Geologic terms, 343
- Germany, West, etc. (3.22), 33-34
- Gospel, etc. (3.33), 36, 60
- Government(s) (3.8, 3.20), 28, 32-33, 60
- Departments, capitalization (3.17), 30-32
- Foreign, 325-331
- Governor (3.35), 37-38
- GPO's Online Initiatives, ix
- Gravity terms (9.53), 235
- Guam (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 352
- H
- Halftitle:
- Imprint (2.118), 24
- Part of book (2. 3j), 10
- H-bomb, H-hour (6.51), 61, 107
- Heads, center and side:
- Capitalization (2.30, 3.46-3.54), 13, 40-42
- Tabular work (13.25-13.27), 284
- Heads of state, foreign, 325-331
- Hearings (see Reports and Hearings).
- Holidays, etc. (3.24), 34
- Holy Scriptures, etc. (3.33), 36, 62
- Honorable, etc. (9.31), 230
- House, 62
- Hyphen (see also Compounding Rules):
- Chemical formulas (6.43, 6.44), 106
- Civil and military titles (5.8, 6.40-6.41), 87-88, 105
- Compass directions (6.14), 98
- Division at end of line (8.87), 209
- Fractions (12.26, 12.28), 279
- Numerical compounds (6.36-6.39, 12.9o), 104-105,274
- Prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms (6.7, 6.29-6.35, 7.10-7.11), 96, 102-104, 110
- Scientific terms (6.42-6.44), 106
- State abbreviations (8.72, 9.12), 206, 223
- Unit modifiers (6.15-6.28), 98-102
- Not used when meaning is clear (6.16), 99
- I
- Ibid, id. (11.3), 252, 265
- -ible, words ending in (5.11, 6.30), 89-91, 103
- i.e., 252
- Illustrations:
- Makeup (2.3i, 2.12, 2.18), 10, 11, 12
- Separate sheets (1.8), 1
- Imprints (2.115-2.120), 24
- Signature marks (2.101-2.112), 22-23
- Improvised compounds (6.46-6.52), 106-107
- Inches, picas converted to, 341
- Indentions (see also Overruns) (2.60-2.66), 17-18
- Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.5-16.28), 309-319
- Do. (13.41-13.50), 286-287
- Extracts (2.24), 12
- Footnote tables (13.84), 291
- Hanging (2.62-2.63), 17
- Heads (2.65-2.66), 18
- Paragraphs (2.60-2.61), 17
- Index (15.20-15.30), 305-307
- Entries (15.27), 306
- Part of book (2. 3n), 10
- Plural form (5.10), 88-89
- Roman numerals (15.22), 305
- See, see also (11.11, 15.20), 267, 305
- Inferior figures and letters:
- Chemical elements (6.43), 106
- Chemical formulas (10.16, 11.12, 12.15), 261,267,275
- Equations (10.8), 260
- Italic (10.8, 11.12), 260, 267
- Precede superiors (10.15), 260
- Preparing (2.33), 14
- Information technology acronyms (9.64), 255
- Infra:
- Italic (11.3), 265
- Not abbreviated (9.49), 235
- Integral sign (10.14), 260
- Interjections:
- Capitalization (3.56), 42
- Exclamation point (8.83-8.85), 208
- Introduction (2.3f), 10
- -ise, -ize, -yze (5.12), 91
- Italic (11.1-11.16), 265-268
- Aircraft (11.6), 265-266
- Ante, post (11.3), 265
- Continued from (11.11), 267
- Credit line (8.66), 205
- Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.5-16.26), 309-319
- Emphasis (11.2), 265
- Equations (10.7-10.8, 11.12-11.13), 260, 267-268
- Fol. lit., etc. (2.38), 14-15
- Foreign words, etc. (11.2-11.3), 265
- Inferior letters (10.8, 11.12), 260, 267
- Infra, supra (11.3), 265
- Italic supplied, etc. (11.4), 268
- Legal cases (11.8), 266
- Legends (2.73, 11.14), 18, 268
- Nth degree (11.12), 267
- Paragraphs and sections, indicating (11.15), 268
- Provided, Resolved, etc. (3.45, 11.11), 40, 267
- To be followed (11.5), 265
- Publications, titles of (11.2), 265
- Salutations (8.25, 16.14), 199, 312
- Scientific names (11.9-11.10), 267
- See, see also (11.11, 15.20), 267, 305
- Symbols (2.73, 11.12-11.14), 18, 267-268
- Tabular work (13.95-13.96), 293
- Units of quantity (13.123, 14.14), 298, 301
- v. (11.8), 266
- Vessels (11.6-11.7, 13.95), 265-266, 293
- X dollars (11.12), 267
- -ize, -ise, -yze (5.12), 91
- J
- Journals (2.2), 7-9
- Jr., Sr.:
- Abbreviation (9.32, 9.34), 230
- Index entries (15.27), 306
- Punctuation (8.39, 9.34), 200, 230
- Type (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
- K
- King (3.34), 37
- Known as (8.128), 215
- L
- Land area abbreviations (9.56), 236-237
- Land descriptions (9.20-9.22, 12.9f), 225, 272
- Latin abbreviations (9.63, 11.3), 251-255, 265
- Latitude, longitude:
- Abbreviated (9.51, 13.9), 235, 281
- Division at end of line (9.52), 235
- Spaces omitted (9.51, 12.9f), 235, 272
- Law (3.40), 39
- Leaders:
- Abbreviation before (8.123, 13.13), 214, 282
- Leaderwork (14.1), 299
- Tabular work (13.97-13.101), 293-294
- Leaderwork (14.1-14.20) (see also Tabular Work), 299-302
- Bearoff (14.2), 299
- Clears (14.9), 300
- Columns (14.3-14.4), 299-300
- Continued heads (14.5), 300
- Definition (14.1), 299
- Do. (14.6), 300
- Dollar mark and ciphers (14.7-14.8), 300
- Double up (14.19), 302
- Examples (14.15-14.20), 301-302
- Flush items and subheads (14.9-14.10), 300
- Footnotes (14.11-14.13), 301
- Units of quantity (14.14-14.20), 301-302
- Leading and spacing (2.48-2.59), 16-17
- Leading:
- Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.4), 309
- Extracts (2.54-2.57), 17
- Footnotes (2.58), 17
- Legends (2.59), 17
- Line of stars (8.79), 207
- Page, section, etc., over figure columns (15.21), 305
- Tabular work, boxheads (13.18), 282
- Tabular work, centerheads (13.25), 284
- Tabular work, footnotes (13.66), 289
- Spacing:
- Abbreviations with points (9.6), 221
- Ampersand (9.7), 222
- Article, section (9.39), 232
- Citations (8.28), 199
- Clock time (8.26, 12.9b), 199, 271
- Colon (8.23-8.33), 198-200
- Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.4), 309
- Degrees, academic (9.7, 9.32-9.33, 9.35-9.36), 222, 230, 231
- Ellipses (8.76), 207-208
- Footnote references (8.50, 15.12, 15,19), 202, 304, 305
- Footnote symbols (13.69, 15.12), 290, 304
- Footnotes, two or more (2.19), 12
- Heads, center, side (2.50), 16
- Initials, personal name (9.7), 222
- Letters or figures in parentheses (2.40, 8.94), 15.209
- Mathematical signs (10.3), 259
- Names, space after in small cap heads (3.13-3.16, 3.47-3.48), 30, 40
- Particles (3.48), 40-41
- Question mark (8.124-8.126), 214-215
- Quotation marks (8.127-8.144), 215-218
- Section mark (10.6), 259
- Stars (8.79), 207
- Symbols with figures (10.6), 259
- Leading:
- Legal cases:
- Capitalization (3.11), 29
- Italic (11.8), 266
- Legends (2.67-2.73), 18
- Italic symbols (2.73, 11.14), 18, 268
- Leading (2.59), 17
- Makeup (2.68, 2.72, 2.96f), 18, 21
- Punctuation (2.70, 8.112), 18, 213
- Type (2.69), 18
- Legislative bodies, foreign, 325-331
- Letter of transmittal (2.3e), 10
- Looseleaf work, "blue" folios marked (1.12), 2
- -ly, words ending in (6.20), 100
- M
- M., Mlle., etc. (9.29), 226
- Magnification symbol (10.3), 259
- Magnitudes (9.59), 237
- Makeup (2.3-2.19), 9-12
- Backstrips, run down (2.20), 12
- Facing pages (2.7), 11
- Fold-ins to be avoided (1.14), 2
- Footnotes:
- Leaderwork (14.11-14.13), 301
- Tabular references repeated (2.13, 13.70), 11,290
- Tabular sample, 301
- Tabular work (2.98), 21
- Text (15.9-15.11), 304
- Illustrations (2.67-2.73), 18
- Parts of book (2.3), 9-10
- Roman numerals (2.4), 10
- Running heads and folios (2.10-2.11), 11
- Signature marks, imprints, etc. (2.101-2.112, 2.115-2.128), 22-23, 24-25
- Signatures, jobs over 4 pages (1.15), 2
- Avoid over 2 blank pages (1.15), 2
- Sink (2.8), 11
- Title pages (2.5), 10
- Widow lines (2.6), 10
- Marine Corps, 64, 227-230
- Market grades (3.25), 35
- Marshall Islands (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 356
- Mathematical equations (10.8-10.15), 260
- Signs (10.2, 10.3, 10.18), 259, 262, 264
- Measurement:
- Abbreviations (9.56-9.58), 236-237
- Conversion table, 341
- Metric equivalents, 339-341
- Numerals (12.9J), 272-273
- Symbols (9.62), 247-251
- Medals (see Decorations).
- Meridians and base lines, 346-347
- Messrs. (9.29), 226
- Meteorology signs/symbols (10.18), 262-264
- Metric:
- Abbreviations (9.56-9.57), 236-237
- Equivalents, 339, 340
- Military:
- Dates (8.52, 12.9c), 203, 271
- Installations, State name with (9.12), 223
- Time (12.9b, 12.14), 271, 275
- Titles:
- Abbreviations (9.29), 226-230
- Capitalization (3.35), 37-38
- Enlisted rank, 228-230
- Officer rank, 226-228
- Units, ordinals used (12.10), 274
- Millimeters, converted to, 341
- Million, etc.:
- Roman numerals (12.29), 280
- Use of figures with (12.24), 278-279
- Minute:
- Abbreviation (9.58), 237
- Latitude, longitude (9.51-9.52, 12.9f), 235, 272
- Time (12.9b, 12.9n), 271, 273
- Astronomical (9.59, 12.9b), 237, 271
- Money:
- Abbreviations and symbols (9.60, 12.9k), 238, 273, 334-338
- Decimals (12.9k), 273
- Fractions (12.26-12.28), 279
- Months:
- Abbreviations (9.44-9.45, 13.5), 233, 281
- mo (9.58), 237
- Punctuation (8.52, 8.74, 8.75, 12.9c), 203, 206, 271
- Abbreviations (9.44-9.45, 13.5), 233, 281
- Moon (3.30), 35
- Signs (10.18), 262-264
- Mount, not abbreviated (9.19), 225
- Mr., Mrs.:
- Abbreviation, when used (9.29), 226
- Type (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
- With other abbreviations (9.33), 230
- Mr. Chairman, etc. (3.37), 38
- N
- Names (see Personal names, Natives).
- Nation, etc. (3.19, 3.20), 32, 33
- Nationalities (see Demonyms).
- Natives:
- Foreign countries, 332-334
- States, U.S. (5.23-5.24), 93-94
- Nature (3.32), 36
- Navy, Naval, etc. (3.17), 30-32, 66, 227-230
- Near East (3.21), 33
- Newspapers:
- Capitalization (3.38), 38-39
- Datelines (16.8), 311
- Italic not used (11.2), 265
- No., Nos. (9.38), 231
- Not abbreviated (13.22), 283
- Northern Mariana Islands (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 361
- Note (8.107, 13.53, 13.75), 5, 211-212, 288, 290, 334, 347
- Nouns:
- Capitalization (3.5-3.10, 3.49), 27-29, 40
- Compounding (6.8-6.11), 96-97
- Nationalities, foreign, 332-334
- Plural forms (5.5-5.10), 86-89
- States, natives of (5.23), 93
- Nth degree (11.12), 267
- Number:
- Abbreviation (see No.).
- Chemical elements (10.16), 261
- Mark (#) (10.6, 10.18, 15.15), 259, 262-264, 304
- Numerals (12.1-12.29), 269-280
- Age (12.9a), 270
- Beginning a sentence (12.16), 276
- Related numerals (12.25), 279
- Chemical elements (6.43, 10.16), 106, 261
- Chemical formulas (6.44, 12.15), 106, 275
- Clock time (9.54, 12.9b), 236, 271
- Colon affecting use (12.8), 270
- Compound (6.36-6.39), 104-105
- Dates (see Dates).
- Decimals (12.9d), 271
- Degrees (12.9f), 272
- Equations (10.8-10.15), 260
- Expressed in figures (12.4-12.15), 269-275
- Formal writing (12.19), 277
- Fractions (see Fractions).
- Game scores (12.9g), 272
- Hearings, etc. (12.17), 276
- Indefinite expressions (12.22), 277-278
- Land descriptions (9.21), 225
- Large numbers (12.20, 12.24), 277, 278-279
- Market quotations (12.9h), 272
- Mathematical expressions (12.91), 272
- Measurement and time (12.9a-12.9o), 270-274
- In relation to other figures (12.6), 270
- Money (9.60, 12.9k), 238, 273
- Ordinals (see Ordinals).
- Percentage (12.91), 273
- Proportion or ratio (12.9m), 273
- Punctuation (8.48, 8.109-8.110, 12.14), 202,212,275
- Roman (see Roman numerals).
- Serial (12.7), 270
- Single:
- 10 or more (12.4), 269
- Under 10 (12.23), 278
- Unit of measurement, etc. (12.6), 270
- Spelled out (12.16-12.25), 276-279
- Tabular work (13.102), 294
- Time (12.9n), 273
- Unit modifiers (6.23, 6.36-6.37, 6.39, 12.9o), 101, 104, 105, 274
- Vitamins (12.9p), 274
- With abbreviations (9.5, 13.4), 221, 281
- O
- O, Oh:
- Capitalization (3.56), 42
- Exclamation point (8.84, 8.85), 208
- -o, words ending in (5.5), 86
- Occident, etc. (3.21, 3.22), 33-34
- O'clock (9.55, 12.9b), 236, 271
- Office (3.17), 30-32, 66-67
- Op. cit. (11.3), 254, 265
- Order (3.38), 38-39
- Ordered (3.45, 11.11), 40, 267
- Ordinals (12.10-12.13, 13.102), 274-275, 294
- Beginning with 10th (12.10), 274
- In relation to other ordinals or numerals (12.11), 274-275
- Leaderwork (12.13), 275
- Military units (12.10), 274
- Street address (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
- Tabular work (12.13, 13.102), 275, 294
- Orient, etc. (3.21, 3.22), 33-34
- Outlines:
- Indentions (15.31), 307-308
- Numbering sequence (15.31), 307-308
- Overruns (see also Indentions):
- Addresses, datelines, and signatures (16.5, 16.26), 309-310, 316-319
- Center, side heads (2.65-2.66), 18
- Hanging indentions (2.62-2.63), 17
- Indexes (15.23-15.25), 305-306
- Leaderwork (14.4), 299-300
- Paragraphs (2.60-2.66), 17
- Tabular work (13.90-13.94), 292-293
- Total, mean, and average lines (13.92-13.94), 292-293
- P
- Pact (3.38), 38-39
- Page (3.9), 28
- Abbreviation (9.38), 231
- Numbers (2.4, 15.22, 15.30), 10, 305, 307
- Palau (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 363
- Paper stock (1.16), 2, 3
- Paragraph (3.9), 28
- Abbreviation (9.38), 231
- Mark (¶) (10.6), 259
- Paragraphs:
- Brackets, more than one paragraph (8.22), 198
- Indention (2.60-2.61), 17
- Overruns (2.62-2.63), 17
- Italic letters indicating (11.15), 268
- Numbering sequence (8.108), 212
- Parentheses (8.91-8.102), 209-211
- Abbreviations in (9.2), 221
- Citations or references (9.45), 233
- Congressional (9.41-9.43), 232-233
- Latitude, longitude (9.51), 235
- Parts of publications (9.38), 231
- Steamships, railroads (9.27), 226
- Alignment in tables (13.59, 13.63), 289
- Byline (8.101), 211
- Chemical formulas (6.44), 106
- Clauses (8.92), 209
- Closed up (2.40, 8.94, 8.98), 15, 209, 210
- Column numbers or letters (13.23), 283
- Enclose letters or figures (8.94), 209
- Equations (10.14), 260
- Explanatory word (8.93), 209
- More than one paragraph (8.102), 211
- Not part of main statement (8.91), 209
- Paragraph sequence (8.108), 212
- Type (8.150), 219
- Verifying numbers (8.95, 12.18), 210, 276
- With punctuation (8.96-8.102), 210-211
- Abbreviations in (9.2), 221
- Part (3.9), 28
- Abbreviation (9.38), 231
- Particles (3.13-3.16), 30
- Parts of books:
- Abbreviations (9.38-9.40), 231-232
- Capitalization (3.9, 3.38, 3.39), 28, 38-39
- Makeup (2.3), 9-10
- Quotation marks (8.129), 215-216
- Percent (5.2), 79
- Mark (10.18, 15.15), 262-264, 304
- Use of figures (12.91), 273
- Period (8.103-8.123), 211-214
- Abbreviations (8.111, 9.6-9.7), 213, 221-222
- After article, section, etc. (8.113), 213
- Boxheads (8.115), 213
- Decimals (8.109, 12.9d, 13.29-13.32), 212, 271,285
- Declarative sentence (8.103), 211
- Ellipses (8.76, 8.78), 207
- Explanatory matter within parentheses (8.122), 214
- Indirect question (8.104), 211
- In lieu of parentheses (8.105), 211
- Inside-outside quotation marks (8.141-8.142), 217
- Legends (2.70, 8.112), 18, 213
- Letters used as names (8.117), 213-214
- Metric abbreviations (9.56-9.57), 236-237
- Middle initial not abbreviation (8.118), 214
- Multiplication (8.114), 213
- Omitted (8.115-8.123, 9.3, 13.13, 15.23), 213-214, 221, 282, 305-306
- Overruns, in indexes (15.23), 305-306
- Roman numerals (8.120), 214
- Run-in sideheads (8.107), 211-212
- Short name not abbreviation (8.119, 9.23), 214, 225
- Symbols (8.115), 213
- To indicate thousands (8.110), 212
- Words and incomplete statements (8.121), 214
- Periodicals, titles of:
- Capitalization (3.38-3.39, 3.41), 38-39
- Italic not used (11.2), 265
- Makeup (2.2, 2.3), 7-10
- Personal names:
- Abbreviations followed (8.119, 9.23-9.24), 214, 225
- Initials set without space (9.7), 222
- Particles (3.13-3.16), 30
- Variations (8.119, 9.23-9.24), 214, 225
- Personification (3.32), 36
- Physics, signs and symbols (10.18), 262-264
- Physiographic regions, 344-345
- Pica conversion table, 341
- Pickup matter (2.31), 13
- Correcting (2.45), 16
- Place:
- Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
- Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
- Planets (3.30), 35
- Plate (3.9), 28
- Abbreviation (9.38), 231
- Numbers aligned (15.28), 306
- Plurals:
- Apostrophe (8.7, 8.11), 194, 195-196
- Coined (8.11), 195-196
- Common noun as part of proper name (3.8), 28
- Compound words (5.6-5.8), 87-88
- Irregular (5.10), 88-89
- Latin names (3.28), 35
- Letters and figures (8.11), 195-196
- Nouns ending in -ful (5.9), 88
- Nouns ending in -o (5.5), 86
- Of words (8.13), 196
- Poetry:
- Alignment and indention (8.134), 216-217
- Capitalization of titles (3.39), 39
- Congressional Record, 382-383
- Credit line (8.66), 205
- Quotation marks (3.39, 8.129, 8.134), 39, 215-217
- Point, not abbreviated (9.19), 225
- Points, converted to, 341
- Political parties (3.17), 30-32, 68
- Adherents (3.18), 32, 68
- Port, not abbreviated (9.19), 225
- Possessions, U.S. (9.12-9.14), 223-224, 348-367
- Possessives and apostrophes (see Apostrophes and possessives).
- Post (11.3), 265
- Post Office, 68
- Box, as part of address, 68
- Directory of Post Offices (5.20), 93
- ZIP Code numbers (8.51, 16.1), 203, 309
- Pound mark (see Money, Number).
- Preface (2.3g, 2.12), 10, 11
- Prefixes (6.7, 6.29-6.35), 96, 102-104
- Metric (9.56), 236-237
- Preliminary pages (2.3-2.4), 9-10
- Roman numerals for (2.4), 10
- Preparing copy:
- Abbreviations spelled out (2.43), 15
- Bill style (2.41), 15
- Capitalization (2.25,2.35), 12, 14
- Copy kept clean (2.46), 16
- Cut-in notes (2.32), 14
- Datelines, addresses, and signatures (2.26), 13
- Addresses (16.9-16.16), 311-313
- Datelines (16.5-16.8), 309-311
- Signatures (16.17-16.26), 313-319
- Decimals (2.27), 13
- Et cetera, etc. (2.28), 13
- Extracts (2.24), 12
- FIC & punc, Fol. lit. (2.38-2.42), 14-15
- Figures (2.38, 2.40), 15
- Folioing and stamping (2.29), 13
- Footnotes and reference marks:
- Tabular work (13.66-13.85), 289-291
- Text (15.1-15.19), 303-305
- Heads (2.30, 3.46-3.54), 13, 40-42
- Instructions to be followed (2.42, 11.5), 15, 177
- Italic (2.26, 2.38), 13, 14
- Pickup (2.31), 13
- Plurals (2.36, 8.13), 14, 196
- Punctuation followed (2.38-2.42), 14-15
- Sidenotes (2.32), 14
- Signs, symbols, etc. (2.33-2.34), 14
- Type to indicate shape (2.35-2.37), 14
- Prepositions (3.49), 40
- In compound nouns (6.47), 107
- Presidents and Vice Presidents, U.S., 321-322
- Pronouns:
- Compounding (6.12, 6.13), 98
- Possessive (8.8-8.9), 194, 195
- Proofreader's marks (1.22), 4-5
- Proofreading (2.74-2.87), 18-20
- Proofs:
- Clean (2.46, 2.96a), 16,21
- Department (1.18-1.20), 2
- Proportion (8.32, 12.9m), 199, 273
- Provided, etc.:
- Capitalization following (3.45), 40
- Italic (3.45, 11.11), 40, 267
- Province (3.19), 32
- Not abbreviated (9.15), 224
- Public Law, etc. (3.38), 38-39
- Not abbreviated (9.41, 9.43), 232, 233
- Publications (see Periodicals).
- GPO(1.21),3
- Puerto Rico (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 364
- Punctuation (8.1-8.150), 193-219
- Abbreviations:
- Omitted (8.123, 9.3, 13.13), 214, 221, 282
- When used (8.39, 9.6), 200, 221
- Apostrophe (8.3-8.18), 193-197
- Brackets (8.19-8.22), 197-198
- Colon (8.23-8.33), 198-200
- Comma (8.34-8.59), 200-204
- Before and after abbreviations (8.39), 200
- Omitted (8.50-8.59), 202-204
- Used (8.34-8.49), 200-202
- Dash (em) (8.60-8.70), 204-205
- Not used (8.69-8.70), 205
- Used (8.60-8.68), 204-205
- Dash (en) (8.72-8.75), 206
- Not used (8.74-8.75), 206
- Used (8.72-8.73), 206
- Ellipses (8.76-8.82), 207-208
- Exclamation point (8.83-8.84), 208
- Function (8.1, 8.2), 193
- Hyphen (8.86-8.90), 208-209
- Compounding (6.1-6.52), 95-107
- Legends (2.70, 8.112), 18, 213
- Numerals (12.14), 275
- Parentheses (8.91-8.102), 209-211
- Period (8.103-8.123), 211-214
- Omitted (8.115-8.123), 213-214
- Used (8.103-8.114), 211-213
- Question mark (8.124-8.126), 214-215
- Quotation marks (8.127-8.144), 215-218
- Not used (8.134-8.144), 216-218
- Used (8.127-8.133), 215-216
- Semicolon (8.145-8.148), 218
- Sentence (2.49), 16
- Single (8.124, 8.149), 214, 219
- Abbreviations:
- Q
- Quantity (see Units of quantity).
- Quart (9.58), 237
- Metric equivalent, 339, 340
- Quasi-, ex-, self- (6.34), 103
- Queen (3.35), 37, 38
- Queries:
- Department must answer (1.20), 2
- Not to be set (2.47), 16
- Proofreading (2.75-2.78), 19
- Question mark (8.124-8.126), 214-215
- Closed up (8.126), 215
- Direct query (8.45, 8.124), 202, 214
- Doubt (8.125, 8.126), 214-215
- With quotation marks (8.141, 8.144), 217, 218
- Quotation marks (8.127-8.144), 215-218
- Addresses, books, etc. (8.129), 215-216
- Called, so-called, etc. (8.128), 215
- Direct quotations (8.127), 215
- Display initial with (8.140), 217
- Double, single, double (8.144), 218
- Entitled, marked, etc. (8.128), 215
- Extracts, omitted (2.24, 8.138), 12, 217
- Indirect quotations (8.139), 217
- Letters within a letter (8.131), 216
- Complete letter (8.137), 217
- Misnomers, slang, etc. (8.132), 216
- More than one paragraph (8.130), 216
- Poetry, alignment (8.134), 216-217
- Precede footnote references (8.143), 217
- Punctuation with (8.47, 8.141, 8.142), 202, 217
- Scientific names (11.10), 267
- Spacing (8.133, 8.144), 216, 218
- Tabular work (13.124), 298
- Thin space (8.133), 216
- Vessels (11.7, 11.8), 266
- Quotations:
- Capitalization (3.42, 3.43), 39
- Comma before (8.35), 200
- Ellipses (8.76-8.82), 207-208
- R
- Railroads, abbreviated (9.27, 13.8), 226, 281
- Reference marks (see Footnotes and references).
- Reference materials, GPO (1.21), 3
- Region (3.9), 28
- Ordinals (12.10), 274
- Regular, etc. (3.17), 30-32, 69
- Related numbers:
- Group (12.5, 12.25), 269-270, 279
- Ordinals (12.10-12.12), 274-275
- Religious terms (3.33), 36-37, 69
- Report (3.38, 3.39), 38-39, 70
- With quotation marks (3.39, 8.129), 39, 215-216
- Reports and Hearings (Chapter 20), 417-432
- Samples, 419-432
- Representative (3.18), 32
- Not abbreviated (9.30), 230
- Reprint:
- "All roman (no italic)" exceptions (11.5), 265
- Dates (2.113-2.114), 23
- Pickup (2.31), 13
- Signature marks (2.114), 23
- Republic (3.19), 32
- Reservation (3.5), 27-28
- State name with (9.12), 223
- Resolution (3.38), 38-39
- Abbreviation (9.42, 13.11), 232, 282
- Resolved, etc. (3.45), 40
- Italic (3.45, 11.11), 40, 267
- Reverend, etc. (9.31), 230
- Revising (2.88-2.100), 20-22
- Galley (2.88-2.91), 20
- Page (2.92-2.98), 20-21
- Press (2.99-2.100), 22
- Rivers, 347
- Road:
- Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
- Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
- Roman numerals:
- Army corps (12.10), 274
- Figure columns:
- Indexes and contents (15.22), 305
- Tabular work (13.62), 289
- List (12.29), 280
- Not preferred (12.3), 269
- Period:
- Aligned in contents (15.28), 306
- Not used after (8.120), 214
- Preliminary pages (2.4), 10
- Royal titles (3.34, 3.35, 3.37), 37-38
- Rules in tables (2.23, 13.3), 12, 281
- Running heads:
- Copy for, supplied (1.19), 2
- Makeup (2.10-2.11), 11
- Period omitted (8.115), 213
- S
- Sales notices (2.121-2.122), 24
- Salutation:
- Capitalization (3.55, 16.15), 42, 312
- Colon after (8.25, 16.15), 199, 312
- Italic (8.25, 16.14), 199, 312
- Scientific terms:
- Abbreviations, punctuation omitted (9.3), 221
- Capitalization (3.26-3.29), 35
- Compounding (6.42-6.45), 106
- Italic (11.9-11.10, 13.95), 267, 293
- Quotation marks with (11.10), 267
- Set in roman(11.9), 267
- Scriptures, etc. (3.33), 36-37
- Seaboard (3.22), 33-34
- Seal (16.27, 16.28), 319
- Seasons (3.23), 34
- 2d, 3d, etc.:
- Comma omitted before (8.39, 8.59, 9.32), 200, 204, 230
- Ordinals (12.10-12.11), 274-275
- Type (9.32, 16.3), 230, 309
- Secretary, etc. (3.35), 37-38, 71
- General, 71
- No hyphen (6.40), 105
- Plural form (5.8), 87-88
- General, 71
- Section (3.9), 28, 71
- Abbreviation (9.38, 13.10), 231, 281
- Not abbreviated (9.39), 232
- Caps and small caps (9.39), 232
- Italic to indicate (11.15), 268
- Roman, over figure column (15.21), 305
- Abbreviation (9.38, 13.10), 231, 281
- Section mark (§):
- Footnote reference (15.14), 304
- Space after (10.6), 259
- -sede, -cede, -ceed (5.13), 91
- See, see also:
- Italic (11.11, 15.20), 267, 305
- Roman (13.96), 293
- See footnote, etc. (15.4), 303
- Self-, ex-, quasi- (6.34), 103
- Semicolon (8.145-8.148), 218
- Avoid, where comma will suffice (8.148), 218
- Before summarizing matter (8.147), 218
- Clauses containing commas (8.145), 218
- Senate, 71
- Senator, 71
- Not abbreviated (9.30), 230
- Serial:
- Letter, italic (11.15), 268
- Parentheses (8.94), 209
- Numbers:
- Comma omitted (8.54, 12.14), 203, 275
- Figures used (12.7), 270
- Parentheses (8.94), 209
- Session:
- Abbreviation (9.41, 13.11), 232, 282
- Ordinals (9.41, 13.11), 232, 282
- Shape, letters used (2.35-2.37), 14
- Shilling mark, in fractions (12.27), 279
- Sign (10.18), 262-264
- Signature marks (2.101-2.112), 22-23
- Signatures:
- Abbreviations (9.24, 16.19), 225, 313
- Capitalization (3.55, 16.2), 42, 309
- Caps and small caps (9.37), 231
- Examples (16.17-16.26), 313-319
- Preceded by dash (8.66, 16.17), 205, 313
- Preparation (2.26), 13
- Punctuation (16.23), 314
- Quoted matter (16.25), 316
- Signed (8.128), 215
- In signatures (16.24), 314-315
- Signs and Symbols (10.1-10.18), 259-264
- Chemical:
- Elements (6.43, 10.16), 106, 261
- Formulas (6.44, 10.15, 12.15), 106, 260, 275
- Coined words and symbols (8.11, 9.48), 195,234
- Degree mark (9.50-9.51, 9.53, 9.56, 10.4, 12.9f), 235-236, 259, 272
- Equations (10.8-10.15), 260
- Footnote references (15.12-15.19), 304-305
- Sequence (15.14), 304
- Foreign money (9.60), 238
- Italic letters (2.73, 10.7-10.8, 11.12-11.14), 18, 260, 267-268
- Legends (2.73), 18
- List (10.18), 262-264
- Mathematical signs (10.2-10.3), 259
- Preparing copy (2.33-2.34), 14
- Standardized (10.17), 262
- Symbol columns (13.115-13.116), 295
- x, crossed with, magnification (10.3), 259
- Chemical:
- Single punctuation (8.124, 8.149), 214, 219
- Sink (2.8), 11
- Small caps:
- Etc., et al. (3.53), 41
- Heads spaced with regular justification spaces (2.50), 16
- Italic inferior letters (10.8), 260
- Proper names (3.47-3.48), 40-41
- Roman numerals (2.4, 15.22), 10, 305
- Seal (16.27-16.28), 319
- v., lowercase in legal cases (11.8), 266
- Soil orders (3.29), 35, 72
- Someone, some one (6.12), 98
- Spacing (see Leading and spacing).
- Spelling (5.1-5.26), 79-94
- Anglicized and foreign words (5.3-5.4), 85-86
- Apostrophes and possessives (8.3-8.18), 193-197
- -cede, -ceed, -sede (5.13), 91
- Doubled consonants (5.14-5.15), 92
- Geographic names (5.20-5.21), 93
- Idiomatic phrases (6.52), 107
- Indefinite articles, use of (5.16-5.19), 92
- List (5.2), 79-85
- Nationalities (5.22-5.24), 93-94
- Native American words (5.25), 94
- Plural forms (5.5-5.10), 86-89
- Transliteration (5.26), 94
- Square, 72
- Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
- Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
- Stars (see Ellipses).
- State, etc. (3.19), 32, 73
- Staten Island (9.14), 224
- States (3.6, 3.19, 3.21), 28, 32, 33, 73
- Abbreviations (8.72, 9.12-9.13), 206, 223-224
- Capitals, 322-324, 348-370
- Counties, 348-370
- Natives of (5.23), 93
- Station (3.6, 3.9), 28, 73
- State abbreviation with (9.12), 223
- Statutes, etc. (3.38), 38-39
- Abbreviations (9.43, 13.11), 233, 282
- Street, 73
- Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
- Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
- Subentries (8.27, 13.90-13.91, 13.113, 14.15), 199, 292, 295, 301
- Subheads:
- Indexes and contents (15.29), 307
- Leaderwork (14.10), 300
- Suffixes (6.30-6.31), 103
- Summation sign (10.14), 260
- Sun (3.30), 35, 74
- Sign (10.18), 262-264
- Superior figures and letters:
- Astrophysical matter (9.59), 237
- Chemical elements (6.43), 106
- Comma omitted (8.50), 202
- Equations (10.8), 260
- Follow inferiors (10.15), 260
- Footnote references (13.67, 15.12, 15.17), 290, 304, 305
- Italic letters (8.50, 10.8, 11.12), 202, 260, 267
- Preparing (2.33), 14
- Type (8.150), 219
- With punctuation (8.133), 216
- Supra:
- Italic (11.3), 265
- Not abbreviated (9.49), 235
- Survey (3.17), 30-32
- Symbols (see Signs and Symbols).
- T
- Table (see also Useful Tables) (3.9), 28, 74
- Table of contents (see Contents).
- Tabular Work (13.1-13.124) (see also Leaderwork), 281-298
- Abbreviations (13.4-13.13), 281-282
- Bearoff (13.14-13.17), 282
- Leaderwork (14.2-14.4), 299-300
- Tables without rules (13.117, 13.120), 296, 297-298
- Boxheads (13.18-13.23), 282-283
- Horizontal (13.19-13.21), 282
- Centerheads, flush entries, and subentries (13.25-13.28), 284
- Ciphers (13.29-13.36), 285-286
- Column numbers or letters (13.23), 283
- Continued heads (13.37-13.38), 286
- Dash instead of colon (13.26), 284
- Dashes or rules (13.39-13.40), 286
- To separate nonmoney groups (13.53), 288
- Date column (13.28), 284
- Decimals, alignment (13.29-13.36, 13.64), 285-286, 289
- Ditto (Do.) (13.41-13.50), 286-287
- Closing quotes (13.41), 286
- Divide tables (13.103-13.109), 294
- Dollar mark (13.51-13.56), 288
- Figure columns (13.57-13.65), 289
- Decimals (13.29-13.32, 13.63-13.64), 285,289
- Footnotes and references (13.66-13.85), 289-291
- Fractions (13.86-13.87), 291-292
- Hairline rules (2.23), 12
- Headnotes (13.88-13.89, 13.104), 292, 294
- Indentions and overruns (13.90-13.94), 292,-293
- Subentries (13.90-13.91), 292
- Total, mean, and average lines (13.92-13.94), 292-293
- Subentries (13.90-13.91), 292
- Italic (13.95-13.96), 293
- Leaders (13.97-13.101), 293-294
- Leading:
- Boxheads, solid in leaded tables (13.20), 282
- Notes (13.85), 291
- Makeup (see Makeup).
- No. (13.22), 283
- None (13.33, 13.35, 13.45), 285, 286, 287
- Numerals (13.102), 294
- Parallel tables (13.103-13.109), 294
- Quoted tables (13.124), 298
- Reading columns (13.110-13.114), 295
- See, see also (13.96), 293
- Subentries (13.90-13.91, 13.113), 292, 295
- Symbol columns (13.115-13.116), 295
- Tables without rules (see also Leaderwork) (13.117-13.120), 296-298
- Total, mean, and average lines (13.92-13.94), 292-293
- Tracing figures (13.107, 13.109), 294
- Type (2.23, 13.3), 12,281
- Units of quantity (13.121-13.123), 298
- Spacing (13.28), 284-285
- Years, spacing (13.28), 284-285
- Technical terms (see Scientific terms).
- Temperature, abbreviations (9.53), 235
- Temperature conversion, 339
- Terrace:
- Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
- Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
- Territory, etc. (3.19), 32, 74
- Territories, U.S. (9.12-9.14), 223-224, 348-367
- Text footnotes (see Footnotes and references).
- The:
- Partofspeech(3.49),40
- Title, part of (3.11-3.12, 9.31), 29-30, 230
- Thin space:
- Footnotes (13.69, 15.12), 290, 304
- Names (3.47, 3.48), 40
- Number mark, not used with (10.6), 259
- Paragraph mark (10.6), 259
- Quotation marks (8.133), 216
- Section mark (10.6), 259
- Time:
- Abbreviations (9.54, 9.55, 9.58, 9.59), 236, 237
- Astronomical (12.9b, 12.14), 271, 275
- Capitalization, 74
- Clock (12.9n), 273
- Geologic, 343
- Military (12.9b, 12.14), 271, 275
- Use of figures (9.59, 12.9b, 12.9n), 237, 271,273
- Title (3.9), 28, 75
- Title page:
- Back of (2. 3d), 10
- Congressional back title samples:
- Appropriations hearing, 430
- Conference report, 428
- Imprints, etc. (2.113-2.128), 23-25
- Makeup (2.2, 2.3), 7-10
- Partofbook(2.3c),9
- Period omitted at ends of lines (8.115), 213
- U.S., not abbreviated (9.9), 222-223
- Titles:
- Acts (3.40), 39
- Civil and military:
- Abbreviations (9.25, 9.29-9.37), 225-226, 226-231
- Compound (6.40-6.41), 105
- Plurals (5.8), 87-88
- Common nouns (3.35), 37-38
- Foreign books (3.41), 39
- Heads of state, 325-331
- Legal cases (3.38, 11.8), 38-39, 266
- Persons (3.34-3.37), 37-38
- Publications, papers, etc. (3.38-3.39, 8.129, 11.2), 38-39, 215-216, 265
- Second person (3.37), 38
- To, en dash for (8.74, 12.9c, 12.9m, 13.111), 206, 271, 273, 295
- To Whom It May Concern (8.25, 16.14), 199, 312
- Tracing figures (see Tabular work).
- Trade names (3.25), 35, 75
- Treasury, etc. (3.17), 30-32, 75
- Treaty (3.9, 3.38), 28, 38-39, 75
- Tribunal (3.17), 30-32,75
- Tunnel, 75
- Type:
- Boldface, punctuation in (8.150), 219
- Brackets (8.150), 219
- Illustrating shape and form (2.35-2.37), 14
- Composition:
- Correcting pickup (2.45), 16
- Proofs, clean (2.46), 16
- Dash (8.150), 219
- Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.2-16.3), 309
- Extracts (2.24, 8.138), 12,217
- Footnotes (15.5), 303
- Headnotes (2.14, 13.88-13.89), 11, 292
- Headings (2.30, 3.46-3.54), 13,40-42
- Indexes and contents (15.20, 15.29-15.30), 305, 307
- Italic (11.1-11.16), 265-268
- Vessels (11.6-11.7), 265-266
- Jr., Sr. (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
- Leaderwork (14.1), 299
- Legends (2.69), 18
- Mr., Mrs., etc. (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
- Note (8.107, 13.53), 212, 288
- Parentheses (8.150), 219
- Picas converted to inches, 341
- Seal (16.27, 16.28), 319
- Signature marks (2.101), 22
- Special typefaces (1.11), 2
- Tabular work (2.23, 13.3), 12, 281
- Text (2.23), 12
- U
- Under Secretary (see also Secretary), 75
- Union (3.19), 32, 75
- & in name (9.25), 225-226
- Comma omitted between name and number (8.53), 203
- Unit modifiers (see Compounding).
- United Nations (3.17), 30-32, 75
- Units of quantity:
- Leaderwork (14.14), 301
- Numerals (12.6, 12.9), 270-274
- Tabular work (13.120, 13.121-13.123), 297, 298
- U.S. (see Possessions, Territories):
- Abbreviation (9.9-9.10, 13.7), 222-223, 281
- Closed up (9.7), 222
- Spelled out (9.9-9.10), 222-223
- Presidents and Vice Presidents (14.14), 321-322
- Abbreviation (9.9-9.10, 13.7), 222-223, 281
- USD (9.60), 238, 338
- Useful Tables (Chapter 17), 321-341
- Chemical elements, 261
- Currency, 334-338
- Demonyms (nationalities), 332-334
- Foreign countries, capitals, chief of state, etc., 325-331
- Geologic time, 343
- Measures, metric, etc., 339-341
- Meridians and base lines, 346
- Military titles, 226-230
- Most populous U.S. cities, capitals, 322-324
- Physiographic regions, U.S., 344-345
- Postal abbreviations, 224
- Public land surveys, 347
- Rivers, 347
- Roman numerals, 280
- Signs and symbols, 262-264
- Temperature conversion, 339
- U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents, 321-322
- V
- v.:
- Italic (11.8, 13.95), 266, 293
- Roman (11.8), 266
- Van, von (3.13, 3.14, 3.16), 30
- Verbs:
- Adverb compounds (6.9), 96
- Capitalization (3.49), 40
- Infinitive (3.49, 3.52), 40
- Improvised (6.48), 107
- Vessels:
- Abbreviations (9.27), 226
- Italic (11.6-11.7, 13.95), 265-266, 293
- Quotation marks (11.7, 11.8), 266
- Virgin Islands (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 367
- Volume (3.9), 28, 76
- Abbreviation (9.38, 9.58), 231, 237
- Metric (9.56), 236-237
- Abbreviation (9.38, 9.58), 231, 237
- Vowels:
- A, an, before (5.16-5.19), 92
- Hyphen, to avoid doubling (6.7), 96
- W
- War (3.31), 36, 76
- Ward (3.9), 28, 76
- Web site (11.16), 76,268
- Webster's Dictionary (5.1, 7.5), 79, 109
- Weights:
- Abbreviations (9.56, 9.58), 236-237, 237
- Metric (9.56-9.57), 236-237
- Metric equivalents, 339, 340
- Numerals (12.9j), 272-273
- Widow lines (2.6), 10
- Word Division, GPO publication (1.21, 5.2), 3, 79
- Word division (8.87), 209
- Land descriptions (9.22), 225
- Latitude and longitude (9.52), 235
- Words (see Spelling).
- x, crossed with, magnification (10.3), 259
- Yard (9.58), 237
- Metric equivalent, 339, 340
- -yze, -ise, -ize (5.12), 91
- Your Honor, etc. (3.37), 38, 77
- ZIP Code numbers (8.51, 16.1), 77, 203, 309