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U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual/Index

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[Numbers in parentheses refer to rules; bold indicates chapter heading]
  • A
  • Abbreviations and Letter Symbols (9.1-9.64), 221-258
    Correspondence (16.3, 16.9-16.16), 309, 311-313
    Ordinals (12.10), 274
    Signatures, lists of names (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
    Street (9.16-9.19, 13.6), 224-225, 281
    Article, section (9.39), 232
    Calendar divisions (9.44-9.46, 13.5), 233, 281
    Closed up, with periods (9.7), 222
    College degrees (9.32, 9.35-9.36), 230, 231
    Comma before and after (8.39), 200
    Company, etc. (9.25), 225-22, Not abbreviated (9.26), 226
    Congressional terms (9.30, 9.41-9.43, 13.11), 230, 232-233, 282
    Dates (9.44-9.46, 13.5), 233, 281
    Et al, etc. (3.53, 8.59), 41, 204
    Figure, not abbreviated (9.40), 232
    Foreign countries (9.11), 223
    Geographic terms (9.9-9.15), 222-224
    Grammatical (7.14), 110
    Information technology (9.64), 255
    Land descriptions (9.20-9.22, 13.9), 225, 281
    Latin (9.63, 11.3), 251-255, 265
    Lists (9.61-9.64), 238-258
    Measures, weights, etc. (9.5, 9.50-9.59), 221,235-237
    Metric (9.56-9.57), 236-237
    Military titles, U.S. (9.29), 226-230
    Money (9.60, 12.9k), 238, 273
    Foreign, 334-338
    Numerals used with (9.5, 9.51, 13.4), 221, 235,281
    Organized bodies (9.8), 222
    Parts of publications (9.38-9.40, 13.10), 231-232,281
    Period used (8.103-8.114), 211-213
    Not used (8.115-8.123), 213-214
    Preparing copy (2.43), 15
    Provinces, etc. (9.13, 9.15), 223, 224
    Senator, Representative (9.30), 230
    States (9.12-9.13), 223-224
    Tabular work (13.4-13.13), 281-282
    Technology (9.64), 255-258
    Territories and possessions (9.12-9.14), 223-224
    Time zones (9.47), 234
    Titles, civil and military (9.29), 226-230
    Before Government or Government organization (9.9, 13.7), 222-223, 281
    As adjective (9.10, 13.7), 223, 281
    Vessels (9.27, 11.6-11.7), 226, 265-266
  • -able, words ending in (5.11, 6.30), 89-91, 103
  • About This Manual, v
  • Accents:
    Anglicized and foreign words (5.3-5.4), 85-86
    Geographic names (5.20-5.21), 93
    List (10.18), 262
  • Acronyms and coined words (9.48, 9.61, 9.64), 234-235, 238-247, 255-258
    Plurals (8.11, 8.13), 195, 196
  • Act, 43
  • Adjectives (see also Compounding):
    Capitalization (3.5-3.6), 27-28
    Modifier (7.7), 109
    Nationalities (demonyms), 93, 332-334
  • Administration, 43
  • Adverbs ending in -ly (6.20), 100
  • Advice to Authors and Editors (1.1-1.22), 1-5
  • Air Force, 44, 227-230 433
    Allmark (2.103-2.104, 2.112, 2.117), 22, 23, 24
    American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 7-9
    American Samoa (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 348
    Ampersand (&):
    Comma omitted before (8.56), 203
    Firm names (9.25), 225-226
    Index entries (15.27), 306
    Anglicized foreign words (5.3-5.4), 85-86
    ANSI (American National Standards Institute) (2.2), 7-9, 255
    Anyone, any one (6.12), 98
    Apostrophes and possessives (8.3-8.18), 193-197
    Abbreviations (8.11-8.12), 195-196
    Authentic form in names to be followed (8.6), 194
    Coined plurals (8.11), 195-196
    Contractions (8.11), 195-196
    Possessive (8.3-8.8, 8.10), 193-194
    Pronouns (8.8-8.9), 194, 195
    Spelled-out words (8.13), 196
  • Appendix:
    Abbreviation (9.38), 231
    Footnote numbering (15.2), 303
    Part of book (2.3m), 10
    Plural form (5.10), 88-89
  • Area:
    Abbreviations (9.56, 9.58), 236, 237
    Metric equivalents, 339-341
  • Army, 45-46, 227-230
  • Article:
    Abbreviation (9.38, 9.39), 231, 232
    Capitalization (3.11-3.12, 3.49), 29-30, 40
    Caps and small caps (9.39), 232
  • Assembly:
    Legislative, 63
    United Nations (3.17), 30-32, 75
  • Association (9.25), 225-226
    Ellipses (8.76-8.82), 207-208
    Footnote reference (13.68-13.69, 15.13-15.14, 15.17), 290, 304, 305
  • Astronomical:
    Bodies, capitalization (3.30), 35
    Time (12.9b), 271
  • Astrophysical abbreviations (9.59), 237
  • Atomic numbers (10.16), 261
  • B
  • Backstrips, run down (2.20), 12
  • Base lines and meridians, 346-347
  • Basin, 47, 60
  • B.C. (9.61, 12.9c), 239, 271
  • Bible, etc. (3.33), 36-37
  • Bibliography:
    Footnote numbering (15.2), 303
    Part of book (2.31), 10
    References (2.130, 8.29, 8.58, 8.71), 25-26, 199, 203, 205
  • Bill style (2.41), 15
  • Blank pages, avoid more than two (1.15), 2
  • Board on Geographic Names (5.20, 5.21), 93
  • Boldface:
    Page numbers, contents (15.30), 307
    Punctuation (8.150), 219
  • Braces, equations (10.14), 260
  • Brackets (8.19-8.22), 197-198
    Dates abbreviated in (9.45), 233
    Emphasis added, etc. (8.19), 197
    Equations (8.21, 10.14), 198, 260
    Headnotes (13.88-13.89), 292
    More than one paragraph (8.22), 198
    Type (8.150), 219
  • Bylines in parentheses (8.101), 211
  • C
  • Calendar divisions:
    Abbreviations (9.44-9.46, 13.5), 233, 281
    Capitalization (3.23), 34, 48
  • Called, so-called (8.128), 215
  • Capacity:
    Abbreviations (9.56, 9.58), 236, 237
    Metric equivalents, 339, 340
  • Capitalization Rules (3.1-3.57), 27-42
    Addresses, salutations, and signatures (3.55, 16.2), 42, 309

  • Articles, definite (3.11-3.12), 29, 30
    Calendar divisions (3.23), 34
    Common nouns and adjectives (3.5-3.9), 27-28
    Continued (13.37), 286
    Countries, domains (3.19-3.20), 32-33
    Firm names, 58
    First words (3.42-3.45), 39-40
    Heads, center and side (3.46-3.54), 40-42
    Historic and documentary work (3.57), 42
    Historic events (3.31), 36
    Holidays, etc. (3.24), 34
    Interjections (3.56), 42
    Organized bodies (3.17-3.18), 30-32
    Particles (3.13-3.16), 30
    Proper names (3.2), 27
    Derivatives (3.3, 3.4), 27
    Religious terms (3.33), 36-37
    Scientific names (3.26-3.30), 35
    Soil orders (3.29), 35, 72
    Persons (3.34-3.37), 37-38
    Publications, etc. (3.38-3.41), 38-39
    Trade names and trademarks (3.25), 35, 74
  • Capitalization Examples (Chapter 4), 43-77
  • Capitals, foreign, 325-331
  • Capitals, U.S., 322-324, 348-369
  • Capitol, 49
  • Caps and small caps:
    Abbreviation (1.22), 4-5, 239
    Article, section (9.39), 232
    Capitalization, in heads (3.46-3.49, 3.51-3.54), 40-41, 41-42
    Congressional work, 418
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
    Figure (2.71, 8.112), 18,213
    Heads spaced with regular justification spaces (2.50), 16
    Names, surnames (3.47-3.48), 40
    Note (13.75), 288
    Quotation marks in (11.10), 267
    Use of in hearings (8.19), 197-198, 372, 375, 384, 391, 416
    Vessel names (11.6-11.7), 265-266
  • -cede, -ceed, -sede (5.13), 91
  • Celsius (9.53, 9.62), 235, 247
  • Centerheads (see Heads, center and side).
  • Chair (3.32), 36, 49
  • Chairman (3.35), 37-38, 49
  • Chapter:
    Abbreviation (9.38), 231
    Alignment, in contents (15.28), 306
    Capitalization (3.9), 28
  • Chemical:
    Atomic numbers (10.16), 261
    Compounding (6.43), 106
    Numerals (6.43, 10.16), 106, 261
    Symbols (10.16), 261
    Formulas (6.44, 11.12, 12.15), 106, 267, 275
    Preparing copy (2.33-2.34), 14
    Set in roman (10.16), 261
  • Church (3.33), 36-37
    And state (3.19), 32, 50
  • Ciphers:
    Leaderwork (14.7-14.8), 300
    Numerals (12.9d), 271
    Tabular work (13.29-13.36), 285-286
  • Citations:
    Abbreviations (9.42, 9.43, 9.45), 232, 233
    Biblical, etc. (8.28), 199
    Italic (11.3, 11.8), 265, 266
    Punctuation (8.96, 8.97), 210
  • Cities, U.S., 322-324
  • Civil and military titles:
    Abbreviations (9.29-9.37), 226-231
    Capitalization (3.34-3.37), 37-38
    Plurals (5.8), 87-88
  • Coast (3.22), 34
  • Coast Guard, 50, 227-230

  • Code (3.38), 38-39
  • Colon (8.23-8.33), 198-200
    Affecting use of numerals (12.8), 270
    After salutations (8.25, 16.15), 199, 312
    Biblical and bibliographic citations (8.28, 8.29, 12.7), 199, 270
    Capitalization following (3.42, 3.44, 8.23, 8.24), 39, 40, 198-199
    Ratio (8.32, 8.33), 199, 200
    Subentries (8.27, 14.15), 199, 301
  • Colony (3.19), 32
  • Combining forms (6.29-6.35), 102-104
  • Comma (8.34-8.49), 200-202
    Chemical formulas (6.44), 106
    Compound sentences (8.43), 201
    Omitted (8.50-8.59), 202-204
    Semicolon, used with (8.145), 218
  • Commandant (9.30), 230
  • Commander in Chief (3.35), 37-38
    Compounding (6.40), 105
    Plural (5.8), 87-88
  • Commission (3.17), 30-32
  • Committee, 51-52
  • Company:
    Abbreviation (9.25-9.26), 225-226
    Ampersand with (9.25), 225-226
    List, 52
  • Compass directions:
    Abbreviations (9.50), 235
    Capitalization (3.22), 33-34
    Compound words (6.14), 98
    Land description (9.20-9.21), 225
  • Compounding Examples (7.1-7.14), 109-191
  • Compounding Rules (6.1-6.52), 95-107
    Chemical terms (6.42-6.44), 106
    Civil and military titles (6.40-6.41), 105
    Fractions (6.38, 12.26-12.28), 105, 279
    General rules (6.4-6.7), 95-96
    Improvised compounds (6.46-6.52), 106-107
    Numerical compounds (6.36-6.39, 12.9o), 104-105, 274
    Prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms (6.29-6.35), 102-104
    Short prefixes (6.7), 96
    Scientific and technical terms (6.42-6.45), 106
    Solid compounds (6.8-6.14), 96-98
    Unit modifiers (6.15-6.28), 98-102
    Units of measurement (6.45), 106
  • Congressional:
    Abbreviations (9.41-9.43, 13.11), 232-233, 282
    Capitalization (3.17), 30-32
    Ordinals (12.10-12.11), 274-275
  • Congressional Record (Chapter 19), 371-416
    Addresses and signatures, 383-384
    Call of the House, 382
    Capitalization, 373-374
    Caps and small caps, 376-377
    Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, 398-400
    Conference report and statement, 400-401
    Credits, 384
    Extensions of Remarks, 386
    Extracts, 385-386
    Figures, 374
    Forms of titles, 382-383
    General rules, 371-372
    In gross or en gros, 376
    Italic, 374-375
    Miscellaneous, 375-376
    Parentheses and brackets, 378-379
    Poetry, 384-385
    House, 394-398
    Senate, 387-393
    Punctuation, 377-378
    Samples, 376-405
    Speech heads, 386
    Tabular matter and leaderwork, 374
    Text headings, 386
    Title 44, U.S.C.,rv; 371

  • Voting:
    House and Committee of the Whole, 379-381
    Pairs, 382
    Yeas and nays, 381-382
  • Congressional Record Index, 406-416
    Abbreviations and acronyms, 406-409
    Capitalization, 409-411
    Flush cap lines, 412
    General instructions, 406
    Punctuation, 411
    Roman and italic, 412
    Samples, 413-416
    Spacing, 409
  • Congressional work:
    Back title, 428, 430
    Cover and title pages, 423-426, 429, 431-432
    Joint explanatory statement, 427
    Reports and hearings (2.39), 15, 417-432
  • Consonants:
    A, an, before (5.16-5.19), 92
    Doubled (5.14, 5.15), 92
    Hyphen, to avoid tripling (6.7), 96
  • Contents (15.20-15.30), 305-307
    Part of book (2.3i, 2.12), 10, 11
    Type (15.28-15.30), 306-307
  • Contractions, apostrophe to indicate (8.11, 8.12), 195, 196
  • Copy (see also Preparing copy):
    Blank pages, avoid more than two (1.15), 2
    Corrections marked (1.19-1.20), 2
    Covers to be indicated (1.13), 2
    Fold-ins, avoid use of (1.14), 2
    Folioing looseleaf or perforated work (1.12), 2
    Footnote references (1.7), 1
    Instructions (1.8), 1
    Position (1.8), 1
    Separate sheets (1.8), 1
    Legible (1.2), 1
    Numbering (1.3), 1
    Paper stock (1.16), 2, 3
    Paragraph, begin with (1.4), 1
    Proofreader's marks (1.22), 4-5
    Proper names, signatures, etc., plainly marked (1.5), 1
    Reprint, in duplicate (1.3), 1
    Style sheets furnished (1.11), 2
    Trim size (1.11, 1.17), 2
    Typewritten, one side only (1.3), 1
  • Corrections:
    Author's (1.19-1.20), 2
    Proofreading (2.79-2.80), 19
  • Counties and geographic divisions, 348-369
    Common misspellings, 369-370
  • Cover:
    Kind to be indicated (1.13, 2.5), 2, 10
    Report sample, 8
  • Crown (3.35), 37-38, 54
  • Currency (see also Money), 334-338
  • D
  • Dagger (13.68-13.69, 15.14), 290, 304
  • Dash (8.60-8.75), 204-206
    Em dash (8.60-8.70), 204-205
    En dash (8.72-8.75), 206
    Figures, letters (8.72-8.73, 9.12, 12.7), 206, 223, 270
    Not to be used for and (8.75), 206
    Not to be used for to (8.74, 13.111), 206,295
    Proportion (8.32), 199
  • Date columns (see Tabular work).
  • Datelines, Addresses, and Signatures (16.1-16.28), 309-319
  • Dates:
    Abbreviations (9.44-9.46, 13.5), 233, 281
    A.D., B.C. (8.52, 12.9c), 203, 271
    Commas with (8.49, 8.52, 12.9c), 202, 203,271
    En dash (8.73-8.75, 12.9c), 206, 271
    Ordinals in (12.10), 274
    Roman numerals (12.29), 280
    Tabular work (13.5), 281

  • Days:
    Abbreviations (9.46), 233
    Holidays, etc. (3.24), 34
  • Decimal inches, converted to, 341
  • Decimals:
    Alignment (2.27, 13.31), 13, 285
    Ciphers with (13.29-13.33), 285
    Comma omitted (8.54), 203
    Used with numerals (12.9d), 271
  • Decorations, medals, etc., 54
  • Decree:
    Executive, 57
    Royal (3.38), 38-39, 54
  • Degree mark:
    Repeated (10.6), 259
    Spacing (12.9f), 272
    With figures (9.50-9.51, 9.53, 10.6, 12.9f), 235, 259, 272
  • Degrees (scholastic, etc):
    Abbreviations (9.32, 9.33, 9.35-9.36), 230, 231
    Closed up (9.7), 222
    Capitalization (9.36), 231
    Sequence of (9.35), 231
  • Deity, words denoting (3.33), 36-37, 55
  • Demonyms (nationalities) (5.22), 93, 332-334
  • Derivatives:
    Compounds (6.6), 96
    Proper names (3.3-3.4), 27, 55
    Scientific names (3.26-3.29), 35
  • Devil, etc. (3.33), 36-37
  • Diseases and related terms, 55
  • Do. (ditto):
    Leaderwork (14.4, 14.6), 299-300
    Tabular work (13.41-13.50), 286-287
  • Dollar:
    Abbreviation (9.60), 238
    Leaderwork (14.7-14.8), 300
    Mark (9.60, 12.9k), 238, 273
    Repeated (10.6), 259
    Tabular work (13.51-13.56), 288
  • Dr. (9.29, 9.33), 226, 230
    Not used with other titles (9.33), 230
  • E
  • Earth (3.30), 35
  • Editorial marks (illustration) (1.22), 4-5
  • Editors and authors, suggestions (1.1-1.22), 1-5
  • E.g., 252
  • Ellipses (8.76-8.82), 207-208
  • Email, email (11.16), 57, 268
  • Emphasis, italic not used (11.2), 265
  • Emphasis added, etc. (11.4), 265
  • Equations (10.8-10.15), 260
  • Esq., abbreviation (9.32, 9.33, 9.37), 230, 231
  • Et al., 252
  • Et cetera, etc. (2.28), 13, 252
  • Etseq. (11.3), 252, 265
  • Even space after sentences (2.49), 16
  • Everyone, every one (6.12), 98
  • Ex- (6.34), 103
  • Exclamation point (8.83-8.85), 208
  • Extracts:
    Footnotes (15.8), 303-304
    Quotation marks omitted (2.24), 12
  • F
  • Fahrenheit (9.53), 235, 339
  • False title (2.3b), 9
  • Federated States of Micronesia (9.12, 9.13), 223,224,350
  • FIC &punc. (2.28, 2.38, 2.41), 13, 14-15
  • Figure (2.71, 3.9), 18, 28
    Not abbreviated (9.40), 232
    Period not used at end (8.112), 213
  • Figures (see Numerals).
  • Firm names (see also Company), 58
  • First words capitalized (3.42-3.45), 39-40
  • Flush heads (see Heads, center and side).
  • Fol. lit. (2.38), 14-15
  • Fold-ins, oversize, avoided (1.14), 2
  • Footnotes, Indexes, Contents, and Outlines (15.1-15.31), 303-308
    Footnotes and reference marks (15.1-15.19), 301-305
    Comma not used (8.50, 15.19), 202, 305

  • Follow punctuation (15.18), 305
    Footnote added (2.97), 21
    Footnote eliminated (2.96g), 21
    Run across (1.7, 13.71), 1, 290
    Sequence (15.14), 304
    Superior figures (13.67, 15.12), 290, 304
    Thin space (15.12), 304
    Indexes and tables of contents (15.20-15.30), 305-307
    Leaderwork (14.11-14.13), 301
    Outlines (15.31), 307-308
    Tabular work (13.66-13.85), 289-291
    Text (15.1-15.19), 303-305
  • Foreign:
    Abbreviations (9.11), 223
    Capital cities, 325-331
    Currency, 334-338
    Heads of state, 325-331
    Money, abbreviations (9.60), 238
    Nationalities (demonyms), 332-334
    Rivers, 347
    Accents (5.3, 5.4), 85, 86
    Compounding (6.24), 101
    Italic (11.2), 265
  • Foreword (2.3f), 10
  • Fort, 59
    Not abbreviated (9.19), 225
    State name with (9.12), 223
  • Fractions (12.26-12.28), 279
    Comma omitted (8.54, 12.9e, 12.27), 203, 272, 279
    Hyphen in (6.38-6.39), 105
    Land descriptions (9.20-9.22), 225
    Spelled out (6.38, 12.26), 105, 279
    Tabular work (13.86-13.87), 291-292
    Alignment (13.63), 289
  • Franking privilege (2.129), 25
  • Frontispiece (2.3a), 9
    -ful, words ending in (5.9, 6.30), 88, 103
  • G
  • General Instructions (2.1-2.130), 7-26
  • Geologic Terms and Geographic Divisions (Chapter 18), 343-370
    Geographic divisions, 346-347
    Geographic terms, 60
    Geologic terms, 343
  • Germany, West, etc. (3.22), 33-34
  • Gospel, etc. (3.33), 36, 60
  • Government(s) (3.8, 3.20), 28, 32-33, 60
    Departments, capitalization (3.17), 30-32
    Foreign, 325-331
  • Governor (3.35), 37-38
  • GPO's Online Initiatives, ix
  • Gravity terms (9.53), 235
  • Guam (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 352
  • H
  • Halftitle:
    Imprint (2.118), 24
    Part of book (2. 3j), 10
  • H-bomb, H-hour (6.51), 61, 107
  • Heads, center and side:
    Capitalization (2.30, 3.46-3.54), 13, 40-42
    Tabular work (13.25-13.27), 284
  • Heads of state, foreign, 325-331
  • Hearings (see Reports and Hearings).
  • Holidays, etc. (3.24), 34
  • Holy Scriptures, etc. (3.33), 36, 62
  • Honorable, etc. (9.31), 230
  • House, 62
  • Hyphen (see also Compounding Rules):
    Chemical formulas (6.43, 6.44), 106
    Civil and military titles (5.8, 6.40-6.41), 87-88, 105
    Compass directions (6.14), 98
    Division at end of line (8.87), 209
    Fractions (12.26, 12.28), 279
    Numerical compounds (6.36-6.39, 12.9o), 104-105,274
    Prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms (6.7, 6.29-6.35, 7.10-7.11), 96, 102-104, 110

  • Scientific terms (6.42-6.44), 106
    State abbreviations (8.72, 9.12), 206, 223
    Unit modifiers (6.15-6.28), 98-102
    Not used when meaning is clear (6.16), 99
  • I
  • Ibid, id. (11.3), 252, 265
  • -ible, words ending in (5.11, 6.30), 89-91, 103
  • i.e., 252
  • Illustrations:
    Makeup (2.3i, 2.12, 2.18), 10, 11, 12
    Separate sheets (1.8), 1
  • Imprints (2.115-2.120), 24
    Signature marks (2.101-2.112), 22-23
  • Improvised compounds (6.46-6.52), 106-107
  • Inches, picas converted to, 341
  • Indentions (see also Overruns) (2.60-2.66), 17-18
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.5-16.28), 309-319
    Do. (13.41-13.50), 286-287
    Extracts (2.24), 12
    Footnote tables (13.84), 291
    Hanging (2.62-2.63), 17
    Heads (2.65-2.66), 18
    Paragraphs (2.60-2.61), 17
  • Index (15.20-15.30), 305-307
    Entries (15.27), 306
    Part of book (2. 3n), 10
    Plural form (5.10), 88-89
    Roman numerals (15.22), 305
    See, see also (11.11, 15.20), 267, 305
  • Inferior figures and letters:
    Chemical elements (6.43), 106
    Chemical formulas (10.16, 11.12, 12.15), 261,267,275
    Equations (10.8), 260
    Italic (10.8, 11.12), 260, 267
    Precede superiors (10.15), 260
    Preparing (2.33), 14
  • Information technology acronyms (9.64), 255
  • Infra:
    Italic (11.3), 265
    Not abbreviated (9.49), 235
  • Integral sign (10.14), 260
  • Interjections:
    Capitalization (3.56), 42
    Exclamation point (8.83-8.85), 208
  • Introduction (2.3f), 10
  • -ise, -ize, -yze (5.12), 91
  • Italic (11.1-11.16), 265-268
    Aircraft (11.6), 265-266
    Ante, post (11.3), 265
    Continued from (11.11), 267
    Credit line (8.66), 205
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.5-16.26), 309-319
    Emphasis (11.2), 265
    Equations (10.7-10.8, 11.12-11.13), 260, 267-268
    Fol. lit., etc. (2.38), 14-15
    Foreign words, etc. (11.2-11.3), 265
    Inferior letters (10.8, 11.12), 260, 267
    Infra, supra (11.3), 265
    Italic supplied, etc. (11.4), 268
    Legal cases (11.8), 266
    Legends (2.73, 11.14), 18, 268
    Nth degree (11.12), 267
    Paragraphs and sections, indicating (11.15), 268
    Provided, Resolved, etc. (3.45, 11.11), 40, 267
    To be followed (11.5), 265
    Publications, titles of (11.2), 265
    Salutations (8.25, 16.14), 199, 312
    Scientific names (11.9-11.10), 267
    See, see also (11.11, 15.20), 267, 305
    Symbols (2.73, 11.12-11.14), 18, 267-268
    Tabular work (13.95-13.96), 293
    Units of quantity (13.123, 14.14), 298, 301
    v. (11.8), 266
    Vessels (11.6-11.7, 13.95), 265-266, 293
    X dollars (11.12), 267
  • -ize, -ise, -yze (5.12), 91
  • J
  • Journals (2.2), 7-9
  • Jr., Sr.:
    Abbreviation (9.32, 9.34), 230
    Index entries (15.27), 306
    Punctuation (8.39, 9.34), 200, 230
    Type (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
  • K
  • King (3.34), 37
  • Known as (8.128), 215
  • L
  • Land area abbreviations (9.56), 236-237
  • Land descriptions (9.20-9.22, 12.9f), 225, 272
  • Latin abbreviations (9.63, 11.3), 251-255, 265
  • Latitude, longitude:
    Abbreviated (9.51, 13.9), 235, 281
    Division at end of line (9.52), 235
    Spaces omitted (9.51, 12.9f), 235, 272
  • Law (3.40), 39
  • Leaders:
    Abbreviation before (8.123, 13.13), 214, 282
    Leaderwork (14.1), 299
    Tabular work (13.97-13.101), 293-294
  • Leaderwork (14.1-14.20) (see also Tabular Work), 299-302
    Bearoff (14.2), 299
    Clears (14.9), 300
    Columns (14.3-14.4), 299-300
    Continued heads (14.5), 300
    Definition (14.1), 299
    Do. (14.6), 300
    Dollar mark and ciphers (14.7-14.8), 300
    Double up (14.19), 302
    Examples (14.15-14.20), 301-302
    Flush items and subheads (14.9-14.10), 300
    Footnotes (14.11-14.13), 301
    Units of quantity (14.14-14.20), 301-302
  • Leading and spacing (2.48-2.59), 16-17
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.4), 309
    Extracts (2.54-2.57), 17
    Footnotes (2.58), 17
    Legends (2.59), 17
    Line of stars (8.79), 207
    Page, section, etc., over figure columns (15.21), 305
    Tabular work, boxheads (13.18), 282
    Tabular work, centerheads (13.25), 284
    Tabular work, footnotes (13.66), 289
    Abbreviations with points (9.6), 221
    Ampersand (9.7), 222
    Article, section (9.39), 232
    Citations (8.28), 199
    Clock time (8.26, 12.9b), 199, 271
    Colon (8.23-8.33), 198-200
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.4), 309
    Degrees, academic (9.7, 9.32-9.33, 9.35-9.36), 222, 230, 231
    Ellipses (8.76), 207-208
    Footnote references (8.50, 15.12, 15,19), 202, 304, 305
    Footnote symbols (13.69, 15.12), 290, 304
    Footnotes, two or more (2.19), 12
    Heads, center, side (2.50), 16
    Initials, personal name (9.7), 222
    Letters or figures in parentheses (2.40, 8.94), 15.209
    Mathematical signs (10.3), 259
    Names, space after in small cap heads (3.13-3.16, 3.47-3.48), 30, 40
    Particles (3.48), 40-41
    Question mark (8.124-8.126), 214-215
    Quotation marks (8.127-8.144), 215-218
    Section mark (10.6), 259
    Stars (8.79), 207
    Symbols with figures (10.6), 259
  • Legal cases:
    Capitalization (3.11), 29
    Italic (11.8), 266
  • Legends (2.67-2.73), 18
    Italic symbols (2.73, 11.14), 18, 268
    Leading (2.59), 17
    Makeup (2.68, 2.72, 2.96f), 18, 21
    Punctuation (2.70, 8.112), 18, 213
    Type (2.69), 18
  • Legislative bodies, foreign, 325-331
  • Letter of transmittal (2.3e), 10
  • Looseleaf work, "blue" folios marked (1.12), 2
  • -ly, words ending in (6.20), 100
  • M
  • M., Mlle., etc. (9.29), 226
  • Magnification symbol (10.3), 259
  • Magnitudes (9.59), 237
  • Makeup (2.3-2.19), 9-12
    Backstrips, run down (2.20), 12
    Facing pages (2.7), 11
    Fold-ins to be avoided (1.14), 2
    Leaderwork (14.11-14.13), 301
    Tabular references repeated (2.13, 13.70), 11,290
    Tabular sample, 301
    Tabular work (2.98), 21
    Text (15.9-15.11), 304
    Illustrations (2.67-2.73), 18
    Parts of book (2.3), 9-10
    Roman numerals (2.4), 10
    Running heads and folios (2.10-2.11), 11
    Signature marks, imprints, etc. (2.101-2.112, 2.115-2.128), 22-23, 24-25
    Signatures, jobs over 4 pages (1.15), 2
    Avoid over 2 blank pages (1.15), 2
    Sink (2.8), 11
    Title pages (2.5), 10
    Widow lines (2.6), 10
  • Marine Corps, 64, 227-230
  • Market grades (3.25), 35
  • Marshall Islands (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 356
  • Mathematical equations (10.8-10.15), 260
    Signs (10.2, 10.3, 10.18), 259, 262, 264
  • Measurement:
    Abbreviations (9.56-9.58), 236-237
    Conversion table, 341
    Metric equivalents, 339-341
    Numerals (12.9J), 272-273
    Symbols (9.62), 247-251
  • Medals (see Decorations).
  • Meridians and base lines, 346-347
  • Messrs. (9.29), 226
  • Meteorology signs/symbols (10.18), 262-264
  • Metric:
    Abbreviations (9.56-9.57), 236-237
    Equivalents, 339, 340
  • Military:
    Dates (8.52, 12.9c), 203, 271
    Installations, State name with (9.12), 223
    Time (12.9b, 12.14), 271, 275
    Abbreviations (9.29), 226-230
    Capitalization (3.35), 37-38
    Enlisted rank, 228-230
    Officer rank, 226-228
    Units, ordinals used (12.10), 274
  • Millimeters, converted to, 341
  • Million, etc.:
    Roman numerals (12.29), 280
    Use of figures with (12.24), 278-279
  • Minute:
    Abbreviation (9.58), 237
    Latitude, longitude (9.51-9.52, 12.9f), 235, 272
    Time (12.9b, 12.9n), 271, 273
    Astronomical (9.59, 12.9b), 237, 271
  • Money:
    Abbreviations and symbols (9.60, 12.9k), 238, 273, 334-338
    Decimals (12.9k), 273
    Fractions (12.26-12.28), 279
  • Months:
    Abbreviations (9.44-9.45, 13.5), 233, 281
    mo (9.58), 237
    Punctuation (8.52, 8.74, 8.75, 12.9c), 203, 206, 271
  • Moon (3.30), 35
    Signs (10.18), 262-264
  • Mount, not abbreviated (9.19), 225
  • Mr., Mrs.:
    Abbreviation, when used (9.29), 226
    Type (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
    With other abbreviations (9.33), 230
  • Mr. Chairman, etc. (3.37), 38
  • N
  • Names (see Personal names, Natives).
  • Nation, etc. (3.19, 3.20), 32, 33
  • Nationalities (see Demonyms).
  • Natives:
    Foreign countries, 332-334
    States, U.S. (5.23-5.24), 93-94
  • Nature (3.32), 36
  • Navy, Naval, etc. (3.17), 30-32, 66, 227-230
  • Near East (3.21), 33
  • Newspapers:
    Capitalization (3.38), 38-39
    Datelines (16.8), 311
    Italic not used (11.2), 265
  • No., Nos. (9.38), 231
    Not abbreviated (13.22), 283
  • Northern Mariana Islands (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 361
  • Note (8.107, 13.53, 13.75), 5, 211-212, 288, 290, 334, 347
  • Nouns:
    Capitalization (3.5-3.10, 3.49), 27-29, 40
    Compounding (6.8-6.11), 96-97
    Nationalities, foreign, 332-334
    Plural forms (5.5-5.10), 86-89
    States, natives of (5.23), 93
  • Nth degree (11.12), 267
  • Number:
    Abbreviation (see No.).
    Chemical elements (10.16), 261
    Mark (#) (10.6, 10.18, 15.15), 259, 262-264, 304
  • Numerals (12.1-12.29), 269-280
    Age (12.9a), 270
    Beginning a sentence (12.16), 276
    Related numerals (12.25), 279
    Chemical elements (6.43, 10.16), 106, 261
    Chemical formulas (6.44, 12.15), 106, 275
    Clock time (9.54, 12.9b), 236, 271
    Colon affecting use (12.8), 270
    Compound (6.36-6.39), 104-105
    Dates (see Dates).
    Decimals (12.9d), 271
    Degrees (12.9f), 272
    Equations (10.8-10.15), 260
    Expressed in figures (12.4-12.15), 269-275
    Formal writing (12.19), 277
    Fractions (see Fractions).
    Game scores (12.9g), 272
    Hearings, etc. (12.17), 276
    Indefinite expressions (12.22), 277-278
    Land descriptions (9.21), 225
    Large numbers (12.20, 12.24), 277, 278-279
    Market quotations (12.9h), 272
    Mathematical expressions (12.91), 272
    Measurement and time (12.9a-12.9o), 270-274
    In relation to other figures (12.6), 270
    Money (9.60, 12.9k), 238, 273
    Ordinals (see Ordinals).
    Percentage (12.91), 273
    Proportion or ratio (12.9m), 273
    Punctuation (8.48, 8.109-8.110, 12.14), 202,212,275
    Roman (see Roman numerals).
    Serial (12.7), 270
    10 or more (12.4), 269
    Under 10 (12.23), 278
    Unit of measurement, etc. (12.6), 270
    Spelled out (12.16-12.25), 276-279
    Tabular work (13.102), 294
    Time (12.9n), 273
    Unit modifiers (6.23, 6.36-6.37, 6.39, 12.9o), 101, 104, 105, 274
    Vitamins (12.9p), 274
    With abbreviations (9.5, 13.4), 221, 281
  • O
  • O, Oh:
    Capitalization (3.56), 42
    Exclamation point (8.84, 8.85), 208
  • -o, words ending in (5.5), 86
  • Occident, etc. (3.21, 3.22), 33-34
  • O'clock (9.55, 12.9b), 236, 271
  • Office (3.17), 30-32, 66-67
  • Op. cit. (11.3), 254, 265
  • Order (3.38), 38-39
  • Ordered (3.45, 11.11), 40, 267
  • Ordinals (12.10-12.13, 13.102), 274-275, 294
    Beginning with 10th (12.10), 274
    In relation to other ordinals or numerals (12.11), 274-275
    Leaderwork (12.13), 275
    Military units (12.10), 274
    Street address (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
    Tabular work (12.13, 13.102), 275, 294
  • Orient, etc. (3.21, 3.22), 33-34
  • Outlines:
    Indentions (15.31), 307-308
    Numbering sequence (15.31), 307-308
  • Overruns (see also Indentions):
    Addresses, datelines, and signatures (16.5, 16.26), 309-310, 316-319
    Center, side heads (2.65-2.66), 18
    Hanging indentions (2.62-2.63), 17
    Indexes (15.23-15.25), 305-306
    Leaderwork (14.4), 299-300
    Paragraphs (2.60-2.66), 17
    Tabular work (13.90-13.94), 292-293
    Total, mean, and average lines (13.92-13.94), 292-293
  • P
  • Pact (3.38), 38-39
  • Page (3.9), 28
    Abbreviation (9.38), 231
    Numbers (2.4, 15.22, 15.30), 10, 305, 307
  • Palau (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 363
  • Paper stock (1.16), 2, 3
  • Paragraph (3.9), 28
    Abbreviation (9.38), 231
    Mark (¶) (10.6), 259
  • Paragraphs:
    Brackets, more than one paragraph (8.22), 198
    Indention (2.60-2.61), 17
    Overruns (2.62-2.63), 17
    Italic letters indicating (11.15), 268
    Numbering sequence (8.108), 212
  • Parentheses (8.91-8.102), 209-211
    Abbreviations in (9.2), 221
    Citations or references (9.45), 233
    Congressional (9.41-9.43), 232-233
    Latitude, longitude (9.51), 235
    Parts of publications (9.38), 231
    Steamships, railroads (9.27), 226
    Alignment in tables (13.59, 13.63), 289
    Byline (8.101), 211
    Chemical formulas (6.44), 106
    Clauses (8.92), 209
    Closed up (2.40, 8.94, 8.98), 15, 209, 210
    Column numbers or letters (13.23), 283
    Enclose letters or figures (8.94), 209
    Equations (10.14), 260
    Explanatory word (8.93), 209
    More than one paragraph (8.102), 211
    Not part of main statement (8.91), 209
    Paragraph sequence (8.108), 212
    Type (8.150), 219
    Verifying numbers (8.95, 12.18), 210, 276
    With punctuation (8.96-8.102), 210-211
  • Part (3.9), 28
    Abbreviation (9.38), 231
  • Particles (3.13-3.16), 30
  • Parts of books:
    Abbreviations (9.38-9.40), 231-232
    Capitalization (3.9, 3.38, 3.39), 28, 38-39
    Makeup (2.3), 9-10
    Quotation marks (8.129), 215-216
  • Percent (5.2), 79
    Mark (10.18, 15.15), 262-264, 304
    Use of figures (12.91), 273
  • Period (8.103-8.123), 211-214
    Abbreviations (8.111, 9.6-9.7), 213, 221-222
    After article, section, etc. (8.113), 213
    Boxheads (8.115), 213
    Decimals (8.109, 12.9d, 13.29-13.32), 212, 271,285
    Declarative sentence (8.103), 211
    Ellipses (8.76, 8.78), 207
    Explanatory matter within parentheses (8.122), 214
    Indirect question (8.104), 211
    In lieu of parentheses (8.105), 211
    Inside-outside quotation marks (8.141-8.142), 217
    Legends (2.70, 8.112), 18, 213
    Letters used as names (8.117), 213-214
    Metric abbreviations (9.56-9.57), 236-237
    Middle initial not abbreviation (8.118), 214
    Multiplication (8.114), 213
    Omitted (8.115-8.123, 9.3, 13.13, 15.23), 213-214, 221, 282, 305-306
    Overruns, in indexes (15.23), 305-306
    Roman numerals (8.120), 214
    Run-in sideheads (8.107), 211-212
    Short name not abbreviation (8.119, 9.23), 214, 225
    Symbols (8.115), 213
    To indicate thousands (8.110), 212
    Words and incomplete statements (8.121), 214
  • Periodicals, titles of:
    Capitalization (3.38-3.39, 3.41), 38-39
    Italic not used (11.2), 265
    Makeup (2.2, 2.3), 7-10
  • Personal names:
    Abbreviations followed (8.119, 9.23-9.24), 214, 225
    Initials set without space (9.7), 222
    Particles (3.13-3.16), 30
    Variations (8.119, 9.23-9.24), 214, 225
  • Personification (3.32), 36
  • Physics, signs and symbols (10.18), 262-264
  • Physiographic regions, 344-345
  • Pica conversion table, 341
  • Pickup matter (2.31), 13
    Correcting (2.45), 16
  • Place:
    Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
    Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
  • Planets (3.30), 35
  • Plate (3.9), 28
    Abbreviation (9.38), 231
    Numbers aligned (15.28), 306
  • Plurals:
    Apostrophe (8.7, 8.11), 194, 195-196
    Coined (8.11), 195-196
    Common noun as part of proper name (3.8), 28
    Compound words (5.6-5.8), 87-88
    Irregular (5.10), 88-89
    Latin names (3.28), 35
    Letters and figures (8.11), 195-196
    Nouns ending in -ful (5.9), 88
    Nouns ending in -o (5.5), 86
    Of words (8.13), 196
  • Poetry:
    Alignment and indention (8.134), 216-217
    Capitalization of titles (3.39), 39
    Congressional Record, 382-383
    Credit line (8.66), 205
    Quotation marks (3.39, 8.129, 8.134), 39, 215-217
  • Point, not abbreviated (9.19), 225
  • Points, converted to, 341
  • Political parties (3.17), 30-32, 68
    Adherents (3.18), 32, 68
  • Port, not abbreviated (9.19), 225
  • Possessions, U.S. (9.12-9.14), 223-224, 348-367
  • Possessives and apostrophes (see Apostrophes and possessives).
  • Post (11.3), 265
  • Post Office, 68
    Box, as part of address, 68
    Directory of Post Offices (5.20), 93
    ZIP Code numbers (8.51, 16.1), 203, 309
  • Pound mark (see Money, Number).
  • Preface (2.3g, 2.12), 10, 11
  • Prefixes (6.7, 6.29-6.35), 96, 102-104
    Metric (9.56), 236-237
  • Preliminary pages (2.3-2.4), 9-10
    Roman numerals for (2.4), 10
  • Preparing copy:
    Abbreviations spelled out (2.43), 15
    Bill style (2.41), 15
    Capitalization (2.25,2.35), 12, 14
    Copy kept clean (2.46), 16
    Cut-in notes (2.32), 14
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (2.26), 13
    Addresses (16.9-16.16), 311-313
    Datelines (16.5-16.8), 309-311
    Signatures (16.17-16.26), 313-319
    Decimals (2.27), 13
    Et cetera, etc. (2.28), 13
    Extracts (2.24), 12
    FIC & punc, Fol. lit. (2.38-2.42), 14-15
    Figures (2.38, 2.40), 15
    Folioing and stamping (2.29), 13
    Footnotes and reference marks:
    Tabular work (13.66-13.85), 289-291
    Text (15.1-15.19), 303-305
    Heads (2.30, 3.46-3.54), 13, 40-42
    Instructions to be followed (2.42, 11.5), 15, 177
    Italic (2.26, 2.38), 13, 14
    Pickup (2.31), 13
    Plurals (2.36, 8.13), 14, 196
    Punctuation followed (2.38-2.42), 14-15
    Sidenotes (2.32), 14
    Signs, symbols, etc. (2.33-2.34), 14
    Type to indicate shape (2.35-2.37), 14
  • Prepositions (3.49), 40
    In compound nouns (6.47), 107
  • Presidents and Vice Presidents, U.S., 321-322
  • Pronouns:
    Compounding (6.12, 6.13), 98
    Possessive (8.8-8.9), 194, 195
  • Proofreader's marks (1.22), 4-5
  • Proofreading (2.74-2.87), 18-20
  • Proofs:
    Clean (2.46, 2.96a), 16,21
    Department (1.18-1.20), 2
  • Proportion (8.32, 12.9m), 199, 273
  • Provided, etc.:
    Capitalization following (3.45), 40
    Italic (3.45, 11.11), 40, 267
  • Province (3.19), 32
    Not abbreviated (9.15), 224
  • Public Law, etc. (3.38), 38-39
    Not abbreviated (9.41, 9.43), 232, 233
  • Publications (see Periodicals).
  • Puerto Rico (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 364
  • Punctuation (8.1-8.150), 193-219
    Omitted (8.123, 9.3, 13.13), 214, 221, 282
    When used (8.39, 9.6), 200, 221
    Apostrophe (8.3-8.18), 193-197
    Brackets (8.19-8.22), 197-198
    Colon (8.23-8.33), 198-200
    Comma (8.34-8.59), 200-204
    Before and after abbreviations (8.39), 200
    Omitted (8.50-8.59), 202-204
    Used (8.34-8.49), 200-202
    Dash (em) (8.60-8.70), 204-205
    Not used (8.69-8.70), 205
    Used (8.60-8.68), 204-205
    Dash (en) (8.72-8.75), 206
    Not used (8.74-8.75), 206
    Used (8.72-8.73), 206
    Ellipses (8.76-8.82), 207-208
    Exclamation point (8.83-8.84), 208
    Function (8.1, 8.2), 193
    Hyphen (8.86-8.90), 208-209
    Compounding (6.1-6.52), 95-107
    Legends (2.70, 8.112), 18, 213
    Numerals (12.14), 275
    Parentheses (8.91-8.102), 209-211
    Period (8.103-8.123), 211-214
    Omitted (8.115-8.123), 213-214
    Used (8.103-8.114), 211-213
    Question mark (8.124-8.126), 214-215
    Quotation marks (8.127-8.144), 215-218
    Not used (8.134-8.144), 216-218
    Used (8.127-8.133), 215-216
    Semicolon (8.145-8.148), 218
    Sentence (2.49), 16
    Single (8.124, 8.149), 214, 219
  • Q
  • Quantity (see Units of quantity).
  • Quart (9.58), 237
    Metric equivalent, 339, 340
  • Quasi-, ex-, self- (6.34), 103
  • Queen (3.35), 37, 38
  • Queries:
    Department must answer (1.20), 2
    Not to be set (2.47), 16
    Proofreading (2.75-2.78), 19
Question mark (8.124-8.126), 214-215
  • Closed up (8.126), 215
    Direct query (8.45, 8.124), 202, 214
    Doubt (8.125, 8.126), 214-215
    With quotation marks (8.141, 8.144), 217, 218
  • Quotation marks (8.127-8.144), 215-218
    Addresses, books, etc. (8.129), 215-216
    Called, so-called, etc. (8.128), 215
    Direct quotations (8.127), 215
    Display initial with (8.140), 217
    Double, single, double (8.144), 218
    Entitled, marked, etc. (8.128), 215
    Extracts, omitted (2.24, 8.138), 12, 217
    Indirect quotations (8.139), 217
    Letters within a letter (8.131), 216
    Complete letter (8.137), 217
    Misnomers, slang, etc. (8.132), 216
    More than one paragraph (8.130), 216
    Poetry, alignment (8.134), 216-217
    Precede footnote references (8.143), 217
    Punctuation with (8.47, 8.141, 8.142), 202, 217
    Scientific names (11.10), 267
    Spacing (8.133, 8.144), 216, 218
    Tabular work (13.124), 298
    Thin space (8.133), 216
    Vessels (11.7, 11.8), 266
  • Quotations:
    Capitalization (3.42, 3.43), 39
    Comma before (8.35), 200
    Ellipses (8.76-8.82), 207-208
  • R
  • Railroads, abbreviated (9.27, 13.8), 226, 281
  • Reference marks (see Footnotes and references).
  • Reference materials, GPO (1.21), 3
  • Region (3.9), 28
    Ordinals (12.10), 274
  • Regular, etc. (3.17), 30-32, 69
  • Related numbers:
    Group (12.5, 12.25), 269-270, 279
    Ordinals (12.10-12.12), 274-275
  • Religious terms (3.33), 36-37, 69
  • Report (3.38, 3.39), 38-39, 70
    With quotation marks (3.39, 8.129), 39, 215-216
  • Reports and Hearings (Chapter 20), 417-432
    Samples, 419-432
  • Representative (3.18), 32
    Not abbreviated (9.30), 230
  • Reprint:
    "All roman (no italic)" exceptions (11.5), 265
    Dates (2.113-2.114), 23
    Pickup (2.31), 13
    Signature marks (2.114), 23
  • Republic (3.19), 32
  • Reservation (3.5), 27-28
    State name with (9.12), 223
  • Resolution (3.38), 38-39
    Abbreviation (9.42, 13.11), 232, 282
  • Resolved, etc. (3.45), 40
    Italic (3.45, 11.11), 40, 267
  • Reverend, etc. (9.31), 230
  • Revising (2.88-2.100), 20-22
    Galley (2.88-2.91), 20
    Page (2.92-2.98), 20-21
    Press (2.99-2.100), 22
  • Rivers, 347
  • Road:
    Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
    Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
  • Roman numerals:
    Army corps (12.10), 274
    Figure columns:
    Indexes and contents (15.22), 305
    Tabular work (13.62), 289
    List (12.29), 280
    Not preferred (12.3), 269
    Aligned in contents (15.28), 306
    Not used after (8.120), 214
    Preliminary pages (2.4), 10
  • Royal titles (3.34, 3.35, 3.37), 37-38
  • Rules in tables (2.23, 13.3), 12, 281
  • Running heads:
    Copy for, supplied (1.19), 2
    Makeup (2.10-2.11), 11
    Period omitted (8.115), 213
  • S
  • Sales notices (2.121-2.122), 24
  • Salutation:
    Capitalization (3.55, 16.15), 42, 312
    Colon after (8.25, 16.15), 199, 312
    Italic (8.25, 16.14), 199, 312
  • Scientific terms:
    Abbreviations, punctuation omitted (9.3), 221
    Capitalization (3.26-3.29), 35
    Compounding (6.42-6.45), 106
    Italic (11.9-11.10, 13.95), 267, 293
    Quotation marks with (11.10), 267
    Set in roman(11.9), 267
  • Scriptures, etc. (3.33), 36-37
  • Seaboard (3.22), 33-34
  • Seal (16.27, 16.28), 319
  • Seasons (3.23), 34
  • 2d, 3d, etc.:
    Comma omitted before (8.39, 8.59, 9.32), 200, 204, 230
    Ordinals (12.10-12.11), 274-275
    Type (9.32, 16.3), 230, 309
  • Secretary, etc. (3.35), 37-38, 71
    General, 71
    No hyphen (6.40), 105
    Plural form (5.8), 87-88
  • Section (3.9), 28, 71
    Abbreviation (9.38, 13.10), 231, 281
    Not abbreviated (9.39), 232
    Caps and small caps (9.39), 232
    Italic to indicate (11.15), 268
    Roman, over figure column (15.21), 305
  • Section mark (§):
    Footnote reference (15.14), 304
    Space after (10.6), 259
  • -sede, -cede, -ceed (5.13), 91
  • See, see also:
    Italic (11.11, 15.20), 267, 305
    Roman (13.96), 293
  • See footnote, etc. (15.4), 303
  • Self-, ex-, quasi- (6.34), 103
  • Semicolon (8.145-8.148), 218
    Avoid, where comma will suffice (8.148), 218
    Before summarizing matter (8.147), 218
    Clauses containing commas (8.145), 218
  • Senate, 71
  • Senator, 71
    Not abbreviated (9.30), 230
  • Serial:
    Letter, italic (11.15), 268
    Parentheses (8.94), 209
    Comma omitted (8.54, 12.14), 203, 275
    Figures used (12.7), 270
    Parentheses (8.94), 209
  • Session:
    Abbreviation (9.41, 13.11), 232, 282
    Ordinals (9.41, 13.11), 232, 282
  • Shape, letters used (2.35-2.37), 14
  • Shilling mark, in fractions (12.27), 279
  • Sign (10.18), 262-264
  • Signature marks (2.101-2.112), 22-23
  • Signatures:
    Abbreviations (9.24, 16.19), 225, 313
    Capitalization (3.55, 16.2), 42, 309
    Caps and small caps (9.37), 231
    Examples (16.17-16.26), 313-319
    Preceded by dash (8.66, 16.17), 205, 313
    Preparation (2.26), 13
    Punctuation (16.23), 314
    Quoted matter (16.25), 316
  • Signed (8.128), 215
    In signatures (16.24), 314-315
  • Signs and Symbols (10.1-10.18), 259-264
    Elements (6.43, 10.16), 106, 261
    Formulas (6.44, 10.15, 12.15), 106, 260, 275
    Coined words and symbols (8.11, 9.48), 195,234
    Degree mark (9.50-9.51, 9.53, 9.56, 10.4, 12.9f), 235-236, 259, 272
    Equations (10.8-10.15), 260
    Footnote references (15.12-15.19), 304-305
    Sequence (15.14), 304
    Foreign money (9.60), 238
    Italic letters (2.73, 10.7-10.8, 11.12-11.14), 18, 260, 267-268
    Legends (2.73), 18
    List (10.18), 262-264
    Mathematical signs (10.2-10.3), 259
    Preparing copy (2.33-2.34), 14
    Standardized (10.17), 262
    Symbol columns (13.115-13.116), 295
    x, crossed with, magnification (10.3), 259
  • Single punctuation (8.124, 8.149), 214, 219
  • Sink (2.8), 11
  • Small caps:
    Etc., et al. (3.53), 41
    Heads spaced with regular justification spaces (2.50), 16
    Italic inferior letters (10.8), 260
    Proper names (3.47-3.48), 40-41
    Roman numerals (2.4, 15.22), 10, 305
    Seal (16.27-16.28), 319
    v., lowercase in legal cases (11.8), 266
  • Soil orders (3.29), 35, 72
  • Someone, some one (6.12), 98
  • Spacing (see Leading and spacing).
  • Spelling (5.1-5.26), 79-94
    Anglicized and foreign words (5.3-5.4), 85-86
    Apostrophes and possessives (8.3-8.18), 193-197
    -cede, -ceed, -sede (5.13), 91
    Doubled consonants (5.14-5.15), 92
    Geographic names (5.20-5.21), 93
    Idiomatic phrases (6.52), 107
    Indefinite articles, use of (5.16-5.19), 92
    List (5.2), 79-85
    Nationalities (5.22-5.24), 93-94
    Native American words (5.25), 94
    Plural forms (5.5-5.10), 86-89
    Transliteration (5.26), 94
  • Square, 72
    Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
    Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
  • Stars (see Ellipses).
  • State, etc. (3.19), 32, 73
  • Staten Island (9.14), 224
  • States (3.6, 3.19, 3.21), 28, 32, 33, 73
    Abbreviations (8.72, 9.12-9.13), 206, 223-224
    Capitals, 322-324, 348-370
    Counties, 348-370
    Natives of (5.23), 93
  • Station (3.6, 3.9), 28, 73
    State abbreviation with (9.12), 223
  • Statutes, etc. (3.38), 38-39
    Abbreviations (9.43, 13.11), 233, 282
  • Street, 73
    Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
    Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
  • Subentries (8.27, 13.90-13.91, 13.113, 14.15), 199, 292, 295, 301
  • Subheads:
    Indexes and contents (15.29), 307
    Leaderwork (14.10), 300
  • Suffixes (6.30-6.31), 103
  • Summation sign (10.14), 260
  • Sun (3.30), 35, 74
    Sign (10.18), 262-264
  • Superior figures and letters:
    Astrophysical matter (9.59), 237
    Chemical elements (6.43), 106
    Comma omitted (8.50), 202
    Equations (10.8), 260
    Follow inferiors (10.15), 260
    Footnote references (13.67, 15.12, 15.17), 290, 304, 305
    Italic letters (8.50, 10.8, 11.12), 202, 260, 267
    Preparing (2.33), 14
    Type (8.150), 219
    With punctuation (8.133), 216
  • Supra:
    Italic (11.3), 265
    Not abbreviated (9.49), 235
  • Survey (3.17), 30-32
  • Symbols (see Signs and Symbols).
  • T
  • Table (see also Useful Tables) (3.9), 28, 74
  • Table of contents (see Contents).
  • Tabular Work (13.1-13.124) (see also Leaderwork), 281-298
    Abbreviations (13.4-13.13), 281-282
    Bearoff (13.14-13.17), 282
    Leaderwork (14.2-14.4), 299-300
    Tables without rules (13.117, 13.120), 296, 297-298
    Boxheads (13.18-13.23), 282-283
    Horizontal (13.19-13.21), 282
    Centerheads, flush entries, and subentries (13.25-13.28), 284
    Ciphers (13.29-13.36), 285-286
    Column numbers or letters (13.23), 283
    Continued heads (13.37-13.38), 286
    Dash instead of colon (13.26), 284
    Dashes or rules (13.39-13.40), 286
    To separate nonmoney groups (13.53), 288
    Date column (13.28), 284
    Decimals, alignment (13.29-13.36, 13.64), 285-286, 289
    Ditto (Do.) (13.41-13.50), 286-287
    Closing quotes (13.41), 286
    Divide tables (13.103-13.109), 294
    Dollar mark (13.51-13.56), 288
    Figure columns (13.57-13.65), 289
    Decimals (13.29-13.32, 13.63-13.64), 285,289
    Footnotes and references (13.66-13.85), 289-291
    Fractions (13.86-13.87), 291-292
    Hairline rules (2.23), 12
    Headnotes (13.88-13.89, 13.104), 292, 294
    Indentions and overruns (13.90-13.94), 292,-293
    Subentries (13.90-13.91), 292
    Total, mean, and average lines (13.92-13.94), 292-293
    Italic (13.95-13.96), 293
    Leaders (13.97-13.101), 293-294
    Boxheads, solid in leaded tables (13.20), 282
    Notes (13.85), 291
    Makeup (see Makeup).
    No. (13.22), 283
    None (13.33, 13.35, 13.45), 285, 286, 287
    Numerals (13.102), 294
    Parallel tables (13.103-13.109), 294
    Quoted tables (13.124), 298
    Reading columns (13.110-13.114), 295
    See, see also (13.96), 293
    Subentries (13.90-13.91, 13.113), 292, 295
    Symbol columns (13.115-13.116), 295
    Tables without rules (see also Leaderwork) (13.117-13.120), 296-298
    Total, mean, and average lines (13.92-13.94), 292-293
    Tracing figures (13.107, 13.109), 294
    Type (2.23, 13.3), 12,281
    Units of quantity (13.121-13.123), 298
    Spacing (13.28), 284-285
    Years, spacing (13.28), 284-285
  • Technical terms (see Scientific terms).
  • Temperature, abbreviations (9.53), 235
  • Temperature conversion, 339
  • Terrace:
    Abbreviation (9.16, 13.6), 224, 281
    Ordinals (12.13, 13.6), 275, 281
  • Territory, etc. (3.19), 32, 74
  • Territories, U.S. (9.12-9.14), 223-224, 348-367
  • Text footnotes (see Footnotes and references).
  • The:
    Title, part of (3.11-3.12, 9.31), 29-30, 230
  • Thin space:
    Footnotes (13.69, 15.12), 290, 304
    Names (3.47, 3.48), 40
    Number mark, not used with (10.6), 259
    Paragraph mark (10.6), 259
    Quotation marks (8.133), 216
    Section mark (10.6), 259
  • Time:
    Abbreviations (9.54, 9.55, 9.58, 9.59), 236, 237
    Astronomical (12.9b, 12.14), 271, 275
    Capitalization, 74
    Clock (12.9n), 273
    Geologic, 343
    Military (12.9b, 12.14), 271, 275
    Use of figures (9.59, 12.9b, 12.9n), 237, 271,273
  • Title (3.9), 28, 75
  • Title page:
    Back of (2. 3d), 10
    Congressional back title samples:
    Appropriations hearing, 430
    Conference report, 428
    Imprints, etc. (2.113-2.128), 23-25
    Makeup (2.2, 2.3), 7-10
    Period omitted at ends of lines (8.115), 213
    U.S., not abbreviated (9.9), 222-223
  • Titles:
    Acts (3.40), 39
    Civil and military:
    Abbreviations (9.25, 9.29-9.37), 225-226, 226-231
    Compound (6.40-6.41), 105
    Plurals (5.8), 87-88
    Common nouns (3.35), 37-38
    Foreign books (3.41), 39
    Heads of state, 325-331
    Legal cases (3.38, 11.8), 38-39, 266
    Persons (3.34-3.37), 37-38
    Publications, papers, etc. (3.38-3.39, 8.129, 11.2), 38-39, 215-216, 265
    Second person (3.37), 38
  • To, en dash for (8.74, 12.9c, 12.9m, 13.111), 206, 271, 273, 295
  • To Whom It May Concern (8.25, 16.14), 199, 312
  • Tracing figures (see Tabular work).
  • Trade names (3.25), 35, 75
  • Treasury, etc. (3.17), 30-32, 75
  • Treaty (3.9, 3.38), 28, 38-39, 75
  • Tribunal (3.17), 30-32,75
  • Tunnel, 75
  • Type:
    Boldface, punctuation in (8.150), 219
    Brackets (8.150), 219
    Illustrating shape and form (2.35-2.37), 14
    Correcting pickup (2.45), 16
    Proofs, clean (2.46), 16
    Dash (8.150), 219
    Datelines, addresses, and signatures (16.2-16.3), 309
    Extracts (2.24, 8.138), 12,217
    Footnotes (15.5), 303
    Headnotes (2.14, 13.88-13.89), 11, 292
    Headings (2.30, 3.46-3.54), 13,40-42
    Indexes and contents (15.20, 15.29-15.30), 305, 307
    Italic (11.1-11.16), 265-268
    Vessels (11.6-11.7), 265-266
    Jr., Sr. (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
    Leaderwork (14.1), 299
    Legends (2.69), 18
    Mr., Mrs., etc. (9.37, 16.3), 231, 309
    Note (8.107, 13.53), 212, 288
    Parentheses (8.150), 219
    Picas converted to inches, 341
    Seal (16.27, 16.28), 319
    Signature marks (2.101), 22
    Special typefaces (1.11), 2
    Tabular work (2.23, 13.3), 12, 281
    Text (2.23), 12
  • U
  • Under Secretary (see also Secretary), 75
  • Union (3.19), 32, 75
    & in name (9.25), 225-226
    Comma omitted between name and number (8.53), 203
  • Unit modifiers (see Compounding).
  • United Nations (3.17), 30-32, 75
  • Units of quantity:
    Leaderwork (14.14), 301
    Numerals (12.6, 12.9), 270-274
    Tabular work (13.120, 13.121-13.123), 297, 298
  • U.S. (see Possessions, Territories):
    Abbreviation (9.9-9.10, 13.7), 222-223, 281
    Closed up (9.7), 222
    Spelled out (9.9-9.10), 222-223
    Presidents and Vice Presidents (14.14), 321-322
  • USD (9.60), 238, 338
  • Useful Tables (Chapter 17), 321-341
    Chemical elements, 261
    Currency, 334-338
    Demonyms (nationalities), 332-334
    Foreign countries, capitals, chief of state, etc., 325-331
    Geologic time, 343
    Measures, metric, etc., 339-341
    Meridians and base lines, 346
    Military titles, 226-230
    Most populous U.S. cities, capitals, 322-324
    Physiographic regions, U.S., 344-345
    Postal abbreviations, 224
    Public land surveys, 347
    Rivers, 347
    Roman numerals, 280
    Signs and symbols, 262-264
    Temperature conversion, 339
    U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents, 321-322
  • V
  • v.:
    Italic (11.8, 13.95), 266, 293
    Roman (11.8), 266
  • Van, von (3.13, 3.14, 3.16), 30
  • Verbs:
    Adverb compounds (6.9), 96
    Capitalization (3.49), 40
    Infinitive (3.49, 3.52), 40
    Improvised (6.48), 107
  • Vessels:
    Abbreviations (9.27), 226
    Italic (11.6-11.7, 13.95), 265-266, 293
    Quotation marks (11.7, 11.8), 266
  • Virgin Islands (9.12, 9.13), 223, 224, 367
  • Volume (3.9), 28, 76
    Abbreviation (9.38, 9.58), 231, 237
    Metric (9.56), 236-237
  • Vowels:
    A, an, before (5.16-5.19), 92
    Hyphen, to avoid doubling (6.7), 96
  • W
  • War (3.31), 36, 76
  • Ward (3.9), 28, 76
  • Web site (11.16), 76,268
  • Webster's Dictionary (5.1, 7.5), 79, 109
  • Weights:
    Abbreviations (9.56, 9.58), 236-237, 237
    Metric (9.56-9.57), 236-237
    Metric equivalents, 339, 340
    Numerals (12.9j), 272-273
  • Widow lines (2.6), 10
  • Word Division, GPO publication (1.21, 5.2), 3, 79
  • Word division (8.87), 209
    Land descriptions (9.22), 225
    Latitude and longitude (9.52), 235
  • Words (see Spelling).
  • XYZ
  • x, crossed with, magnification (10.3), 259
  • Yard (9.58), 237
    Metric equivalent, 339, 340
  • -yze, -ise, -ize (5.12), 91
  • Your Honor, etc. (3.37), 38, 77
  • ZIP Code numbers (8.51, 16.1), 77, 203, 309