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U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual/Numerals

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12. Numerals
(See also Chapter 13 "Tabular Work" and Chapter 14 "Leaderwork")

Most rules for the use of numerals are based on the general principle that the reader comprehends numerals more readily than numerical word expressions, particularly in technical, scientific, or statistical matter. However, for special reasons, numbers are spelled out in certain instances, except in FIC & punc. and Fol. Lit. matter.


The following rules cover the most common conditions that require a choice between the use of numerals and words. Some of them, however, are based on typographic appearance rather than on the general principle stated above.


Arabic numerals are preferable to Roman numerals.

Numbers expressed in figures

A figure is used for a single number of 10 or more with the exception of the first word of the sentence. (See also rules 12.9 and 12.23.)

50 ballots
24 horses
nearly 13 buckets
10 guns
about 40 men
10 times as large
Numbers and numbers in series
When 2 or more numbers appear in a sentence and 1 of them is 10 or larger, figures are used for each number. (See supporting rule 12.6.)
Each of 15 major commodities (9 metal and 6 nonmetal) was in supply.

but Each of nine major commodities (five metal and four nonmetal) was in supply.

Petroleum came from 16 fields, of which 8 were discovered in 1956.

but Petroleum came from nine fields, of which eight were discovered in 1956.

That man has 3 suits, 2 pairs of shoes, and 12 pairs of socks.

but That man has three suits, two pairs of shoes, and four hats.

Of the 13 engine producers, 6 were farm equipment manufacturers, 6 were principally engaged in the production of other types of machinery, and 1 was not classified in the machinery industry.

but Only nine of these were among the large manufacturing companies, and only three were among the largest concerns.

There were three 6-room houses, five 4-room houses, and three 2-room cottages, and they were built by 20 carpenters. (See rule 12.21.)

There were three six-room houses, five four-room houses, and three two-room cottages, and they were built by nine carpenters.

but If two columns of sums of money add or subtract one into the other and one carries points and ciphers, the other should also carry points and ciphers.

At the hearing, only one Senator and one Congressman testified.
There are four or five things which can be done.

A unit of measurement, time, or money (as defined in rule 12.9), which is always expressed in figures, does not affect the use of figures for other numerical expressions within a sentence.

Each of the five girls earned 75 cents an hour.
Each of the 15 girls earned 75 cents an hour.
A team of four men ran the 1-mile relay in 3 minutes 20 seconds.
This usually requires from two to five washes and a total time of 2 to 4 hours.
This usually requires 9 to 12 washes and a total time of 2 to 4 hours.
The contractor, one engineer, and one surveyor inspected the 1-mile road.

but There were two six-room houses, three four-room houses, and four two-room cottages, and they were built by nine workers in thirty 5-day weeks. (See rule 12.21.)


Figures are used for serial numbers.

Bulletin 725
290 U.S. 325
Document 71
Genesis 39:20
pages 352-357
202-512-0724 (telephone number)
lines 5 and 6
the year 2001
paragraph 1
1721-1727 St. Clair Avenue
chapter 2

but Letters Patent No. 2,189,463


A colon preceding figures does not affect their use.

The result was as follows: 12 voted yea, 4 dissented.
The result was as follows: nine voted yea, seven dissented.
Measurement and time
Units of measurement and time, actual or implied, are expressed in figures.

a. Age:

6 years old
a 3-year-old
52 years 10 months 6 days
at the age of 3 (years implied)

b. Clock time (see also Time):

4:30 p.m.; half past 4
10 o'clock or 10 p.m. (not 10 o'clock p.m.; 2 p.m. in the afternoon; 10:00 p.m.)
12 p.m. (12 noon)
12 a.m. (12 midnight)
4ʰ30ᵐ or 4.5ʰ in scientific work, if so written in copy
0025, 2359 (astronomical and military time)
08:31:04 (stopwatch reading)

c. Dates:

9/11 (referring to the attack on the United States that occurred on September 11,2001)
June 1985 (not June, 1985); June 29, 1985 (not June 29th, 1985)
March 6 to April 15, 1990 (not March 6, 1990, to April 15, 1990)
May, June, and July 1965 (but June and July 1965)
15 April 1951; 15-17 April 1951 (military)
4th of July (but Fourth of July, meaning the holiday)
the 1st [day] of the month (but the last of April or the first [part] of May, not referring to specific days)
in the year 2000 (not 2,000)

In referring to a fiscal year, consecutive years, or a continuous period of 2 years or more, when contracted, the forms 1900–11, 1906–38, 1931–32, 1801–2, 1875–79 are used (but upon change of century, 1895–1914 and to avoid multiple ciphers together, 2000–2001). For two or more separate years not representing a continuous period, a comma is used instead of a dash (1875, 1879); if the word from precedes the year or the word inclusive follows it, the second year is not shortened and the word to is used in lieu of the dash (from 1933 to 1936; 1935 to 1936, inclusive).

In dates, A.D. precedes the year (A.D. 937); B.C. follows the year (254 B.C.); C.E. and B.C.E. follow the year.

d. Decimals: In text a cipher should be supplied before a decimal point if there is no whole unit, and ciphers should be omitted after a decimal point unless they indicate exact measurement.

0.25 inch; 1.25 inches
silver 0.900 fine
specific gravity 0.9547
gauge height 10.0 feet

but .30 caliber (meaning 0.30 inch, bore of small arms); 30 calibers (length)

e. Use spaces to separate groups of three digits in a decimal fraction. (See rule 12.27.)

0.123 456 789; but 0.1234

f. Degrees, etc. (spaces omitted):

longitude 77°04'06" E.
35°30'; 35°30' N.
a polariscopic test of 85°
an angle of 57°
strike N. 16° E.
dip 47° W. or 47° N. 31° W.
25.5' (preferred) also 25'.5
two degrees of justice; 12 degrees of freedom
32d degree Mason
150 million degrees Fahrenheit
30 Fahrenheit degrees

g. Game scores:

1 up (golf)
3 to 2 (baseball)
7 to 6 (football), etc.
2 all (tie)

h. Market quotations:

4½ percent bonds
Treasury bonds sell at 95
Metropolitan Railroad, 109
Dow Jones average of 10500.76
gold is 109
wheat at 2.30
sugar, .03; not 0.03

i. Mathematical expressions:

multiplied by 3
divided by 6
a factor of 2
square root of 4

j. Measurements:

7 meters
about 10 yards
8 by 12 inches
8- by 12-inch page
2 feet by 1 foot 8 inches by 1 foot 3 inches
2 by 4 (lumber) (not 2 x 4 or 2×4)
1½ miles
6 acres
9 bushels
1 gallon
3 ems
20/20 (vision)
30/30 (rifle)
12-gauge shotgun
2,500 horsepower
15 cubic yards
80 foot-pounds
10s (for yarns and threads)
fl2.5 (lens aperture)

tenpenny nail
five votes
six bales
two dozen
one gross
zero miles
seven-story building

k. Money:

$3.65; $0.75; 75 cents; 0.5 cent
$3 (not $3.00) per 200 pounds
75 cents apiece
Rs32,25,644 (Indian rupees)
2.5 francs or fr2. 5
65 yen
two pennies
three quarters
one half
six bits, etc.

1. Percentage:

12 percent; 25.5 percent; 0.5 percent (or one-half of 1 percent)
thirty-four one hundredths of 1 percent
3.65 bonds; 3.65s; 5-20 bonds; 5-20s; 4½s; 3s
50-50 (colloquial expression)
5 percentage points
a 1,100-percent increase, or an 1100-percent increase

m. Proportion:

1 to 4

n. Time (see also Clock time):

6 hours 8 minutes 20 seconds
10 years 3 months 29 days
7 minutes
8 days
4 weeks
1 month
3 fiscal years; third fiscal year
1 calendar year


four centuries
three decades
three quarters (9 months)
statistics of any one year
in a year or two
four afternoons
one-half hour
the eleventh hour

o. Unit modifiers:

5-day week
8-year-old wine
8-hour day
10-foot pole
½-inch pipe
5-foot-wide entrance
10-million-peso loan
a 5-percent increase
20th-century progress


two-story house
five-member board
$20 million airfield

p. Vitamins:

B12, BT, A₁, etc.

Ordinal numbers

Except as indicated in rules 12.11 and 12.19, and also for day preceding month, figures are used in text and footnotes to text for serial ordinal numbers beginning with 10th. In tables, leaderwork, footnotes to tables and leaderwork, and in sidenotes, figures are used at all times. Military units are expressed in figures at all times when not the beginning of a sentence, except Corps. (For ordinals in addresses, see rule 12.13.)

29th of May, but May 29
First Congress; 102d Congress
ninth century; 21st century
Second Congressional District; 20th Congressional District
seventh region; 17th region
323d Fighter Wing
12th Regiment
9th Naval District
7th Fleet
7th Air Force
7th Task Force
eighth parallel; 38th parallel
fifth ward; 12th ward
ninth birthday; 66th birthday
first grade; 11th grade
1st Army
1st Cavalry Division
XII Corps (Army usage)
Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
Seventeenth Decennial Census (title)
When ordinals appear in juxtaposition and one of them is 10th or more, figures are used for such ordinal numbers.
This legislation was passed in the 1st session of the 102d Congress.
He served in the 9th and 10th Congresses.

From the 1st to the 92d Congress.
Their children were in 1st, 2d, 3d, and 10th grades.
We read the 8th and 12th chapters.

but The district comprised the first and second precincts.

He represented the first, third, and fourth regions.
The report was the sixth in a series of 14.

Ordinals and numerals appearing in a sentence are treated according to the separate rules dealing with ordinals and numerals standing alone or in a group. (See rules 12.4, 12.5, and 12.24.)

The fourth group contained three items.
The fourth group contained 12 items.
The 8th and 10th groups contained three and four items, respectively.
The eighth and ninth groups contained 9 and 12 items, respectively.

Beginning with 10th, figures are used in text matter for numbered streets, avenues, etc. However, figures are used at all times and street, avenue, etc. are abbreviated in sidenotes, tables, leaderwork, and footnotes to tables and leaderwork.

First Street NW.; also in parentheses: (Fifth Street) (13th Street); 810 West 12th Street; North First Street; 1021 121st Street; 2031 18th Street North; 711 Fifth Avenue; 518 10th Avenue; 51-35 61st Avenue

The comma is used in a number containing four or more digits, except in serial numbers, common and decimal fractions, astronomical and military time, and kilocycles and meters of not more than four figures pertaining to radio.

Chemical formulas

In chemical formulas full-sized figures are used before the symbol or group of symbols to which they relate, and inferior figures are used after the symbol.


Numbers spelled out

Spell out numbers at the beginning of a sentence or head. Rephrase a sentence or head to avoid beginning with figures. (See rule 12.25 for related numbers.)

Five years ago * * *; not 5 years ago * * *
Five hundred fifty men hired * * *; not 550 men hired * * *
"Five-Year Plan Announced"; not "5-Year Plan Announced" (head)
The year 2065 seems far off * * *; not 2065 seems far off * * *
Workers numbering 207,843 * * *; not 207,843 workers * * *
Benefits of $69,603,566 * * *; not $69,603,566 worth of benefits * * *
1958 report change to the 1958 report
$3,000 budgeted change to the sum of $3,000 budgeted
4 million jobless change to jobless number 4 million

In verbatim testimony, hearings, transcripts, and question and answer matter, figures are used immediately following Q. and A. or name of interrogator or witness for years (e.g., 2008), sums of money, decimals, street numbers, and for numerical expressions beginning with 101.

Mr. Birch, Junior. 2008 was a good year.
Mr. Bell. $1 per share was the return. Two dollars in 1956 was the alltime high. Two thousand ten may be another story.
Colonel Davis. 92 cents.
Mr. Smith. 12.8 people.
Mr. Jones. 1240 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004.
Mr. Smith. Ninety-eight persons.
Q. 101 years? But Q. One hundred years?
A. 200 years.
Mr. Smith. Ten-year average would be how much?

A spelled-out number should not be repeated in figures, except in legal documents. In such instances use these forms:

five (5) dollars, not five dollars (5)
ten dollars ($10), not ten ($10) dollars

Numbers appearing as part of proper names, used in a hypothetical or inexact sense, or mentioned in connection with serious and dignified subjects such as Executive orders, legal proclamations, and in formal writing are spelled out.

Three Rivers, PA, Fifteenmile Creek, etc.
three score years and ten
Ten Commandments
the Thirteen Original States
Air Force One (Presidential plane)
in the year two thousand eight
the One Hundred Tenth Congress
back to square one
millions for defense but not one cent for tribute
behind the eight ball
our policy since day one

If spelled out, whole numbers should be set in the following form:

two thousand twenty
one thousand eight hundred fifty
one hundred fifty-two thousand three hundred five
eighteen hundred fifty (serial number)

When spelled out, any number containing a fraction or piece of a whole should use the word "and" when stating the fraction or piece:

sixty-two dollars and four cents
ninety-nine and three-tenths degrees
thirty-three and seventy-five one-hundredths shares

Numbers of less than 100 preceding a compound modifier containing a figure are spelled out.

two ¾-inch boards
twelve 6-inch guns
two 5-percent discounts
120 8-inch boards
three four-room houses
Indefinite expressions are spelled out.
the seventies; the early seventies; but the early 1870s or 1970s
in his eighties, not his '80's nor 80's
between two and three hundred horses (better between 200 and 300 horses)
twelvefold; thirteenfold; fortyfold; hundredfold; twentyfold to thirtyfold
midthirties (age, years, money)
a thousand and one reasons
1 to 3 million
mid-1971; mid-1970s
40-odd people; nine-odd people
40-plus people
100-odd people
3½-fold; 250-fold; 2.5-fold; 41-fold
Words such as nearly, about, around, approximately, etc., do not reflect indefinite expressions.
The bass weighed about 6 pounds.
She was nearly 8 years old.

Except as indicated in rules 12.5 and 12.9, a number less than 10 is spelled out within a sentence.

six horses
five wells
eight times as large
3½ cans
2½ times or 2.5 times

For typographic appearance and easy grasp of large numbers beginning with million, the word million or billion is used.

The following are guides to treatment of figures as submitted in copy. If copy reads—

$12,000,000, change to $12 million
2,750,000,000 dollars, change to $2,750 million
2.7 million dollars, change to $2.7 million
2⅝ million dollars, change to $2⅝ million
two and one-half million dollars, change to $2½ million
a hundred cows, change to 100 cows
a thousand dollars, change to $1,000
a million and a half, change to 1½ million
two thousand million dollars, change to $2,000 million
less than a million dollars, change to less than $1 million

but $2,700,000, do not convert to $2.7 million

also $10 to $20 million; 10 or 20 million; between 10 and 20 million

4 million of assets
amounting to 4 million
$¾% billion; $2.75 billion; $2,750 million
$500,000 to $1 million

300,000; not 300 thousand
$½ billion to $1¼ billion (note full figure with second fraction); $1¼ to $1½ billion
three-quarters of a billion dollars
5 or 10 billion dollars' worth
Related numbers appearing at the beginning of a sentence, separated by no more than three words, are treated alike.
Fifty or sixty more miles away is snowclad Mount Everest.
Sixty and, quite often, seventy listeners responded.

but Fifty or, in some instances, almost 60 applications were filed.


Mixed fractions are always expressed in figures. Fractions standing alone, however, or if followed by of a or of an, are generally spelled out. (See also rule 12.28.)

three-fourths of an inch; not ¾ inch nor ¾ of an inch
one-half inch
one-half of a farm; not ½ of a farm
one-fourth inch
seven-tenths of 1 percent
three-quarters of an inch
half an inch Vi-inch-diameter pipe
a quarter of an inch
one-tenth portion
two one-hundredths
five one-thousandths
thirty-five one-thousandths
½ to 1¾ pages
½-inch pipe
3½ cans
2½ times

Fractions (¼, ½, ¾, ⅜, ⅝, ⅞, 12954) or full-sized figures with the shilling mark (1/4, 1/2954) may be used only when either is specifically requested. A comma should not be used in any part of a built-up fraction of four or more digits or in decimals. (See rule 12.9e.)


Fractions are used in a unit modifier.

½-inch pipe; not one-half-inch pipe
¼-mile run
⅞-point rise
Roman numerals
A repeated letter repeats its value; a letter placed after one of greater value adds to it; a letter placed before one of greater value subtracts from it; a dashline over a letter denotes multiplied by 1,000.
I 1 XXV 25 LXX 70 D 500
II 2 XXIX 29 LXXV 75 DC 600
III 3 XXX 30 LXXIX 79 DCC 700
IV 4 XXXV 35 LXXX 80 DCCC 800
V 5 XXXIX 39 LXXXV 85 CM 900
VI 6 XL 40 LXXXIX 89 M 1,000
VII 7 XLV 45 XC 90 MD 1,500
VIII 8 XLLX 49 XCV 95 MM 2,000
IX 9 L 50 C 99 MMM 3,000
X 10 LV 55 C 100 MMMM
 or MV
XV 15 LIX 59 CL 150
XIX 19 LX 60 CC 200 V 5,000
XX 20 LXV 65 CCC 300 M 1,000,000
LXLX 69 CD 400
MDC 1600 MCMXX 1920 MCMLXX 1970
MDCC 1700 MCMXXX 1930 MCMLXXX 1980
MDCCC 1800 MCMXL 1940 MCMXC 1990
MCMorMDCCCC 1900 MCML 1950 MM 2000
MCMX 1910 MCMLX 1960 MMX 2010