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U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual/Signs and Symbols

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10. Signs and Symbols
The increased use of signs and symbols and their importance in technical and scientific work have emphasized the necessity of standardization on a national basis and of the consistent use of the standard forms.

Certain symbols are standardized—number symbols (the digits, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9); letter symbols (the letters of the alphabet, a, b, c, d, etc.); and graphic symbols (the mathematical signs +, -, ±, x, ÷).


The signs +, -, ±, x, and ÷, etc., are closed against accompanying figures and symbols. When the x is used to indicate "crossed with" (in plant or animal breeding) or magnification, it will be separated from the accompanying words by a space.

i-vii + 1-288 pages
Early June × Bright (crossed with)
× 4 (magnification)
The equation A+B
The result is 4x4
miles ÷ gallons
Symbols with figures
In technical publications the degree mark is used in lieu of the word degree following a figure denoting measurement.

Following a figure, the spelled form is preferred. The percent symbol is used in areas where space will not allow the word percent to be used.

In that period the price rose 12, 15, and 19 percent.

not In that period the price rose 12 percent, 15 percent, and 19 percent.


Any symbol set close up to figures, such as the degree mark, number mark, dollar mark, or cent mark, is used before or after each figure in a group or series.

$5 to $8 price range
5'-7' long, not 5-7' long
3₵ to 5₵ (no spaces)
±2 to ±7; 2°±1°
  1. 61 to #64
§ 12 (thin space)
❡1951 (thin space)
from 15 to 25 percent
45 to 65 °F not 45° to 65° F
Letter symbols

Letter symbols are set in italic (see rule 10.8) or in roman (see rule 9.56) without periods and are capitalized only if so shown in copy, since the capitalized form may have an entirely different meaning.


In mathematical equations, use italic for all letter symbols—capitals, lowercase, small capitals, and superiors and inferiors (exponents and subscripts); use roman for figures, including superiors and inferiors.


If an equation or a mathematical expression needs to be divided, break before +, -, =, etc. However, the equal sign is to clear on the left of other beginning mathematical signs.


A short equation in text should not be broken at the end of a line. Space out the line so that the equation will begin on the next line; or better, center the equation on a line by itself.


An equation too long for one line is set flush left, the second half of the equation is set flush right, and the two parts are balanced as nearly as possible.


Two or more equations in a series are aligned on the equal signs and centered on the longest equation in the group.


Connecting words of explanation, such as hence, therefore, and similarly, are set flush left either on the same line with the equation or on a separate line.


Parentheses, braces, brackets, integral signs, and summation signs should be of the same height as the mathematical expressions they include.


Inferiors precede superiors if they appear together; but if either inferior or superior is too long, the two are aligned on the left.

Chemical symbols

The names and symbols listed below are approved by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. They are set in roman without periods.

Element Symbol Atomic
Element Symbol Atomic
Actinium Ac 89 Mendelevium Md 101
Aluminum Al 13 Mercury Hg 80
Americium Am 95 Molybdenum Mo 42
Antimony Sb 51 Neodymium Nd 60
Argon Ar 18 Neon Ne 10
Arsenic As 33 Neptunium Np 93
Astatine At 85 Nickel Ni 28
Barium Ba 56 Niobium Nb 41
Berkelium Bk 97 Nitrogen N 7
Beryllium Be 4 Nobelium No 102
Bismuth Bi 83 Osmium Os 76
Bohrium Bh 107 Oxygen O 8
Boron B 5 Palladium Pd 46
Bromine Br 35 Phosphorus P 15
Cadmium Cd 48 Platinum Pt 78
Calcium Ca 20 Plutonium Pu 94
Californium Cf 98 Polonium Po 84
Carbon C 6 Potassium K 19
Cerium Ce 58 Praseodymium Pr 59
Cesium Cs 55 Promethium Pm 61
Chlorine Cl 17 Protactinium Pa 91
Chromium Cr 24 Radium Ra 88
Cobalt Co 27 Radon Rn 86
Copper Cu 29 Rhenium Re 75
Curium Cm 96 Rhodium Rh 45
Darmstadtium Ds 110 Roentgenium Rg 111
Dubnium Db 105 Rubidium Rb 37
Dysprosium Dy 66 Ruthenium Ru 44
Einsteinium Es 99 Rutherfordium Rf 104
Erbium Er 68 Samarium Sm 62
Europium Eu 63 Scandium Sc 21
Fermium Fm 100 Seaborgium Sg 106
Fluorine Fl 9 Selenium Se 34
Francium Fr 87 Silicon Si 14
Gadolinium Gd 64 Silver Ag 47
Gallium Ga 31 Sodium Na 11
Germanium Ge 32 Strontium Sr 38
Gold Au 79 Sulfur S 16
Hafnium Hf 72 Tantalum Ta 73
Hassium Hs 108 Technetium Tc 43
Helium He 2 Tellurium Te 52
Holmium Ho 67 Terbium Tb 65
Hydrogen H 1 Thallium Tl 81
Indium In 49 Thorium Th 90
Iodine I 53 Thulium Tm 69
Iridium Ir 77 Tin Sn 50
Iron Fe 26 Titanium Ti 22
Krypton Kr 36 Tungsten W 74
Lanthanum La 57 Uranium U 92
Lawrencium Lr 103 Vanadium V 23
Lead Pb 82 Xenon Xe 54
Lithium Li 3 Ytterbium Yb 70
Lutetium Lu 71 Yttrium Y 39
Magnesium Mg 12 Zinc Zn 30
Manganese Mn 25 Zirconium Zr 40
Meitnerium Mt 109
Standardized symbols

Symbols duly standardized by any national scientific, professional, or technical group are accepted as preferred forms within the field of the group. The issuing office desiring or requiring the use of such standardized symbols should see that copy is prepared accordingly.

Signs and symbols

The following list contains some signs and symbols frequently used in printing. The forms and style of many symbols vary with the method of reproduction employed. It is important that editors and writers clearly identify signs and symbols when they appear within a manuscript.


ˊ   acute
˘   breve
¸   cedilla
ˆ   circumflex
¨   dieresis
ˋ   grave
ˉ   macron
˜   tilde


→ direction
↖ direction
⮣ direction
⤴̣ direction
⤵̣ direction
⬅ bold arrow
⇨ open arrow
⇄ reversible reaction


● solid circle; bullet
• bold center dot
• movable accent


‰ salinity
♏︎ minim
⇵ exchange
↑ gas


◷ angle in circle
⦷ circle with parallel rule
⎊ triangle in circle
⊙ dot in circle
◬⃝ dot in triangle in circle
⊕ cross in circle
© copyright
① Ceres
② Pallas
③ Juno
④ Vesta


• No. 1 6 pt. code dot
• No. 2 8 pt. code dot
• No. 3 10 pt. code dot
● No. 4 8 pt. code dot
● No. 4 10 pt. code dot
— No. 1 6 pt. code dash
— No. 2 8 pt. code dash
— No. 3 10 pt. code dash
➖ No. 4 8 pt. code dash
➖ No. 4 10 pt. code dash


° degree
°̣ degree with period
′ minute
′̣ minute with period
″ second
″̣ second with period
″̲ canceled second


✚ bold cross
✠ cross patte
cross patte
cross patte
🏶 (184 N)
🗝 key
❦ (206 N)
¶ paragraph


𝓡 reluctance
↔ reaction goes both right and left
↕ reaction goes both up and down
↕ reversible
→ direction of flow; yields
→ direct current
⇆ electrical current
⇆ reversible reaction
⇄ reversible reaction
⇆ alternating current
⇄ alternating current
⇌ reversible reaction beginning at left
⇋ reversible reaction beginning at right
Ω ohm; omega
MΩ megohm; omega
μΩ microohm; mu omega
ω angular frequency, solid angle; omega
Φ magnetic flux; phi
Ψ, dielectric flux; electrostatic flux; psi
γ conductivity; gamma

ρ resistivity; rho
Λ equivalent conductivity
HP horsepower


 ̅ vinculum (above letters)
∺ geometrical proportion
∹ difference, excess
∥ parallel
∥s parallels
∦ not parallels
| | absolute value
∙ multiplied by
∶ is to; ratio
÷ divided by
∴ therefore; hence
∵ because
∷ proportion; as
≪ is dominated by
> greater than
⫍ greater than
≥ greater than or equal to
≧ greater than or equal to
≷ greater than or less than
≯ is not greater than
< less than
⫎ less than
≶ less than or greater than
≮ is not less than
⪪ smaller than
≤ less than or equal to
≦ less than or equal to
≧ or ≥ greater than or equal to
⋜ equal to or less than
⪙ equal to or less than
⪚ is not greater than equal to or less than
⋝ equal to or greater than
⪚ is not less than equal to or greater than
⫨ equilateral
⊥ perpendicular to
⊢ assertion sign
≐ approaches
≐ approaches a limit
≚ equal angles
≠ not equal to
≡ identical with
≢ not identical with
≈ or ≒ nearly equal to
= equal to
~ difference
≃ perspective to
≅ congruent to approximately equal
≏ difference between
≎ geometrically equivalent to
( included in
) excluded from
⊂ is contained in
∪ logical sum or union
∩ logical product or intersection
√ radical
√ root
square root
cube root
fourth root
fifth root
sixth root
π pi
ϵ base (2.718) of natural system of logarithms; epsilon
∈ is a member of; dielectric constant; mean error; epsilon
+ plus
➕ bold plus
− minus
➖ bold minus
/ shill(ing); slash; virgule
± plus or minus
∓ minus or plus
× multiplied by
= bold equal
# number
⅌ per
% percent
∫ integral
| single bond
\ single bond
/ single bond
|| double bond
\\ double bond
// double bond
⌬ benzene ring
∂ or δ differential; variation
∂ Italian differential
→ approaches limit of
∿ cycle sine
horizontal integral
∮ contour integral
∝ variation; varies as
∏ product
∑ summation of; sum; sigma
! or ∟ factorial product


℔ pound
ʒ dram
ƒʒ fluid dram
℥ ounce
ƒ℥ fluid ounce
O pint


§ section
† dagger
‡ double dagger
℀ account of
℅ care of
¶ paragraph
þ Anglo-Saxon
℄ center line
☌ conjunction
⊥ perpendicular to
" or “ ditto
∝ variation
℞ recipe
⊏ move right
⊐ move left
○ or ⊙ or ① annual
⊙⊙ or ② biennial
∈ element of
℈ scruple
ƒ function
! exclamation mark
⊞ plus in square
♃ perennial

⌀ diameter
c̄ mean value of c
∪ mathmodifier
⊂ mathmodifier
⊡ dot in square
◬ dot in triangle
⊠ station mark
@ at


¢ cent
¥ yen
£ pound sterling
₥ mills


♮ natural
♭ flat
♯ sharp


☿ Mercury
♀ Venus
🜨 Earth
♂ Mars
♃ Jupiter
♄ Saturn
⛢ Uranus
♆ Neptune
♇ Pluto
☊ dragon's head, ascending node
☋ dragon's tail, descending node
☌ conjunction
☍ opposition
☉ or 🌞︎ Sun
☉̲ Sun's lower limb
☉̅ Sun's upper limb
⦶ solar corona
🜨 solar halo
◍ Moon
🌑︎ new Moon
☽ first quarter
🌓︎ first quarter
🌘︎ third quarter
🌗︎ last quarter
☾ last quarter
🌗︎ last quarter
🌕︎ full Moon
🌝︎ full Moon
☉̶ eclipse of Moon
lunar halo
lunar corona
⚳ Ceres
⚵ Juno


{ } braces
[ ] brackets
( ) parentheses
⟨ ⟩ square parentheses; angle brackets
¡ Spanish open quote
¿ Spanish open quote


♂ or ♁ male
□ male, in charts
♀ female
○ female, in charts
⚥ hermaphrodite


◆ solid diamond
◇ open diamond
○ circle
▲ solid triangle
△ triangle
□ square
■ solid square
▱ parallelogram
▭ rectangle
⧉ double rectangle
★ solid star
☆ open star
∟ right angle
∠ angle
√ check
✓ check
ß German ss
ß italic German ss
☛ solid index
☚ solid index
☞ index
☜ index


Q Quaternary
T Tertiary
K Cretaceous
J Jurassic
🝈 Triassic
P Permian
ℙ Pennsylvanian
M Mississippian
D Devonian
S Silurian
O Ordovician
Ꞓ Cambrian
pꞒ Precambrian
C Carboniferous


5 unit vertical
8 point vertical
9 unit vertical


⊤ thunder
☈ thunderstorm; sheet lightning
☇ sheet lightning
↓ precipitate
◍ rain
← floating ice crystals
↔ ice needles
▲ hail
🝴 sleet
glazed frost
⏘ hoarfrost
⌵ frostwork
∗ snow or sextile
⊠ snow on ground
drifting snow (low)


♈︎ Aries; Ram
♉︎ Taurus; Bull
♊︎ Gemini; Twins
♋︎ Cancer; Crab
♌︎ Lion
♍︎ Virgo; Virgin
♎︎ Libra: Balance
♏︎ Scorpio; Scorpion
♐︎ Sagittarius; Archer
♑︎ Capricornus; Goat
♒︎ Aquarius; Water bearer
♓︎ Pisces; Fishes

  1. Standard letter symbols used by the Geological Survey on geologic maps. Capital letter indicates the system and one or more lowercased letters designate the formation and member where used.