Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Hakim, Abdul (2006-08-22)

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Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Hakim, Abdel Ghalib Ahmad (2006-08-22) (2005)

Wikified from pages 33-35 of http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt_arb/ARB_Round_2_Factors_700-798.pdf#33, on October 22nd, 2007.

135008Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Hakim, Abdel Ghalib Ahmad (2006-08-22)2005

To: Hakim, Abdul
Subject: Unclassified Summary of Evidence for Administrative Review Board in the case of Hakim, Abdul


An Administrative Review Board will be convened to review your case to determine if your continued detention is necessary.


The Adniinistrative Review Board will conduct a comprehensive review of all reasonably available and relevant information regarding your case. At the conclusion of this review the Board will make a recommendation to: (1) release you to your home state or to a third state; (2) transfer you to your home state, or a third state, with conditions agreed upon by the United States and your home state, or the third state; or (3) continue your detention under United States control.


The following primary factors favor continued detention:


The detainee decided to join the Tabligh because he heard a lot about their mission in his mosque. The detainee did not want to officially become a member of the Tabligh but believed that by traveling with them to Pakistan, it woudl further his own goal of memorizing the Koran.


Jama'at Tabligh is a Pakistan-based Islamic missionary organization which is believed to be used as a cover to mask travel and activities of terrorists.


The detainee flew from Sana'a, Yemen, to Karachi, Pakistan with a group of Tabligh group and then took a train to Lahore, Pakistan, in order to study at the Raywan Religious Center.


The Raywan Center is the world headquarters of the Tablighi movement.


The director of the Center, Abd Al Wahab, suggested to the detainee he visit the Salafia University in Faisalabad, Pakistan. The director of the Raywand Religious Center told the detainee that many Arabs studied at the university and that the detainee might prefer life there.


The detainee traveled with a group of fifteen to seventeen Pakistani men by a microbus from Lahore, Pakistan to Faisalabad, Pakistan.


The detainee stayed at a guest house for several month while studying at Selafiya University. At times, there were 12 to 15 Arabs staying at the house.


A senior al Qaida operative planner recalled seeing the detainee at al-Faruq in summer 2001.


The detainee advised a local benefactor paid for his plane ticket to Pakistan.


Pakistan authorities arrested the detainee at a guesthouse with 17 other individuals. The detainee was arrested at Issa's house located near the Salifiya University in Faisalabad, Pakistan along wiht 16 other individuals.


According to a source, a senior Al Qaida operative was the director of the guest house.


One of the individuals arrested with the detainee was a primary weapons instructor at the Khalen training camp.


A source saw the detainee in Kandahar, Afghanistan. According to the source the detainee was a scholar and was very well respected by all the fighters. The source stated that Usama bin Laden used to travel to various places in Afghanistan, to give speeches and have people swear bayat to him, and the detainee used to travel with bin Laden on these trips.

Other Relevant Data

274,000 Afghanis, 15,000 Rupees in currency and one 7.62mm ammunition round were found on the detainee at the time of capture.


When questioned about the Koran since the detainee had spent extensive time with the Tabligh group and was so committed to his religion, the detainee advised that he only memorize the Koran and had no real idea about its meaning.


The detainee could not identify the five pillars of Islam or discuss the phrase "People of the Book".

4. The following primary factors favor release or transfer:

The detainee advised that he went to Pakistan to study the Koran.


The detainee has denied being at the al Farouq training camp.


The detainee claimes he has never received any type of military training.


The detainee claims he only went to Pakistan and never entered Afghanistan.


The detainee denied having ammunition in his possession when he was arrested.


The detainee considers the attacks on America unacceptable. The detainee believes the people who attacked the United States need to be captured and prosecuted.


The detainee's career plans once he is back in Yemen is to resume farming khat.


You will be provided with a meaningful opportunity to be heard and present information to this Board; this includes an opportunity to be physically present at the proceeding. The Assisting Military Officer (AMO) will assist you in reviewing all relevant and reasonably available unclassified information regarding your case. The AMO is not an advocate for or against continued detention, nor may the AMO form a confidential relationship with you or represent you in any other matter.