Unheard-of Curiosities/12
the contents.
- How many waies this Reading by the Meteors may be performed.
- Battailes, and fearful Prodigies seen in the Aire.
- The Reasons they give, who are of opinion, that these things are Supernaturall.
- Reasons given to the Contrary. Angels, and Saints, how they have sometimes been seen to appeare in the Clouds.
- A new, and quaint opinion, touching the divers kinds of figures that appeare in the Clouds : and a conjecture upon the Secret, mentioned by Trithemius, of conveying Newes a great distance off.
- The Author's Resolution, concerning Strange Sights in the Aire.
- The Raining of Blood, in the Figure of a Crosse, not Naturall; against Cardan.
- The Manna in the Wildernesse, marked with the Hebrew letter ו Vav, according to some of the Rabbins : and what consequence we may hence deduce, against them.
- Haile in Languedoc, figured like Armes : Snow, like Stars in shape, spoken of by Kepler.
- The Rainbow, the Hieroglyphick of sorrow.
- Diverse Opinions, concerning the Generation of Comets : and whether, they naturally presage some Evill to come, or not.
- Rules to know, what Pillars, Swords, Bucklers, Trumpets, and fiery Arrows, seen in the Air, foretell. Hebrew Letters sometimes seen in the Air.
- What Letters have been devised, in Imitation of the Figures made by Cranes in their Flight. Presages of Accidents to come, taken from birds.