Unheard-of Curiosities/5
the contents.
- The Division of Naturall Figures, or Images. Gamahe, or Camaieu, drawn peradventure from the Hebrew word כמייה Chemaia.
- Of divers rare Gamahes, or Stones painted naturally : and why they are more frequently found in hot Countreys, then in Cold.
- Of other curious Gamahes not painted, mentioned by Pliny, Nider, Gesner, Goropius Becanus, Thevet, and Mr. de Breves. A new Observation on the Bones of Giants.
- Of Gamahes that are Ingraven : and whether those places, whereever any Fish Sbels are found, have been formerly covered with water, or not.
- Certaine admirable Figures, and Signatures, that are found in all the parts of Plants. Many choyce Inquiries proposed, on this Subject.
- The power of these Figures proved ; and the Objections answered, that are brought against it.
- The Secret discovered, why a Scorpion, applied to the wound made by a Scorpion sting, should not hurt rather, then cure it.
- Of the Figures of Plants, that represent all the parts of the body of a man ; and that cure the same, when ill-affected.
- The Formes of all things admirably preserved in their Ashes.
- The Ghosts of dead folks, that appear in Church-yards, and after great slaughter of Armies, whence they proceed. Certain choice Questions proposed, touching this Argument.
- A new reason given, of the Raining of Frogs, which hath sometimes happened.
- Of Figures that are found in Living Creatures ; and what power they have.