Unheard-of Curiosities/7
the contents.
- Whence the custom of using certain words, and of applying certain Characters, in the cure of Diseases, hath sprung.
- An abominable Ceremony used by the Egyptians, for to cause Haile to cease. The reason of the Command, given to the Jewes, of not Graffing on a tree of a different kind.
- The Talismans delivered by Antonius Mizaldus, condemned.
- The Objections brought by Gulielmus Parisiensis, and Gerson, answered. The power the Sunne hath within the bowels of the Earth.
- A Fourth Objection answered. The Stories of Sorcerers, and of the Images of Waxe, of very little credit.
- A Fifth Objection refuted. Of the Weapon-salve, that cures the wound, by being applied to the weapon that made it.
- The Sixth Objection of no force. A remarkable Story of two Twins.
- The Operation of these Talismans proceeds not from the secret vertue of the Stone.
- Cajetan, and Pomponatius, defended, against Delrio, touching the power of Figures.
- The vertue of the Stars descends as well upon a Living Scorpion, as upon its Image.
- The forcible reasons brought by Galeottus, in defence of Talismans.
- The Objection, brought against Franciscus Rueus, answered.
- The Story of Virgils Talismanicall Fly, and Horseleech a true one ; against Naudæus. Gervais his booke not fabulous ; as is commonly believed.
- Of some Admirable, and curious Inventions of men, that seem more Incredible, then Talismans.
- Certaine Objections, never before brought, against the power of Figures ; with their Solution.