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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1353

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 1353 (2001)
the United Nations
73909United Nations Security Council Resolution 1353the United Nations

Adopted unanimously by the Security Council at its 4326th meeting, on 13 June 2001

The Security Council,

Reaffirming its resolutions 1318 (2000) of 7 September 2000 and 1327 (2000) of 13 November 2000 and the statements by its President of 3 May 1994 (S/PRST/1994/22) and 28 March 1996 (S/PRST/1996/13), and all other relevant statements by its President,

Recalling also the statement of its President of 31 January 2001 (S/PRST/2001/3),

Taking into consideration the views expressed at its debate on the subject "Strengthening cooperation with troop-contributing countries" at its 4257th meeting on 16 January 2001,

Reaffirming its commitment to the Purposes of the Charter of the United Nations as set out in Article 1, paragraphs 1 to 4, of the Charter, and to the Principles of the Charter as set out in Article 2, paragraphs 1 to 7, of the Charter, including its commitment to the principles of the political independence, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of all States, and to respect for the sovereignty of all States,

Reaffirming its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security, reiterating its commitment to enhance the capacity of the United Nations in this area, and emphasizing its willingness to take all necessary steps within its competence to that end,

Recalling the relevant recommendations in the report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations (S/2000/809), and reaffirming its support for all efforts to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of United Nations peacekeeping operations,

Stressing the need to ensure the safety and security of peacekeepers and other United Nations and associated personnel, including humanitarian personnel,

Stressing the need to improve the relationship between the Security Council, the troop-contributing countries and the Secretariat to foster a spirit of partnership, cooperation, confidence and mutual trust,

Recognizing the need to strengthen cooperation with troop-contributing countries, as part of a series of measures to ensure more coherent and integrated concepts of operations and to enhance managerial efficiency and operational effectiveness of United Nations peacekeeping operations,

Noting that relevant provisions contained in the annexes to the present resolution pertain also to strengthening cooperation with countries contributing civilian police and other personnel,

1. Agrees to adopt the decisions and recommendations contained in the annexes to the present resolution;

2. Requests its Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations to continue its work on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to establish and support efficient and effective peacekeeping operations;

3. Undertakes to follow closely the implementation of the agreed measures for cooperation with troop-contributing countries, and requests its Working Group for Peacekeeping Operations to assess within six months of the adoption of this resolution the efficiency and effectiveness of the agreed measures, consider their further improvement taking into account the proposals of the troop-contributing countries and to report to the Council on these matters;

4. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.”

Annex I


Statement of principles on cooperation with troop-contributing countries

The Security Council,

1. Recognizes that its partnership with troop-contributing countries can be strengthened by the assumption by Member States, in particular those with the greatest capacity and means to do so, of their shared responsibility to provide personnel, assistance and facilities to the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security;

2. Encourages Member States to take steps to bridge the commitment gap with regard to personnel and equipment for specific United Nations peacekeeping operations;

3. Emphasizes the importance of troop-contributing countries taking the necessary and appropriate steps to ensure the capability of their peacekeepers to fulfil the missions’ mandate, and underlines the importance of bilateral and international cooperation in this regard, including in the area of training, logistics and equipment;

4. Underlines the importance of ensuring that national contingents participating in United Nations peacekeeping operations receive effective and appropriate support from the Secretariat, including in the area of training, logistics and equipment;

5. Stresses the need to ensure that the Secretariat is given sufficient human and financial resources to fulfil these tasks, and that these resources be used efficiently and effectively;

6. Underlines that consultations between the Security Council, the Secretariat and troop-contributing countries should enhance the ability of the Security Council to make appropriate, effective and timely decisions in fulfilling its responsibilities;

7. Underlines also the need to maintain a comprehensive approach to improving the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations from their conception, including in preparing contingency plans for volatile situations, and promoting cohesive exit strategies;


Operational issues

1. Encourages international cooperation and support for peacekeeping training, including the establishment of regional peacekeeping training centres, and stresses the need for technical support from the Secretary-General to such centres;

2. Requests the Secretary-General to include information on his consultations with troop-contributing countries in his regular reports to the Security Council on individual peacekeeping operations, and undertakes to take account of the views expressed in these consultations and in its meetings with troop-contributing countries when taking decisions on such operations;

3. Also requests the Secretary-General to convene assessments meetings with interested delegations, in particular troop-contributing countries, at appropriate stages of each peacekeeping operation as a part of his efforts to draw the lessons that can be learned, which should be taken into account in the conduct and planning of current and future operations;

4. Further requests the Secretary-General to take into account in the conduct of peacekeeping operations and in the regular lessons-learned process, the operational experiences of national contingents while in the field or following departure;

5. Undertakes to inform troop-contributing countries fully of the terms of reference of missions of the Security Council involving peacekeeping operations and subsequently of the conclusions of the missions;

6. Expresses its view that the conduct of reconnaissance visits to the mission area by countries committing troops can be highly valuable in preparing for effective participation in peacekeeping operations, and encourages support for such visits;

7. Urges the Secretary-General to take further steps to implement the proposal of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations to create integrated mission task forces, and to pursue other related capabilities to improve United Nations planning and support capacities;

8. Stresses the need to improve the information and the analysis capacity of the United Nations Secretariat, with a view to improving the quality of advice to the Secretary-General, the Security Council and the troop-contributing countries;

9. Stresses also that the Secretariat’s advice to the Security Council and the troop-contributing countries should include a range of recommendations for action on the basis of an objective assessment of the situation on the ground, rather than what Member States are presumed to be willing to support;

10. Underlines the importance of an effective mission-specific public information and communications capacity within peacekeeping operations, in particular through campaigns to improve awareness of the objectives and scope of the mission within the local population in the mission area;

11. Stresses the need for an effective public information programme to generate international public support for United Nations peacekeeping operations, and stresses also in this regard the need for special programmes, in particular in troop-contributing countries, to project the contribution of peacekeepers;

12. Underlines in this regard the need for an effective public information capacity within the United Nations, and takes note in this regard of the proposals made by the Secretary-General to strengthen Secretariat planning and support for public information in peacekeeping operations (S/2000/1081);


Other mechanisms

1. Undertakes to continue to consider the possibility of using the Military Staff Committee as one of the means of enhancing United Nations peacekeeping operations;

2. Expresses its belief that Groups of Friends of the Secretary-General, as well as other informal mechanisms which might include troop-contributing countries, Security Council members, donors and the countries in the region, can play a useful role in increasing the coherence and effectiveness of United Nations action, and stresses that they should conduct their work in close cooperation with the Security Council;



1. Expresses its intention to assess within six months the efficiency and effectiveness of its meetings with troop-contributing countries, with a view to the possibility of further improvement to the current system, including through the consideration of specific proposals of troop-contributing countries for new mechanisms;

2. Decides to strengthen cooperation with the troop-contributing countries in addition to and on the basis of the principles and provisions contained in the resolution and the present annex by improving and expanding existing consultation mechanisms as elaborated in annex II, with a view to ensuring proper reflection of the views and concerns of troop-contributing countries.

Annex II

Format, procedures and documentation of meetings with the troop-contributing countries

The consultations with troop-contributing countries will take place in the following formats:

A. Public or private meetings of the Security Council with the participation of troop-contributing countries;
B. Consultation meetings with the troop-contributing countries;
C. Meetings between the Secretariat and troop-contributing countries;


Public or private meetings of the Security Council

1. The Security Council will hold public or private meetings with the participation of troop-contributing countries, including at their request, and without prejudice to the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, in order to ensure a full and high-level consideration of issues of critical importance to a specific peacekeeping operation;

2. Such meetings may be held, in particular, when the Secretary-General has identified potential troop-contributing countries for a new or ongoing peacekeeping operation, when considering a change in, or renewal or completion of a peacekeeping mandate, or when there is a rapid deterioration in the situation on the ground, including when it threatens the safety and security of United Nations peacekeepers;


Consultation meetings with the troop-contributing countries

1. Consultation meetings with troop-contributing countries will continue as the principal means of consultation, and will continue to be convened and chaired by the President of the Security Council;

2. Such consultation meetings may be convened, including at the request of troop-contributing countries, as appropriate at different stages of peacekeeping operations, including:

(a) Mission planning, including the development of the concept of operations and the elaboration of the mandate of a new operation;
(b) Any change in the mandate, in particular the broadening or narrowing of the scope of the mission, the introduction of new or additional functions or components, or a change in the authorization to use force;
(c) The renewal of a mandate;
(d) Significant or serious political, military or humanitarian developments;
(e) A rapid deterioration of the security situation on the ground;
(f) The termination, withdrawal or scaling down in size of the operation, including the transition from peacekeeping to post-conflict peace-building;
(g) Before and after Council missions to a specific peacekeeping operation;

3. The following parties will be invited to these meetings:

(a) Countries contributing troops, military observers or civilian police to the peacekeeping operation;
(b) Prospective troop-contributing countries as identified by the Secretary-General;
(c) Relevant United Nations bodies and agencies, when they have specific contributions to make to the issue under discussion;
(d) Other bodies and agencies, as observers, as appropriate;
(e) Countries that make special contributions, such as other civilian personnel, contributions to trust funds, logistics, equipment and facilities and other contributions, as appropriate;
(f) The host country/countries, as observers, as appropriate;
(g) The representative of a regional or subregional organization or arrangement, contributing troops as appropriate;
(h) Regional organizations, as observers when not contributing troops, as appropriate;

4. Such consultation meetings will, as appropriate, include consideration of:

(a) Preparations for the establishment of a peacekeeping mandate by the Security Council;
(b) Operational issues, including the concept of operations, mission planning, authorization to use force, the chain of command, force structure, the unity and cohesion of the force, training and equipment, risk assessment and deployment;
(c) Significant concerns of or recommendations by the Secretary-General, as set out in his report, a briefing note from the Secretariat or the Secretariat’s oral briefing;
(d) The specific concerns of troop-contributing countries, including those communicated to the President of the Security Council;
(e) Progress in the accomplishment of the mission’s tasks in different areas or mission components;

5. The following measures will be ensured to improve the quality and effectiveness of such consultations:

(a) An informal paper setting out the agenda, including issues to be covered and drawing attention to relevant background documentation, will be circulated by the President of the Security Council to the participants when inviting them to attend these meetings;
(b) The Secretary-General should ensure, within the constraints of the Security Council’s programme of work, that reports requested by the Security Council on specific peacekeeping operations are issued in good time to allow the timely holding of meetings with troop-contributing countries before discussion among Security Council members;
(c) The Secretariat should also make fact sheets available to all participants at the beginning of these meetings;
(d) The Secretary-General should ensure, where possible, that briefings are given by senior personnel working with the mission in the field;
(e) The Secretary-General should ensure that briefings consist of an objective assessment and analysis of the political, military, humanitarian and human rights situations, where appropriate;
(f) The Secretary-General should add value to the briefings by making them more user-friendly, including through the exploitation of information technology;

6. The following arrangements will be made to ensure timely and appropriate communication of the concerns and views of troop-contributing countries, as expressed at the consultation meetings, to the members of the Security Council so that these concerns and views can receive due consideration:

  • The President of the Security Council will prepare, with the assistance of the Secretariat, and make available a summary of the content of such meetings;
  • The summary of discussion will be distributed to Council members in advance of informal consultations or of the next meeting on the relevant peacekeeping operation, where appropriate;


Meetings between the Secretariat and troop-contributing countries

The Security Council supports the existing practice of meetings between the Secretariat and troop-contributing countries to discuss matters concerning specific peacekeeping operations, and also the participation at such meetings, where appropriate, of Special Representatives of the Secretary-General, Force Commanders and Civilian Police Commissioners.

Other forms of consultations

The Security Council notes that the forms of consultations mentioned herein are not exhaustive and that consultations may take a variety of other forms, including formal or informal communication between the President of the Council or its members, the Secretary-General and the troop-contributing countries and, as appropriate, with other countries especially affected, including countries from the region concerned.

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