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United Nations Security Council Resolution 169

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United Nations Security Council Resolution 169 (1961)
the United Nations
114564United Nations Security Council Resolution 169the United Nations

Adopted by the Security Council at its 982th meeting, by 9 votes to none, with 2 abstentions (France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), on 24 November 1961

The Security Council,

Recalling its resolutions 143 (1960) of 14 July 1960, 145 (1960) of 22 July 1960, 146 (1960) of 9 August 1960 and 161 (1961) of February 1961,

Recalling further General Assembly resolution 1474 (ES-IV),1592 (XV), 1599 (XV), 1600 (XV) and 1601 (XV),

Reaffirming the policies and purposes of the United Nations with respect to the Congo (Leopoldville as set out in the aforesaid resolution, namely:

(a) To maintain the territorial integrity and the political independence of the Republic of the Congo,
(b) To assist the Central Government of the Congo in the restoration and maintenance of law and order,
(c) To prevent the occurence of civil war in the Congo,
(d) To secure the immediate withdrawal and evacuation from the Congo of all foreign military, paramilitary and advisory personnel not under the United Nations Command, and all mercenaries,
(e) To render technical assistance,

Welcoming the restoration of the national Parliament of the Congo in accordance with the Loi fondamentale and the consequent formation of a Centeral Government on 2 August 1961,

Deploring all armed action in opposition to the authority of the Government of the Republic of the Congo, specifically secessionist activities and armed action now being carries on by the provincial administration of Katanga with the aid of external resources and foreign mercenaries, and completely rejecting the claim that Katanga is "a sovereign and independent nation",

noting with deep regret the recent and past actions of violence against United Nations personnel,

Recognizing the Government of the Republic of the Congo as exclusively responsible for the conduct of the external affairs of the Congo,

Bearing in mind the imperative necessity for speedy and effective action to implement fully the policies and purposes of the United Nations in the Congo to end the unfortunate plight of the Congolese people, necessary in the interests both of world peace and international co-operation and of the stability and progress of Africa as a whole,

1. Strongly deprecates the secessionist activities illegally carries out by the provincial administration of Katanga with the aid of external resources and manned by foreign mercenaries;

2. Further deprecates the armed action against United Nations forces and personnel in the persuit of such activities;

3. Insists that such activities shall cease frothwith, and calls upon all concerned to desist therefrom;

4. Authorizes the Secretary-General to take vigorous action, including the use of the requisite measure of force, if necessary, for the immediate apprehension, detention pending legal action and/or deportation of all foreign military and paramilitary personnel and political advisers not under the United Nations Command, and mercenaries, as laid down in paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 161 A (1961) of 21 February 1961;

5. Further requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary measures to prevent the entry or return of such elements under whatever guise, and also of arms, equipment or other material in support of such activities;

6. requests all States to refrain from the supply of arms, equipment or other material which could be used for warlike purposes, and to take the necessary measures to prevent their nationals from doing the same, and also to deny transportation and transit facilities for such supplies across their territories, except in accordance with the decisions, policies and purposes of the United Nations;

7. Calls upon all Member States to refrain from promoting, condoning, or giving support by acts of omission or commission, directly or indirectly, to activities against the United Nations forces and personnel;

8. Declares that all secessionist activities against the Republic of the Congo are contrary to the Loi fondamentale and Security Council decisions and specifically demands that such activities which are now taking place in Katanga shall cease forthwith;

9. Declares full and firm support for the Central Government of the Congo and the determination to assist that Government, in accordance with the decisions of the United Nations, to maintain law and order and national integrity, to provide technical assistance and implement those decisions;

10. Urges all Member States to lend their support, according to their national procedures, to the Central Gvoernment of the Republic of the Congo, in conformity with the Charter and the decisions of the United Nations;

11. Requests all Member States to refrain from any action which may directly or indirectly impede the policies and purposes of the United Nations in the Congo and is contrary to its decisions and the general purposes of the Charter.

This work is excerpted from an official document of the United Nations. The policy of this organisation is to keep most of its documents in the public domain in order to disseminate "as widely as possible the ideas (contained) in the United Nations Publications".

Pursuant to UN Administrative Instruction ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2 available in English only, these documents are in the public domain worldwide:

  1. Official records (proceedings of conferences, verbatim and summary records, …)
  2. United Nations documents issued with a UN symbol
  3. Public information material designed primarily to inform the public about United Nations activities (not including public information material that is offered for sale).

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