United Nations Treaty Series/Volume 1/2/1
No. 1
English official text communicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The filing and recording took place on 14 December 1946.
(1) The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (hereinafter referred to as “UNRRA”) is desirous of holding the Fifth Session of its Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Conference”) beginning on August 5th, 1946, at the Palais des Nations, Geneva.
(2) Responsibility for the Palais des Nations, which is at present maintained and administered by the League of Nations, will—as from August 1st, 1946—be transferred to the United Nations.
(3) The Director-General of UNRRA has requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Secretary-General of the League of Nations to grant to UNRRA the use of premises, equipment, facilities, and services available at the Palais des Nations, for the holding of the Conference.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations has, on July 1st, 1946, expressed his consent that tile Conference should be held at the Palais des Nations.
The Secretary-General of the League of Nations has, on July 1st, 1946, expressed his consent to place premises, equipment, and facilities available at the Palais des Nations, and services of the League of Nations Secretariat at the disposal of UNRRA for the preparatory arrangements for the Conference.
(4) On July 5th, 1946, Mr. Burton E. Palmer, Chief, Bureau of Administration, on behalf of UNRRA and Mr. A. Pelt, Assistant Secretary-General, on behalf of the United Nations entered into an Administrative Agreement, preliminary to this Agreement.
(5) In order, therefore, to make the arrangements required for the Conference, and to establish liaison machinery to facilitate such arrangements:
- Mr. Sean Lester, Secretary-General, on behalf of the League of Nations;
- Mr. Wlodzimierz Moderow, Director representing the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Geneva, on behalf of the United Nations;
- General Sir Humphrey Gale, Personal Representative of the Director-General of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Organization, on behalf of UNRRA
have agreed on the following:
Article I
The United Nations shall, for the duration of the Conference, place at the disposal of UNRRA the premises, furniture, and equipment as well as communication, maintenance, cleaning, and related services available at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, and required for the Conference.
Article II
The League of Nations shall, as from July 15th and until July 31st, 1946, place at the disposal of UNRRA the premises, as well as communication, maintenance, cleaning and related services available at the Palais des Nations at Geneva and required by UNRRA in connection with preparatory arrangements for the Conference. It will place at the disposal of UNRRA all available furniture and equipment required in connection with the Conference.
Article III
All furniture and equipment placed at the disposal of UNRRA by the League of Nations under Article II before July 31st, 1946, will be—as between the League of Nations and the United Nations—deemed to have been transferred from the League of Nations to the United Nations, and will be returned by UNRRA to the United Nations.
Article IV
(1) The United Nations and the League of Nations shall place the premises, furniture, and equipment at the disposal of UNRRA free of charge.
(2) UNRRA shall indemnify the League of Nations for all damage to the premises of the Palais des Nations occurring in connection with the preparatory arrangements for the Conference before July 31st, 1946, and the United Nations for all such damage that occurs in connection with the Conference thereafter.
(3) UNRRA shall indemnify the United Nations for all damage to furniture, equipment, or other moveable property, occurring in connection with the Conference or the preparatory arrangements thereto.
Article V
UNRRA shall reimburse the United Nations and the League of Nations for any expenditure incurred, or for any supplies delivered, in connection with the Conference and in particular for any expenditure on:
- (a) Equipment and the installation, maintenance, or removal thereof;
- (b) The supply of water, light, and power;
- (c) Salaries, allowances, travelling or other expenses, payable to the Staff of the United Nations and the League of Nations engaged, whole time or part time, on work in connection with the Conference, or specially engaged for the Conference.
Article VI
Wherever possible, all payments due by UNRRA in connection with the Conference or the preparatory arrangements thereto shall be made directly by UNRRA at an early opportunity.
Article VII
(1) In order to consider and decide on matters requiring co-ordination between the parties to this Agreement and to decide on its application and interpretation, a Liaison Board shall be constituted as from July 20th, 1946.
(2) The Liaison Board shall be composed of the following representatives, or their authorized agents, of the parties to this Agreement:
- Brigadier C. Greenslade, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, Fifth Council Control Officer, for United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration;
- Mr. V. Stencek, Director of Personnel and Internal Administration of the League of Nations Secretariat, for the League of Nations;
- Mr. A. B. Elkin, Assistant Director, Administration, United Nations Geneva Office, for United Nations.
(3) As from August 1st, 1946, Mr. Stencek shall cease to be a member of the Board except for such business as concerns the winding-up of arrangements made under Article II or otherwise concerns the League of Nations.
(4) The Liaison Board shall meet from time to time. It shall decide on its own procedure. Each member of the Board shall have the right to request that a question in issue should be submitted for decision to the three signatories of this Agreement.
(5) Each member of the Liaison Board shall, within the framework of the organisation which he represents, take such action as will be required to carry out the decisions of the Board.
(6) Inasmuch as action required by the Secretariat of the League of Nations is likely to commit the United Nations after August 1st, 1946, and the decision of the Liaison Board under which the action is taken has been approved by the United Nations representative on the Board, Mr. Stencek shall act as agent for the United Nations.
Article VIII
Contracts with outside contractors entered into by UNRRA in connection with the Conference and relating to the use of the premises, equipment, or the maintenance of services, in the Palais des Nations, shall, prior to the signature, be submitted by UNRRA to the Liason Board for their comments.
Article IX
(1) In order to plan action requiring co-ordination between the three parties to this Agreement; to take action on an executive level where joint action is required; and to attend to routine co-ordination, a Liaison Office shall be constituted as from July 15th, 1946.
(2) The Liaison Office will be composed of three officials each representing a party to this Agreement. A Secretary and other clerical staff will be engaged by UNRRA if required.
(3) As from August 1st, 1946, the League of Nations officials in the Liaison Office shall cease to be a member of the Office except for such business as concerns the winding-up of arrangements made under Article II or otherwise concerns the League of Nations.
(4) The Liaison Office shall submit to the Liaison Board its plans for approval.
Article X
Any dispute remaining unsettled after the dissolution of the Liaison Board shall be referred to an Arbitrator in Geneva to be mutually agreed and failing agreement to be appointed by the President of the International Court of Justice.
Done and signed at Geneva on July 19th, 1946, in three copies, of which one was handed to the representative of the United Nations, one to the representative of the League of Nations, and the remaining copy to the representative of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
For the United Nations:
(Signed) W. Moderow
For the League of Nations:
(Signed) Sean Lester
For the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration:
(Signed) Cyrus Greenslade
Fifth Council Control Officer for General Sir Humphrey Gale