United States Army Field Manual 7-93 Long-Range Surveillance Unit Operations/Glossary
GLOSSARY ALZ alternate landing zone
AOB alternate operations base
APZ alternate pickup zone
ARTEP Army Training and Evaluation Program
attn attention
C2 command and control
cdr commander
CM&D collection management and dissemination
COB company operations base
COMINT communications intelligence
commo communications
COMSEC communications security
CP command post
CS combat support; a chemical agent
CSS combat service support
DA Department of the Army
DAR designated area of recovery
DC direct current
DD Department of Defense
DMDG digital message device group
DOB detachment operations base
DSVT digital secure voice terminal
DZ drop zone
fax facsimile
FEBA forward edge of the battle area
FLOT forward line of own troops
FM field manual; frequency modulation
FRAGO fragmentary order
FRIES fast-rope infiltration/exfiltration system
G1 Assistant Chief of Staff (Personnel)
G2 Assistant Chief of Staff (Intelligence)
G3 Assistant Chief of Staff (Operations and Plans)
HF high frequency
hq headquarters
hr hour
intel intelligence
IPB intelligence preparation of the battlefield
IR information requirements Those items of information regarding the enemy and his environment that need to be collected and processed to meet the intelligence requirements of a commander.
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
km kilometers
LRS long-range surveillance
LRSC long-range surveillance company
LRSD long-range surveillance detachment
LRSU long-range surveillance unit
LZ landing zone
m meter
METT-T mission, enemy, terrain, troops and time available
MHz megahertz
MI military intelligence
mm millimeter
MTP mission training plan
NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical
NCO noncommissioned officer
NCS net control stations
NVIS near-vertical incidence sky wave
OAKOC observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key terrain, obstacles, and cover and concealment
obj objective
opns operations
OP observation post
OPORD operation order
OPSEC operations security
ORP objective rally point
PIR priority intelligence requirements Those intelligence requirements for which a commander has an anticipated and stated priority in his task of planning and decision making. plt platoon
PVC polyvinyl chloride (pipe)
PZ pickup zone
R&S reconnaissance and surveillance
RATELO radiotelephone operator
RDF range direction finder
RP release point
S2 intelligence officer
S3 Operations and Training Officer
SALUTE size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment
SATCOM satellite communication(s)
SB switchboard
SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses
SIR specific information requirements Those basic questions that need answering to confirm or deny the existence of an indicator. SOI signal operation instructions
SOP standing operating procedure
SPIES special patrol infiltration/exfiltration system surv surveillance
SURVIVAL size up the situation; undue haste makes waste; remember where you are; vanquish fear and panic; improvise; value living; act like the natives; live by your wits (but for now learn the basis
TC training circular
tm team
TOC tactical operations center
UHF ultra high frequency
US United States
USAF United States Air Force
USMC United States Marine Corps
USN United States Navy
UTM universal transverse mercator (grid)
VHF very high frequency
VIP very important person