United States Code/Title 22/Chapter 7
Title 22 − Foreign Relations and Intercourse
Chapter 7 − International Bureaus, Congresses, etc.
- § 261. Policy as to settlement of disputes and disarmament
- § 262. President’s participation in international congresses restricted
- § 262-1. Restriction relating to United States accession to any new international criminal tribunal
- § 262a. Contributions to international organizations; consent of State Department; limitations as to certain organizations
- § 262b. Commitments for United States contributions to international organizations; limitations; consultation with Congressional committees
- § 262c. Commitments for United States contributions to international financial institutions fostering economic development in less developed countries; continuation of participation
- § 262d. Human rights and United States assistance policies with international financial institutions
- § 262d-1. Congressional statement of policy of human rights and United States assistance policies with international institutions
- § 262e. Comparability of salaries and benefits of employees of international financial institutions with employees of American private business and governmental service
- § 262f. Promotion of development and utilization of light capital technologies and United States assistance policies with international financial institutions
- § 262g. Human nutrition in developing countries and United States assistance policies with international financial institutions; declaration of policy
- § 262g-1. Targeting assistance to specific populations
- § 262g-2. Establishment of guidelines for international financial institutions
- § 262g-3. International negotiations on future replenishments of international financial institutions; consultation with appropriate Members of Congress
- § 262h. Opposition by United States Executive Directors of international financial institutions to assistance for production or extraction of export commodities or minerals in surplus on world markets
- § 262i. Repealed.]
- § 262j. Use of renewable resources for energy production
- § 262k. Financial assistance to international financial institutions; considerations and criteria
- § 262k-1. Transparency of budgets
- § 262k-2. Female genital mutilation
- § 262l. Omitted
- § 262m. Congressional findings and policies for multilateral development banks respecting environment, public health, natural resources, and indigenous peoples
- § 262m-1. Environmental performance of banks; mechanisms for improvement
- § 262m-2. Environmental impact of assistance proposals
- § 262m-3. Cooperative information exchange system
- § 262m-4. Environmental educational and training programs for mid-level bank managers and officials of borrowing countries
- § 262m-5. Environmental impact statements; factors considered; promotion of activities by United States Executive Directors
- § 262m-6. Repealed.]
- § 262m-7. Assessment of environmental impact of proposed multilateral development bank actions
- § 262n. Congressional findings and policies respecting agricultural and commodity production
- § 262n-1. Increase in income and employment in developing countries; enhancement of purchasing power; diversification away from single crop or product economies
- § 262n-2. Financing projects for production of export commodities, products, or minerals in surplus in world markets discouraged; instructions by Secretary of the Treasury to United States Executive Directors
- § 262n-3. Reduction of barriers to agricultural trade
- § 262o. Negotiations concerning replenishment or increase in capital; annual reports on implementation of lending policy goals
- § 262o-1. Military spending by recipient countries; military involvement in economies of recipient countries
- § 262o-2. Advocacy of policies to enhance general effectiveness of International Monetary Fund
- § 262o-3. Administrative provisions
- § 262o-4. Promotion of policy goals
- § 262p. Impact adjustment lending programs
- § 262p-1. Grassroots Collaboration Program
- § 262p-2. Instructions to United States Executive Directors for extension of credit
- § 262p-3. Participation of women in economic, social and policy development activities
- § 262p-4. Instructions to United States Executive Directors; indigenous people in borrowing country; determination of impact; protection of rights; consultation
- § 262p-4a. Loan programs to reduce economic dependence on illicit narcotics
- § 262p-4b. Directives regarding government-owned enterprises in countries receiving World Bank loans
- § 262p-4c. Initiation of discussions to facilitate debt-for-development swaps for human welfare and environmental conservation
- § 262p-4d. Initiation of discussions to facilitate financing of human welfare and natural resource programs in sub-Saharan Africa in connection with debt reduction and conversion
- § 262p-4e. Extent to which borrowing country governments have honored debt-for-development swap agreements to be considered as factor in making loans to such borrowers
- § 262p-4f. Assistance to countries to develop statistical assessment of well-being of poor
- § 262p-4g. Directives regarding government-owned enterprises in countries receiving IADB loans
- § 262p-4h. Discussions to increase productive economic participation of poor; reports
- § 262p-4i. Multilateral development banks and debt-for-nature exchanges
- § 262p-4j. Promotion of lending for environment
- § 262p-4k. Promotion of institution-building for nongovernmental organizations concerned with environment
- § 262p-4l. Improvement of interaction between International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and nongovernmental organizations
- § 262p-4m. Population, health, and nutrition programs
- § 262p-4n. Equal employment opportunities
- § 262p-4o. Respect for indigenous peoples
- § 262p-4p. Encouragement of fair labor practices
- § 262p-4q. Opposition to assistance by international financial institutions to terrorist states
- § 262p-4r. Use of authority of United States Executive Directors
- § 262p-5. Definitions
- § 262p-6. Improvement of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative
- § 262p-7. Reform of the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility
- § 262p-8. Modification of the Enhanced HIPC Initiative
- § 262q. Transferred
- § 262r. Annual report by Chairman of National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies
- § 262r-1. Transmission to the Congress of operating summaries of the multilateral development banks
- § 262r-2. Combined report on effect of pending multilateral development bank loans on environment, natural resources, public health, and indigenous peoples
- § 262r-3. Reports on financial stabilization programs led by International Monetary Fund in connection with financing from Exchange Stabilization Fund
- § 262r-4. Annual report and testimony on state of international financial system, IMF reform, and compliance with IMF agreements
- § 262r-5. Repealed.]
- § 262r-6. Reports on policies, operations, and management of international financial institutions
- § 262s. Multilateral development bank procurement
- § 262s-1. Procurement opportunities for United States firms
- § 262s-2. Commercial Service Officers and multilateral development bank procurement
- § 262t. Personnel practices
- § 263. International Prison Commission
- § 263a. International Criminal Police Organization
- §§ 264, 265. Omitted
- § 266. International commission of congresses of navigation; authorization of appropriation for expenses
- § 266a. Transferred
- § 266b. Repealed.]
- § 267. Permanent Commission of International Geodetic Association; representative of United States
- § 267a. Appointment of delegates; compensation
- § 267b. International Joint Commission; invitation to establish; personnel; duties
- § 268. International Joint Commission; salaries; powers
- § 268a. Repealed.]
- § 268b. Advances from appropriation “Boundary line, Alaska and Canada, and the United States and Canada”
- § 268c. Limitation on expenditure of funds for compensation of International Boundary Commissioner to actual hours worked
- § 269. Permanent International Association of Road Congresses; authorization of membership
- § 269a. Central Bureau of the International Map of the World on the Millionth Scale; authorization of appropriations
- § 269b. Omitted
- § 269c. International Statistical Bureau at The Hague; authorization of appropriations
- § 269d. Inter American Statistical Institute; authorization of appropriations
- § 269e. Omitted
- § 269f. International Bureau for the Protection of Industrial Property; authorization of appropriations
- § 269g. Private International Law Conference at The Hague and Private Law International Institute in Rome; membership; appointment of delegates
- § 269g-1. Authorization of appropriations
- § 269h. International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs; authorization of annual appropriations for expenses
- §§ 270 to 270g. Repealed.]
- § 271. International Labor Organization; membership
- § 272. Omitted
- § 272a. Authorization of appropriations
- § 272b. Loyalty check on United States personnel
- § 273. Pan American Institute of Geography and History; authorization of annual appropriations for membership
- § 274. International Council of Scientific Unions and Associated Unions; authorization of annual appropriations for membership
- § 274a. International biological program
- § 274b. Cooperation of Federal and non-Federal departments, agencies, and organizations; transfers of funds
- § 275. International Hydrographic Bureau
- § 275a. Permanent International Commission of the Congresses of Navigation; authorization of appropriations
- §§ 276 to 276a-4. Repealed.]
- § 276b. Repealed.]
- § 276c. Designation of Senate delegates to Conferences of the Interparliamentary Union
- § 276c-1. Reports of expenditures by members of American groups or delegations and employees; consolidated reports by Congressional committees; public inspection
- § 276c-2. Employee benefits for United States citizen-representatives to international financial institutions; Treasury Department as collecting, accounting, and depositing agency for employee payments; contributions from appropriated funds
- § 276c-3. Repealed.]
- § 276c-4. Employment of United States citizens by certain international organizations
- Subchapter I — Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group
- Subchapter II — Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group
- Subchapter II-A — British-American Interparliamentary Group
- Subchapter II-B — United States Delegation to Parliamentary Assembly Of Conference On Security And Cooperation In Europe (CSCE)
- Subchapter II-C — United States Senate-China Interparliamentary Group
- Subchapter II-D — United States Senate-Russia Interparliamentary Group
- Subchapter II-E — United States Senate-Japan Interparliamentary Group
- Subchapter III — Kermit Roosevelt Fund
- Subchapter IV — International Boundary And Water Commission
- Subchapter V — Gorgas Memorial Laboratory
- Subchapter VI — United Nations Food And Agriculture Organization
- Subchapter VII — South Pacific Commission
- Subchapter VIII — Caribbean Commission
- Subchapter IX — Pan American Railway Congress
- Subchapter X — The Institute Of Inter-American Affairs
- Subchapter XI — International Finance Corporation
- Subchapter XII — Inter-American Development Bank
- Subchapter XII-A — Inter-American Investment Corporation
- Subchapter XIII — International Development Association
- Subchapter XIV — Asian Development Bank
- Subchapter XV — International Monetary Fund And Bank For Reconstruction And Development
- Subchapter XVI — United Nations Organization
- Subchapter XVII — United Nations Educational, Scientific, And Cultural Organization
- Subchapter XVIII — Privileges and Immunities Of International Organizations
- Subchapter XIX — International Refugee Organization
- Subchapter XX — World Health Organization
- Subchapter XXI — Inter-American Foundation
- Subchapter XXII — African Development Fund
- Subchapter XXIII — African Development Foundation
- Subchapter XXIV — African Development Bank
- Subchapter XXV — United States-India Fund For Cultural, Educational, And Scientific Cooperation
- Subchapter XXVI — Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
- Subchapter XXVII — European Bank For Reconstruction And Development
- Subchapter XXVIII — North American Development Bank And Related Provisions
- Subchapter XXIX — United States-Mexico Border Health Commission
- Subchapter XXX — Middle East Development Bank