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United States Code/Title 5/Part I/Chapter 3

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135913United States Code, Title 5, Part I — Chapter 3. Powersthe United States Government

Sec. 301. Departmental regulations.


The head of an Executive department or military department may prescribe regulations for the government of his department, the conduct of its employees, the distribution and performance of its business, and the custody, use, and preservation of its records, papers, and property. This section does not authorize withholding information from the public or limiting the availability of records to the public.

Sec. 302. Delegation of authority.


(a) For the purpose of this section, "agency" has the meaning given it by section 5721 of this title. (b) In addition to the authority to delegate conferred by other law, the head of an agency may delegate to subordinate officials the authority vested in him--

(1) by law to take final action on matters pertaining to the employment, direction, and general administration of personnel under his agency; and
(2) by section 3702 of title 44 to authorize the publication of advertisements, notices, or proposals.

Sec. 303. Oaths to witnesses.


(a) An employee of an Executive department lawfully assigned to investigate frauds on or attempts to defraud the United States, or irregularity or misconduct of an employee or agent of the United States, may administer an oath to a witness attending to testify or depose in the course of the investigation.

(b) An employee of the Department of Defense lawfully assigned to investigative duties may administer oaths to witnesses in connection with an official investigation.

Sec. 304. Subpenas.


(a) The head of an Executive department or military department or bureau thereof in which a claim against the United States is pending may apply to a judge or clerk of a court of the United States to issue a subpena for a witness within the jurisdiction of the court to appear at a time and place stated in the subpena before an individual authorized to take depositions to be used in the courts of the United States, to give full and true answers to such written interrogatories and cross- interrogatories as may be submitted with the application, or to be orally examined and cross-examined on the subject of the claim.

(b) If a witness, after being served with a subpena, neglects or refuses to appear, or, appearing, refuses to testify, the judge of the district in which the subpena issued may proceed, on proper process, to enforce obedience to the subpena, or to punish for disobedience, in the same manner as a court of the United States may in case of process of subpena ad testificandum issued by the court.

Sec. 305. Systematic agency review of operations.


(a) For the purpose of this section, "agency" means an Executive agency, but does not include--

(1) a Government controlled corporation;
(2) the Tennessee Valley Authority;
(3) the Virgin Islands Corporation;
(4) the Atomic Energy Commission;
(5) the Central Intelligence Agency;
(6) the Panama Canal Commission; or
(7) the National Security Agency, Department of Defense.

(b) Under regulations prescribed and administered by the President, each agency shall review systematically the operations of each of its activities, functions, or organization units, on a continuing basis.

(c) The purpose of the reviews includes--

(1) determining the degree of efficiency and economy in the operation of the agency's activities, functions, or organization units;
(2) identifying the units that are outstanding in those respects; and
(3) identifying the employees whose personal efforts have caused their units to be outstanding in efficiency and economy of operations.

Sec. 306. Strategic plans.


(a) No later than September 30, 1997, the head of each agency shall submit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and to the Congress a strategic plan for program activities. Such plan shall contain--

(1) a comprehensive mission statement covering the major functions and operations of the agency;
(2) general goals and objectives, including outcome-related goals and objectives, for the major functions and operations of the agency;
(3) a description of how the goals and objectives are to be achieved, including a description of the operational processes, skills and technology, and the human, capital, information, and other resources required to meet those goals and objectives;
(4) a description of how the performance goals included in the plan required by section 1115(a) of title 31 shall be related to the general goals and objectives in the strategic plan;
(5) an identification of those key factors external to the agency and beyond its control that could significantly affect the achievement of the general goals and objectives; and
(6) a description of the program evaluations used in establishing or revising general goals and objectives, with a schedule for future program evaluations.

(b) The strategic plan shall cover a period of not less than five years forward from the fiscal year in which it is submitted. The strategic plan shall be updated and revised at least every three years, except that the strategic plan for the Department of Defense shall be updated and revised at least every four years.

(c) The performance plan required by section 1115 of title 31 shall be consistent with the agency's strategic plan. A performance plan may not be submitted for a fiscal year not covered by a current strategic plan under this section.

(d) When developing a strategic plan, the agency shall consult with the Congress, and shall solicit and consider the views and suggestions of those entities potentially affected by or interested in such a plan.

(e) The functions and activities of this section shall be considered to be inherently Governmental functions. The drafting of strategic plans under this section shall be performed only by Federal employees.

(f) For purposes of this section the term "agency" means an Executive agency defined under section 105, but does not include the Central Intelligence Agency, the Government Accountability Office, the Panama Canal Commission, the United States Postal Service, and the Postal Rate Commission.