United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/1st Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 30
Chap. XXX.—An Act imposing duties on the tonnage of ships or vessels.
Tonnage duty on ships or vessels of U. States,Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That upon all ships or vessels which after the first day of September next, shall be entered in the United States from any foreign port or place, there shall be paid the several and respective duties following, that is to say: On ships or vessels of the United States at the rate of six cents per ton: onon those of foreigners; ships or vessels built within the United States after the twentieth day of July last, but belonging wholly or in part to subjects of foreign powers, at the rate of thirty cents per ton: on other ships or vesselson all others. at the rate of fifty cents per ton.[1]
On ships or vessels of the U. States, trading between district and district.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid duty of six cents per ton, shall be also paid upon every ship or vessel of the United States, which after the said first day of September next, shall be entered in a district in one state from a district in another state, other than an adjoining state on the sea-coast, or on a navigable river, having on board goods, wares and merchandise taken in one state to be delivered in another state: Provided, That it shall not be paid on any ship or vessel having a license to trade between the different districts of the United States, or to carry on the bank or whale fisheries, whilst employed therein, more than once a year.[2]
On ships or vessels not of U. States, trading between district and district.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That upon every ship or vessel not of the United States, which after the said first day of September next, shall be entered in one district from another district, having on board goods, wares and merchandise taken in, in one district to be delivered in another district, there shall be paid at the rate of fifty cents per ton.
Payment of foreign tonnage heretofore exacted on certain vessels of the U. States, employed in coasting trade and fisheries.
Restitution to be made for.
Act of 1789, ch. 11, sec. 23.
See acts of 1799, ch. 22, sec. 63, 64.
1802, ch. 45, sec. 8.And whereas it is declared by the twenty-third section of the act, intituled “An act for registering and clearing vessels, regulating the coasting trade, and for other purposes,” “That if any vessel of the burthen of twenty tons or upwards, not having a certificate of registry or enrolment, and a license, shall be found trading between different districts, or be employed in the bank or whale fisheries, every such ship or vessel shall be subject to the same tonnage and fees as foreign ships or vessels,” which, from the impracticability in some cases of obtaining licenses in due season, and from misapprehension in others, has operated to the prejudice of individuals; and it being proper that relief should be granted in cases where the strict operation of new laws may have occasioned hardship and inconvenience:
Sec. 4. Be it therefore further enacted, That in all cases in which the said foreign duty shall have been heretofore paid on ships or vessels of the United States, whether registered at the time of payment or afterwards, restitution thereof shall be made,Not demandable in future. and that no such foreign duty shall hereafter be demanded on the said ships or vessels.
Repeal of former act.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the act, intituled “An act imposing duties on tonnage,” shall, after the said first day of September next, be repealed, and shall thenceforth cease to operate, except as to the collection of the duties which shall have accrued prior to the said repeal, for which purpose the said act1789, ch. 3. shall continue in force.
Approved, July 20, 1790.
- ↑ See act of March 3, 1815, obsolete; act of April 20, 1818, obsolete; act of March 3, 1819, obsolete.
- ↑ The acts imposing duties on the tonnage of domestic ships or vessels, have been:
Act of July 20, 1790, chap. 30; act of March 2, 1799, chap. 23; act of May 1, 1802, chap. 45; act of April 27, 1816, chap. 107; act of January 14, 1817, chap. 3; act of March 1, 1817, chap. 31; act of May 31, 1830, chap. 219; act of August 30, 1842, chap. 270.
Tonnage duties on foreign ships.—Act of July 20, 1790, chap. 30; act of March 2, 1799, chap. 23; act of May 1, 1802, chap. 45; act of April 27, 1816, chap. 107; act of January 14, 1817, chap. 3; act of March 1, 1817, chap. 31, sec. 6; act of May 31, 1830, chap. 219; act of August 30, 1842, chap. 270.