United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/2nd Congress/1st Session/Chapter 23
Chap. XXIII.—An Act for apportioning Representatives among the several States, according to the first enumeration.
Apportionment of representatives to Congress according to first enumeration.
1791, ch. 9.
1802, ch. 1.
1811, ch. 9.
1820, ch. 37.
1832, ch. 91.
1842, ch. 25.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the third day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, the House of Representatives shall be composed of members elected agreeably to a ratio of one member for every thirty-three thousand persons in each state, computed according to the rule prescribed by the constitution; that is to say: Within the state of New Hampshire, four; within the state of Massachussetts, fourteen; within the state of Vermont, two; within the state of Rhode Island, two; within the state of Connecticut, seven; within the state of New York, ten; within the state of New Jersey, five; within the state of Pennsylvania, thirteen; within the state of Delaware, one; within the state of Maryland, eight; within the state of Virginia, nineteen; within the state of Kentucky, two; within the state of North Carolina, ten; within the state of South Carolina, six; and within the state of Georgia, two members.
Approved, April 14, 1792.