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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/2nd Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 23

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660467United States Statutes at Large, Volume 1 — Public Acts of the Second Congress, 2nd Session, Chapter 23United States Congress

March 2, 1793

Chap. XXIII.An Act to alter the times and places of holding the Circuit Courts, in the Eastern District, and in North Carolina, and for other purposes.

Times for holding spring circuits of eastern district and N. Carolina altered.
1790, ch. 17.
1797, ch. 27.
1806, ch. 13.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the spring circuit courts of the eastern district, instead of being held at the times and places now established by law for holding the same, shall from henceforth be held at the times and places following respectively, namely; for the district of New York, at New York, on the fifth day of April; for the district of Connecticut, at New Haven, on the twenty-fifth day of April; for the district of Vermont, at Windsor and Bennington alternately, beginning at the first, on the twelfth day of May; for the district of New Hampshire, at Portsmouth, on the twenty-seventh day of May; for the district of Massachusetts, at Boston, on the seventh day of June; and for the district of Rhode Island, at Newport, on the nineteenth day of June. And if any of the said days shall happen on a Sunday, the courts, respectively, shall commence and be holden on the day following. And all causes now pending in the said courts, and all appeals, processes and recognizances returned, or returnable to the same, 1802, ch. 31.and all officers, jurors, parties and witnesses, shall be conformable to this act.

N. Carolina circuit court after June where to be held.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the expiration of the session of the circuit court of the state of North Carolina, which is to commence on the first day of June next (which session shall be held, any thing in this act notwithstanding, at Newbern) the stated sessions of the said court shall be held at Wake courthouse, either in the courthouse belonging to the said county, or in some convenient building contiguous thereto, until there shall be convenient accommodations for the said purpose in the city of Raleigh, in the said state; after which, and upon its being made so to appear to the said court, the said court is hereby authorized and directed at the close of the session then depending, to adjourn the said court to meet at its next stated session in the city of Raleigh; which said city of Raleigh shall thereafter be the place at which the stated sessions of the said court shall be constantly held.

District judge of N. Carolina how to have jurymen summoned for said June term.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Inasmuch as there was not a sufficient quorum of judges to hold the circuit court for the district of North Carolina, for the purpose of doing business, at November term one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, that it shall and may be lawful for the district judge of the state of North Carolina to direct the clerk of the said court to issue such process for the purpose of having jurymen summoned to attend the said court at the term to commence on the first day of June next, as he had before issued for the like purpose, returnable to November term above mentioned; that the jurymen ordered by the said process to be summoned shall be ordered to be summoned in the same proportion, and from the same counties, as those jurymen who were ordered to be summoned by the process returnable at November term above mentioned: And the marshal is to execute the said process, and the jurymen legally summoned in consequence thereof, are to attend the said court, under the like penalties for disobedience as if the said process had been ordered to be issued as usual, by the said court; and the marshal and the jurymen who attend at the said court shall be entitled to the like allowance for their services respectively. And it is hereby declared, that all suits and proceedings of what nature or kind soever which have been commenced in the said court, and not finished, shall be proceeded on at the ensuing term in the same manner and to the same effect, as if the said circuit court had been regularly held at November term as aforesaid, and continuances had been regularly held of all such suits and proceedings, from the said last mentioned term to the ensuing term.

Approved, March 2, 1793.