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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/3rd Congress/1st Session/Chapter 63

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771153United States Statutes at Large, Volume 1 — Public Acts of the Third Congress, 1st Session, Chapter 63United States Congress

June 9, 1794

Chap. ⅬⅩⅢ.An Act making appropriations for certain purposes therein expressed.

Additional specific appropriations.Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be appropriated for the several purposes herein after specified, the respective sums following, to wit: To defray the expenses which shall be incurred, pursuant to the act, intituled 1794, ch. 12.An act to provide a naval armament,” six hundred and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight dollars, and eighty-two cents: In addition to the sum heretofore granted for the erection of fortifications for the protection of ports and harbors, thirty thousand dollars: For the payment of a sum granted to lieutenant-colonel Touzard, in lieu of his pension for life, three thousand six hundred dollars: For the payment of the salary allowed to the officer who shall be appointed to superintend the receiving, safe keeping and distribution of the military stores of the United States, pursuant to the act of the second of April last, eight hundred and seventy-five dollars: for the salary of an additional clerk, and office rent, in the department of state, four hundred and eighty-four dollars, and seventy-eight cents: For the payment and subsistence of Captain John Inglis of the North Carolina line, one hundred and eight dollars, and ninety-one cents: To defray the farther contingent expenses of the House of Representatives authorized during the present session, one thousand dollars: For the service of the war department, in addition to the sums heretofore appropriated, the sums following, to wit: To defray the expense of a corps of artillerists and engineers established during the present session, sixty-six thousand four hundred and twenty-nine dollars and eighty-seven cents: For the further protection and defence of the southwestern frontier, two hundred thousand dollars: For the purposes of the act directing a detachment from the militia of the United States, two hundred thousand dollars: For the equipment of galleys or other vessels pursuant to an act of the present session,1794, ch. 46. eighty thousand dollars: For the expense of additional clerk hire in the department of war, seven hundred and fifty dollars: For defraying the contingent expenses of government, to be applied, under the direction of the President of the United States, according to the regulations and provisions provided in respect of a sum of ten thousand dollars heretofore appropriated for the like purpose, twenty thousand dollars—amounting in the whole to one million two hundred and ninety-two thousand one hundred and thirty-seven dollars, and thirty-eight cents: which several sums shall be paid out of the proceeds of such revenues as shall have been provided during the present session of Congress.

President of the United States to borrow a sum.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be empowered to borrow, on behalf of the United States, of the Bank of the United States (which is hereby authorized to lend the same), or of any other body or bodies politic, person or persons, any sum not exceeding in the whole,Not exceeding $1,000,000. one million of dollars, to be applied to the purposes aforesaid, and to be reimbursed, as well interest as principal, out of the proceeds of the said revenues.

Certain sum to be reserved.
1794, ch. 7.
Sec. 3. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That there shall be reserved out of the proceeds of the said revenues, a sum sufficient to pay the interest of whatever monies may be borrowed pursuant to the act, intituled “An act making further provision for the expenses attending the intercourse of the United States with foreign nations; and further to continue in force the act, intituled “An act providing the means of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations;” and such sum is hereby pledged and appropriated for that purpose, according to the terms of the contract or contracts which shall or may be made concerning the said monies. And the faith of the United States is hereby pledged to make such further provision therefor, as may be necessary.

Approved, June 9, 1794.