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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 1/4th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 2

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Jan. 31, 1797

Chap. Ⅱ.An Act giving effect to the Laws of the United States, within the State of Tennessee.

Act of June 1, 1796, ch. 47.
Act of Feb. 19, 1799, ch. 8.
Laws to extend to Tennessee.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all the laws of the United States, which are not locally inapplicable, ought to have, and shall have, the same force and effect within the state of Tennessee, as elsewhere within the United States.

And to the end, that the act, intituled Ante, p. 73.An act to establish the judicial courts of the United States,” may be duly administered within the state of Tennessee,

District courts.Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That the said state shall be one district, to be denominated Tennessee district, and there shall be a district court therein, to consist of one judge, who shall reside in the said district, and be called a district judge, and annually hold four sessions; the first to commence on the first Monday in April next, and the three other sessions progressively, on the like Mondays of every three calendar months afterwards. The said district courts shall be held alternately at Knoxville and Nashville, beginning at Nashville. And the said judge shall, in all things, have and exercise the same jurisdiction and powers, which by law are given to the judge of the district of Kentucky.

Salary of the judge.
1802, ch. 31, sec. 12.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That there shall be allowed to the judge of the said district court, the yearly compensation of eight hundred dollars, to commence from the date of his appointment, to be paid quarterly at the treasury of the United States.

And to the end, that the laws providing for the collection of the duties imposed by law on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States, and on the tonnage of ships and vessels, may be carried into effect, in the said state of Tennessee.

Collection district.Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That for the due collection of the said duties, the said state of Tennessee shall be one district, and a collector shall be appointed to reside at Palmyra, which shall be the only port of entry or delivery within the said district, of any goods, wares or merchandise, not the growth or manufacture of the United States; and the said collector shall have, and exercise all the powers,Act of March 2, 1801, ch. 12. which any other collector hath, or may legally exercise, for collecting the duties aforesaid; and in addition to the fees by law provided, shall be paid the yearly compensation of one hundred dollars.

Approved, January 31, 1797.