United States Statutes at Large/Volume 11/Appendix
- 751Respecting a Survey of, and defining the Limits of, the District of Columbia.January 24, 1791
- 752Respecting the Acts of James O'Fallon, in Kentucky.March 19, 1791
- 753Enjoining Neutrality as to War against France.April 22, 1793
- 753Respecting enlisting Men in Kentucky to invade a neighboring Nation.March 24, 1794
- 754Day of public Thanksgiving appointed.January 1, 1795
- 755Respecting Coinage and Tender.July 22, 1797
- 756Day of public Humiliation appointed.March 23, 1798
- 757Respecting Resistance in Pennsylvania to the Laws levying Taxes.March 12, 1799
- 758Suspending, as to St. Domingo, the Restraints of the Act of 1799, ch. 2.June 26, 1799
- 759Suspending, as to Hispaniola, the Restraints of the Act of 1799, ch. 2.September 6, 1800
- 759Requiring Removal of British Armed Vessels from United States Ports and Waters.July 2, 1807
- 761Respecting taking Possession of Part of Louisiana.October 27, 1810
- 762Directing the British Blockade of the Coast of the United States to be disregarded.June 29, 1814
- 763Day of public Humiliation appointed.November 16, 1814
- 763Pardon to certain Offenders off Louisiana.February 6, 1815
- 764Day of public Thanksgiving appointed for Peace.March 4, 1815
- 765Respecting an apprehended Invasion of the Spanish Dominions.September 1, 1815
- 765Ordering Persons to remove from the Public Lands.December 12, 1815
- 766Respecting Naval Forces on the Lakes.April 28, 1818
- 767Reward for Apprehension of a Murderer.July 10, 1821
- 767Opening United States Ports to British Vessels from certain West India Ports.August 24, 1822
- 768Suspending discriminating Duties as to Subjects of the Pope, under Act of 1824, ch. 4.June 7, 1827
- 769Offering Reward for Apprehension of Willis Anderson.September 10, 1827
- 770Ordering Persons to remove from the Public Lands.March 6, 1830
- 770Ordering Persons to remove from the Public Lands in Arkansas.February 10, 1831
- 771Respecting the nullifying Laws of South Carolina.December 10, 1832
- 781Suspending discriminating Duties as to Mecklenberg Schwerin.April 28, 1835
- 782Suspending discriminating Duties as to Tuscany.September 1, 1836
- 783Convening an Extra Session of Congress.May 15, 1837
- 783Suspending Tonnage Duty on Greek Vessels.June 14, 1837
- 784Levying Tonnage Duty on Portuguese Vessels.October 11, 1837
- 784Enjoining Neutrality as to Canada.January 5, 1838
- 785Enjoining Neutrality as to Canada.November 21, 1838
- 786Convening an Extra Session of Congress.March 17, 1841
- 786Enjoining Neutrality as to Canada.September 25, 1841.
- 787Revoking the Exequatur of the Spanish Consul at New Orleans.January 4, 1850
- 787Respecting an apprehended Invasion of Cuba.April 25, 1851
- 788Call of an extraordinary Session of the Senate.February 25, 1853
- 789Privileges of Act of 1845, ch. 70, given to certain Places.July 2, 1855
- 789Respecting an apprehended Invasion of Nicaragua.December 8, 1855
- 790Newfoundland to have Benefits of Reciprocity Treaty.December 12 1855
- 791Respecting Disturbances in Kansas Territory.February 11, 1856
- 792Revoking the Exequatur of the British Consul at New York.May 28, 1856
- 792Revoking the Exequatur of the British Consul at Philadelphia.May 28. 1856
- 793Revoking the Exequatur of the British Consul at Cincinnati.May 28, 1856
- 793Respecting the Boundary with Mexico.June 2, 1856
- 794Calling an Extra Session of Congress. August 18, 1856
- 794Respecting taking the sense of the citizens of the District of Columbia, for or against the adoption of the code prepared for the District.December 24, 1857
- 795Respecting discriminating duties of tonnage and impost upon vessels and cargoes of the subjects of his Holiness the Pope.February 25, 1858
- 796Respecting the rebellion and Mormon troubles in the Territory of Utah.April 6, 1858
- 798Convening an extraordinary Session of the Senate for June 15, 1858.June 14, 1858
- 798Respecting an apprehended invasion of Nicaragua.October 30, 1858
- 799Convening an extraordinary Session of the Senate of the United States.February 26, 1859