United States Statutes at Large/Volume 2/10th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 29
Chap. XXIX.—An Act in further addition to an act intituled “An act to amend the judicial system of the United States.”
Act of April 29, 1802, ch. 31.
Of what judges the circuit court of the second circuit shall be composed.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the circuit court of the United States, in the second circuit, shall consist of the justice of the supreme court residing within said circuit, and the district judge of the district in which such court may be holden.
December term of circuit court for Georgia district to be held at Milledgeville.
Act of Feb. 4, 1807, ch. 5.
Terms of the district court of N. Carolina changed.
Act of Jan. 23, 1812, ch. 17.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That within the district of Georgia, the circuit court to be holden in the month of December, annually, shall hereafter be holden at Milledgeville, instead of Louisville.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That instead of the times heretofore established by law for holding the fall terms of the district court for the district of North Carolina, the same be commenced and holden in future on the following days, that is to say: at Wilmington, in and for the district of Cape Fear, on the third Monday of October; at Newbern, in and for the district of Pamptico, on the Friday next after the third Monday of October, and at Edenton, in and for the district of Albemarle, on the first Tuesday which shall follow the Friday next after the third Monday of October, annually. And that all actions, suits, writs, process, pleadings, and other proceedings commenced, or to be commenced, or which shall be now pending in any of the district courts of the district of North Carolina,Causes, &c. continued over, accordingly. for the terms aforesaid, shall be continued over and have day according to the alterations hereby made and established, any thing in any former act or acts to the contrary notwithstanding.
Approved, March 9, 1808.