United States Statutes at Large/Volume 2/10th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 42
Chap. XLII.—An Act authorizing the sale of public Arms.
President authorized to sell to individual states public arms.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby authorized to cause to be sold to the individual states, which may wish to purchase, any arms now owned by the United States, and which may be parted without injury to the public: Accounts of such sales shall be laid before Congress, and the money arising therefrom be, and the same is hereby appropriated, under the direction of the President of the United States, to the purchase or manufacture of other arms for the use of the United States:Payment of the purchase money to be first made into the treasury of the U. States.
1806, ch. 50. Provided, that such arms be not delivered to any state or their agents until the payment of the purchase money be first made into the treasury of the United States, in money or in the stock of the United States, at its value, as established by an act, intituled “An act to repeal so much of any act or acts as authorize the receipt of evidences of the public debt, in payment for the lands of the United States, and for other purposes relative to the public debt:”Proviso. Provided also, that this provision shall not extend to any purchase, not exceeding five thousand stand of arms, which shall be made by a state to which the United States by existing engagements are bound to pay a sum of money, equal to the amount of such purchase.
Approved, April 2, 1808.