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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 2/12th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 29

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2563095United States Statutes at Large, Volume 2 — Public Acts of the Twelfth Congress, 1st Session, XXIXUnited States Congress

Feb. 21, 1812.

Chap. XXIX.An Act to establish a land district in the Illinois territory, east of the district of Kaskaskia, and to attach certain public lands to the district of Jeffersonville.

Land district formed.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the public lands of the United States, heretofore included within the land district of Kaskaskia, as lies east of the third principal meridian, established by the surveyor general, shall, together with the public lands lying between the Vincennes and Kaskaskia districts, and not heretofore attached to any district, form a new land district.Land-offices in Illinois.
March 3, 1791, ch. 27.
March 3, 1807, ch. 46.
Feb. 21, 1812, ch. 29.
Feb. 27, 1815, ch. 63.
March 18, 1818, ch. 17.
May 11, 1820, ch. 85.
May 8, 1822, ch. 124.
March 16, 1824, ch. 29.
How the lands are to be disposed of.
Part of the lands attached to the Vincennes district, how to be disposed of.
Act of April 30, 1810, ch. 35.
For the disposal of the said lands, a land-office shall be established at Shawneetown, under the direction of the register of the land-office and receiver of public monies, to be appointed for that purpose; who shall reside at the place, give security in the same manner, in the same sums, and whose compensation, emoluments and duties, and authority, shall, in every respect, be the same in relation to the lands which shall be disposed at their office, as are, or may be by law provided in relation to the registers and receivers of public monies in the several offices, established for the disposal of the lands of the United States, northwest of the river Ohio.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said lands shall be disposed of in the same manner, and on the same terms and conditions as are, or may be provided by law for the sale of public lands in the district of Kaskaskia: Provided, that no tracts of land, excepted from the sales by virtue of any former act, shall be sold by virtue of this act: And provided also, that a tract of not less than six mile square shall be reserved by the President of the United States for the use and support of the public salt works on Saline creek.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That so much of the lands attached to the district of Vincennes, by virtue of the first section of an act, entituled “An act providing for the sale of certain lands in the Indiana territory, and for other purposes,” passed on the thirtieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ten, as lies east of the second principal meridian established by the surveyor general, shall be attached to, and become a part of the district of Jeffersonville, and shall be offered at public sale at the land-office for the said district, under the superintendence of the register and receiver of public monies for the said land-office, and shall be sold in every other respect in the same manner, and on the same terms and conditions, as are provided by the above mentioned act, except that the public sales for the said lands shall remain open only for six days.

Approved, February 21, 1812.