United States Statutes at Large/Volume 3/16th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 112
Chap. CXII.—An Act to authorize the erection of a lighthouse on one of the Isles of Shoals, near Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, and for other purposes.
The Secretary of the Treasury to provide, by contract, for a lighthouse on the Isles of Shoals, as soon as the jurisdiction has been ceded, &c.
And to agree for salaries, &c. of superintendents.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, as soon as the jurisdiction of such one of the Isles of Shoals, in the state of New Hampshire, in the state of Massachusetts, or in the state of Maine, as the President of the United States shall select for the site of a lighthouse, shall be ceded to, and the property thereof vested in, the United States, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to provide, by contract, which shall be approved by the President, for building a lighthouse on such island, to be so lighted as to be distinguishable from other lighthouses on the east and west of the same; and, also, to agree for the salaries, wages, or hire, of the person or persons to be appointed by the President for the superintendence of the same.
Appropriation for the lighthouse on the Isles of Shoals.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum of five thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, for the purpose of building such lighthouse, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.
The Secretary of the Treasury to provide, by contract, for building other lighthouses, piers, &c.
Kennebunk river.
Tenpound Island.
Baker’s Island.
Genessee river.
South-west Ledge.
Adams’ Fall.
Smith’s Point.
Shell Castle Island.
Mobile Bay.
Mouth of the Mississippi.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to provide, by contract, for building lighthouses, erecting piers, beacons, or land marks, and building and placing light vessels, or boats, and buoys, on the following sites or shoals, to wit: A pier at the mouth of Kennebunk river, in the state of Maine; two lighthouses, one on Tenpound island, at the entrance of Gloucester harbour, and the other on Baker’s island, near Salem, in the state of Massachusetts; a lighthouse at a proper site near the mouth of Genessee river, in the state of New York; a buoy on Southwest Ledge, and another on Adams’ Fall, in or near to the harbour of New Haven, in the state of Connecticut: A light vessel at the end of Smith’s Point Shoals, in the Chesapeake bay, in the state of Virginia: A lighthouse on Shell Castle Island, in the state of North Carolina: or, in lieu thereof, a light vessel, to be moored in a proper place, near the said island, if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury, the latter shall be preferred: A beacon and two buoys on proper sites in the channel leading to the harbour of Charleston, in the state of South Carolina: A lighthouse on a proper site in Mobile bay, in the state of Alabama, or, in lieu thereof, a light vessel in the said bay; if the same shall be preferred: A light vessel, should the same be deemed necessary by the Secretary of the Treasury, at the mouth of the Mississippi, in the state of Louisiana.
Sums appropriated for objects of this act.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That there be appropriated, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following sums of money, to accomplish the objects specified in this act, to wit: for erecting a pier at the mouth of Kennebunk river, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars; for placing a bell near the lighthouse on West Quody Head, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars; for erecting two lighthouses, one on Tenpound Island, and the other on Baker’s Island, and placing three buoys on the rocks and flats near Salem, a sum not exceeding nine thousand dollars; for defraying the expense of lighting the lighthouse on the south side of the harbour of Nantucket, and superintending the same, a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars; for a lighthouse near the mouth of Genessee river, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars; for placing two buoys, one on Southwest Ledge, and the other on Adams’ Fall, in or near the harbour of New Haven, a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars; for a light vessel, and placing the same at the end of Smith’s Point Shoals, a sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars; for a lighthouse on Shell Castle Island, or a light vessel, if preferred, a sum not exceeding fourteen thousand dollars; for a beacon and two buoys on proper sites in or near to the channel leading to Charleston harbour, a sum not exceeding six thousand five hundred dollars; for a lighthouse, or light vessel, for Mobile bay, a sum not exceeding nine thousand dollars; for a light vessel at the mouth of the Mississippi, a sum not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars.
The lighthouse directed on Sparrow’s Point may be built on North Point.
A light vessel may be substituted for a lighthouse on Craney Island.
Additional sums appropriated, for lighthouses and light vessels heretofore directed.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized, if he shall deem it expedient and proper, to build the lighthouse directed to be built on Sparrow’s Point, in the state of Maryland, on North Point in said state; and also to substitute a
light vessel for the lighthouse directed to be built on Craney Island, at the mouth of Elizabeth river, in the state of Virginia.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That, to complete the lighthouses and light vessels heretofore directed to be built, there be appropriated, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following additional sums, to wit: for the lighthouses in the state of Maryland, a sum not exceeding six thousand six hundred dollars: for the lighthouse directed to be built between the mouth of Grand River, in the state of Ohio, and the mouth of Detroit River, in the territory of Michigan, five thousand dollars: and for the lighthouses or light vessels for the state of Virginia, a sum not exceeding six thousand six hundred dollars.
No lighthouse, &c. previous to cession of jurisdiction.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That no lighthouse, beacon, nor landmark, shall be built or erected on any site previous to the cession of jurisdiction over the same being made to the United States.
Approved, May 15, 1820.