United States Statutes at Large/Volume 3/17th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 26
Chap. XXVI.—An Act to remit the duties on a sword imported, to be presented to Captain Thomas Macdonough, of the United States’ Navy.
Duty remitted on sword presented to Capt. Thomas Macdonough.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the duties which have accrued, or which may accrue, to the United States, upon the importation of a sword, to be presented to Captain Thomas Macdonough, of the United States’ Navy, in behalf of the petty officers, seamen and marines, who served on board the frigate Guerriere, when she was lately under his command in the Mediterranean, which sword is represented to be, or lately to have been, in the custody of the collector of the district of New York, be, and the said duties are hereby, remitted.
Approved, April 17, 1822.