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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 3/17th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 40

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2642951United States Statutes at Large, Volume 3 — Public Acts of the Seventeenth Congress, 1st Session, Chapter 40United States Congress

April 26, 1822.

Chap. XL.An Act to perfect certain locations and sales of public lands in Missouri.

Locations of warrants made under the act of Feb. 15, 1815, if made in pursuance of that act in other respects, shall be perfected into grants, &c.
Act of Feb. 17, 1815, ch. 45.
The sales of fractions from such locations, valid, &c.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the locations heretofore made of warrants issued under the act of the fifteenth of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, entitled “An act for the relief of the inhabitants of the late county of New Madrid, in the Missouri territory, who suffered by earthquakes,” if made in pursuance of the provisions of that act, in other respects, shall be perfected into grants, in like manner as if they had conformed to the sectional or quarter sectional lines of the public surveys; and the sales of fractions of the public lands, heretofore created by such locations, shall be as valid and binding on the United States as if such fractions had been made by rivers, or other natural obstructions.

Hereafter holders, &c., of such warrants, are to conform, &c., and such warrants to be located within a year, or they will be null.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That hereafter the holders of locators of such warrants shall be bound, in locating them, to conform to the sectional or quarter sectional lines of the public surveys, as nearly as the respective quantities of the warrants will admit; and all such warrants shall be located within one year after the passage of this act; in default whereof the same shall be null and void.

Approved, April 26, 1822.