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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 3/17th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 89

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2645903United States Statutes at Large, Volume 3 — Public Acts of the Seventeenth Congress, 1st Session, Chapter 89United States Congress

May 7, 1822.

Chap. LXXXIX.An Act making further appropriations for the military service of the United States for the year eighteen hundred and twenty-two, and for other purposes.

Sums appropriated—Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to wit:

Fortifications.For fortifications, to each specifically, as follows, viz:

Fort Delaware.For Fort Delaware, twenty thousand dollars.

Fort Washington.For Fort Washington, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Fort Monroe.For Fort Monroe, seventy-five thousand dollars.

Fort Calhoun.For Fort Calhoun, fifty thousand dollars.

Mobile Point.For collecting materials for a fortification at Mobile Point, in the state of Alabama, fifty thousand dollars.

Rigolets and Chef Menteur.For the Rigolet and Chef Menteur, one hundred thousand dollars.

Collecting materials, &c.For collecting materials for a fort on the right bank of the Mississippi, opposite Fort St. Philip, thirty thousand dollars.

Repairs of fortifications, &c.For contingencies and repairs of fortifications, twenty thousand dollars.

National armories.For the national armories, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars.

For current expenses of the ordnance service, viz:

Current expenses of ordnance service, army, &c.For the preservation of the arms and other public property in store, including the hire of workmen, and the purchase of pain, oil and other materials necessary for the purpose, eight thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

Army supplies.To meet ordinary requisitions for army supplies, viz:

For paint and oil for the preservation of the guns and carriages in the fortifications, and for artificers’ and intrenching tools, six thousand three hundred and forty dollars.

Miscellaneous expenses at arsenals.For the miscellaneous expenses at arsenals, forage for public horses, stationery, &c. two thousand eight hundred and sixty-two dollars.

Reparation of defective arms.For the reparation of defective arms, including the wages of armorers, the purchase of iron, steel, coals, tools, &c., eleven thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars.

Repairs of arsenals.For repairs of arsenals, one thousand dollars.

Preservation of ammunition.For the preservation of ammunition, five thousand dollars.

Payment of outstanding claims, &c.For the payment of outstanding claims which accrued in one thousand eight hundred and nineteen and one thousand eight hundred and twenty, at Pittsburg, and not presented until eighteen hundred and twenty-one, and unpaid for want of an appropriation applicable to the object, one thousand seven hundred dollars.

Arrearages in the War Department.For arrearages in the War Department prior to the first of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, ninety thousand dollars.

Pay to Indian agents, &c.For pay allowed by law to Indian agents, twenty-two thousand three hundred dollars.

For sub-agents, eleven thousand three hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

Presents to Indians.For presents to Indians, allowed by the law of eighteen hundred and two, fifteen thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of the Indian department, seventy-five thousand dollars.

Deficit in the appropriation of 1821.For making good a deficit of the appropriation of the last year, in the same, seventy thousand dollars.

Quartermaster general’s department.For payment of a deficit in the appropriation for the quartermaster general’s department, for eighteen hundred and twenty-one, seventy thousand dollars.

Barracks at Baton Rouge.For completing the barracks at Baton Rouge, twelve thousand dollars.

Barracks at Carlisle.For constructing new roofs for the barracks at Carlisle, three thousand five hundred dollars.

Expenses of militia courts martial in Pennsylvania.For the payment of the expenses of the militia court martial in Pennsylvania, of which lieutenant colonel Thomas Moore and David Fore were successively presidents, eight hundred and forty dollars and eighty-four cents.

Court martial in Pennsylvania.For the payment of the expenses of the militia court martial in Pennsylvania, of which Thomas C. Miller was president, one thousand five hundred and ninety-eight dollars and seventy-eight cents.

Court martial in Pennsylvania.For the payment of the expenses of the militia court martial in Pennsylvania, of which colonel James Wood was president, seven hundred and ninety-eight dollars and eighty-four cents.

Balances of expenses of militia court martial in New York.For the payment of the balance of the expenses of the militia court martial in the state of New York, of which the brigadier general Gerard Steddiford was president, nineteen thousand two hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty-nine cents.

Balance of appropriation made Feb. 19, 1818, &c.For the balance of an appropriation made nineteenth of February, eighteen hundred and eighteen, to defray the expenses of employing a brigade of militia, being the amount thereof carried to the surplus fund, twelve thousand three hundred and seventy-four dollars and fifty-seven cents.

For survey of certain ports, &c.For replacing the like amount of appropriations made for the survey of certain ports and harbours, which has been carried to the surplus fund, the sum of one thousand three hundred and thirty-four dollars and seventy-eight cents.

For medals for officers of the army, &c.For replacing the like amount appropriated to procure medals for officers of the army, carried to the surplus fund, the sum of eight thousand two hundred dollars.

For relief of Col. William Lawrence, &c.For replacing the like amount appropriated for the relief of Colonel William Lawrence and others, carried to the surplus fund, the sum of one thousand four hundred and forty dollars and twelve cents.

For carrying into effect the treaty concluded at Chicago, &c.For carrying into effect the treaty concluded at Chicago, on the twenty-ninth day of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, the sum of eighteen thousand one hundred and seven dollars and ten cents.

For carrying into effect the treaty with the Creeks, in relation to compensation of citizens of Georgia.For carrying into effect so much of the fourth article of the treaty of the eighth of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, between the United States and the Creek nation, in relation to the compensation due to the citizens of Georgia by the Creek nation, fifty thousand dollars.

For holding treaties with the Cherokees and Creeks.For the purpose of holding treaties with the Cherokee and Creek tribes of Indians, for the extinguishment of the Indian title to all the lands within the state of Georgia, pursuant to the fourth section of the first article of the agreement and cession, concluded between the United States and the state of Georgia, on the twenty-fourth of April, one thousand eight hundred and two, the sum of thirty thousand dollars.

Out of money in the treasury.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations hereinbefore made, shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

No money to be advanced or paid on any contract, or to any officer in arrears until he has accounted and paid, &c.
1822, ch. 11.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That no money appropriated by this act, or by the act, entitled “An act making appropriations for the military service of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two,” shall be advanced or paid to any person on any contract, or to any officer who is in arrears to the United States, until he shall have accounted for, and paid into the treasury, all sums which he may be liable.

Approved, May 7, 1822.