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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/19th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 6

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4
United States Congress
2821308United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4 — Public Acts of the Nineteenth Congress, 2nd Session, Chapter 6United States Congress

Jan. 29, 1827.

Chap. VI.An Act to allow the citizens of the territory of Michigan to elect the members of their legislative council, and for other purposes.

Members of the legislative council to be hereafter chosen by the people.
Act of Feb. 16, 1819, ch. 22.
Act of March 3, 1823, ch. 36.
Act of Feb. 5, ch. 6.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That at the next, and at each succeeding election of members of the legislative council of the territory of Michigan, the qualified electors of the said territory may, instead of choosing twenty-six, as heretofore directed, elect thirteen fit persons as their representatives, in the manner, and with the qualifications now, or hereafter to be, prescribed by law; which said representatives, so elected, shall be and constitute the said legislative council. And for the purpose of securing an equal representation, the governor and legislative council of said territory, are hereby authorized and required to apportion the representatives, so to be elected as aforesaid, among the several counties or districts, in the said territory, in proportion, as near as may be, to the whole number of inhabitants in each county or district, exclusive of Indians not taxed.

One or more judges of the supreme court, to hold, annually, a court or courts in each county eastward of Lake Michigan, &c.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said governor and legislative council be, and they are hereby, authorized to provide by law for holding, annually, one or more courts, by one or more of the judges of the supreme court of said territory, in each of the counties in that part of the territory eastward of the Lake Michigan; and also for the appointment of a clerk in each county, to act as clerk to the said court therein; and further to prescribe the jurisdiction of said courts, and the powers and duties of the judge or judges holding the same.

Clerk of said court to be appointed by the judges.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the judges of the supreme court of the territory of Michigan have, and may exercise, the right of appointing the clerk of the said court, and of removing him at pleasure.

No member of the legislative council to be eligible to any office, &c.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That no member of the legislative council shall be eligible to any office created, or the fees of which were regulated by a law passed whilst he was a member, during the period for which he was elected, and for one year thereafter.

All laws, &c. inconsistent with this, repealed.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws, in so far as the same shall be inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed; and, further, that Congress have the right, at any time, to alter or repeal this act.

Approved, January 29, 1827.