United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/20th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 8
Chap. VIII.—An Act for altering the times for holding the sessions of the circuit court of the United States for the district of Georgia, at the places provided by law.
Circuit court of the United States, for Georgia district, to be holden at Milledgeville in November, and Savannah in May.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sixth circuit court of the United States for the district of Georgia, which is by law appointed to be holden on the fourth Monday in November, annually, at Savannah, in the said state, shall hereafter be holden on the Thursday after the first Monday in November, annually, at Milledgeville, in the said state; and that the session of the said court, which is now required by law to be holden on the sixth day of May annually, at Milledgeville, in the said state, shall hereafter be holden on the Thursday after the first Monday in May annually, at Savannah, in the said state; and that all process, which shall have been issued, and all recognisances returnable, and all suits and other proceedings, which have been continued to the said courts respectively, on the days, and at the places heretofore provided by law for their meeting, shall be returned, and held to be continued to the said courts, at the times and places herein provided for the meeting of the said courts respectively.
Approved, January 21, 1829.