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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/21st Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 60

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Twenty-First Congress, Second Session, Chapter 60
3010944United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4 — Public Acts of the Twenty-First Congress, Second Session, Chapter 60United States Congress

March 2, 1831.

Chap. LX.An Act to carry into effect certain Indian treaties.

Prarie du Chien treaty.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated to pay the expenses incurred in negotiating and for carrying into effect the treaty of peace and friendship, and the treaty of cession, entered into at Prairie du Chien on the fifteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty, with the Mississippi and Missouri bands of Sioux, the Sacs and Foxes, Winnebagoes and Menomonies, Ottoes, Omahas, Missouries, and Ioways tribes of Indians, viz:

Presents, &c.For presents, provisions, pay of commissioners and secretary, transportation, and all other expenses attending the negotiation of said treaties, twenty-four thousand two hundred and fourteen dollars and seventy-two cents.

Annuities.For annuities stipulated for by the fourth article of the treaty of cession, annually, for ten years, viz: to the Sacs, three thousand dollars; Foxes, three thousand dollars; Sioux of Mississippi, two thousand dollars; Yancton and Santie bands, three thousand dollars; Omahas, two thousand five hundred dollars; Ottoes and Missouries, two thousand five hundred dollars; Ioways, two thousand five hundred dollars; Sacs of Missouri river, five hundred dollars.

Blacksmiths, &c.For support of a blacksmith, and for tools, as stipulated by the same article, annually, for ten years, viz: for the Sioux of Mississippi, one thousand dollars: Yancton and Santie bands, one thousand dollars; Omahas, one thousand dollars; Ottoes and Missouries, one thousand dollars; Ioways, three hundred dollars; Sacs of Missouri river, seven hundred dollars.

Agricultural implements.For agricultural implements, as stipulated by same article, annually, for ten years, viz: for the Sioux of Mississippi, seven hundred dollars; Yancton and Santie bands, four hundred dollars; Omahas, five hundred dollars; Ottoes and Missouries, five hundred dollars; Ioways, six hundred dollars; Sacs of Missouri river, two hundred dollars.

Transportation.For transportation of annuities, tools, and agricultural implements, three thousand two hundred dollars.

Education.For expenses of education, as stipulated by the fifth article, for ten years, to be applied in the discretion of the President of the United States, annually, three thousand dollars.

Running lines.For expenses of running the lines as agreed by the seventh article of said treaty, nine thousand dollars.

Treaty with the Delawares.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated to carry into effect the supplementary article, concluded at Council Camp, on James’s fork of White river, Missouri, the twenty-fourth of September, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, to the treaty with the Delawares of the third day of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, viz:

For furnishing forty horses for the Delawares, one thousand six hundred dollars.

For expense of six wagons and ox teams to assist them in removing, one thousand six hundred and twenty dollars.

For provisions on their journey, and one year after their removal to their new country, forty-five thousand dollars.

For building a grist and saw mill, three thousand dollars.

For the payment of the permanent annuity to the Delawares, one thousand dollars.

For expenses of surveying the lines of the land assigned to the Delawares by said article, four thousand one hundred and nine dollars and eighty-one cents.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid sums of money be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Choctaw treaty.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That, for carrying into effect the treaty with the Choctaw tribe of Indians, concluded at Dancing Rabbit on the fifteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, the sum of eighty thousand two hundred and forty-eight dollars are hereby appropriated, to wit:

For salaries to chiefs and others, and suits of clothes and broadswords for ninety-nine captains, as stipulated by the fifteenth article, nine thousand five hundred and ninety-three dollars.

For expenses of fulfilling the sixteenth article in relation to cattle, twelve thousand five hundred dollars.

For education, as stipulated by the twentieth article, ten thousand dollars.

For building council houses, houses for chiefs, and churches, as stipulated by the same article, ten thousand dollars.

For expenses of teachers, blacksmiths and shops, and a mill-wright, by the same article, five thousand five hundred dollars.

For blankets, rifles, ammunition, axes, hoes, ploughs, spinning wheels, cards, looms, iron and steel, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty-five dollars.

For transportation and contingencies, five thousand dollars: which said appropriation, to carry into effect the said treaty with the Choctaw tribe of Indians, shall be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, March 2, 1831.