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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/22nd Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 59

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Twenty-Second Congress, Second Session, Chapter 59
3109452United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Second Congress, Second Session, Chapter 59United States Congress

March 2, 1833.

Chap. LIX.An Act making appropriations to carry into effect certain Indian treaties, and for other purposes, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three.

Appropriations to effect Indian treaties, &c.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter mentioned, that is to say: To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Winnebagoes, of the fifteenth of September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, to wit:

For payment of the annuity provided for by the third article, ten thousand dollars.

For the purposes of education provided for by the fourth article, three thousand dollars.

For support of agriculturists, for oxen, and ploughs, and other agricultural implements per fifth article, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For expense of removing blacksmiths’ shop, per sixth article, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For expense of rations, per seventh article, six thousand dollars.

For payment of claims to certain individuals, per eighth article, one thousand and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents.

For the purchase of tobacco, and for services of two physicians, per fifth article, five hundred and fifty dollars.

Sacs and Foxes.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Sacs and Foxes, of the twenty-first September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, to wit: For payment of the limited annuity, provided for by the third article, twenty thousand dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations for a blacksmith and gunsmith, establishing a shop, and for purchase of tobacco and salt, per fourth article, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For payment of Farnham and Davenport’s claim for goods, acknowledged to be due, per fifth article, forty thousand dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations in regard to subsistence, per tenth article, seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-four dollars.

Shawanoes and Delawares.To carry into effect the treaty with the Shawanoes and Delawares, of the sixth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

For the purchase of cattle, hogs, and other stock, for the Delawares, and for assistance in agriculture, per second article, three thousand dollars.

For expense of a person to attend their mill, and for repairs, per same article, five hundred dollars.

For the support of a school, per same article, five hundred dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations for payment of certain debts, and for merchandise and cash, per third article, eighteen thousand dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations of the Shawanoes for cash, clothing and horses, and towards their expenses, after removal, per fifth article, one thousand seven hundred dollars.

For cost of provisions for one year after removal, per same article, the sum of eighteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

For annuities to Patterson, Tawhee-lalen and Natcoming, during their natural lives, the sum of one hundred dollars each, three hundred dollars.

Kaskaskias and Peorias.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Kaskaskias and Peorias, of seventh October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty two.

For payment of the limited annuity, per fifth article, three thousand dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations in the sixth article of said treaty, to wit: for payment to the Peorias in common with the Kaskaskias, sixteen hundred dollars.

To the Kaskaskias, for lost horses and salt annuities, three hundred and fifty dollars.

To the Peorias, for improvements on their lands, two hundred and fifty dollars.

For the purchase of stock for Peorias and Kaskaskias, four hundred dollars.

For carts, oxen and ploughs, for same, three hundred and fifty dollars.

For building four log houses, five hundred and thirty dollars.

For assistance in agriculture, three hundred dollars.

For agricultural implements, and for iron and steel, fifty dollars.

For the payment for goods delivered at treaty, eight hundred dollars.

For assistance to Kaskaskias in removing, and for one year’s provisions, one thousand dollars.

Appalachicolas.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Appalachicola tribe, of eleventh October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

For payment to the Appalachicola tribe of Indians, to be in full compensation for all expenses of emigration and subsistence, per second article of the treaty, thirteen thousand dollars.

Pattawatamies of the Prairie.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Pattawatamies of the Prairie, of twentieth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, ratified twenty-first January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three.

For payment of the limited annuity, per third article, fifteen thousand dollars.

For the payment of the annuities stipulated for in the same article, to wit: to Billy Caldwell, six hundred dollars. To Alexander Robinson, two hundred dollars. To Pierre Leclere, two hundred dollars.

For payment of claims per schedule annexed to the treaty, per fourth article, the sum of thirty thousand seven hundred and forty-six dollars.

For payment for goods and horses purchased and delivered, per same article, the sum of forty-five thousand dollars.

For the purchase of goods to be delivered, thirty thousand dollars.

For payment to certain named Indians, for lost horses, same article, fourteen hundred dollars.

Kickapoos.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Kickapoos, of twenty-fourth October, and supplement of twenty-sixth November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

For payment of the annuity for one year, per third article, eighteen thousand dollars.

For erecting a mill and church, per sixth article, three thousand seven hundred dollars.

For support of a blacksmith and assistant, and for iron, steel and tools, per fifth article, one thousand dollars.

For the support of a school, and purchase of books, per seventh article, five hundred dollars.

For the purchase of farming utensils, per eighth article, three thousand dollars.

For expense of agricultural labour and improvements, per ninth article, four thousand dollars.

For payment in merchandise and cash, per eleventh article, six thousand dollars.

For expense of transportation and subsistence, and one year’s supply of provisions, per eleventh article, twenty-seven thousand nine hundred dollars.

For expense of running and marking boundaries, per twelfth article, eight hundred dollars.

For the expenses of a deputation to view the lands ceded, per fourteenth article, five hundred dollars.

For furnishing cattle, hogs, and other stock, per tenth article, four thousand dollars.

Pattawatamies of the Wabash.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Pattawatamies of the Wabash, of twenty-sixth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

For payment of the limited annuity, per third article, twenty thousand dollars.

For the payment of goods and horses purchased and delivered, per same article, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars.

For the purchase of goods to be delivered, per same article, thirty thousand dollars.

For the payment of claims, per schedule attached to the treaty, per fourth article, the sum of sixty-two thousand, three hundred and eighty-two dollars.

For fulfilling the stipulations in the fifth article, to wit: For rifles and ammunition, two thousand three hundred and thirty-four dollars.

For blankets, two thousand nine hundred and sixteen dollars.

For expenses of transportation and subsistence, thirty-three thousand three hundred and twenty dollars.

For one year’s supply of provisions, sixty thousand eight hundred and nine dollars.

For expense of erecting a saw mill, per sixth article, two thousand dollars.

Pattawatamies of Indiana.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Pattawatamies of Indiana, of twenty-seventh October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

For the payment of the limited annuity, per fourth article, fifteen thousand dollars.

For the payment for goods and horses purchased and delivered, per same article, the sum of thirty-two thousand dollars.

For the purchase of goods to be delivered, per same article, ten thousand dollars.

For the payment of claims, per schedule attached to the treaty, per same article, the sum of twenty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-one dollars.

For the purchase of the section of land granted by the treaty of St. Joseph’s to To-pe-naw koung, wife of Peter Langlois, per same article, the sum of eight hundred dollars.

For the education of Indian youths of the Pattawatamie tribes, during the pleasure of Congress, per same article, two thousand dollars.

Piankeshaws and Weas.To carry into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Piankashaws and Weas, of twenty-ninth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.

For the purchase of cattle, hogs, and farming utensils, as an equivalent for salt annuities, and lost horses, for the Piankashaws, per third article, five hundred dollars.

For expense of agricultural assistance and improvements, per same article, the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars.

For payment in merchandise and cash, per same article, two hundred dollars.

For the purchase of cattle, hogs, and farming utensils, as an equivalent for improvements and lost horses, for the Weas, per fourth article, five hundred dollars.

For payment in merchandise and cash, per same article, two hundred dollars.

For assistance to the Weas of Indiana, to enable them to join the rest of their tribe, and for one year’s supply of provisions, per same article, the sum of four thousand six hundred and twelve dollars.

For the support of the blacksmith’s shop, for the benefit of the Piankashaws, Weas, Peorias and Kaskaskias, per fifth article, one thousand dollars.

For cost of transporting the annuities, agricultural implements and stock, and for other incidental expenses in fulfilment of the aforesaid treaties, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars.

To enable the President to extinguish Indian titles within the states of Indiana and Illinois and territory of Michigan, in addition to the sum1832, ch. 175. appropriated ninth July last, three thousand eight hundred and seventy-one dollars.

Boundary under the treaty of Butte des Morts.For expenses incurred in one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, attending the adjustment of the boundary line and other objects referred to in the first, second, and third articles of the treaty of Butte des Morts, ratified twenty-third February, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, in addition to the sum appropriated by the act of twentieth May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, four hundred dollars.1830, ch. 99.

Creeks.For expense of removal and subsistence of Creek Indians, as stipulated in the seventh article of the treaty of twenty-fourth January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, in addition to former appropriations, to pay claims allowed, as settled by the second auditor, seven thousand two hundred and sixty-one dollars and forty-four cents.

For payment of improvements on ceded lands, as stipulated in the eleventh article of said treaty, as settled by the second auditor, in addition to former appropriations, nine thousand three hundred dollars and seventy-five cents.

Ioway prisoners.For payment of expenses incurred for provisions, transportation, compensation to guards, and other expenses, attending the arrest of Ioway prisoners in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, on the charge of murders committed by them, and not before provided for, the sum of one thousand and twenty-three dollars and thirty-eight cents.

Choctaw reservations.For expense of locating, surveying and bounding reservations for the Choctaws, under the nineteenth article of the treaty of fifteenth September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty, not otherwise provided for, fifteen hundred dollars.

Chickasaw agent.For expense of the Chickasaw agent, with a deputation of Indians, to the seat of government, on business relating to the treaty negotiated with them, one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars.

Delegation of New York Indians.For the expense of a delegation from the New York Indians to visit Green bay during the summer of one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, for the purpose of surveying and dividing their lands with a view to future emigration, the sum of one thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars.

Shawanoes.For the expense of removing the remaining Shawanoes, being eighty-two in number, from Ohio, to their lands west, one thousand six hundred and forty dollars.

Sac and Fox prisoners.For the expenses of twelve prisoners of war of the Sac and fox tribes, now in confinement, and to be held as hostages, under the seventh article of the treaty with the Sacs and Foxes, of twenty-first September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, embracing the cost of provisions and clothing, compensation to an interpreter, and cost of removing them to a place where they may be kept in safety, without being closely confined, the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars.

Chippewas.For the expense of appraising the improvements abandoned by the Chippewas, under the sixth article of the treaty of Saginaw, of twenty-fourth September, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, the sum of six hundred dollars.

Negroes of Broom.For payment for two negroes, the property of George Fields, illegally taken from the Broom, a Cherokee chief, in the fall of the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, by a white citizen, seven hundred dollars.

Removing of Choctaws, &c.For expenses of removing and subsisting Choctaws, Creeks, Cherokees, and Ohio Indians, as estimated for by the commissary general of subsistence, four hundred and seventy-four thousand and thirteen dollars.

Pattawatamies.And the sum of ten thousand dollars for holding a treaty with the Pattawatamies, for the extinguishment of their title to the remainder of their lands in Illinois.

Menominees.For carrying into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Menominees of the eighth of February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, fifty-eight thousand six hundred dollars.

Chickasaws.For carrying into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Chickasaws of twenty-eighth October, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, to be refunded out of the sales of their lands as provided for by said treaty, one hundred thousand dollars.

Senecas.For carrying into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Senecas West, of twenty-ninth December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, to be refunded out of the sales of their lands as provided for by said treaty, four thousand dollars.

For payment to the Senecas for lost horses and other property, as stipulated for by fourth article of same treaty, one thousand dollars.

Ottawas.For carrying into effect the stipulations of the treaty with the Ottawas of eighteenth February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, forty-seven thousand four hundred and forty dollars.

Property of American Board of Foreign Missions.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War shall cause a valuation to be made of the buildings, improvements and other property, belonging to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, lying within the limits of the purchase made of the Choctaw tribe of Indians at the treaty of the Dancing Rabbit Creek, and after deducting from the estimated value the amount heretofore advanced by the United States towards the aforesaid buildings and improvements, shall cause the residue to be paid to the trustees of the said board, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Repression of Indian hostilities.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars shall be, and the same is hereby appropriated, should the same be found necessary to defray the expenses of repressing the hostilities of the Indians on the western frontier of the United States, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, March 2, 1833.