United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/23rd Congress/1st Session/Chapter 41
Chap. XLI.—An Act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four.
Appropriations for pay of army, &c.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the army for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, that is to say:
For pay of the army and subsistence of officers, one million three hundred and eighty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two dollars, including the sum of ninety-four thousand seven hundred and eighty-six dollars, arrearages of pay and subsistence for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three.
For forage of officers, fifty-nine thousand one hundred and seventy-nine dollars.
For clothing for servants of officers, twenty-four thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.
For subsistence exclusive of that of officers, in addition to an unexpended balance of fifty-five thousand dollars, the sum of three hundred and sixty-one thousand nine hundred dollars.
For clothing of the army, camp, and garrison equipage, cooking utensils and hospital furniture, two hundred and eighty thousand seven hundred and forty-eight dollars.
For payments in lieu of clothing for discharged soldiers for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-four, including an arrearage in eighteen Pay of army, &c.hundred and thirty-three, estimated for by the pay department, forty-five thousand dollars.
For the medical and hospital department, thirty-six thousand five hundred dollars.
For various expenses in the quartermaster’s department, viz: fuel, forage, straw, stationery, blanks and printing; repairing and enlarging barracks, quarters, store-houses, and hospitals at the various posts in the Union; erecting temporary cantonments at such posts as shall be occupied during the year, including huts for the dragoons; materials for the authorized furniture of the rooms of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, rent of quarters, barracks, and store-houses; postage on public letters; expenses of courts martial and courts of inquiry, including the compensation of judge advocates, members, and witnesses; extra pay to soldiers employed in the erection of barracks and quarters, and the construction of roads and other constant labour,March 2, 1819, ch. 45. under an act of Congress of the second March, eighteen hundred and nineteen; expenses of expresses from the frontier posts, of escorts to paymasters, hire of labourers, and the internment of deceased non-commissioned officers and soldiers; compensation to extra clerks in the office of the quartermaster general, and in the offices of the quartermasters and assistants at the several posts, and compensation to temporary agents; also, for the horses and equipments which may be required to keep the establishment of the regiment of dragoons complete, three hundred and forty-four thousand dollars.
For transportation of clothing from the depot at Philadelphia to the stations of the troops; of subsistence from the places of purchase and the points of delivery under contract, to the posts where they are required to be used; of ordnance from the founderies and arsenals to the fortifications and frontier posts, and lead from the western mines to the fortifications and frontier posts, and lead from the western mines to the several arsenals; for transportation of the army, including officers when removing with troops either by land or water; freights and ferriages: the purchase or hire of horses, oxen, mules, carts, wagons, and boats, for transportation of troops and supplies, and for garrison purposes: drayage and cartage at the several posts, hire of teamsters, transportation of funds for the pay department, and the expenses of sailing a public transport between the several posts on the Gulf of Mexico, one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars.
For the allowance to officers for the transportation of their baggage when travelling on duty without troops, and for the per diem to officers on topographical duty, fifty-three thousand dollars.
For contingencies of the army, ten thousand dollars.
For carrying on the works in the city of Savannah, Georgia, twenty-five thousand dollars.
For continuing the repairs and alterations of the barracks and quarters at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, ten thousand dollars.
For erecting officers’ quarters at Fort Severn, Annapolis, Maryland, five thousand dollars.
For carrying on the works at Green Bay, Michigan, ten thousand dollars.
For temporary repairs of the barracks at Fort Gibson, Arkansas, five thousand dollars.
For the purchase of land adjoining Fort Sullivan, Eastport, Maine, three thousand three hundred dollars.
For national armories, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
For the armament of fortifications, one hundred thousand dollars.
For the current expenses of the ordnance service, sixty-eight thousand four hundred dollars.
For arsenals, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
For the arsenal at St. Louis, in addition to the sum embraced in the general appropriation for arsenals, eight thousand five hundred dollars. Pay of army, &c.For the purchase of five thousand sets of accoutrements for the artillery and infantry regiments, fourteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.
For the recruiting service, in addition to twenty-nine thousand three hundred and eighty-eight dollars unexpended of a former appropriation, six thousand dollars.
For contingent expenses of the recruiting service, in addition to six thousand and forty-three dollars unexpended of a former appropriation, fourteen thousand dollars.
For arrearages prior to the first of July, eighteen hundred and fifteen, payable through the office of the third auditor, in addition to an unexpended balance in the treasury, three thousand dollars.
March 2, 1821, ch. 13.To enable the second auditor to close the accounts under the act of third [second] March, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, allowing three months’ gratuitous pay to disbanded officers and soldiers, one thousand dollars.
For the payment of the general and staff officers and six companies of Missouri militia, ordered into service by the governor of that state, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, thirty-five thousand dollars.
For paying any balance which may be due for militia services, in the territory of Michigan, in the late war against Black Hawk and his followers, two thousand dollars.
For the payment of Captain McGeorge’s company of Indiana militia, for services performed in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, Provided, the Secretary of War shall be satisfied that the said company is entitled thereto, the sum of seven hundred dollars.
For finishing gun-racks, and making window shutters to the new arsenal, rebuilding middle water shop, one hundred and ten by fifty feet, and for building a house for steam engine, including a store-room for iron, fifty-two by forty-six feet, at the national armory, Springfield, Massachusetts, twelve thousand two hundred dollars.
For additional machinery and fixtures at the same armory, viz: three water-wheels for grinding musket barrels, six water-wheels and twenty-two forges required in the middle water shop, blast machinery for eleven double forges, and for the purchase of new and improved labour saving machinery, seventeen thousand eight hundred dollars.
For slating roof and rebuilding water-wheel of upper work-shop, renewing and repairing fences on the public ground, and for painting public buildings at the same armory, three thousand five hundred dollars.
For repairing dam, (and removing obstructions in way of,) supplying the water to the rifle factory on the Shenandoah river, at the national armory, Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, two thousand dollars.
For the completion of the machinery in the three shops for turning, boring, and stocking muskets; the completion of the canal, furnishing the water power; erecting an annealing shop and proof house; erecting two shops and tempering springs and polishing barrels; erecting two engine houses, and making addition to stocking shops; and for erecting a carpenter’s and machine shop, at the same armory, thirty-six thousand one hundred and fourteen dollars and eighty-six cents.
For the payment of the taxes assessed by the state of Pennsylvania on the United States arsenal on the Schuylkill river, five hundred and sixty-eight dollars and fifty-nine cents.
For the purchase of three acres of land on the Alabama river, and building a warehouse and dock at the Mount Vernon arsenal, in the state of Alabama, one thousand eight hundred dollars and fifty cents.
Approved, May 14, 1834.