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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/23rd Congress/1st Session/Chapter 74

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Twenty-Third Congress, First Session, Chapter 74
3252543United States Statutes at Large, Volume 4 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Third Congress, First Session, Chapter 74United States Congress

June 26, 1834.

Chap. LXXIV.An Act making appropriations for Indian annuities, and other similar objects, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four.

Appropriations for Indian annuities, &c.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, for the payment of annuities due to various Indians and Indian tribes, and other objects hereinafter enumerated, according to the stipulations of certain Indian treaties, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated; that is to say:

To the Six Nations of Indians in New York, four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

To the Senecas of New York, six thousand dollars.

To the Ottowas, four thousand three hundred dollars.

To the Wyandot, six thousand seven hundred and forty-five dollars.

To the Wyandots, Munsees, and Delawares, one thousand dollars.

To the Christian Indians, four hundred dollars.

To the Miamies, twenty-nine thousand and twenty dollars.

To the Eel Rivers, one thousand one hundred dollars.

To the Pattawatamies, twenty thousand six hundred and twenty dollars.

To the Pattawatamies of Huron, four hundred dollars.

To the Pattawatamies of the Prairie, sixteen thousand dollars.

To the Pattawatamies of the Wabash, twenty thousand dollars.

To the Pattawatamies of Indiana, seventeen thousand dollars.

To the Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pattawatamies, sixteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-five dollars.

To the Menomonies, twenty thousand and forty dollars.

To the Chippewas, five thousand eight hundred dollars.

To the Chippewas, Menomonies, and New York Indians, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Indian annuities, &c.To the Sioux of Mississippi, three thousand seven hundred dollars.

To the Yancton, and Santie bands of Sioux, four thousand four hundred dollars.

To the Omahas, four thousand dollars.

To the Sacs of Missouri, one thousand four hundred dollars.

To the Sacs, three thousand dollars.

To the Foxes, three thousand dollars.

To the Ioways, five thousand three hundred and thirty dollars.

To the Sacs and Foxes, twenty-five thousand three hundred and twenty dollars.

To the Sacs, Foxes, and Ioways, three thousand dollars.

To the Ottoes and Missourias, four thousand dollars.

To the Kanzas, five thousand nine hundred and forty-five dollars.

To the Osages, eleven thousand and seventy dollars.

To the Kickapoos, eight thousand five hundred dollars.

To the Kaskaskias and Peorias, two thousand and fifty dollars, in addition to the sum of one thousand dollars in the hands of the superintendent at St. Louis.

To the Kaskaskias and Peorias, Weas, and Piankeshaws, one thousand dollars.

To the Piankeshaws, eight hundred dollars.

To the Weas, three thousand dollars.

To the Piankeshaws, five hundred dollars.

To the Delawares, seven thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars.

To the Shawanees, three thousand eight hundred and forty dollars.

To the Shawanees and Delawares, one thousand dollars.

To the Shawanees and Senecas of Lewistown, one thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars.

To the Senecas of Lewistown, two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.

To the Choctaws, sixty-six thousand five hundred and thirty dollars.

To the Chickasaws, three thousand dollars.

To the Creeks, fifty-four thousand four hundred and fifty-five dollars.

To the Cherokees, twelve thousand dollars.

To the Quapaws, two thousand dollars.

To the Florida Indians, seven thousand dollars.

For to carry into effect the fourth article of the treaty with the Apalachicola band of Indians in Florida, approved thirteenth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, three thousand five hundred and ten dollars.

To the Menomonies, five thousand dollars, for the annuity for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two.

For the expenses of transportation and distribution of annuities, salt, agricultural implements, and tobacco, tools, &c.; and other incidental expenses not otherwise enumerated, twenty-nine thousand five hundred dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, viz:

Running lines for the Sacs and Foxes.For running the lines and marking out the reservations for the Sacs and Foxes, under the first and second articles of the treaty with them, of twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two thousand dollars.

Creek treaty.For expenses of locating reservations and certifying contracts under the Creek treaty of twenty-fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, fifteen thousand two hundred and twenty-three dollars and thirty-seven cents.

Improvements of Stockbridge and Munsee Indians.For payment to the Stockbridge and Munsees Indians, for improvements on the lands on the east side of Fox river, agreeably to the provisional ratification of the treaty with said Indians, of ninth July, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, twenty-four thousand two hundred and twenty-six dollars.

Improvements of Brothertown Indians.For payment to the Brothertown Indians for improvements on the land east of Fox river, agreeably to the same proviso of said treaty, sixteen hundred dollars.

For running lines.For expenses of running the lines provided for by said treaty, and for surveying the tracts for the aforesaid Indians, two thousand dollars.

Treaty with Pattawatamies.For expenses of selecting and locating reservation under the several treaties with the Pattawatamies, of twentieth, twenty-sixth, and twenty-seventh October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Running Choctaw and Chickasaw line.For expenses of running the dividing line between the Choctaws and Chickasaws, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Running Chippewa and Sioux line.For expenses of running the lines between the Chippewas and Sioux, under the fifth article of the treaty with them, of nineteenth August, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, seven thousand dollars.

Running lines between Sacs and Foxes.For to run the lines between the Sacs and Foxes, and to complete the surveys under the treaty of Prairie du Chien, of fifteenth July, eighteen hundred and thirty, the sum of two thousand dollars.

Commission to examine lands for emigrating Indians.For expenses of the commission heretofore appointed to visit and examine the Indian country, adjust difficulties which may exist in the location of the lands of the emigrating Indians in the boundaries thereof, and ascertain and report the proper places of location for such tribes, and portions of tribes, as may yet wish to remove to that country, for that part of the year eighteen hundred and thirty-four included within the term of their appointment, twenty thousand dollars.

Claims due by Pattawatamies.For the payment of claims due by the Pattawatamie Indians to white citizens, and for horses delivered by order of the commissioners to the Indians, and not embraced in the schedule which accompanied the treaty of October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, as the Secretary of War shall ascertain to have been omitted, not exceeding one thousand dollars.

Cherokees of Arkansas.
1828, ch. 94.
For payment of claims to Cherokees of Arkansas, in addition to eight thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars, appropriated twenty-fourth May, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, which sum, it is ascertained, falls short of the sum equally required, two hundred and fifty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents.

Isaac McCoy for surveying.For compensation to Isaac McCoy for expenses of surveying the lands assigned to the Piankeshaws, Weas, Kaskaskias, and Peorias, and for extending the survey of the Shawnee lands, two thousand one hundred and two dollars.

Survey in territory of Michigan.For surveying Indian reservations in the neighborhood of Michilimackinac, in the territory of Michigan, four hundred and fifty dollars.

Emigrating Indians under the Creek treaty.For the payment of claims ascertained upon settlement to be due, for provisions and bounty money, for Indians emigrating west, under the treaty with the Creeks, five thousand one hundred and thirty-six dollars ninety-three cents.

Removing the Creeks east of the Mississippi.For removing five thousand Creeks from the Creek country east of the Mississippi to their new country west of that river, including subsistence on the route, and for one year after their arrival west of the Mississippi, and all other expenses attending their emigration, as provided for by the twelfth article of the treaty of the twenty-fourth of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two hundred and forty-one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Rifles, &c. furnished Creeks.For rifles, moulds, wipers, ammunition, and blankets, and transportation of the same, as provided for by the thirteenth article of the treaty of the twenty-fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, with the said Creek tribe of Indians, twenty thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Removing the Cherokees from country east of the Mississippi.For removing such portion of the Cherokees as may emigrate during the present year from the Cherokee country east of the Mississippi, to their new country west of that river, including subsistence on the route and for one year after their arrival west of the Mississippi, and all other expenses attending their emigration, sixty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Money in the treasury under act of February 19, 1831, ch. 26, to be subject to payment of Indian annuities.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sum of one hundred and twelve thousand eight hundred and fifty-three dollars, and seventy-eight cents, paid into the treasury under the provisions of the act of February nineteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, entitled “An act to provide hereafter for the payment of six thousand dollars annually to the Seneca Indians, and for other purposes,” and now standing to the credit of the Indian contingencies, shall be applied to, and be subject to, the payment of the annuities authorized to be paid by the provisions of this act:Proviso. Provided, That the claim of the Seneca Indians against the United States, for the said sum of money, shall continue of the same force and effect as it now is.

Creek followers of General McIntosh, who emigrated under treaty of January 24, 1826.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the sum of eleven thousand one hundred and sixty dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be distributed to the Creek Indians, friends and followers of General McIntosh, who emigrated under the treaty of January twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, and who have not received their proportions of the sums stipulated to be paid under the ninth article of the said treaty.

Cherokee annuities to be paid to chiefs, &c.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the annuities to the Cherokees, for which appropriations are made in this act, shall be paid to the chiefs of the tribe, or to such person or persons as the tribe shall appoint.

Approved, June 26, 1834.