United States Statutes at Large/Volume 4/Appendices/Appendix 1/Chapter 10
A further supplement to the act, entitled “An act for the promotion of internal improvement.”
Act of Maryland.Whereas by the act, entitled “A supplement to the act, entitled an act for the promotion of internal Improvement,” passed at December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, chapter two hundred and twenty-one, it is, amongst other things, provided, that one of the conditions upon which the treasurer of the Western Shore shall be authorized to subscribe for five thousand shares in the capital stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, is, that whenever the United States shall have authorized subscriptions for not less than ten thousand shares of the capital stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company; and whereas it is important, with reference to the interest of the state, that the grant already made by her, to that company, should be made dependent upon such other conditions and restrictions, as will effectually secure the completion of this work, if ever commenced, and the previous payment of the instalments upon all other subscriptions; and that some mode of payment of the subscription already made, should be provided, having reference to the exhausted condition of the treasury, in lieu of the mode of payment provided by the terms of the original subscription: Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be authorized to subscribe the aforementioned five thousand shares of the capital stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, whenever the commissioners, their successors, or a majority of them, appointed on the part of this state, to aid in opening books, and taking subscriptions to the stock of said company, shall certify that the sum of two millions five hundred thousand dollars has been subscribed by bona fide subscribers, with such additional securities as to them may be deemed ample, to ensure the faithful compliance on the part of the subscribers of the aforesaid two millions five hundred thousand dollars: and provided, also, that the instalments thereon, similar to that required to be paid on behalf of the state, and all the previous instalments, which may have accrued thereon, shall have been paid, before any payment shall be demanded on account of the state’s subscription.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said subscription is authorized and directed upon the condition, that the said president and directors of the said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, shall certify to the said treasurer, their agreement, under the corporate seal of said company, to accept and receive, in payment of the instalments which may become due on any such subscription, as they may be called for, certificates of stock of the state of Maryland, at par, irredeemable for fifteen years, and bearing an interest of five per centum per annum, payable quarterly, to commence at the end of one year after the same shall have been issued in succession, and that, upon any such subscription being made, the said Treasurer is further authorized and directed to borrow, on the credit of the state, on the best obtainable terms, from time to time, the funds necessary to meet and discharge the first advance, and each successive payment, whensoever and as often as any instalment on the said subscription of the state shall be demanded, and become due, in conformity to the provisions of the charter of the said company; and to issue for the same, certificates of stock of the state, bearing interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, payable quarterly: provided, that the said stock shall be redeemable at the pleasure of the state, at any time after fifty years from each successive issue of certificates as aforesaid; and the premium, if any, on each and every of the said loans, shall be invested in some safe and productive stock, at the discretion of the said treasurer, with the advice and consent of the governor and council, for the time being; and the interests, dividends or profits, arising from such Act of Maryland.investment or investments, shall be reinvested, as aforesaid, for the eventual redemption of the said loans; and the said funds, when obtained under the authority of this act, the said treasurer is hereby directed to pay to the order of the president and directors of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, in conformity to the provisions of the charter of the said company, and to receive therefor the necessary acquittances; or, in case it shall be deemed more beneficial to the interest of the state, in the estimation of the said treasurer, with the approbation and concurrence of the governor and council, the said treasurer shall be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed, whensoever and as often as any instalment on the said subscription of the state shall be demanded, and become due, in conformity to the provisions of the said charter, to issue certificates of stock of the state, at par, irredeemable for fifteen years, bearing interest at the rate of five per centum per annum; the said interest upon such certificates, to commence at the end of one year after the same shall have been issued, in succession, and to be paid quarterly thereafter; and the said treasurer is authorized and directed to cause the said certificates to be delivered to the person or persons authorized to receive the said instalments, as they shall severally become due, and to demand and receive, from such person or persons, upon the delivery of the said certificates, a full acquittance and discharge for and on behalf of the state, for the instalment for which the said certificates were issued: provided, always, that, in case a premium of five per centum, or exceeding five per centum, may be obtained upon any loan required for any instalment as aforesaid, that, then, and in that case, it shall be the duty of the said treasurer, with the advice and consent of the governor and council, as aforesaid, to elect the first alternative, as hereinbefore provided: And provided furthermore, and it is hereby enacted, That, upon the adoption of either alternative, a capital equal to ten per centum, at the least, on the gross amount of each loan, shall be made from any unappropriated money in the treasury, and the same shall be invested in some safe and productive stock, as aforesaid; and the interest, dividends, or profits, arising therefrom, shall be reinvested, as aforesaid, for the eventual redemption of each of the said loans, to be negotiated for as aforesaid.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That any act or acts, repugnant to, or inconsistent herewith, be, and the same are hereby, repealed.
We hereby certify the aforegoing to be a true copy from the original act, which passed both branches of the legislature of Maryland at their December session, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven.
Given under our hands, at the city of Annapolis, this third day of March, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight.
President of the Senate of Maryland.
Speaker of the House of Delegates.