United States Statutes at Large/Volume 45/70th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 123
[H.R. Res. 8292.]
[Pub. No.91.]
Chap. 123.—An Act To reserve one hundred and twenty acres on the public domain for the use and benefit of the Koosharem Band of Indians residing in the vicinity of Koosharem, Utah.
Public Lands.
Designated lands in Utah reserved for Koosharem Indians.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That one hundred
and twenty acres of land described as the west half southwest quarter and southwest quarter northeast quarter section 9, township 27 south, range 1 west, Salt Lake meridian, Utah, be, and the same is, hereby reserved for the sole use and occupancy of the Koosharem Band of Indians in Utah, provided that the rights and claims of any bona fide settler initiated under the public land laws prior to November 5, 1927, the date of withdrawal of the lands, from all form of entry, shall not be affected by this Act.
Approved, March 3, 1928.