United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/24th Congress/1st Session/Resolution 9

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3593961United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Fourth Congress, First Session, Resolution No. 9United States Congress

June 23, 1836.

No. 9. A Resolution referring the petition and papers of the heirs of Robert Fulton, deceased, to the Secretary of the Navy, to report thereon to Congress.

Moneys paid to Robert Fulton to be debited to his heirs.Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the petition and papers of the heirs of Robert Fulton, be referred to the Secretary of the Navy, to state an account between the United States and said heirs, by debiting them with all the moneys paid to the said Robert Fulton, and not settled on the books of the Treasury Department.

Moneys expended by R. F. for the U. S. to be credited.Second. To credit the said heirs with all moneys advanced or expended by the said Fulton, in and about the business of the United States, committed to his care, or about which he had an agency.

A compensation commensurate with the value of his system of harbor defence to be allowed.Third. To credit the said heirs a compensation commensurate with the value and importance of the services rendered by the said Robert Fulton, to the United States, in inventing a system of coast and harbor defence, and in testing its utility so far as he was employed or engaged to render such services by the authorities of the United States, or when such services were recognised as having been rendered for the United States, previous to, or during, the late war with Great Britain.

Compensation for inventing and superintending steam frigate.Fourth. To credit the said heirs with the like compensation, for the services of the said Robert Fulton, for inventing and in superintending the construction of a steam frigate, at New York, during and after said war.

Allowance to be made for detention of the Vesuvius.Fifth. To credit the said heirs with a just and equitable compensation, for the detention of the steam-boat Vesuvius, at New Orleans, from the thirtieth of December, eighteen hundred and fourteen, to the twelfth of March, eighteen hundred and fifteen, both days inclusive, being the time the said boat remained aground by reason of her being impressed into the service of the United States, and grounded when in said service.

Secretary of Navy may take further testimony, &c. relating to a suit in favor of the United States, and report to Congress.Sec. 2. Be it further resolved, That the said Secretary of the Navy be authorized to take such further testimony as he shall think necessary, and that he ascertain what defence was made to the suit in favor of the United States, against the representatives of Robert Fulton in the southern district of New York, and what composed the items of set-off to the claim of the United States; and that said Secretary report his proceedings at the next session of Congress.

Approved, June 23, 1836.