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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/25th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 171

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Twenty-Fifth Congress, Second Session, Chapter 171
3802089United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Fifth Congress, Second Session, Chapter 171United States Congress

July 7, 1838.

Chap. CLXXI.An Act to provide for certain harbors and for the removal of obstructions in and at the mouths of certain rivers, and for other purposes, during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for carrying on and completing certain works heretofore commenced, viz:

Chicago harbor.For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Chicago, Illinois, thirty thousand dollars;

Michigan City harbor.For continuing the construction of a harbor at Michigan City, Indiana, sixty thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and fifty-nine cents;

St. Joseph pier or breakwater.For continuing the construction of a pier or breakwater at the mouth of the river Saint Joseph, Michigan, fifty-one thousand one hundred and thirteen dollars;

Harbor near the mouth of the river Raisin.For the continuation of the works at the harbor near the mouth of the river Raisin, Michigan, fifteen thousand dollars;

Harbor at the mouth of Black river.For continuing the improvement of the harbor at the mouth of Black river, in Jefferson county, State of New York, twenty-two thousand four hundred and one dollars;

Whitehall harbor.For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Whitehall, in the State of New York, fifteen thousand dollars;

Genesee river.For continuing the improvement of the channel at the mouth of Genesee river, in the State of New York, twenty-five thousand dollars;

Black river.For continuing the removal of obstructions at Black river, Ohio, five thousand dollars;

Huron river.For continuing the removal of obstructions at the mouth of the Huron river, in Ohio, five thousand dollars;

Vermillion river.For continuing the improvement of the navigation at the mouth of Vermillion river, Ohio, twenty-three thousand six hundred and twenty-six dollars and fifty-seven cents;

Cleaveland harbor.For continuing the improvement of Cleaveland harbor, Ohio, fifty-one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six dollars;

Cunningham creek.For continuing the removal of obstructions at Cunningham creek, Ohio, five thousand dollars;

Ashtabula creek.For continuing the removal of obstructions at Ashtabula creek, Ohio, eight thousand dollars;

Conneaut creek.For continuing the removal of obstructions at Conneaut creek, Ohio, eight thousand dollars;

Presque isle harbor.For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Presque isle, Pennsylvania, thirty thousand dollars;

Dunkirk harbor.For continuing the improvement of Dunkirk harbor, New York, ten thousand dollars;

Portland harbor, N. Y.For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Portland, Lake Erie, New York, thirty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-six dollars;

Cattaraugus creek harbor.For continuing the improvement of the harbor at Cattaraugus creek, Lake Erie, New York, thirty-two thousand four hundred and ten dollars;

Salmon river harbor.For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Salmon river, Lake Ontario, New York, thirty thousand dollars;

Plattsburg breakwater.For continuing the construction of a breakwater at Plattsburg, New York, twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars;

Oak Orchard creek harbor.For continuing the improvement of the harbor at the mouth of Oak Orchard creek, New York, five thousand dollars;

Pier at Kennebunk.For continuing the pier at Kennebunk, Maine, eight thousand dollars;

Big Sodus bay.For continuing the improvement of Big Sodus bay, New York, ten thousand dollars;

Oswego harbor.For continuing the pier and mole at Oswego harbor, New York, forty-six thousand and sixty-seven dollars;

Breakwater at Burlington.For continuing the construction of a breakwater at Burlington, Vermont, fifty thousand dollars;

Breakwater on Stanford’s Ledge.For continuing the breakwater on Stanford’s Ledge, Portland harbor, Maine, twenty-six thousand three hundred and sixty-six dollars;

Breakwater at Hyannis.For continuing the breakwater at Hyannis harbor, Massachusetts, eight thousand seven hundred and sixty-four dollars;

Brekawater at Sandy Bay.For continuing the breakwater at Sandy Bay, Massachusetts, twenty thousand dollars;

River Thames.For continuing the improvement of the channel of the river Thames, leading into Norwich harbor, Connecticut, ten thousand dollars;

Westport harbor.For improving the harbor of Westport, Connecticut, four thousand seven hundred and eighty-two dollars;

Hudson river.For continuing the improvement of the navigation of the Hudson river, above and below Albany, in the State of New York, one hundred thousand dollars; to be expended according to the plan and estimate recommended by the Secretary of War;

Wilmington harbor.For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Wilmington, Delaware, nine thousand three hundred and fifty-six dollars;

New Castle harbor.For continuing the improvement of the harbor of New Castle, Delaware, eleven thousand five hundred and seventy-three dollars;

Delaware breakwater.For continuing the Delaware breakwater, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars;

Baltimore harbor.For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Baltimore, Maryland, twenty thousand dollars;

Cape Fear river.For continuing the improvement of the navigation of Cape Fear river, below Wilmington, North Carolina, twenty thousand dollars;

For opening a passage of fifty yards wide, and seven feet deep, at low Opening passage between Beaufort and Pamlico sound.water, between the town of Beaufort and Pamlico sound, North Carolina, and for improving New river, twenty-five thousand dollars;

Tar river.For continuing the improvement of Pamlico, or Tar river, below Washington, North Carolina, five thousand dollars;

Inland channel between St. Mary’s and St. John’s.For continuing the improvements of the inland channel between St. Mary’s and St. John’s, Florida, twenty-nine thousand dollars;

Dog river bar and Choctaw pass.For continuing the improvements at Dog river bar, and Choctaw pass, in Mobile harbor, fifty thousand dollars;

Cumberland river.For continuing the improvement of the Cumberland river, in Kentucky and Tennessee, below Nashville, twenty thousand dollars;

Ohio river.For continuing the improvement of the Ohio river, between the falls and Pittsburgh, fifty thousand dollars;

Ohio and Mississippi rivers.For continuing the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, from Louisville to New Orleans, seventy thousand dollars;

Mississippi and Missouri rivers.For continuing the improvement of the Mississippi river, above the mouth of the Ohio, and of the Missouri river, twenty thousand dollars;

Grand river.For continuing the removal of obstructions in Grand river, Ohio, ten thousand dollars;

Works at Buffalo harbor, &c.For continuing the works at Buffalo harbor, twenty thousand five hundred dollars; and for erecting a mount of sea-wall along the peninsula which separates Lake Erie from Buffalo creek, to prevent the influx at the lake over said peninsula, forty-eight thousand dollars;

Plymouth beach.For continuing the preservation of Plymouth beach, two thousand four hundred dollars;

Provincetown harbor.For continuing the preservation of Provincetown harbor, four thousand five hundred dollars;

Rainsford island.For continuing the preservation of Rainsford island, seven thousand three hundred and fifty-three dollars;

Fairweather island.For continuing the sea-wall for the preservation of Fairweather island, and repairing the breakwater near Black Rock harbor, Connecticut, eleven thousand five hundred and fifty dollars;

Harbor at the mouth of Bass river.For continuing the improvement of the harbor at the mouth of Bass river, Massachusetts, ten thousand dollars;

Breakwater of Church’s cove.For continuing the breakwater of Church’s cove, town of Little Compton, Rhode Island, eighteen thousand dollars;

Little Egg harbor.For the protection and improvement of Little Egg harbor, ten thousand dollars;

Entrances of Dismal Swamp canal.For improving the natural channels at the northern and southern entrances of the Dismal Swamp canal, ten thousand dollars;

Savannah river.For the improvement of the navigation of Savannah river, Georgia, fifteen thousand dollars;

Arkansas river.For the improvement of the Arkansas river, forty thousand dollars;

Removal of sand-bar in New Bedford harbor.
1836, ch. 363.
For removing the sandb-bar occasioned by the wreck in the harbor of New Bedford, the unexpended balance of an appropriation of ten thousand dollars, made July four, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, being seven thousand six hundred and ninety-one dollars and thirty-seven cents.

Deepening of shoal in Appalachicola harbor, &c.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the appropriation heretofore made of ten thousand dollars, for removing the mud shoal, called the Bulkhead, in the harbor of Appalachicola, be, and the same is hereby, transferred to the deepening of the straight channel in the same harbor.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That of the several sums appropriated by the first section of this act, which exceed twelve thousand dollars each, one half thereof, if the public service require it,Disposal of appropriations. shall be paid out during the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, to be applied to the objects as above specified, and the other half in like manner, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.

Approved, July 7, 1838.