United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/26th Congress/1st Session/Chapter 54

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Twenty-Sixth Congress, First Session, Chapter 54
3876542United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Sixth Congress, First Session, Chapter 54United States Congress

July 20, 1840.

Chap. LIV.An Act making appropriations for the support of the army for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the army during the year one thousand eight hundred and forty, viz:

Pay.For the pay of the army, one million one hundred and seventy-two thousand and twenty-eight dollars;

Subsistence of officers.For subsistence of officers, five hundred and fourteen thousand four hundred and eighty-nine dollars;

Forage of officers’ horses.For forage of officers’ horses, one hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and seventy-one dollars;

Payments in lieu of clothing.For payments in lieu of clothing not drawn in kind, eighty thousand and thirty dollars.

Subsistence.For subsistence, exclusive of that of officers, five hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and ninety-two dollars;

Clothing, &c.For clothing of the army, camp and garrison equipage, cooking utensils and hospital furniture, four hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and thirty-five dollars and sixty-seven cents;

Medical and hospital department.For the medical and hospital department, thirty-eight thousand dollars;

Quartermaster’s departm’t.For the regular supplies furnished by the Quartermaster’s department, consisting of fuel, forage, straw, stationery, and printing, two hundred and seventy-one thousand dollars;

Barracks, &c.For barracks, quarters, and storehouses, embracing the repairs and enlargement of barracks, quarters, storehouses and hospitals at the several posts; the erection of temporary cantonments and gun-houses for the protection of the cannon at the forts on the sea-board; for the purchase of necessary tools and materials, and of the authorized furniture for the barrack rooms; rent of quarters for officers; of barracks for troops where there are no public buildings for their accommodation; of storehouses for the safe-keeping of subsistence, clothing, and other military supplies, and of grounds for summer cantonments, encampments and military practice, one hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars;

Transportation of officers’ baggage.For transportation of officers’ baggage when travelling on duty without troops, sixty-five thousand dollars;

Transportation of troops and supplies.For transportation of troops and supplies, viz: transportation of the army, including the baggage of troops; freight and ferriages; purchase or hire of horses, mules, oxen, carts, wagons, and boats, for the purpose of transportation or for garrison use; drayage and cartage at the several posts; hire of teamsters; transportation of funds for the pay department; expense of transport vessels, and of procuring water at such posts as from their situation require it; transportation of clothing from the depot at Philadelphia to the stations of the troops, of subsistence from the places of purchase and delivery under contracts to such points as the circumstances of the service may require; of ordnance, ordnance stores, and arms, from the foundries and arsenals to the fortifications and frontier posts, and of lead from the mines to the several arsenals, two hundred and eighty-seven thousand dollars;

Quartermaster’s department.
Act of March 2, 1819, ch. 45.
For the incidental expenses of the Quartermaster’s department, consisting of postage on public letters and packets, expenses of courts-martial and courts of inquiry, including the compensation of judges advocate, members and witnesses; extra pay to solders under act of March second, eighteen hundred and nineteen; expenses of expresses from the frontier posts; of the necessary articles for the interment of non-commissioned officers and soldiers; hire or laborers, compensation of clerks in the offices of quartermasters and assistant quartermasters at posts where their duties cannot be performed without such aid, and to temporary agents in charge of dismantled works, and in the performance of other duties; expenditures necessary to keep the two regiments of dragoons complete, including the purchase of horses, to supply the place of those which may be lost and become unfit for service, and the erection of the necessary stables, one hundred and twenty-one thousand dollars;

Contingencies.For contingencies of the army, seven thousand dollars;

Extra pay.For extra pay to re-enlisted soldiers, and for contingent expenses of the recruiting service, forty-seven thousand one hundred and sixty-three dollars and twenty-seven cents;

National armories.For the national armories, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars;

Armament of fortifications.For the armament of the fortifications, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars;

Ordnance service.For the current expenses of the ordnance service, one hundred thousand dollars;

Ordnance, &c.For ordnance, ordnance stores and supplies, one hundred thousand dollars;

Arsenals.For arsenals, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars;

Springfield armory.For repairs and improvements at Springfield armory, ten thousand five hundred dollars;

Harper’s Ferry armory.For repairs and improvements at the Harper’s Ferry armory, fifty thousand dollars;

Saltpetre and brimstone.For the purchase of saltpetre and brimstone, forty thousand dollars;

Drawings, &c.For the expense of preparing drawings of a uniform system of artillery, and for other supplies in the ordnance department, three thousand dollars;

Barracks, &c. at Fort Leavenworth.For continuing the barracks, quarters, &c., at Fort Leavenworth, thirty thousand dollars;

Fort Wayne.For continuing the barracks, quarters, &c., at Fort Wayne, twenty thousand dollars;

Fort Smith.For continuing the barracks, quarters, &c., at Fort Smith, fifty thousand dollars;

Plattsburg.For continuing the barracks, quarters, &c., at Plattsburg, twenty thousand dollars;

Fort Jessup.For continuing the barracks, quarters, &c., at Fort Jessup, ten thousand dollars;

Arsenals.For repairs of arsenals damaged by storms and fire, the sum of nineteen thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine dollars;

Preventing and suppressing hostilities in Florida.
1836, ch. 44.
1836, ch. 254.
For preventing and suppressing hostilities in Florida, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, conformably to the acts of Congress of the nineteenth of March, and the second of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and the acts therein referred to, viz: For forage for the horses of the mounted volunteers and militia, and for the horses, mules, and oxen in the service of the trains; for freight or transportation of military supplies of every description, from the places of purchase to Florida; for the purchase of wagons, harness, boats, and lighters, and other vessels, of horses, mules, and oxen, to keep up the trains, tools, leather, and other materials for repairs, transportation within Florida, including the hire of steamboats and other vessels for service in the rivers and on the coasts, and the expenses of maintaining the several steamboats and transport schooners connected with the operations of the army; hire of mechanics, laborers, mule drivers, teamsters, and other assistants, including their subsistence; for miscellaneous and contingent charges, and for arrearages in eighteen hundred and thirty-five, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, and eighteen hundred and forty, three hundred thousand dollars. For an outfit of a ChargéChargé d’affaires to Texas.
Public store at custom-house in Philadelphia.
d’Affaires to the Republic of Texas, four thousand five hundred dollars. For repairing the roof to the public store at the custom-house in the city of Philadelphia, or for new roofing the same with copper, as shall be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, after causing careful surveys of the condition of the said building to be made, a sum not to exceed three thousand two hundred dollars.Commissioner of Iowa for ascertaining, &c. southern boundary thereof.
1838, ch. 116.
For the pay of the commissioner appointed by the Governor of the Territory of Iowa to act on the part of that Territory, in conjunction with the commissioner appointed by the United States, in ascertaining, running and marking, the southern boundary line of the said Territory, in conformity with the act of Congress of the eighteenth of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, the sum of one thousand and ninety-six dollars. For the payment of expenses incurred under the direction of theShelves, &c. in committee rooms of the capitol. Joint Committee on the Library, in the erection of shelves and book-cases in the committee rooms of the Capitol, for the reception of books and documents to be transferred from the Library to the several committee rooms, a sum not to exceed one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For the purpose of enabling the Secretaries of the War and Navy Departments to place in a state of safePreservation of specimens of natural history. preservation the specimens of natural history which are now deposited in their respective offices, or which may be brought there resulting from surveys of the unexplored portions of our own country, or from the exploring expedition now in the South Seas, by the authority, and at the expense of the United States, or otherwise, a sum not to exceed five hundred dollars.

Boundary between Michigan and Wisconsin.
Act of June 12, 1838, ch. 101.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum of three thousand dollars, appropriated by the act of Congress of the twelfth of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, to ascertain and designate the boundary line between the State of Michigan and the Territory of Wisconsin be, and the same is hereby, reappropriated to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War for the accomplishment of the same object.

The President authorized to postpone certain appropriations.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in case of a deficiency of receipts of revenue from customs, or lands, or other sources, or of a failure on the part of the late deposite banks or of the Bank of the United States of Pennsylvania to pay the debts due from them, or to become due in the course of the present year, or if, from many other cause, the means of the Treasury shall not be sufficient to meet all the appropriations made by Congress, the President of the United States shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to postpone the expenditures under the following heads of appropriation embraced in this act, viz: “for barracks, quarters, and storehouses,” &c.; “for the national armories;” “for armament of fortifications;” “for the current expenses of the ordnance service;” “for ordnance stores and supplies;” “for arsenals;” “for repairs and improvements at the Springfield armory;” “for repairs and improvements at the Harper’s Ferry armory;” “for the purchase of saltpetre and brimstone;” “for continuing the barracks, quarters, &c. at Fort Leavenworth;” “at Fort Wayne;” “at Fort Smith;” “at Plattsburgh;” and “at Fort Jessup;” or such and so many of them, or such proportions of each, as in his judgment, after careful examination and inquiry, the condition of the Treasury shall demand, and the public interests will best permit; such postponements in each case, to be merely temporary, or until the close of the next session of Congress, as the means of the Treasury and the prospect of accruing revenue shall warrant, and as shall be most in accordance with the public interests involved.

Approved, July 20, 1840.