United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/27th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 192
Chap. CXCII.—An Act for the payment of Florida militia called into service in the years eighteen hundred and thirty-nine and eighteen hundred and forty.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Claims of Florida militia, in 1839 and 1840, to be adjusted. That the proper accounting officers of the War Department be, and they are hereby, directed to examine and adjust the claims for pay of Lieutenant Colonel Bailey and staff, Major Bailey and staff, the officers of the quartermaster’s department, and the companies of Captains Grigsby, Hagan, McIvers, Langford, Hall, Burney, and Bailey, all of the Florida militia, called into service in the years eighteen hundred and thirty-nine and eighteen hundred and forty, as if they had been regularly called out and mustered: Provided,Proviso, only such as have been called itno service by the War Dep’t.
All other claims growing out of such service to be rejected. That none of the troops herein specified shall be paid but such as the Secretary of War may consider to have been called into service under authority from said Department; and that no payment shall be made to any of the officers but such as were in proper proportion to the number of men in service, according to the existing laws, and for none of the supplies beyond the proportion, or not of the description, authorized by existing laws and regulations; and that the said accounting officers be further directed to settle and adjust all claims growing out of said service in the quartermaster’s department, the subsistence department, for ordnance supplies, and supplies of the medical department and private physicians.
Sec. of War. to direct the payment, provided they do not exceed the sums named.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be authorized to direct the payment of the accounts so settled and adjusted by the said accounting officers, provided the whole amount of pay shall not exceed the sum of seventy thousand six hundred and eighteen dollars and six cents; for the quartermaster’s department, shall not exceed the sum of fifty-six thousand dollars; for subsistence shall not exceed thirty-two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two dollars and ninety-six cents; for ordnance supplies, shall not exceed one thousand seven hundred and one dollars and eighteen cents; and for private physicians and medicine, shall not exceed five thousand dollars;Appropriation. and that, for the payments aforesaid, a sum not exceeding one hundred and sixty-six thousand two hundred and forty-two dollars and twenty cents be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Approved, August 23, 1842.