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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/27th Congress/2nd Session/Chapter 64

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, Second Session, Chapter 64
4009751United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, Second Session, Chapter 64United States Congress

July 17, 1842.

Chap. LXIV.An Act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Appropriations. That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, for the purpose of paying the current expenses of the Indian department, fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, and contingent expenses, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

For the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, viz:

Pay of superintendent and agents.
1834, ch. 162.
1837, ch. 31.
For the pay of the superintendent of Indian affairs at St. Louis, and the several Indian agents, as provided by the acts of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and of March third, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars.

1834, ch. 162.
For the pay of sub-agents authorized by the act of June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, thirteen thousand dollars.

Interpreters.For the pay of interpreters, as authorized by the same act, eleven thousand three hundred dollars.

Clerk in office of superintendent south of the Missouri.For the salary of one clerk in the office of the superintendent of Indian affairs south of the Missouri river, one thousand dollars.

Clerks.For the salary of two clerks, in the office of the commissioner of Indian affairs, employed in the business of grants and reservations under Indian treaties, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Provisions for Indians.For the purchase of provisions of Indians, at the distribution of annuities, while on visits of business with the superintendents and agents, and when assembled on public business, eleven thousand eight hundred dollars.

Buildings at the agencies.For the necessary buildings required at the several agencies, and repairs thereof, two thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses.For postages, rents, stationery, fuel for offices, and other contingencies of the Indian department, and for transportation and incidental expenses, thirty-six thousand five hundred dollars.

Fulfilling Indian treaties.For carrying into effect the stipulations of certain Indian treaties, and the laws connected therewith, viz:

For fulfilling treaty with the Christian Indians, four hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas of the Mississippi, thirty-five thousand dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas of Saganaw, five thousand eight hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Chippewas, Menomonies, Winnebagoes, and New York Indians, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas, Ottowas, and Pottawatamies, thirty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Choctaws, forty-nine thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Creeks, sixty three thousand nine hundred and forty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Chickasaws, six thousand dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Cherokees, five thousand six hundred and forty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Delawares, ten thousand three hundred and forty-four dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Florida Indians, six thousand six hundred and ten dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Iowas, seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Kickapoos, five thousand five hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Kanzas, six thousand and forty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Miamies, fifty-two thousand three hundred and ninety-eight dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Eel Rivers, (Miamies,) one thousand one hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Menomonies, thirty-one thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Omahas, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Ottawas and Chippewas, sixty-two thousand three hundred and sixty-five dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Ottoes and Missourias, five thousand six hundred and forty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Osages, thirty-four thousand four hundred and six dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Ottawas, four thousand three hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Pottawatamies, fifteen thousand two hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Pottawatamies of Huron, four hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Pottawatamies of the Prairie, fifteen thousand four hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Pottawatamies of Wabash, twenty thousand dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Pottawatamies of Indiana, seventeen thousand dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Piankeshaws, eight hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Pawnees, nine thousand six hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Quapaws, four thousand six hundred and sixty dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Six Nations of New York, four thousand five hundred dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Senecas of New York, six thousand dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Sioux of the Mississippi, forty thousand five hundred and ten dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Yancton and Santie Sioux, one thousand three hundred and forty dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Sacs and Foxes of Missouri, seven thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Sacs and Foxes of Mississippi, forty-eight thousand five hundred and forty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Shawnees, seven thousand one hundred and eighty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Senecas and Shawnees, two thousand and sixty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Senecas, two thousand six hundred and sixty dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Wyandots, six thousand eight hundred and forty dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Weas, three thousand dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Wyandots, Munsees, and Delawares, one thousand dollars.

For fulfilling treaties with the Winnebagoes, ninety-two thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars.

For fulfilling treaty with the Miamies of twenty-eighth November, eighteen hundred and forty, three hundred and eighty-three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Medals.To enable the Secretary of War to procure medals to be distributed among the chiefs and leading men of the Indians, two thousand five hundred dollars.

Expenses of negotiations with Sac and Fox, Winnebago and Sioux Indians.To cover expenses incurred by the commissioners in holding treaties with the Sac and Fox, Winnebago and Sioux Indians, over and above the sum of five thousand dollars appropriated last year, and to meet the expenses of further negotiations with the two former tribes, viz. the Sac and Fox, and Winnebagoes, six thousand two hundred dollars.

Expenses of treating with the Camanches, &c.
For this sum, in addition to the appropriation per act of eighteen hundred and thirty-five, for the expenses of treating with the Camanches and other wild tribes of the Western tribes, eight hundred and seventy-eight dollars and fifty-five cents: Provided, That no part of the money appropriated by this act, shall be applied to the payment of any salary or other compensation to, or on account of, any officer or office, unless the same has been created by law or treaties, or is specifically provided for in the appropriations in this act:Further proviso. Provided, further, That the commissioners appointed to negotiate treaties with the Indian tribes shall not be allowed more than ten cents per mile for travelling on the most direct route to and from his residence to the place of making the treaties, and eight dollars per day while engaged in making said treaties.

Approved, July 17, 1842.