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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/27th Congress/3rd Session/Chapter 100

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5
United States Congress
Public Acts of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, Third Session, Chapter 100
4052077United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, Third Session, Chapter 100United States Congress

March 3, 1843.

Chap. C.An Act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and forty-four.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Appropriations. That the following sums be, and hereby are, appropriated to the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, namely:

Congress.For compensation and mileage of Senators and members of the House of Representatives and delegates from the Territories, six hundred and thirty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty dollars;

Officers of the Senate and H. of Reps.For compensation of the officers and clerks of the Senate and House of Representatives, thirty-nine thousand five hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents;

Contingent expenses.For stationery, fuel, printing, and all other incidental and contingent expenses of the Senate, sixty thousand dollars;

For stationery, fuel, printing, and all other incidental and contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars: Provided, That nothing in any resolution of either House of Congress shall prevent the settlement and payment of the bills for the printing of the two Houses of congress, agreeablyVol. 3, p. 538. to the prices established by the joint resolution of March 3d, 1819;

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said library, eight hundred dollars;

Purchase of books.For purchase of books for said library, five thousand dollars;

Laying floor.
Sale of old furniture.
For laying floor of principal library room with hydraulic cement, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; and the librarian is hereby authorized to sell, at public auction, any portion of the old and useless furniture of the library rooms, and pay the proceeds thereof into the treasury of the United States;

President of the United States.For compensation of the President of the United States, twenty-five thousand dollars.

State Department.
Secretary, &c.
Department of State.―For compensation of the Secretary of State, and the clerks, messenger and assistant messenger, in his department, twenty-six thousand three hundred dollars;

For the contingent expenses of said department, viz:

Contingent expenses, including printing of laws, &c.For publishing, packing, and distributing the laws, and packing and distributing documents, including proof-reading, labor, boxes, and transportation, nine thousand dollars;

For stationery, blank books, and book-binding, two thousand dollars;

For labor and attendance, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For furniture and fixtures, repairs, painting, and glazing, one thousand eight hundred dollars;

For extra clerk hire and copying, two thousand dollars;

For printing, letter-press and copperplate, and advertising, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For newspapers, two hundred dollars,

For books and maps, one thousand dollars;

Payment for printing census documents.For the payment of all claims which Thomas Allen has against the United States for printing twenty thousand copies of “The Compendium or Abridgment of the Sixth Census, by counties and principal towns, together with the tables of apportionment as prepared at the State Department for the use of Congress,” the sum of fifteen thousand eight hundred and forty-nine dollars and sixty-four cents; and for the payment of all claims which Blair and Rives have against the United States for printing ten thousand copies of the same document, eight thousand nine hundred and twenty-four dollars and eighty-two cents: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prejudice any future application to Congress, for further compensation for said works;

1842, ch. 202.
For miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars: Provided, That nothing contained in the fifteenth and sixteenth sections of the act entitled “An act legalizing and making appropriations for such necessary objects as have been usually included in the general appropriation bills without authority of law, and to fix and provide for certain incidental expenses of the departments and offices of the Government, and for other purposes,” shall be deemed to apply to the contingent fund appropriated to the State Department for the calendar year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and for the half calendar year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three;

Distribution of census.To defray the expenses of distributing the remaining numbers of the Census and Statistics, according to a resolution of Congress, two thousand five hundred dollars;

Biennial register.For compiling, printing and binding the Biennial Register, three thousand dollars;

N. E. executive building.For compensation of the superintendent and three watchmen of the northeast executive building, one thousand three hundred and forty-five dollars;

For contingent expenses of said building, viz:

For labor, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For fuel and light, one thousand four hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, seven hundred dollars;

Treasury Department.
Secretary, &c.
Treasury Department.―For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the clerks, messenger and assistant messenger, in his office, twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars;

First Comptroller, &c.For compensation of the First Comptroller, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, twenty-two thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars,

Second Comptroller, &c.For compensation of the Second Comptroller, and the clerks and messenger in his office, fifteen thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;

1st auditor, &c.For compensation of the First Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, nineteen thousand nine hundred dollars;

2d Auditor, &c.For compensation of the Second Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, twenty thousand nine hundred dollars;

3d Auditor, &c.For compensation to the Third Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, thirty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty dollars;

4th Auditor, &c.For compensation of the Fourth Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, twenty thousand one hundred and fifty dollars;

5th Auditor, &c.For compensation of the Fifth Auditor, and the clerks and messenger in his office, fourteen thousand eight hundred dollars;

Treasurer, &c.For compensation of the Treasurer of the United States, and the clerks and messenger in his office, thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars;

Register, &c.For compensation of the Register of the Treasury, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, twenty-eight thousand six hundred dollars;

Commiss’r of General Land Office, &c.For compensation of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, and the recorder, solicitor, draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, clerks, messengers, and packers, in his office, ninety-eight thousand five hundred dollars;

Solicitor, &c.For compensation of the Solicitor of the Treasury, and the clerks and messenger in his office, twelve thousand four hundred dollars;

Contingent expenses in the office of the Secretary.For the incidental and contingent expenses of the Treasury Department, viz:

Secretary.In the office of the Secretary of the Treasury:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, three thousand five hundred dollars;

For newspapers and periodicals, one hundred dollars;

For labor, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For printing, (including the printing of the public accounts,) two thousand five hundred and fifty dollars;

For sealing ship registers, one hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, seven hundred dollars;

For translating foreign languages, one hundred and fifty dollars.

First Comptroller.In the office of the First Comptroller:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, one thousand dollars;

For payment of arrears for binding and printing, incurred previous to the year eighteen hundred and forty-two, seven hundred dollars;

For paying for the printing of circulars and forms under the late tariff act, six hundred dollars;

For labor, four hundred and fifty dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, two hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, four hundred dollars.

Second Comptroller.In the office of the Second Comptroller:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, seven hundred dollars;

For labor, two hundred dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, four hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, two hundred dollars.

1st Auditor.In the office of the First Auditor:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, five hundred dollars;

For assistant messenger, three hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and fifty dollars.

2d Auditor.In the office of the Second Auditor:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, four hundred and fifty dollars;

For labor, two hundred and fifty dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, including printing blanks, and one hundred dollars for carpets and other indispensable furniture, two hundred and fifty dollars.

3d Auditor.In the office of the Third Auditor:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, three hundred dollars;

For labor, two hundred and fifty dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, three hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and fifty dollars.

4th Auditor.In the office of the Fourth Auditor:

For blank books, binding and stationery, six hundred dollars;

For labor, fifty dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, one hundred dollars;

For printing, fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, two hundred dollars.

5th Auditor.In the office of the Fifth Auditor:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, three hundred and twenty-five dollars;

For labor, one hundred and twenty-five dollars;

For extra clerk-hire, fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Treasurer.In the Treasurer’s office:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, five hundred dollars;

For labor, three hundred and seventy-five dollars;

For printing, seven hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, three hundred and fifty dollars.

Solicitor.In the Solicitor’s office:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, six hundred dollars;

For printing circulars, blank forms for returns of district attorneys, marshals, clerks of courts, and collectors of the customs, three hundred dollars;

For labor, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, two hundred dollars;

Register.In the Register’s office:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, one thousand dollars;

For labor, three hundred and fifty dollars;

For printing, five hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars;

For arrears for eighteen hundred and forty-two, for blank books, binding, and stationery, four hundred and ninety-one dollars and fifteen cents;

For arrears for eighteen hundred and forty-two, for printing, seven hundred and twenty-six dollars and twenty-six cents.

General Land Office.In the General Land Office:

For stationery, including blank books, and blank forms for the district land offices, seven thousand five hundred dollars;

For fifty thousand pieces of parchment and printing patents, seven thousand three hundred and fifty dollars;

For advertising land sales in newspapers, and in hand-bill form, public notices, and printing circulars, four thousand dollars;

For office furniture and repairs of the same, one thousand two hundred dollars;

For pay of laborers employed in the office, five hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, seven hundred and eighty dollars;

S. C. Davidson.For compensation to Samuel C. Davidson, for carrying mails of the General Land Office to and from the city post office, from the nineteenth of May to the sixth of September, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, forty-five dollars and sixty-one cents.

S. E. executive building.For compensation of the superintendent and eight watchmen of the southeast executive building, three thousand four hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said building, viz:

For labor, two thousand two hundred dollars;

For fuel and light, three thousand seven hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one thousand seven hundred dollars;

Custom-house at Wilmington, N. C.For the purchase of a site and the commencement of the building of custom-house, at Wilmington, North Carolina, in addition to the proceeds of the sale of the present site, if the Secretary of the Treasury shall deem it proper to change the site, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That the plan of the building shall be such, that the whole cost, both of building and site, shall not exceed the sum of forty thousand dollars.

War Department.
Office of Secretary.
War Department.―For compensation of the Secretary of War, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, nineteen thousand three hundred and fifty dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, viz.:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, six hundred dollars;

For newspapers and periodicals, two hundred and fifty dollars;

For labor, three hundred dollars;

For printing, three hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, five hundred and fifty dollars;

For books, maps, and plans, one thousand dollars;

For extra clerk hire, three thousand dollars;

For arrears for newspapers and periodicals, prior to the twenty-sixth August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, two hundred and fifty dollars;

Commissioner of Ind. affairs.For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office nineteen thousand four hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, viz.:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, six hundred dollars;

For labor, fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, eight hundred and fifty dollars;

Commissioner of Pensions.For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, and the clerks, and messengers, in his office, and including five hundred dollars for the half calendar year, ending thirtieth June, sixteen thousand dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, viz.:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, five hundred dollars;

For printing, four hundred dollars;

For fuel, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, four hundred and fifty dollars;

Commanding General.For compensation of the clerk and messenger in the office of the Commanding General, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, for said office, three hundred dollars;

Adjutant General.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Adjutant General, seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, viz.:

For printing Army Register and orders, four hundred dollars;

For blank books, binding, and stationery, three hundred dollars;

For extra clerk hire, one hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, including five hundred and ninety-six dollars and sixteen cents, unexpended balance of former appropriations, six hundred dollars;

Quartermaster General.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Quartermaster General, seven thousand three hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, viz.:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, five hundred dollars;

For labor, two hundred dollars;

For printing, two hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars;

Paymaster General.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Paymaster General, seven thousand one hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, viz.:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, two hundred dollars;

For fuel, one hundred and twenty-five dollars;

For miscellaneous items, four hundred dollars;

Clothing and Equipage.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of clothing and equipage at Philadelphia, four thousand two hundred dollars;

Comm’y Gen. of Subsistence.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Commissary General of Subsistence, five thousand three hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, viz:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, two hundred dollars;

For extra clerk hire, two hundred dollars;

For printing and advertising, eight hundred dollars;

For labor, one hundred dollars;

For fuel, one hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, three hundred dollars;

Chief Engineer.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Chief Engineer, five thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, viz.:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, six hundred dollars;

For printing, one hundred dollars;

For fuel, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, fifty dollars;

Surgeon General.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Surgeon General, two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, viz.:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, two hundred dollars;

For printing, fifty dollars;

For fuel, seventy-five dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and fifty dollars.

Colonel of Ordnance.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Colonel of Ordnance, eight thousand six hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, viz:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, four hundred and fifty dollars;

For printing, eighty dollars;

For fuel, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and fifty dollars;

Topographical Engineers.For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the bureau of Topographical Engineers, four thousand nine hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said bureau, viz:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, four hundred dollars.

For labor, one hundred dollars;

For fuel, two hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, five hundred dollars.

N. W. executive building.For compensation of the superintendent and four watchmen of the northwest executive building, one thousand seven hundred and ten dollars.

For contingent expenses of said building, viz:

For labor, four hundred dollars;

For fuel and light, two thousand dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one thousand six hundred dollars.

Navy Department.
Secretary’s office.
Navy Department.―For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, nineteen thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, viz:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, eight hundred dollars:

For extra clerk hire, four thousand dollars;

For printing, three hundred dollars;

For labor, three hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, three hundred and fifty dollars;

For newspapers and periodicals, two hundred dollars;

For payment of sundry bills for stationery and newspapers for eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, eighteen hundred and forty, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and eighteen hundred and forty-two, seven hundred dollars.

Bureau of Navy-yards and Docks.For compensation of the chief of bureau of Navy-yards and Docks, and the draughtsman, clerks, and messenger, in his office, eight thousand four hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said bureau, viz:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, three hundred dollars;

For labor, one hundred and fifty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, fifty dollars.

Bureau of Construction, Equipment and Repair.For compensation of the chief of bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs, and the assistant constructor, clerks, and messenger, in his office, nine thousand one hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said bureau, viz:

For blank books and stationery, two hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and eighty dollars;

For labor, one hundred and twenty dollars;

Bureau of Provisions and Clothing.For compensation of the chief of bureau of Provisions and Clothing, and the clerks and messenger in his office, seven thousand one hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said bureau, viz:

for blank books, binding, and stationery, four hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred dollars.

Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography.For compensation of the chief of bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, and the draughtsman, clerk, and messenger, in his office, nine thousand four hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said bureau, viz:

For blank books and stationery, two hundred and sixty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, one hundred and forty dollars;

For labor, one hundred dollars.

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.For compensation of the chief of bureau of Medicine and Surgery, and the clerks and messenger in his office, five thousand two hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said bureau, viz:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, four hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, two hundred dollars.

S. W. executive building.For compensation of the superintendent and three watchmen of the southwest executive building, one thousand three hundred and forty-five dollars.

For contingent expenses of said building, viz:

For labor, three hundred and twenty-five dollars;

For fuel and lights, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollasr;

For miscellaneous items, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.

Purchase of Babbitt’s anti-attrition metal.
Act of Aug. 29, 1842, ch. 268.
For payment to Isaac Babbitt, of Boston, in execution of a contract made with him by the Secretary of the Navy for the purchase of Babbitt’s “anti-attrition metal,” pursuant to the act of Congress of the twenty-ninth of August, eighteen hundred and forty-two, twenty thousand dollars; and the accounting officers of the treasury, are hereby authorized and directed, in the settlement of the accounts of the officers attached to the late surveying and exploring expedition, to the Pacific ocean, and the South seas,Extra pay to officers of the exploring expedition. who were employed in the scientific duties, to allow and credit them with extra pay, equal to that allowed to the officers engaged in the service of the coast survey.

Post Office Department.
Postmaster General, &c.
Post Office Department.―For compensation of the Postmaster General and three Assistant Postmasters General, and the clerks, messenger, and three assistant messengers, and two watchmen of the Post Office Department, seventy-four thousand three hundred dollars.

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said department, viz:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, one thousand eight hundred dollars;

For newspapers and periodicals, one hundred dollars;

For fuel and oil, two thousand one hundred dollars;

For miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars;

For printing, nine hundred dollars;

For labor, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;

For one day watchman, three hundred and sixty dollars;

For compensation of temporary clerks, three thousand dollars;

For blank books, binding, and stationery, furnished between second October, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and twentieth August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, six hundred and forty-three dollars and four cents;

For blank books, binding and stationery furnished between the first of April eighteen hundred and forty and twenty-fourth May eighteen hundred and forty-one, one thousand five hundred and fifty-six dollars;

For advertising done in the years eighteen hundred and thirty-nine and eighteen hundred and forty, one hundred and two dollars and forty-eight cents;

For newspapers subscribed for prior to September, eighteen hundred and forty-one, one hundred and fifty dollars;

Auditor, &c.For compensation of the Auditor of the Post Office Department, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger, in his office, eighty-five thousand seven hundred dollars.

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said office, viz:

For blank books, binding, and stationery, six hundred and fifty dollars;

For printing blanks, one thousand one hundred and thirty dollars;

For labor, two thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars;

For miscellaneous items, five hundred and fifty dollars.

Surveyors and their clerks.
North-west of the Ohio.
Surveyors and their Clerks.―For compensation of the surveyor general northwest of the Ohio, and the clerks in his office, eight thousand three hundred dollars.

Illinois and Missouri.For compensation of the surveyor general in Illinois and Missouri, and the clerks in his office, five thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars.

Arkansas.For compensation of the surveyor general in Arkansas, and the clerks in his office, four thousand three hundred dollars.

Louisiana.For compensation of the surveyor general in Louisiana, and the clerks in his office, four thousand five hundred dollars.

Mississippi.For compensation of the surveyor general in Mississippi, and the clerks in his office, seven thousand dollars.

Alabama.For compensation of the surveyor general in Alabama, and the clerks in his office, four thousand dollars.

Florida.For compensation of the surveyor general in Florida, and the clerks in his office, five thousand five hundred dollars.

Wisconsin and Iowa.
For compensation of the surveyor general in Wisconsin and Iowa, and the clerks in his office, three thousand one hundred dollars: Provided, That the said several surveyors general shall reside within the districts for which they are surveyors general, and discharge the duties of their said office.

Extra clerks in offices of surveyors general.For extra clerks in the offices of the surveyors general, to be apportioned to them according to the exigencies of the public service, and including the existing undrawn balance of two hundred and ten dollars and seventy-seven cents, from thirtieth December, eighteen hundred and forty-two, to thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-four, twenty-one thousand dollars.

Secretary to sign patents for lands.For compensation of the secretary to sign patents for public lands, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Commissioner of public buildings.For compensation of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in Washington city, and the three assistants, as draw-keepers at the Potomac bridge, including oil, fire wood, and repairs, four thousand dollars.

Mint and branches.
Mint at Philadelphia―officers.
United States Mint and Branches.―For compensation of the officers and workmen of the mint at Philadelphia, viz:

For the director, three thousand five hundred dollars;

For the treasurer, two thousand dollars;

For the chief coiner, two thousand dollars;

For the assayer, two thousand dollars;

For the melter and refiner, two thousand dollars;

For the engraver, two thousand dollars;

For the assistant assayer, one thousand three hundred dollars;

For four clerks, four thousand four hundred dollars;

Workmen.For wages to workmen, twenty-four thousand dollars;

Contingent expenses.For incidental and contingent expenses, including the wastage of gold and silver, fuel, materials, stationery, water, rent, and taxes, seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-three dollars.

Specimens.For specimens of ores and coins to be reserved at said mint, three hundred dollars.

Branch mint at Charlotte―officers.For compensation of the officers and workmen of the branch mint at Charlotte, in North Carolina, viz:

For the superintendent, two thousand dollars;

For the assayer, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For the coiner, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For the clerk, one thousand dollars;

Workmen.For wages to workmen, three thousand five hundred dollars.

Contingent expenses.For incidental and contingent expenses, including fuel, materials, stationery, taxes, and wastage of gold, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Branch mint at Dahlonega―officers.For compensation of the officers and workmen of the branch mint at Dahlonega, in Georgia, viz:

For the superintendent, two thousand dollars;

For the assayer, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For the coiner, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For the clerk, one thousand dollars;

Workmen.For wages to workmen, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars.

Contingent expenses.For incidental and contingent expenses of said branch, including fuel, materials, stationery, taxes, and wastage of gold, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.

Branch mint at New Orleans―officers.For compensation of the officers and workmen of the branch mint at New Orleans, viz:

For the superintendent, two thousand five hundred dollars;

For the treasurer, two thousand dollars;

For the coiner, two thousand dollars;

For the assayer, two thousand dollars;

For the melter and refiner, two thousand dollars;

For two clerks, two thousand four hundred dollars;

Workmen.For wages to workmen, twenty thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses.For incidental and contingent expenses of said branch, including fuel, materials, stationery, and wastage of gold and silver, fifteen thousand dollars.

Governments in the Territories of the United States.―For compensation of the officers of Wisconsin Territory, viz:

Governor.For Governor, two thousand five hundred dollars;

Judges.For three judges, five thousand four hundred dollars;

Secretary.For secretary, one thousand two hundred dollars;

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said Territory, three hundred and fifty dollars;

Legislative Assembly.For compensation and mileage of the members of the Legislative Assembly of said Territory, pay of officers, printing, stationery, fuel, furniture, postage, and all other incidental and miscellaneous objects, seventeen thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Iowa.For compensation of the officers of Iowa Territory:

Governor.For Governor, two thousand five hundred dollars;

Judges.For three judges, five thousand four hundred dollars;

Secretary.For secretary, one thousand two hundred dollars.

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said Territory, three hundred and fifty dollars.

Legislative Assembly.For compensation and mileage of the members of the Legislative Assembly of said Territory, pay of officers, printing, stationery, fuel, furniture, postage, candles, and all other incidental and miscellaneous objects, twenty thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Florida.For compensation of the officers of Florida Territory, viz:

Governor.For Governor, two thousand five hundred dollars;

Judges.For five judges, nine thousand five hundred dollars;

Secretary.For secretary, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said territory, three hundred and fifty dollars.

Legislative Council.For compensation and mileage of the members of the Legislative Council of said Territory, pay of officers, stationery, fuel, printing, and all other incidental and miscellaneous objects, twenty-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars.

Chief justice and associate justices.
Attorney General, &c.
Judiciary.―For the salaries of the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and the judges of the several districts of the United States, ninety-three thousand nine hundred dollars.

For the Attorney General of the United States, and the clerk and messenger in his office, five thousand five hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses of said office, five hundred dollars.

Judges of District Columbia.For the salaries of the chief justice of the District of Columbia, the associate judges, the judges of the criminal court and the orphans’ courts of said District, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars.

Reporter to Supreme Court.For the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, including arrears of eighteen hundred and forty-two, one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.

District attorneys.For the salaries of the district attorneys of the several districts and Territories of the United States, as prescribed by law, eight thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

For arrears of the salaries of the district attorneys of Maryland and Massachusetts, for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, four hundred dollars.

Marshals.For the salaries of the marshals for the several districts and Territories of the United States, as prescribed by law, seven thousand two hundred dollars.

Expenses of the Supreme, Circuit and District Courts, &c.For defraying the expenses of the supreme, circuit, and district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also, for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, incurred in the year eighteen hundred and forty-four and preceding years; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safe-keeping of prisoners, including expenses under the bankrupt law, three hundred and seventy-three thousand dollars;Proviso, no payments to be made to persons neglecting to comply with 167th paragraph of act of 18th May 1842, ch. 29. Provided, That no part of the sum hereby appropriated shall be paid to, or in any way allowed to any person or persons, who has or have been neglected, or who shall hereafter neglect to comply with all and every requirement contained in the one hundred and sixty-seventh paragraph of the first section of the twenty-ninth chapter of the laws of the United States, entitled “An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of the Government for the year eighteen hundred and forty-two,” and approved May eighteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-two.

Annuities and grants.
Miscellaneous.―Annuities and grants:

To Josiah H. Webb, fifty dollars;

To Rachel Dohrman, three hundred dollars;

To Elizabeth C. Perry, four hundred dollars;

Coast survey.
Proviso relative to the mode of carrying it on, &c.
For survey of the coast of the United States, including compensation of superintendent and assistants, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That this, and all other appropriations hereafter to be made for this work, shall, until otherwise provided by law, be expended in accordance with a plan of reorganizing the mode of executing the survey, to be submitted to the President of the United States by a board of officers which shall be organized by him, to consist of the present superintendent, his two principal assistants, and the two naval officers now in charge of the hydrographical parties, and four from among the principal officers of the corps of topographical engineers; none of whom shall receive any additional compensation whatever for this service, and who shall sit as soon as organized. And the President of the United States shall adopt and carry into effect the plan of said board, as agreed upon by a majority of its members; and the plan of said board shall cause to be employed as many officers of the army and navy of the United States as will be compatible with the successful prosecution of the work; the officers of the navy to be employed on the hydrographical parts, and the officers of the army on the topographical parts of the work; and no officer of the army or navy shall hereafter receive any extra pay out of this, or any future appropriations for surveys.

Keepers of Florida archives.For compensation of the two keepers of the public archives in Florida, one thousand dollars.

Insolvent debtors.For expenses in relation to the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States, two thousand dollars.

Penitentiary of D. C.For the support and maintenance of the penitentiary in the District of Columbia, five thousand dollars.

Public storehouse in Baltimore.For repairing the cellar of the public store-house in the city of Baltimore, in such manner as to prevent the admission of water into the same, four thousand dollars: this sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury.

Mobile custom-house.For repairs of the custom-house at Mobile, five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as, in the estimation of the Secretary of the Treasury, after due inquiry and proper estimates are made, may be deemed necessary to prevent further dilapidation, and render the court-room and other departments in said building fit for use.

Sick and disabled seamen.To make good a deficiency in the eighteen months ending the thirtieth of June eighteen hundred and forty-three, and estimated deficiency in the year ending on the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-four, in the fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, as established by the1802, ch. 51. act of the third of May eighteen hundred and three, [two] twenty-five thousand dollars.

Boston custom-house.For paying the contractors under contracts made by the Government of the United States for completing the Boston custom-house, fifty thousand dollars.

Charleston custom-house and post-office.For repairing the custom-house and post office buildings in Charleston, South Carolina, five thousand dollars.

Ships’ registers, &c.For registers for ships and vessels, and lists of crews, including cost of new dies and plates, four thousand dollars.

Officers of old internal revenue and direct tax.For the payment of balances to officers of old internal revenue and direct tax, being part of the amount carried to the surplus fund thirty-first December, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, three thousand six hundred and sixty-one dollars and ninety cents.

J. Russ. and S. J. Roach.For payment to Joseph Russ and Stephen J. Roach, in full for labor bestowed, any money expended in repairing or constructing a road leading from Pensacola to Tallahassee in Florida, in pursuance of a settlement of their account under the act approved seventeenth February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, entitled1836, ch. 23.An act for the relief of Joseph Russ and Stephen J. Roach,” two thousand dollars.

Lighting Pennsylvania avenue.For lighting Pennsylvania avenue, one hundred and fifty dollars.

City watch.For the compensation of the captain and watchmen for the city of Washington, six thousand seven hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses for fuel and light for said watch, three hundred dollars.

Books ordered by House of Representatives.For payment of the books ordered by the resolution of the House of Representatives adopted on the eighth of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, forty-seven thousand one hundred and sixty-two dollars and seventy-six cents.

Expenses under act to remit duties on goods destroyed by fire.
Act of July 7, 1838, ch. 174.
For expenses incurred prior to January first, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, for clerk-hire, wages of porter, and stationery, of the commissioners under the act of July, seven, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, “to remit duties on certain goods destroyed by fire,” one thousand three hundred and thirty-seven dollars and ninety-nine cents.

Late commercial agent at St. Christopher’s.For the balance due to the late commercial agent at St. Christopher’s for disbursements for the relief and protection of distressed American seamen, five thousand eight hundred and sixty-six dollars and eight cents.

Sugar manual and apparatus for the custom-houses.To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to procure the necessary manual for the several custom-houses, together with the necessary instruments and apparatus, to ascertain the relative quantity of saccharine matter in the different kinds of sugar, agreeably to the resolution of the House of Representatives adopted on the twenty-first of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, six thousand two hundred dollars.

Documentary history.For the balance due on the second volume of the Documentary History of the American Revolution, six thousand eight hundred and twenty-six dollars.

For the third volume of the Documentary History of the American Revolution, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars: Provided, That the whole work, when completed, shall not exceed twenty volumes, and that the whole cost of the entire work shall not exceed twenty thousand four hundred dollars per volume: Provided, also, That the materials which shall compose each successive volume shall, before any appropriation is hereafter made for the cost of the same, be submitted to, and approved by, the Secretary of State for the time being: And provided, also, That the parties who stipulated, by articles of agreement dated the nineteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, to publish the “Documentary History of the American Revolution,” shall, within ten days from the passage of this act, deliver to the Secretary of State a written agreement, to be by him accepted and approved, adopting as part of the said original articles the restrictions and limitations in these provisoes contained, and making the same legally binding and operative, as portions of the said original articles, in all respects as if they had been in terms incorporated into the same.

Indexing documents.For completing and indexing of the public documents connected with the office of the First Comptroller and the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, eight hundred dollars.

Negotiating loans.
1841, ch. 3.
1842, ch. 26.
Patent Office.
For paying balance of expenses, in full, for negotiating the loans authorized by the acts of twenty-first July, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and fifteenth April, eighteen hundred and forty-two, ten thousand dollars.

Patent Office.―For the purchase of such scientific books as are necessary for the use of the Patent Office, to be paid out of the patent fund, one thousand two hundred dollars.

Agricultural statistics.For the collection of agricultural statistics, and for other agricultural purposes, to be paid out of the patent fund, two thousand dollars.

Botanical and horticultural specimens brought home by exploring expedition.To defray the expenses of taking care of and preserving the botanical and horticultural specimens brought home by the squadron of the Exploring Expedition under the direction and control of the Joint Committee on the Library, twelve hundred dollars.

Statue of Washington.For the removal of the statue of Washington, from its present position, and permanently placing the same on a proper pedestal, and covering it temporarily in the enclosed and cultivated public grounds east of the Capitol, directly in front of the main entrance and steps of the east front of the Capitol, as suggested in the report of the Joint Committee on the Library, and in the letter of Mr. Greenough, dated February third, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, referred to and reported by said committee in connection with the memorial of Horatio Greenough, under the direction and supervision of the said Greenough, the sum of five thousand dollars.

Light-house establishment.
Light-House Establishment.―For supplying the light-houses, containing two thousand six hundred and seventy-eight lamps, with oil, tube-glasses, wicks, buffskins, whiting, and cotton cloth, transportation, and keeping apparatus in order, one hundred and five thousand one hundred and ninety dollars and thirty cents.

Chamber of Commerce of Philadelphia.To reimburse the Chamber of Commerce at Philadelphia, the expense incurred by them in continuing the light on the breakwater near Cape Henlopen, a sum not exceeding eight hundred dollars.

Repairs.For repairs, refitting, and improvements of light-houses, and building connected therewith, ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and seventy-one dollars and forty-two cents.

Compensation.For compensation of two hundred and thirty-six keepers of lighthouses, eighteen of them being charged with double lights, and one with three, ninety-three thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

Floating lights.For compensation of thirty keepers of floating lights, sixteen thousand dollars.

For seamen’s wages, repairs, and supplies of thirty floating lights, sixty-six thousand four hundred and twenty dollars and eighty-four cents.

Buoys, &c.For weighing, mooring, cleansing, repairing, and supplying the loss of beacons, buoys, chains, and sinkers, twenty-four thousand six hundred and thirteen dollars and sixty-four cents.

Black Rock.For rebuilding the beacon at Black Rock, Connecticut, ten thousand dollars.

Annual examination.For expenses of examining annually and reporting the condition of the light-houses, four thousand dollars.

Superintendents’ commissions.For superintendents’ commissions, at two and one half per cent., ten thousand two hundred and fifty dollars and eighty-five cents.

Potomac bridge.For the completion of the repairs of the Potomac bridge, three thousand five hundred dollars.

Land surveys in Alabama.
1838, ch. 54.
Surveys of Public Lands.―For completing the survey of private land claims in Alabama, and their connection with the adjacent public lands, at a rate not exceeding eight dollars per mile, being in addition to the appropriation made for a similar object by the act of April sixth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and including a deficiency in the existing appropriation of three thousand three hundred and seventeen dollars and seventy-six cents, to pay for work already completed and returned, five thousand eight hundred dollars.

1840, ch. 22.
For completing and retracing of certain old surveys in the State of Mississippi, at a rate not exceeding eight dollars per mile, in addition to the unexpended balance of the appropriation of May eight, one thousand eight hundred and forty, for the survey of private land claims, and connecting the same with the adjacent public lands, south of the thirty-first degree of latitude, at the same rate, eleven thousand one hundred dollars.

1824, ch. 184.
1841, ch. 35.
For completing the surveys in Missouri, in the towns named in the act of May twenty-sixth, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, in addition to the unexpended balance of the appropriation of March third, one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, for a similar object, and including office work, four thousand dollars.

The several districts.For surveying the public lands, in addition to the unexpended balance of former appropriations, to be apportioned to the several surveying districts according to the exigencies of the public service, forty thousand dollars.

Illinois and Missouri.For the survey of small detached tracts situated in Illinois and Missouri, principally in the military district in Illinois, at a rate not exceeding six dollars per mile, and including office work, three thousand dollars.

Foreign intercourse.
Intercourse with Foreign Nations.―For salaries of the ministers of the United States to Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Austria, Spain, Mexico, and Brazil, seventy-two thousand dollars.

Secretaries of legation.For salaries of the secretaries of legation to the same places, sixteen thousand dollars.

Chargés des affaires.For salaries of the chargés des affaires to Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Chili, Peru, Venezuela, New Grenada, Texas, Naples, and Sardinia, fifty-four thousand dollars.

Outfits.For outfits of a minister to France, and of a chargé d’affaires to Denmark, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars.

Minister to Turkey.For salary of the minister resident to Turkey, six thousand dollars.

Drogoman.For salary of a drogoman to the legation to Turkey, two thousand five hundred dollars.

Commissioner to the Sandwich islands.For compensation to a commissioner to the Sandwich Islands, three thousand dollars.

Contingent expenses.For the contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, twenty thousand dollars.

For the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, thirty thousand dollars.

Consul at London.For the salary of the consul at London, two thousand dollars.

Consul at Beyroot.For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, fifty thousand dollars.

Consulate at London.For clerk hire, office rent, and other expenses of the office of the American consul at London, two thousand eight hundred dollars.

Barbary powers.For the expenses of intercourse with the Barbary Powers, fifteen thousand dollars.

Transmission of letters between Chagres and Panama.For defraying the expenses attending the conveyance and forwarding, by land, and of the receipt and delivery, of mails, letters and despatches at and between Chagres and Panama, including the compensation to an agent of the United States at each of said places for the above purposes, one thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State.

Post Office Department.
Act of July 2, 1836, ch. 270.
Post Office Department.―For the service of the General Post Office for the year commencing on the first day of July, eighteen hundred and forty-three, in conformity to the act of the second of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, four million five hundred and forty-five thousand dollars, viz:

Transportation.For transportation of the mail, three million one hundred and ninety five thousand dollars.

Compensation.For compensation of postmasters, nine hundred and twenty thousand dollars.

Ship letters, &c.For ship, steamboat, and way-letters, twenty-two thousand dollars.

Wrapping paper.For wrapping paper, eighteen thousand dollars.

Office furniture.For office furniture (for the offices of postmasters) seven thousand dollars.

Advertising.For advertising, thirty-two thousand dollars.

Mail bags.For mail bags, eighteen thousand dollars.

Blanks.For blanks, thirty thousand dollars.

Mail locks.For mail locks, keys, and stamps, nine thousand dollas.

Depredations, &c.
For mail depredations and special agents, twenty-eight thousand dollars: Provided, That no special of travelling Post Office agent shall receive a higher compensation than one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, and in addition thereto, two dollars per day for his travelling expenses.

For clerks for offices (for the offices of postmasters) two hundred and ten thousand dollars.

Power of transferring funds.
For miscellaneous items, fifty-six thousand dollars: Provided, That the President and the Postmaster General shall have the same power to transfer funds from one to another head of appropriation, of the foregoing appropriations, made for the service of the General Post Office, as the President and any other head of an Executive Department now have to transfer funds appropriated under one head to the service of another, in any other branch of the public service.

Furnaces in the Capitol.For taking down the two old furnaces in the crypt under the rotundo, and building two new ones, cutting out the necessary flues, and doing other work connected therewith, according to a proposition of John Skirving, under date of February first, eighteen hundred and forty-three, the sum of one thousand four hundred and fifty-four dollars.

For constructing two furnaces under each end of the first story of the centre of the Captiol, for warming the rooms and passages upon and above said first story, including the Congress library room, according to the proposition of John Skirving to the chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings, seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-three dollars.

Capitol grounds, &c.For annual repairs of the Capitol, attending furnaces and water-closets, lamp-lighting, oil, laborers on the Capitol grounds, tools, keeping iron pipes and wooden fences in order, attending at the western gates, gardener’s salary, and top dressing for plants, for the eighteen months ending thirtieth June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, eleven thousand two hundred and thirty-one dollars and fifty cents.

President’s house, grounds, &c.For annual repairs at the President’s house, gardener’s salary, laborers, tools, and top dressing for plants, for the eighteen months ending thirtieth June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, three thousand seven hundred and thirty-four dollars and twenty-five cents.

Treasury, Post Office, &c.For the amount due for work and materials on the Treasury building, on the General Post Office, and the bridge on Pennsylvania avenue, seven thousand and four dollars and forty-four cents.

Treasury.For iron-railing and gates on the lower terrace of the Treasury building, and tripods and lamps on the blocking in front of the portico, three thousand seven hundred dollars.

Post Office.For tripods with lamps, for the blocking in front of the General Post Office, two hundred dollars.

Iron pipe.For repairing damage to iron pipes by freshet, seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and fifty-one cents.

Capitol.For materials and work for bulkhead frames and doors and windows in the cellar of the Capitol, two hundred and twenty-one dollars.

Fountain.For marble basin at the fountain on the terrace of the Capitol, one hundred and twenty dollars.

J. Kelly.For pay of James Kelly, amount allowed him by the commissioners under the resolution of Congress, fifty dollars and forty-four cents.

Charts of the exploring expedition.
1842, ch. 204.
For preparing and publishing charts, and otherwise carrying into effect the act of August twenty-six, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, for publishing an account of the discoveries of the exploring expedition, under the supervision and direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, twenty thousand dollars.

Application of surplus appropriations.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in case the sum appropriated for any object of contingencies, should be found more than sufficient to meet the expense thereby contemplated, the surplus may be applied under the direction of the head of the proper department, to supply the deficiency of any other item in the same department or office: Provided, That the expenditure for newspapers and periodicals shall not exceed the amount specifically appropriated to that object by this act, except in the State Department.

Approved, March 3, 1843.