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United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/27th Congress/3rd Session/Chapter 91

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United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5
United States Congress
4052065United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5 — Public Acts of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, Third Session, Chapter 91United States Congress

March 3, 1843.

Chap. XCI.An Act providing for the sale of certain lands in the States of Ohio and Michigan, ceded by the Wyandot tribe of Indians, and for other purposes.

1852, ch. 60.
Land in Ohio, ceded by Wyandot treaty of 17th March 1842, attached to district in which situated.
Land office to be removed to Upper Sandusky.
Part of the land to be laid off, and residue surveyed.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that tract of land in the State of Ohio, to which the Indian title was extinguished by a treaty with the Wyandot tribe of Indians, concluded at Upper Sandusky, March seventeenth, eighteen hundred and forty-two, shall be attached to, and made a part of, the consolidated land district in which it is situated; and that the land office for the said district shall be removed from Lima to the town of Upper Sandusky, within the tract aforesaid, as soon as, in the judgment of the President of the United States, such removal shall be proper.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a portion of the tract aforesaid, including the town of Upper Sandusky, shall, under the direction of the surveyor general, be laid off into town lots, streets, and avenues, and into out lots, in such manner and of such dimensions as he may judge proper: Provided, That the land so laid off shall not exceed in quantity six hundred and forty acres, nor the town lots a quarter of an acre each, nor the out lots exceed the quantity of two acres each; and the residue of the lands in the tract shall be surveyed as other public lands, in connection with the adjacent previous surveys.

All the lands, except school lands, &c. to be offered at public sale.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all the public land in said tract, with the exception of the section numbered sixteen, in each township, which shall remain for the support of common schools, and of the lots reserved by the provisions of the aforesaid treaty, which shall remain for the purposes therein expressed, shall, so soon as the surveys and plats of the same be returned to the general and district land offices, be offered at public sale, at Upper Sandusky, under the superintendence of the register of the land office and the receiver of public moneys for the district, at such time as shall be designated by proclamation of the President of the United States; the sales to remain open for two weeks, and no longer, and the lands not to be sold at public sale nor be subject to private entry thereafter for a price less than two and fifty cents per acre.

All the lots, except four to be selected for the town, &c., to be offered at public sale.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the town lots and out lots directed by this act to be laid off shall, with the exception of four town lots, to be selected by the superintendents of the sale, for the use of and to be vested in the town when it shall become corporate, and also of the lots reserved by the seventeenth article of the aforesaid treaty, to remain for the uses therein provided for, be offered at public sale at the time the other lands in the tract are offered, and are to be subject to entry at private sale thereafter:Proviso. Provided, however, That no town lot shall be sold for less than twenty dollars, nor any out lot for less than at the rate of fifteen dollars per acre.

Improved lands to be noted on plats of survey.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That, in executing the surveys of the lands in the tract aforesaid, the surveyor general shall cause the improved lands to be designated on the general plat, and the position, extent, and quality of each improvement to be carefully noted; and the Commissioner of the General Land Office shall cause the superintendents of the sales to be furnished with a copy of the schedule of the appraised value of improvements ascertained, pursuant to the fifth article of the said treaty;Lands to be offered so as to preserve the improvements entire. and in any case, where the lines for subdivision of sections shall divide and injuriously affect the value of an improvement, the superintendents of the sale shall be authorized, under instruction of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, to offer, at public and private sale, an entire quarter section, or half-quarter section, and to attach together halves of two adjacent quarter sections, so as to preserve, as far as practicable, the improvements on a tract entire;Improved tracts to be withdrawn from sale unless their value is bidden, &c. and if, in offering at public sale any tract on which improvements exist, the real value of the same, according to the estimate of the superintendents, shall not be bidden, it shall be their duty to withdraw the tract from sale, and the tracts thus withdrawn from sale shall again be offered at public sale, due public notice first being given, when directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office.

Lands in Wyandot reserve in Michigan to be attached to the land district, and offered for sale.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all the lands in the Wyandot reserve, on both sides of the river Huron, in the State of Michigan, ceded to the United States by the aforesaid treaty, shall be attached to and made a part of the district of lands subject to sale at Detroit; and shall be offered for sale at the land office, in the same manner, both as to public and private sale, as is directed for the sale of the lands of the reserve in the State of Ohio by this act: Provided, That the land shall not be sold for less than two dollars per acre.

Approved, March 3, 1843.